
  • Beautiful people, after one of the most challenging and amazing year in human history, we are wrapping up season one.  

    This episode is in honor and recognition to all the amazing guests who decided to generously share their wisdom with you and us. And it is also a big thanks to you. 

    Our mission is far from accomplished and we will be back.

    We wanted to say that with this first season, our idea was to help all the silent and reflective souls that cry and wonder in isolation. Because we are one of those too and believe that deep down, even when people resist it, we all are.

    We wanted to create this podcast to help any/all of you realize that we are all the same: we have the same questions, the same fears, the same doubts, the same existential anguish, the same longing for connecting deeply with others...even when it doesn't seem that way and you end up twisting your mind in what feels like mad mind holes.

    Thank you and we will see you soon.

  • Today we have a cool Spanish Latin blooded superstar, Dani.

    Daniel Fernandez, a talented and successful Auckland based actor, join us to discuss what really means to embrace yourself.

    He shares with us the process he had to go through to accept, embrace, like and be proud of his Spanish personality in an Anglo-Saxon culture.

    To listen to more episodes go to www.beautifulghosts.org/episodes

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Ageing is the process of accumulating life experiences.

    All, good and bad experiences, get tucked in really closely in our wrinkles (aka personality). 

    The process of maturing our personality and our body can be quiet unsettling if we haven't reflect about who we really are and what life is about.

    The experience of life itself keeps evolving within ourselves even when we are completely unaware of when and where a belief, a perspective, a value or even a dressing style got transformed or shifted inside of us.

    Scientists, philosophers, psychologists, doctors and everyone in between have been studying the process of ageing since for ever, and there is clear stages in our lives that could be framed within a range of a certain age.

    But we wanted to go beyond the strict age transformations and took the conversation to the core of this ageing process.

    In this episode, we discuss how "maturing" has been hitting (or caress) us. 

    We go to reflect on how much better life can actually become with time, just for the simple fact that the older you become "small things" (life itself) touches (shakes) you much, much deeper.

    To listen to more episodes go to www.beautifulghosts.org/episodes

  • Evolution...Welcome to this juicy episode of Beautiful Ghosts podcast!

    We often hear people and ourselves saying things like "this never used to be this way", "before things were better", " things are getting worse".

    But is it really this way? or is it that we are constantly bombarded with media messages about the catastrophes, pain and chaos that "maybe always" was out there in the world?

    Of course we live in times of crazy uncertainty and any positivity about human evolution might sound almost naive.

    However, some of us believe that things are actually getting better. We can only compare the things that were not possible only 5 or 10 years ago to know that there is a strong positive evolution happening too.

    The media is quiet reluctant to show you the amazing things that humans are creating to make things simpler, cleaner, better, kinder, friendlier, just because it doesn't sell, it doesn't grab the twisted attention of our ego looking for negativity and separation.

    To listen to more episodes go to www.beautifulghosts.org/episodes

    Boo us anytime to suggest topics or guests. We would love to hear from you: [email protected].

  • Today we have the honor to have with us one of the deepest man we know: David Sullivan. 

    We discuss with David the key stress management strategies and the importance in building a strong nervous system that can be capable to cope with the challenging situations that life throws at us.

    Stress is part of being human. We know that there is a positive and a negative stress.

    One helps us to push beyond our own limits and the other one pushes us to limit ourselves more. 

    We can see the same stressful situation from different perspectives. It will all depend on our past experiences and our default or learnt stress responses.

    Regardless of how stressful a situation is, we can go through it in many different ways. We can go all nuts and experience extreme anxiety or suffocating despair, or we can get still and observe the waves of emotions as a silent and calm witness.

    It will all depend in how well we have prepared our nervous system but also in our foundational beliefs.  

    David Sullivan a top Feldenkrais Method practitioner who has helped thousands of people to recover from all sort of psychological and physiological conditions.

    David is a testament to the fact that when we learn an alternative to our habitual pattern, the pain cycle can be broken. To learn more about David Sullivan's story and practice, go to his site www.movetoimprove.com. 

    You can also get in touch with him via email [email protected] or if you lucky to be in Auckland (NZ) you should go and book a slot with him.

    To listen to more from us go to www.beautifulghosts.org/episodes

    We are here to listen because you listen to us, so boo us anytime and from anywhere to [email protected]

  • This topic has bring fiery disparities between the hosts, being Mariana the only faithful advocate and practitioner of "F" swearing.

    In this episode we center our attention in the gut and automatic reaction that swearing might have in people who do not like it,  almost find this type of vocabulary offensive, rude, UN-classy. 

    We also the discuss with our loyal swearing female host the importance that a swearer might give to the potential loss to connect with people who find cursing almost a sin.

    Recent studies have put the swearing under a different light.

    There is plenty of articles out there that "apparently" probe that a person who swears regularly tends to be more honest and transparent. And Mariana agrees.

    "When you're honestly expressing your emotions with powerful words, then you're going to come across as more honest," said Timothy Jay T, professor emeritus of psychology at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, who has studied swearing for more than 40 years. (read full article https://www.stltoday.com/lifestyles/health-med-fit/5-reasons-swearing-is-a-sign-of-intelligence-helps-manage-pain-and-more/collection_c295311b-3bf6-5055-b0dd-c0ff0b214062.html#2)

    Swearing is positively correlated with extroversion and is a defining feature of a Type A personality. It is negatively correlated with conscientiousness, agreeableness, sexual anxiety, and religiosity. 

    Regardless of the thesis, theories and blogs dedicated to swearing, Mariana wanted to make sure all listeners understood that the type of cursing we are talking about is the classy type. Classy swearing has a lot to do with being able to pick the right cursing word, for the right moment, to describe the exact emotion or enhance a story. 

    A good swearing is a social skill, like picking the right outfit for a specific occasion.

    Write to us and let us know what you truly think about swearing at [email protected]

    To listen to more episodes go to www.beautifulghosts.org/episodes

  • Is the concept and practice of monogamy changing overtime?
    As the amazing and wise Esther Perel says it Monogamy is not anymore "We will be together till death tear us apart", it is now more like " We will be together till it last".

    This game of words have immeasurable connotations on regards of a union between two people. 

    Even though that we are all looking for a true connection, stability, trust and butterflies, for a lot of people relationships became as disposable as swiping left or right and sometimes it seems that the hard work that people used to put into their monogamous relationships is not here anymore. 

    The absence of reasonable effort to make a relationship work in the long term could also be blamed to the apparent smorgasbord of choices and promises that the dating apps seem to have in offer (this is of course a trick of the mind and it could be dangerous to the immature or unaware person).

    Esther Perel also brings hot perspectives on affairs and why they do happen.
    She says that usually the person that had an affair or who is tempted to have one, is actually bored of the person they have become in their long term current relationship. The third person seems to awake a "new" or "true" self to that person and that's why it gets so confusing. 

    We close these notes by saying that monogamy is a decision:The decision to chose over and over again the same person to share our lives with.

    To listen to more episodes go to www.beautifulghosts.org/episodes

    Boo us anytime at [email protected]

  • Today we talk about a special beautiful ghost: loving yourself, being real, being you.

    How much or in which ways do you change who you really are because you think it will be on your benefit, or simply because you have an unconscious fear that if you show who you are you might lose something or someone?

    Let's be honest here, we all do a bit of that. Some times is a very smart thing to do because instead of "changing" who you are, you are actually adapting to new information, or a new environment or a situation.

    However, this episode is dedicated more to the parts of ourselves that we hide or not disclose completely for fear of rejection from our peers, family or work environments.

    So, who are you really? What happens in your body when you are actually betraying your own nature? How often does that happen?

    The "being real stuff" is very important to have a fulfilling life and becoming aware of when you are not respecting who you really are is one of the most important daily practice you should add to your "waking up" repertoire.

    To listen to more episodes go to www.beautifulghosts.org/episodes

    Boo us anytime at [email protected]


  • Jealousy is an often overwhelming feeling of insecurity about a potential loss. The loss to lose attention, love, company or affection from someone.

    Jealousy is one of those very uncomfortable and quiet destructive feelings. Jealousy usually is followed by a strong taste of betrayal, bitterness about people and a lack of confidence in the world in general. 

    Humans have experienced jealousy since the beginning of the race.It does not have an expiry date so it is more than worth it to understand its causes and remedies.

    Is jealousy all about our own delusional entitlement to own someone's companies and choices? How can we even actually consider to think that someone is some sort of our emotional property? 

    These gut wrenching emotions really are telling us a lot about ourselves (self-worth, security and "knowiness" of who we are etc...) but also, jealousy can tell us a lot about the people we chose to share our lives with, this of course, if they seem to get a "high" from our humanness jealousy reactions.

    The topic of jealousy is very entangled with trust. Trust in ourselves and in the people in our lives. 

    We really believe that trust is the basic ingredient for all and any relationship. trust is what we should aim for first and for all.

    A relationship without trust is already an unbroken grey seed which it is doomed to perish in the toxicity of its own soil.

    To listen to more episodes please go to www.beautifulghosts.org/episodes

    And please, don't be shy and boo us anytime at [email protected]

  • Today we have the honor to have with us the unique and amazing David Nottage.
    We truly recommend to watch this episode on our you tube channel, because this amazing man is for sure a stand up comedian, who had us three laughing throughout the whole episode.

    David is an Australian born New Zealander, who has come a long way in the past twenty plus years from someone who was too scared to speak in front of a group of four people without a massive anxiety attack, to being a dynamic presenter who eclipsed over 20,000 Toastmasters to win the ultimate pinnacle in public speaking, the World Championship for Toastmasters International.

    David has been actively involved with presentation skills for over 28 years and his ambition was to use his knowledge and skills to help people to be more confident in their Business Presentations and Communication Skills.

    David talk to us about the basic skills we need to be able to own who we are and what we want to say on stage.
    One of the most important points he makes is that people tend to try to memorize a speech. He believes that if a person goes to a public presentation to tell a story, the whole brain is not anymore thinking but imagining, putting the person in a different place from the start and opening a door to a deeper connection with the people listening.

    David founded Torque Business celebrating over 20 years of helping people with their presentations.
    To get in touch with David or to find out more about his company's services and training programs go to Torque Ltd www.torquebusiness.co.nz

    To listen to more of our episodes go to www.beautifulghosts.org/episodes

    And please, don't be shy and boo us anytime at [email protected]

  • What is to be judgemental of others or of certain situations?

    Is it to be overly critical? Is it to jump to conclusions very quickly without really knowing all the facts?

    Is being judgemental another face of the negative inner critic who believes he knows it all?

    Are some cultures more judgemental than others? Your beautiful hosts come from Argentina, a culture that makes judgements about everything to be judged on earth. However, we all changed completely our way of looking at people and things.

    There is a lot of truth in saying that people that tend to judge more harshly, judge themselves the same way. Usually those type of people tend to be bitter and unhappy.

    With experience, an open mind and age, we become less judgemental because our awareness starts to focus more in how we want our lives to be, without taking much notice of how others decide to live theirs.

    And you? Are you judgemental?

    To listen to more episodes go to www.beautifulghosts.org

    Boo us honestly and directly to [email protected], we would love to hear your feedback and suggestions.

  • When we experience any physical pain our awareness starts to focus only  on the part of our body that is hurting. 

     It is almost like life stops and we can't think about anything else. 

     Some people go through physical pain better than others, simply by  knowing that the pain is or can be temporary. Others, like Mariana, go  to the despair mode and want the pain to go away straight away. 

      In this episode we discuss the correlation in how the personal life  perspective or general type of approach of the person to life in  general, gets repeated or mirrored in how they deal with physical pain.  

     Physical pain can be sometimes chronic, like Pablo who experiences  chronic knee pain pretty much everyday. This condition doesn't push him  to despair or feelings of frustration.  

    On another angle, when you do your research about the "emotional  meaning" of physical symptoms you can also focus all your attention not  in the pain but in the message that the body might be trying to tell  you. 

    Basically, instead of taking a pill to ease the pain, we can work  in our emotional body to free the emotions that are triggering it.  

     When the emotional "problem" or "block" goes away it is proven that the  physiology of the body changes and stops sending the signals of pain.  The condition goes away.  

    Regardless of what you believe, it is interesting how the solution to  the physical pains we might be experiencing are dealt with depending on  our life perspectives in general.  

    As usual, boo us any time to give us feedback or suggest topics or  particular guests at [email protected].  

    To know more about us go to www.beautifulghosts.org

  • Hypnosis is an induced mental state of increased focus and attention while Hypnotherapy is a type of psychotherapy that is used to treat all sort of conditions.

    To talk about this amazing technique we invited the only, deep and amazing Eve Charles, who experienced an incredible transformative experience after she attended one hypnosis session with a therapist to overcome her postpartum depression.

    She tells us about how we can become the person we want to be by unlocking whatever it is that is needed to make such personal change.

    This chat with Eve Charles truly blew our minds and we even got a taste of hypnotherapy with a short guided session towards the end of the episode.

    To connect and book a clinical hypnotherapy session with this deep genius go to www.schoolofconfidence.co.nz

    You can also email schoolofconfidencenz@gmail or text/call 021-615 4077

    To know more and purchase Eve Charles's children books go to www.bardellibooks.com 

    To listen to more of our booing episodes go to www.beautifulghosts.org/episodes

  • The impact of social media in our society is without a doubt HUGE.

    It plays such a big part in our lives and without us knowing is sucking up so much of our time that we thought to discuss the topic and share our perspectives on this.

    We truly honor the all day and every day connection that the digital world can provide these days. Our podcast exists thanks to this new virtual reality. We are able to spread our noble mission in helping others through the social media channels. 

    We can also stay connected to our people and feel like we are never alone...but is this true? Does social media actually helps with interpersonal connections or is its digital "non real" aspect the real cause for an increase in isolation and loneliness?

    We know that social media is the cause of a lot of anxiety through its over-use, detrimental comparison with the life of others, boring and plain narcissism that feeds the unrealistic individualism of society.

    How can we avoid some of these detrimental online media effects? Is there a good way to use social media?

    To suggest topics or guests, or to tell us your story please boo us anytime at [email protected].

    To listen to more episodes go to www.beautifulghosts.org/episodes

  • What a guest we have today!! Wayne is one of the hosts of the podcast called Florida men in Florida men.  

     Cameron, Josh Wayne have been working together for almost 2 years bringing to you the Florida State's latest stories and news with an intelligent upbeat touch.

    We got the privilege to connect with this smart and funny trio through twitter. And it was Wayne who put his hand up to be our guest today.

    This episode is very special to us because it was the first time we got to talk to Wayne after an exchange of messages in social media. 

    He is warm, real and a sensitive soul that has not fear to share his emotional journey with three strangers and you.

    We truly feel we have gained a new cool friend. 

    Wayne was the perfect person to talk about the different ways in which we could add more joy into our lives. He knows the importance of a humorous injection in a daily basis to be able to have a better life experience.

    We believe that people who have humor as one of the tools to cope with the sour hits that life throws are very special. They know what darkness feels like.

    We believe that people who have humor as one of the tools to cope with the sour hits that life throws are very special. They know what darkness feels like. Their ability to spontaneously bring a quirky perspective, comment or input to a situation, actually comes from the deep observation of the world in general. 

    This episode has been a gift from Wayne to us and you.

    We encourage you to listen our guest's podcast: Florida men on Florida men podcast episodes. You can go to www.fmofm.com 

  • Here in Beautiful Ghosts podcast, we also experience conflict. 

    The good  news is that we know that conflict is a very amazing opportunity to get  to know each other and grow.   

    We also thought the conflict raised as a test from life to see if we do  what we preach: vulnerability, openness, forgiveness, honesty, empathy,  compassion. 

     This is a special episode for us. This "little thing" happened in one of  the thousand conversations we have weekly (sometimes daily) about this  passionate podcast venture we have embarked on. 

     Now looking back, there was many "little" things that were piling up in  our insides but we did not express it at the right time or we thought it  was not worth to bring it up. We were wrong.  

    The "little thing" ended up exploiting in a sort of "out of the blue"  kind of way (well, apparently they quiet often do) and it left us  confused and a bit lost about how to go about it, because in our short  relationship a conflict or differences in opinion never presented  itself, and the ones that did were always resolved in a loving and  mature manner.  

     We know it or not, in the back of our minds or hearts, we always have an  opinion on someone's behavior or personality.  When the things we don't like about the other person get piled up over  time or combined with weaknesses or soft spots on the other, and we do  not voice this "discomforts" at the right time, you got it: illogical  and erratic responses or reactions.  

    We know this has happened to all our listeners because is fucking human,  and by bringing up our own "dirty laundry" we believe we will help you  to be courageous enough to speak your mind when you need to.  

    We wanted to share it with you because it truly made us understand each  other more, but also, grow to a much deeper level the respect,  admiration, love and deep friendship we share.  Come on, you know you want it, boo us and tell us anything you want us  to discuss on our next episode at [email protected] 

     To listen to more episodes go to www.beautifulghosts.org/episodes

  • Yes, Danijel take 2, our deepest sequel.

    We brought Danijel again because we love his deep and unlimited perspective on life.

    We discuss if mind is consciousness or if we experience more mind when we have lost the capability of mastering the focus of our consciousness.

    Danijel brings some very juicy insides on the monkey mind too, saying that the mind is actually consciousness playing the part of mind. Or put into other words, it is consciousness focused on the analytical mind.

    How do we get to the stage where we are more and more conscious in every day and in every encounter or task we experience in out daily life?

    Danijel speaks about that the only way is making the decision to go there. You are the driver of the consciousness and by becoming aware of where the focus of your consciousness is at any given time, you lead it or guide it to your inner world.

    This episode is for all the people searching for a relief in their identification with their own extremely active mind and it will allow you to understand that it is only you 'in there" and you are the only one that can make the decision to change old neurological pathways and learnt behaviors and re-gain the power in directing your consciousness.

    To get in touch with Danijel, please contact us at [email protected].

    For more booing episodes go to www.beautifulghosts.org/episodes

  • There’s a belief out there that an addiction is inescapable or something that you might struggle for life.

    Rodrigo talks to us about the common psychological patterns that tie us to a particular addiction.

    He brings a breeze of fresh air by dissipating the cloud of fear that some of us might have about quitting something we know is not good for us. An addiction can include a bad habit, drugs, alcohol and any other substance or behavior that might be somehow driving our lives.

    We discuss the fact that acknowledging that you’re addicted to something and actually wanting to change is the first step. 

    Rodrigo brings this topic a lot of light, because he thinks the solution is a daily practice of not being an addict. By monitoring this practice we will discover underlying patterns, beliefs, emotions that are instant triggers for such addictive pattern. We will also be able to recognized that our lack of resilience and/or psychological tools is the real ghost. 

    We are all addictive to something, in different ways and degrees, but we all are. And it is quiet good to Rodrigo say that a relapse is part and not the end of the process.

    We also bring a huge point: is addiction to the mobile phone or social media recognized as such by the "psycological/psychiatric" manuals?

    Rodrigo Ramalho (MD, PhD), originally from Paraguay and now living in New Zealand, is a psychiatrist who specialises in rural mental health and addiciton. He completed hia Phd at the University of Auckland where he now teaches.

    His teachings, research, and publications aim to contribute to the development of person and community-centred, ground-up, and culturally and contextually responsive health policies and health care. 

    To know more about Dr Rodrigo Ramalho, visit his profile in the link below. 


    For speech inquiries please email him at [email protected]

    To listen to more episodes or read our latest blog post go to www.beautifulghosts.org

  • What is to have a healthy relationship with money? Is money the ticket for happiness, freedom, self-love?

    Why many people think that to love money or material possessions is not noble or not very spiritual? Is someone seeking for a lot of financial success a "bad" person and this person for sure is an individual who "might""will" or "have" rip off anyone to achieve their materialistic goals?

    How your family beliefs affect the relationship you have with material things and how affects the way you see financial successful people? But most importantly, how do this belief affect your present and future?

    If you dislike financial successful people that says a lot about your future material success. 

    To go deep into the relation that you have with money and all the subconscious belief around material stuff, listen to this episode, take a time to reflect and start to become more aware about your internal dialogue and where are you heading.

    Beautiful Ghosts podcast is available in all your favorite platforms. Go to our website www.beautifulghosts.org and connect with us.

  • Brian, another cool Argentinian living in New Zealand, is a master of healing techniques like Reiki and Del Arca. He went to Ratna Ling, a Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Center in California, to continue in-depth learning of Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga. 

    Brian brings a very wise perspective on stress and comes to answer all our questions:

    -Is it good or bad to experience stress? 

    -Is living in an "always underlying stress" normal?

    -How do we cope with the feelings that arises with stress?

    -Can we live a life without any stress at all?

    - How do we get there?

    Brian offers holistic practices, workshops and even coaching sessions. To know more about him please go to https://www.brianberneman.com