
  • Ryan is an author, speaker and teacher and describes himself as a thinker, writer, teacher, and bridge builder.

    He loves to explore game-changing ideas in leadership, relationships, health, personal growth, and spirituality - especially in the areas of Jewish-Christian relations, education, and bridge-building. 

    His journey includes various stops that have prepared him for what he is doing today. He has been a public school teacher, a college baseball coach, a marketing and public relations director, and a leader in Jewish-Christian education and relations. He has recently published a book about Paul, "The Weird Apostle: The Strange Jewish Mission of a Global Game Changer." 

    Ryan and his wife live in Roswell, Georgia.

  • Rebecca Taylor Wyatt is an anointed singer/songwriter and worship leader who desires to see people touched by the LORD’s presence through music, including manifestations of spiritual peace, healing and divine reconciliation. John 14:6, Psalm 40:3, Is 54. 

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    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Emanuel Roro is a Jewish follower of Jesus, Artist, songwriter, worship leader born and raised in Israel. Emanuel has a passion for using music to bring people to the feet of Yeshua.

  • It has been a while since I spoke with Joshua.  

    Joshua Aaron is an award winning, Messianic Jewish singer and songwriter. He and his wife Jeannie have four children (Emma, Joshie, Max and Levi) and maintain citizenship with both the nation of Israel & the United States of America. Joshua travels in a full time capacity, sharing G-d’s good news through Hebraic worship, powerful testimony and biblical teaching… proclaiming a message of hope in Yeshua (Jesus), a love for the Jewish people and a desire for the return of the Messiah. 

    Joshua’s connection to the Messianic movement dates back to 1976 when his mother (an Israeli-born Jew) accepted Messiah after hearing a message by the late Martin Chernoff on “the Jewishness of Jesus”. 

  • Rabbi Jim Meysenburg was raised in a Catholic home, on a farm in Nebraska.  He became a Catholic priest in Duluth, Minnesota and taught Catholic school there.  He was sent over to Sweden for a time.  Then he met his wife and left the priesthood.  She found out that she was Jewish and while living in the Washington D.C. area, she looked up Messianic Congregations.  They started attending one there and eventually moved to the Baltimore area.  They were attending a small congregation in Edgewood, Maryland and when the leader/Pastor resigned, Jim was asked to replace him.  Rabbi Jim has been leading the congregation for seven years now.  He has visited Israel one time and hopes to go again some day.

  • Janice was raised Baptist and accepted Yeshua into her heart at the age of seven.  In the early 90s she attended a Bible study and was introduced to First Fruits of Zion and learned about Messianic Judaism.  She was immediately drawn to the Jewish customs and holidays and couldn't stop telling everyone about Yeshua!  Janice has had many miraculous healings and hopes to one day write a book about all her experiences with the Lord!  She gives her whole life to God to do with as He pleases. She says "be all the Glory and Praise to Him for it all.  Baruch HaShem!"

  • Marion was born and raised in Kansas. Dawn grew up in New Jersey and Minnesota. Marion has done many things, from working as tele-typist (Communication manager) to Park ranger in Mount Roger’s State Park in Southwest Virginia to Bus driver in Minnesota. Dawn graduated from Mounds-Midway School of Nursing with RN and Family Nurse Practitioner from University of Virginia in Charlottesville. They met in California in Oct. 1977 and were married 100 days later in Minnesota and went to live in Mountains of Virginia where Dawn was working as a Lay Associate for the Lutheran Church in America. Dawn and Marion love Yeshua and have a special love for the Jewish people.They now live in Minnesota and have 4 grown children and 6 grandchildren.

  • I met Gaylyn last year at the Messiah conference. She is an accomplished Author and we had a very interesting conversation.

    Gaylyn Williams, President of Relationship Resources, is an inspirational speaker and author of over forty books. In her writing and speaking, Gaylyn uses practical, biblical principles to inspire people to be all God created them to be.

    After receiving her degree from Dallas Bible College, Gaylyn spent 16 years as a missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators. Using her degree in Bible, linguistics, and Greek, she conducted linguistic analyses on five different Mayan dialects, developing a written language for each. She then helped train the native speakers to translate the New Testament into their languages.

    Following her years as a missionary in Guatemala, she trained potential missionaries in basic linguistic and literacy skills, preparing them to go to the mission field. Gaylyn also developed the Wycliffe International Cookbook, one of Wycliffe Bible Translator’s top selling books after over 25 years. She later joined The Navigators as a full-time missionary, leading a single-parent family ministry.

    Mother of two adult sons, Gaylyn currently resides  part-time in Israel and part-time in view of the majestic Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She is passionate about Israel and empowering others to learn about God’s heart for Israel. Her latest book is Explore God’s Heart for Israel. She enjoys hiking, walking, reading and spending time with the Lord and her friends and family.

  • Lori returns to Bagels and Blessings to discuss life in Israel in the midst of the current conflict.
    Originally from Elkhart, Indiana, Lori grew up playing the flute and clarinet. She graduated with a Music Education degree from Cedarville University and began traveling internationally performing Jewish Gospel Music with the Liberated Wailing Wall. Upon moving to Israel, her musical training allowed her to teach a variety of instruments to students in various schools in the Jezre'el Valley.

    Lori Kate has now been living in Israel for 26 years. She's part of an amazingly talented trio, playing clarinet in the musical group, One Lev.

  • How wonderful to have Rabbi Eric on the show again!
    Rabbi Eric was raised in a traditional Jewish home. After his bar mitzvah, he began to study the Hebrew Scriptures more closely which brought many questions to his mind. Questions like if a sacrifice had to be made once a year on Yom Kippur to cover the sins of Israel from year to year how were those sins covered now. When he was unable to find answers from the different rabbis that he asked, he became an agnostic. 
    While serving in the US Navy, Rabbi Eric was challenged by a believer in Yeshua to study the Scriptures until he found answers within them. While searching the Hebrew Scriptures, Rabbi Eric found belief in Yeshua as the promised Messiah of Israel which brought answers to all of the questions he had. It is now over 33 years ago. 
    Since then Rabbi Eric studied to become an ordained Rabbi in the IAMCS (International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues). He has served as a Rabbi in Mobile, Alabama. He also helped to establish five synagogues across the Gulf Coast in Slidell, Louisiana; Bayou La Batre, Alabama; Spanish Fort, Alabama; Navarre, Florida, and Brit Ahm Messianic Synagogue in Pensacola, Florida, where he serves as Rabbi today. Rabbi Eric has been married for 42 years to his wife Pammy.
    In addition to God Has No Plan B, Rabbi Eric has written; With Me in Paradise, Transient Singularity, #ManWisdom, OY! How Did I Get Here?,Thirty-One Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before Entering Ministry, Jesus is to Christianity as Pasta is to Italians, Romans in Context and Simple Shabbat Siddur. 

  • What a joy to interview Sharon Settel, widow of Jonathan Settel.  I especially loved this show, hope you will enjoy it for years to come!
    Sharon Settel was born and raised in Miami, Florida into a Bible believing family. She studied and worked in the medical field for fifteen years. Sharon met her husband by divine appointment at the age of 19-years-old. They married in 1980 and were blessed with three beautiful children and four grandchildren. Sharon worked and traveled with Jonathan for over thirty years. She was the co-founder and Administrator for Settel International Ministries and The Musical Artistry of Jonathan Settel. Sharon currently resides in Dallas,Texas and is the Events Coordinator for The Nathaniel Fellowship/Foundation. 

  • I met Dawn and Heather last year at the Messiah Conference. 
    Heather and Dawn are Messianic believers and have collaborated on a Trilogy being published by Olive Press Publisher.  Their books have a very Hebraic understanding.  The 1st book, "Slivers of Hell-Mosaic Steppingstones to Heaven"  reveals the ancient pictographs of Hebrew that reveal the plan of salvation for all mankind.  The pictographs are woven in the three realms between earth, heaven and hell. The second book, "More than Heather and Dawn are Messianic believers and have collaborated on a Trilogy being published by Olive Press Publisher.  Their books have a very Hebraic understanding.  The 1st book, "Slivers of Hell-Mosaic Steppingstones to Heaven"  reveals the ancient pictographs of Hebrew that reveal the plan of salvation for all mankind.  The pictographs are woven in the three realms between earth, heaven and hell. The second book, "More than Flesh and Blood-Soul Chasers Exposed exposes the evil one's plans of antisemitism, and the third book "Captivated-Intertwined" immerses the reader into falling madly in love with Yeshua!  The Trilogy will be available as an audio.Their writings were written over a 30 year time period, at first not realizing that their Messiah was putting together supernatural prophetic writings. 
    Heather and Dawn live in Arizona with their husbands and their hope is that all Jewish souls understand who their Messiah is and that all are called for such a time as this.

  • It’s been several years since Ben Volman was on Bagels and Blessings.  It was great to have him on the show again. 
    Ben Volman is the Canadian Regional Director of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations. He came to faith in Yeshua while he was a university student in philosophy and was a founding member of Canada's first Messianic Jewish congregation. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from the Toronto School of Theology at the University of Toronto. Ben has had a highly varied career winning two national religious journalism awards, writing an award-winning book on Messianic Jewish history, planting Messianic congregations, and mentoring Messianic leaders in Canada. He has travelled across North America and around the world teaching on Messianic Judaism in Europe and South-East Asia. Ben recently retired from Chosen People Ministries Canada where he served as the founding rabbi of Kehillat Eytz Chaim/Tree of Life Messianic Congregation in Toronto. He is currently in the Doctor of Practical Theology program at McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, ON. He and his wife Sue live in Toronto, with their son, Jon. 

  • Debora is a lover of Yeshua and was born and raised both Catholic and 7th Day Adventist in São Paulo, Brazil, where she started her career as a pharmacist and researcher. Her great great grandfather was Jewish. She discovered Messianic Judaism after her son showed interest in the Old Testament scriptures. They started attending Beth Yeshua in Philadelphia. In the late 90’s, she met Tom in a conference in the United States. They have been married for 25 years.

  • Phillip Cohen describes growing up Jewish in a strongly anti-Semitic culture and what it’s like “crossing the line” to giving his life to Jesus.  It has been a long journey that is not over yet.

    Crushed by a violent, anti-Semitic world and a troubled alcoholic father, Phillip Cohen begins searching early in life for healing and love. He grew up in inner-city Chicago, Atlanta, and Miami before wandering around in three countries, searching for a life that matters

    This long, difficult yet amazing journey continues through hippie communes and ultraconservative Anabaptist church. He runs to mainstream Christianity but doesn’t seem to fit anywhere.  Despite his efforts to find God, Phillip often finds himself in unanticipated places where God’s presence. Eventually he finds His Messiah. 

    Today Phillip works with individuals and businesses bridging the work life and personal life into a God-Centered life and building success in a God-centered business.  He is the founder of Healthy Leaders, a coaching ministry that helps struggling business owners build strong, cohesive leadership teams with God in the center.

  • Here’s some info about my interesting guest:
    A Believer in Jesus, who grew up in Arnold Missouri, Ted VanLandeghem is the CEO & Founder of TheReadyBag.Com /Goshen Kingdom Solutions/Kingdom Tactical Advisors which seeks to provide emergency preparedness training, community, solutions & tools to the body of Christ. Ted also serves as a speaker for Ancient Hebrew Scroll Project. The Scroll Project is the only complete set of Old Testament Manuscripts in Ancient Scroll form in the world that can be viewed by the public. Currently, there are only 5 known complete sets. Learn more: www.ancienthebrewscrollproject.com. Ted has spoken at over 400 churches, schools, conferences and synagogues worldwide. Ted served on the executive leadership team of Christian Halls International as the Assistant to the President (www.ChristianHalls.org) and formerly served as the US Spokesman & Director of Partner Relations at MAOZ Israel Ministries in Jerusalem Israel.  
    Ted lives in Texas with his wife and their 6 children, 2 sons-in-laws & 4 Grand-children.

  • Faith has enjoyed worshiping the Lord in Messianic Judaism for 45 years, though she is not Jewish. She first realized the Lord’s love for her when she was 19 years old.  The Lord brought her to Congregation Beth Yeshua in Philly, in 1978, and she was blessed to worship under the loving care of her shepherd at that time, Martin Chernoff with his wife, Yohanna Naomi Chernoff. And now, almost 76 years old, Faith is blessed to be under the shepherding of their son, Rabbi David Chernoff and his wife, Debbie. She has worked at the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America for 36 years, and is so thankful that the Lord has provided the opportunity to serve Him there all of these years with Joel Chernoff and the rest of the Beth Yeshua staff.  Faith is married to David Crowley. They are parents of two sons and have eleven grandchildren.

  • Jacob Cohen was born in Israel, immigrated to the United States when he was five years old and was raised in Brooklyn, NY in a traditional Jewish home. When he was ten, he attended Hebrew school at a conservative synagogue and certain passages in the Old Testamentstartled Jacob: “What’s Jesus doing in my Hebrew Bible?” Jacob assumed he was mistaken, after all, Jewish scholars would notice something this important. But is it possible. . .? 

    When Jacob was in his mid-twenties, he reexamined the Tenach(Older Testament) and concluded that yes, Jesus is the true Jewish Messiah! Jacob sensed God’s calling on his life and worked in Jewish ministry before graduating Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon in 1990. 

    Jacob served as a law enforcement chaplain for 14 years while he continued teaching the Jewish origins of Christianity in churches. Jacob and his wife Stephanie were visiting NYC during the 9-11-01 terrorist attacks and he volunteered as a police chaplain at ground zero and St. Paul’s Chapel, ministering in NYC for one month in the aftermath of the attack. Having retired from the police chaplaincy, Jacob and Stephanie began an outreach called Israel’s Remnant teaching believers the Jewish origins of Christianity.

  • Rabbi Joshua Brumbach is the Senior Rabbi of Simchat Yisrael in West Haven, CT and serves as adjunct faculty at Messianic Jewish Theological Institute (MJTI) and The King's University. 

    He is an accredited Jewish Educator, studied in an Orthodox yeshiva in Europe, and is ordained by the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations and the MJRC. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in early rabbinic literature at Spertus Institute of Jewish Learning and Leadership, holds an MA in rabbinic writings from MJTI, and a BA in Biblical and Jewish Studies from UCLA.  

    Rabbi Joshua is an avid mountain biker, loves the outdoors, and he and his wife have two sons. 

  • Catherine Wriston is the Praise & Worship Leader at Brit Ahm Messianic Synagogue in Pensacola, FL. She was raised Southern Baptist and found Messianic Judaism when God led her to it as a college student. She's a writer, an artist, and now a blessed wife and mother. Catherine and her husband, Jonathan (the Assistant Rabbi at Brit Ahm), live with their wonderful little boy, Eliezer, in Pace, FL.