
  • This episode is going to be all about seriously breaking out of your comfort zone so you can grow and scale your business to the NEXT LEVEL.

    We’re going to go deep into REINVENTION to take you out of your routine, and help you reframe, re-energise and revolutionise your business, life, and leadership. So I’ll be talking about why this is so important, how it can help you realign to your purpose, build your confidence and maximise your impact.

    I am so excited to learn what comes up for you. As I do this work with my clients, I am constantly amazed at how this allows them to take DARING steps forward and enter a new phase of growth. Which is why I am making available The Entrepreneurs’ DARING Guide to NEXT LEVEL Confidence and Business Growth to you absolutely free. Simply click this link to get instant access to the Guide: https://jocresswell.newzenler.com/f/daring-roadmap

    Go on, I DARE you!

    I would really love to hear more about what comes up for you at each stage, and the possibilities that come to you when you really let go, so please share your experiences and insights with me on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The DARING Entrepreneur and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, send me a DM, or an email at [email protected]

  • Do you struggle with taking action in your business, life or leadership? Do you end up judging yourself because you keep getting distracted, or just can’t seem to hold yourself accountable?

    Me too!! Which I why today I’m sharing the 5 critical steps that will help you to be accountable for taking consistent action and achieve your goals. They will help you align with your purpose, let go of procrastination, and build confidence so you can create the business, freedom and success that you truly want.

    My passion is to help others to be accountable for creating the amazing businesses that I know they deserve. I am all about helping YOU to change the world. And to do this I am making available The Entrepreneurs’ DARING Guide to NEXT LEVEL Confidence and Business Growth to you absolutely free. Simply click the link to get instant access to the Guide: https://jocresswell.newzenler.com/f/daring-roadmap

    Go on, I DARE you!

    I would really love to hear more about your aspirations and your own strategies for being accountable (and where you might need some help), so please share your own experiences with me on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The DARING Entrepreneur and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, send me a DM, or an email at [email protected]

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  • In this episode we’ll look at the 4 essential steps to help you to create the DIFFERENCE you want in your business, life, and leadership. So that you can bring your dreams and desires into reality. So you can align with your purpose and take action with confidence. So think about how you are holding yourself back right now – and get determined to change that, to think, act, and BE differently. So you can change your world and the world around you.

    My own passion and purpose, the DIFFERENCE I DREAM of creating is to help you change the world. This is why I am making the replay from my training webinar on the 7-figure secrets to making more sales (even if you really hate selling) available to you completely free. Simply use this link to access the video and start watching immediately. Oh and to book a welcome call so we can get really curious about your business!


    Go on, I DARE you!

    I would really love to hear more about the difference that you truly want to create, and how might be holding yourself back in the past, so please share your own experiences with me on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The DARING Entrepreneur and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, send me a DM, or an email at [email protected]

  • Today I’m talking about those times when you get stuck. Utterly, and seemingly inescapably stuck. This can have a dramatic and sometimes devastating impact on your businesses, life, and leadership, and so we’ll look at some of the main reasons that lead you to getting stuck, the impacts this can have on your health, wealth, and happiness, and then share with you 5 amazing techniques to help you get unstuck so you can move forwards and create impact with confidence passion, purpose, and success.

    Because I am so passionate about helping you to get unstuck so that you can create the business and income success that you truly desire (and the world really needs), I am making the replay from the training webinar on the 7-figure secrets to making more sales (even if you really hate selling) available to you completely free. A key purpose of this webinar is helping you overcome your fears of reaching out and selling. So simply use this link to access the video and start watching immediately: https://jocresswell.newzenler.com/f/7-figure-sales-secrets

    Oh and to book a welcome call so we can get really curious about your business!

    Go on, I DARE you!

    I would really love to hear more about those things you’re holding back from doing – and why, so please share your own experiences with me on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The DARING Entrepreneur and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, send me a DM, or an email at [email protected]

  • What if you could create an incredibly powerful state of BEING? One which allowed you to align with your purpose, create a difference in the world, take consistent, creative action, be confident, and step into growth.

    What would you give to have a blueprint which took you step by step from a place of doubt, to a place of DARING and growth. Which took you to the next level in your business, life and leadership? In this episode, I’ll show you how to to achieve both!

    And that’s not all. Because I really want to help you create the difference you desire, you can download The Entrepreneurs’ DARING Guide to NEXT LEVEL Confidence and Business Growth completely free. Simply use this link to download the guide: https://jocresswell.newzenler.com/f/daring-roadmap

    Go on, I DARE you!

    I would really love to hear more about those things you’re holding back from doing – and why, so please share your own experiences with me on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The DARING Entrepreneur and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, send me a DM, or an email at [email protected]

  • How would you like access to an incredible force? One that drives creativity, innovation, exploration, and powerful human relationships? One that gives you confidence and helps you align with your purpose. One which can help you lead and sell in an energetic and fun way…

    You can! This force is CURIOSITY, and in this episode, I get curious about what curiosity really is, how it is so important to you in your business, and share 5 ways you can bring more curiosity and wonder into your life.

    Because I am so passionate about helping you to create the business and income success that you truly desire, I am making the replay from the training webinar on the 7-figure secrets to making more sales (even if you really hate selling) available to you completely free. One of the core themes in this webinar is about how getting curious about your audience si the get to getting confident in selling! So simply use this link https://jocresswell.newzenler.com/f/7-figure-sales-secrets to access the video and start watching immediately. Oh and to book a welcome call so we can get really curious about your business!

    Go on, I DARE you!

    I would really love to hear more about those things you’re holding back from doing – and why, so please share your own experiences with me on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The DARING Entrepreneur and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, send me a DM, or an email at [email protected]

  • Today I’m going to show you how to gain confidence in taking action in your business, life, and leadership even when you’re full of doubt… I’ll be sharing how and why your doubts get in the way whenever you’re trying something new, share my most recent stories of messy action, and give you 6 tips to help you keep stepping forward to take action on purpose and create something new, even when your subconscious is yelling at you that it’s not going to work!

    Because I am so passionate about helping you to create the business and income success that you truly desire, I am making the replay from the training webinar on the 7-figure secrets to making more sales (even if you really hate selling) available to you completely free. Simply use this link to access the video and start watching immediately https://jocresswell.newzenler.com/f/7-figure-sales-secrets.

    Go on, I DARE you!

    I would really love to hear more about those things you’re holding back from doing – and why, so please share your own experiences with me on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The DARING Entrepreneur and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, send me a DM, or an email at [email protected]

  • Today I’m talking about selling in your business. Why we dislike the idea of sales so much, dig deeper into your own thoughts and fears about selling your products and services, convince you that you’re already great at selling (even if you believe you hate it), and give you 7 tips to be better at selling and leading through influence.

    All of which is aimed at helping you to create offers that align with your purpose and truly speak to your audience, so that you can create the income and growth in your business that you deserve

    Because I am so passionate about helping you have confidence in selling, I am giving a live training webinar on Wednesday 1st March 2023 on The 7-Figure Secrets to Making More Sales (even if you really hate selling). You can register for free here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tcOmuqT0pH9Vj6w4EnuoaqCIqIQtKG29D

    To create a really connected experience I am limited spaces on the live webinar to just 20. If you can’t make it on the day, don’t worry. Just register so I can email you the link to the replay.

    Go on, I DARE you!

    I’d love to hear about your own experiences and beliefs around selling, and how overturning those beliefs could transform your business, so please share your own experiences with me on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The DARING Entrepreneur and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, send me a DM, or an email at [email protected]

  • Today’s topic is something that’s relevant to absolutely everybody and feeling like you don’t have it can have a significant impact on your business, life and leadership. I’m talking about LUCK…

    Even better, I’m going to share with you today the 4 scientifically proven ways that you can create MORE luck – and success, confidence, purpose, and impact …You can read more in Richard Wiseman’s brilliant book The Luck Factor

    Want to get a head start on creating more luck? I’ve created a free video training on how to transform your business through the power of a DARING Mindset. This is a recording of the seminar I gave at Europe’s biggest Business show. To access the training completely free of charge, simply follow this link: https://jocresswell.newzenler.com/f/daring-mindset-video . Go on, I DARE you!

    I can’t wait to hear about your stories around luck, and how these principles help you transform your life, so please share your own experiences with me on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The DARING Entrepreneur and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, send me a DM, or an email at [email protected]

  • In this episode I talk about something that can massively impact your sense of DARING, your motivation, and your belief and confidence in your own ability to succeed in your business, life and leadership. I am talking about the word BUT. Just 3 letters but with untold power in self-sabotage

    Then I’ll talk about the 4 step process to help you let go of BUT and step forwards into a world of possibility.

    So, how big is your ‘BUT’? More importantly, is your ‘BUT’ getting in your way. Are you aware of the impact it has on your motivation and whether or not you embrace possibilities?

    To help you step into possibility, I’ve created a free video training on how to transform your business through the power of a DARING Mindset. This is a recording of the seminar I gave at Europe’s biggest Business show. To access the training completely free of charge, simply click this link: https://jocresswell.newzenler.com/f/daring-mindset-video

    Go on, I DARE you!

    I’d also love to hear what happens to you when you change BUT to AND – what possibilities open up for you and what was the result, so please share your own experiences with me on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The DARING Entrepreneur and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, send me a DM, or an email at [email protected]

  • What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made in your business? Do you know. I this episode I share mine. What I did, how it impacted my business success, my confidence, my purpose, and led me to feel stagnated, overwhelmed, and unable to succeed.

    And of course I share with you how I turned it around, and how you can avoid this mistake – giving you 5 tips as to what to do instead.

    I’d love to hear your stories and your reflections on your own business. To help you gain clarity, I am offering a small number of entrepreneurs the opportunity to dig deep into their business with a personalised audit worth £997 – yet I’m giving it away for free. Places are limited, so apply right now by emailing me at [email protected], or use this link https://calendly.com/jocresswellcoach/welcome-call to book a 30 minute welcome call! Go on, I DARE you!!

    Please also share your own experiences with me on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The Human BEING Coach and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, or send me a DM

  • This time last year I was pretty much stuck. I was feeling like my business wasn’t going anywhere. I was recovering from illness. I had no idea how to take my business forwards, I was living off my savings, and I was descending into fear and panic.

    Today I want to share a little of my journey, and talk about the 6-step framework I have developed and used over the last 7 years to help you to release fear, get unstuck, and move forwards with purpose and confidence in your business, life and leadership way.

    Right now in January I am offering 10 entrepreneurs at any stage of their business the opportunity to dig deep into their business with a free Business and Marketing audit, worth £997. Places are limited, so apply right now by emailing me at [email protected], or use this link to book a 30 minute welcome call: https://calendly.com/jocresswellcoach/welcome-call. Go on, I DARE you

    Please also share your insights and your purpose with me on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The Human BEING Coach and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, or send me a DM

  • Today I’m going to challenge you to get a little bit uncomfortable. Why? Because that is the pathway to DARING, to growth, to alignment and to your purpose, your confidence and your next level of success – whether in your life, your career, your leadership or your business.

    Far from being safe and nurturing, your comfort zone can be stifling, leading you to stagnate, when you could be growing. I’ll share with six signs that you may be trapped in your comfort zone, and then offer you 3 ways to break out right now.

    Right now in January I am offering 10 entrepreneurs at any stage of their business the opportunity to dig deep into their business with a free Business and Marketing audit, worth £997. Places are limited, so apply right now by emailing me at [email protected], or use this link https://calendly.com/jocresswellcoach/welcome-call to book a 30 minute welcome call!

    Go on, I DARE you Please also share your insights and your purpose with me on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The Human BEING Coach and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, or send me a DM

  • I want to throw out a challenge do you. I want to DARE you to take a long, hard look at your business, life, and leadership and reflect on how much of what you’re BEING, saying, doing and achieving is really aligned to your purpose. And how much time and energy do you spend on all those things you SHOULD be doing.

    Trust me, this will revolutionise your motivation, and your success. Which is why in this episode I’m going to share a simple strategy to root out all those SHOULDs, so you can get really clear on what it is that YOU truly want.

    Right now in January I am offering 10 entrepreneurs at any stage of their business the opportunity to dig deep into their business with a free Business and Marketing audit, worth £997. Places are limited, so apply right now by emailing me at [email protected], or use this link to book a 30-minute welcome call: https://calendly.com/jocresswellcoach/welcome-call

    Please also share your insights and your purpose with me on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The Human BEING Coach and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, or send me a DM

  • I’m excited to share with you something very powerful – in fact the secret to my success in life, leadership and business. I’m going to let you know the true secret to leading with influence, to having confidence in selling without selling, to creating unimaginable success in your career or business, and to supporting incredible outputs, outcomes, and impact.

    If you would like to spend a day working with me to revolutionise your own work and business, I have an incredible opportunity for you. For a limited time only, I am giving away £25,000 of Done With You 7-figure secret marketing consultancy services for free. Five lucky entrepreneurs will win a dedicated VIP day where we will go deep into your business, I share with you my proven tools and techniques to create 7-figure success, and work with you to create powerful marketing, engagement and selling strategies (even if you hate selling). This will help you break free from frustration and create instant credibility in your niche, be recognised as the authority on your topic, and build an unstoppable diehard group of followers and fans who buy from you over and over again. To enter, all you need to do is email the word LAUNCH to me at [email protected], or use this link to opt in: https://jocresswell.newzenler.com/f/25k-giveaway, and I’ll be in touch. Go on, I DARE you

    And of course, I would love to hear your own experiences of using these techniques – and also when others have tried to move you without truly getting to know you. Please share your thoughts and insights on implementing some of these solutions on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The Human BEING Coach and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, or send me a DM

  • I have some exciting announcements to share with you today, as well as sharing my own story to confidence in my purpose in business, life and leadership, and giving you 5 steps to help you discover and step into your true aligned purpose and power.

    In short, my passion and purpose is to help you change your world and the world around you – it’s the alternative entrepreneurship handbook – containing all the secrets they don’t tell you in entrepreneur school – but really really really should!

    I also have incredible opportunity for you. For a limited time only, I am giving away £25,000 of Done With You 7-figure secret marketing consultancy services for free. Five lucky entrepreneurs will win a dedicated VIP day where we will go deep into your business, I share with you my proven tools and techniques to create 7-figure success, and work with you to create powerful marketing, engagement and selling strategies (even if you hate selling). This will help you break free from frustration and create instant credibility in your niche, be recognised as the authority on your topc, and build an unstoppable diehard group of followers and fans who buy from you over and over again.

    To enter, all you need to do is email the word LAUNCH to me at [email protected], or opt in here: https://jocresswell.newzenler.com/f/25k-giveaway

    Either way, let me know how you get on… I would love to share in your own journey to your true purpose and power – and to hear about the changes you’ve made in the past. Please share your thoughts and insights on implementing some of these solutions on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The Human BEING Coach and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, or send me a DM

  • In this episode I’m going to call out the four biggest fears that revolve around the minds of leaders and entrepreneurs – and which impact your life, career, relationships, business and pretty much everything else…

    Because each new level of leadership comes with new, or more intense fears. They’re prompting you to hold yourself back, play it small, to keep your ideas to yourself. So with each fear I’ll give you the strategies to not only overcome it, but to turn it to your advantage.

    I would love to get your thoughts and reactions to this podcast, especially what other fears you may have. Please share your thoughts and insights on implementing some of these solutions on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The Human BEING Coach and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, or send me a DM

    If you’d like to apply for your free own life, career, or business audit, simply email me at [email protected] or use this link to book a welcome call: https://calendly.com/jocresswellcoach/welcome-call

  • How are you feeling right now in your life, work, or business? Are you finding yourself working more and more and more? And how is that working out for you? In this episode I’m going to share 5 tips to help you have the confidenceto work LESS and achieve MORE. To have more time for you, your family, your interests and your health. To create a bigger impact while taking time for you!

    I DARE you to try this, to work less and achieve more!!

    If you're up for the challenge, please share your thoughts and insights on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The Human BEING Coach and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, or send me a DM saying ‘I DARE’

    If you’d like to apply for your free own life, career, or business audit, simply email me at [email protected] or book a welcome call at: https://calendly.com/jocresswellcoach/welcome-call

  • So you’ve taken the decision to take a leap of faith in your life, leadership, career, business or relationships. You seriously want to expand your impact, align to your purpose in a powerful new way. You’re excited and raring to go…

    …And then the doubts kick in. It starts to feel really uncomfortable and you wish you’d never decided to take the leap in the first place. You wonder what you were thinking!! And sometimes you pull back, retreat back to your comfort zone and wonder what might have been.

    In this episode I’ll share 6 techniques to help you keep the faith, to keep going, especially when things feel uncomfortable. To help you learn and grow in ways you never thought possible. To create impacts beyond anything you could have imagined.

    I would absolutely love to hear what happens when you take those leaps. Please share your thoughts and insights on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The Human BEING Coach and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, or send me a DM

    If you’d like to apply for your free own life, career, or business audit, simply email me at [email protected] or book a welcome call at: https://calendly.com/jocresswellcoach/welcome-call

  • In this episode you’ll learn why it is so powerful to take leaps of faith in your life, work, leadership, business and career – and the utterly incredible things that can happen when you do.

    I’ll share the 5 reasons that you should take regular leaps of faith, and the benefits that can happen when you do – especially to your confidence, your purpose, your business and your career.

    Before we get started I want to ask you a question. Where in your life, work, or business are you holding back from taking a bold move. One that you feel you’d really like to do – but just can’t quite bring yourself to say yes? When has this happened before, and how did you feel?

    I would absolutely love to hear what happens when you take those leaps. Please share your thoughts and insights on social media. You can tag me on LinkedIn at Dr Jo Cresswell – The Human BEING Coach and on Instagram at jocresswell_coach, or send me a DM

    If you’d like to apply for your free own life, career, or business audit, simply email me at [email protected] or book a welcome call at: https://calendly.com/jocresswellcoach/welcome-call