In the fourteenth episode of the 9th season - we get a listener letter! Hooray! I think Terri even gets 100% on trivia. Clare lies about visiting a land that uncultured-Chris cannot pronounce. Peter reminds us that he is a rehab for hurting teen girls: will Victoria be the next hoe that this captain saves? Tune in to find out!
In the 13th episode of the 9th season, a budding romance forms between Spinner & Emma - just kidding, but that's what Degrassi writers might want you to think. For whatever reason, Danny gets away with not being cheap after refusing to split an $8 man. If you like it, we love it, Chantay. Terri gets a 50% on trivia - so whoever said she was on a roll definitely jinxed her haha
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In this two-part episode, we ask you to be aware of the triggers so that you can take care because Degrassi is about to go there (I did not rhyme intentionally, but here we are). Jenna & KC finally get together once & for all. Holly J takes advantage of Marco and there's another plot line that nobody cares about in this episode. Terri passes trivia - but only just - so there goes her streak of great performance.
In the 10th episode of the 9th season, Holly J embarrasses herself more times than I am willing to witness. Declan acts as a menace. Dave hurts Connor's feelings. Megan Foxx gets mentioned, but is she actually pictured? Debatable. Tune in for trivia, tidbits, and more than you bargained for as always.
In the 9th episode of the 9th season, Holly J bends over backwards to avoid being swooned by Declan - and ultimately loses. Leia loses her man when she follows horrendous advice from Chantay the Snake. Tune in for tidbits & trivia
Riley endures a continued internal battle, Dave embarrasses himself, and Anya & Sav grow into their toxicity. Tune in for trivia, tidbits, and trash TV commentary from your favorite Degrassi fan club hosts.
If people are anything, it's messy, and why would Degrassi be any different? Holly J discovers that Jane has been keeping a secret - but not very well considering she publicly kissed that secret on a front porch without any shame. Dave gets on my nerves. Tune in for trivia and a few tidbits splashed throughout.
In the 5th episode of season 9, Peter completely contradicts himself from the pervious episode and Alli continues to give Johnny more energy than that greaseball deserves. Tune in to hear our thoughts - but no trivia, because I didn't do it.
In the fourth episode of the ninth season, Creep Ass Coach Carson lays the foundation for his future plot line. Jane becomes an affair girl and Manny (why is she not in LA or college?) eggs the whole thing on.
Moral of the story here is that the internet last forever - so don't send nudes to untrustworthy dudes.
In the season 9 opener, Peter goes in for a handshake (cocaine) and gets a hug (meth) - and he's in for the ride of his life (or weekend, since his dabble doesn't last long). Mr. Steal-Your-Girl, Declan, and boyfriend-stealer, Jenna Middleton, enter the Degrassi scene with their nefarious ways. Additionally, we get a few new characters to spice things up for the loyal fans.
In this Degrassi movie, truly nobody comes clean. Not Paige to her friends with the truth about her glamorous job in LA. Not Ellie regarding her dad's declining health situation. Not Craig when disclosing to Ellie that he has an entire live-in girlfriend. Everyone just floats through this episode finding out about secrets & lies at the most inopportune time whilst trying to make their way in Hollywood. Tune in for trivia, tidbits & more when Chris & Terri trudge through a four-part episode.
Notice: Chris & Terri are going on break until December 5th!
Tune in to hear us complain about neighborhood apps. Yes, we do eventually get to the trivia (which Terri nearly fails) and the recap (why were there so many plots?!).
In the 17th episode of the 8th season there are way too many plots and Terri completely fails at trivia. Also, we had some Tyra Mail so that was exciting!
How is this the first time we've used this episode title? Neither here nor there. Chris' daughter has clearly been watching too much Mario movie in that she know also thinks that she is a plumber. Terri aces trivia. The girlies have fun recapping this episode giving credit to Peter for being honest - bar is in hell - and wondering why Alli is still chasing after Dirty DiMarco
Move over Afroman, Blaze is in the building and she's baking weed brownies. Terri aces trivia and Chris discusses better ways to dispose of contraband than walking them by the campus police.
Welcome back for a two part recap which is tragically triggering, but we'll get through it together. Great news! Terri completely aces trivia this week, so there's some good news! Tune in to hear our recap.
It's time to stomp a roach, and that roach's name is Holly J. At the end of this episode, you're supposed to feel sorry for Holly J. I'm here to let you know that we don't feel bad for that raggedy bitch. Anyway, Peter also babysits his sister Angel.
In the 11th episode of the 8th season, Degrassi really has us siding with and rooting for their little Emma Nelson wannabe. Justice for what they eventually did to Clare's character, but we f with her today.
Meanwhile, Sav's parents play the mess out of him and Anya's romantic aspirations. Will their love find a way?
Tune in to get the recap of our episode alongside the thoughts that you may or may not have asked for.
I don't even remember how Terri performed on trivia. The tidbits this week are from life, not from the show (though we do briefly mention Andrea Lewis). Riley battles steroids and oral sex and Derek proves to be the loser once & for all.
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