#GodsWill #Bible #JesusChrist #Prayer #Matthew6 #Podcast
God calls us to behave and serve Him faithfully.
#GodsWill #Bible #JesusChrist #Prayer #Matthew6 #Podcastnd serve Him faithfully.
This podcast delves into Matthew 6:14-34, discussing God's will and its practical application in our lives. Are we measuring ourselves against others instead of focusing on fulfilling God's purpose? Join us as we explore how God calls us to behave and serve Him faithfully. -
Link for the book: https://amzn.to/4fBCOSw
Donation link for bible study company: https://biblestudycompany.com/#
If you are in need of being saved https://biblestudycompany.com/blog/article/81
Here are the topics! 00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:43 The Book The Coming King
00:00:55 Love Israel Bible study course
00:01:52 End times timelines
00:02:16 Persecution of Jews is growing
00:03:52 Watch Israel the Fig Tree
00:04:27 Three End times indicators
00:06:57 Because Israel rejected God, are they still in play?
00:12:31 There is only Salvation in Christ 00:13:32 Understanding the Sovereignty of God
00:15:36 Does God cause us to be born again before we can be born again?
00:16:23 Rise of Antisemitism
00:18:37 How many Arabs vs Israelis were in Israel in 1948?
00:20:27 How thorough the book is on the prophetic timelines
00:21:47 Why did Israel have so many problems?
00:22:17 Pornography in the temple
00:23:58 The church is no longer contrite over their sin
00:25:06 People want to reject the Millennial Kingdom, so why?
00:27:02 What is Daniel at 69 weeks?
00:27:57 Explaining Messiah Cut off has to do with death for a covenant
00:29:42 Explaining the time of the Gentiles
00:31:16 Defining the word Tribulation
00:32:09 All 7 years of Tribulation is not God's wrath
00:33:10 Tribulation Wrath of God begins in Chapter 8 of Revelation
00:34:38 Times of the Gentiles has to do with Daniel
00:35:52 Explaining "All Israel will be saved"
00:37:20 All Israel means a remnant of saved and unsaved
00:42:12 Where in the prophetic timeline does the rapture happen?
00:43:36 Abomination of Desolation
00:45:02 How do we know a seal or trumpet or bowl happened?
00:45:42 The rapture occurs sometime after the abomination of desolation
00:46:04 The horses explained 00:49:32 What is the purpose of the millennial kingdom?
00:51:06 God set up a Kingdom on Earth 1000 years ago, and people still rebel
00:52:14 Millennial kingdom is for Israel to finally obey God
00:53:38 When Satan is released at the end of the 1000 years
00:56:22 Without the Holy Spirit, we cannot change
00:58:30 What is the true purpose of worship?
01:00:06 Sacrifices restarted?
01:00:36 How is one saved in the millennial kingdom?
01:02:46 Seeing Jesus is not a problem for salvation
01:02:59 Sacrifices in the Millennial Kingdom
01:05:22 Who are the different groups in the millennial kingdom
01:07:53 Remnants of people
01:09:57 The Church, like Israel, has failed too
01:10:24 The main message of the Millennial Kingdom is how great a savior is our Lord Jesus Christ
01:11:22 Great White Throne Judgment
01:12:13 How will the first temple be built with the Mosques on the temple mount?
01:13:00 What is the abomination of desolation
01:14:38 Timing of Rapture. No one knows, but there are clues
01:16:31 Is partial preterism?
01:23:29 Ending prayer
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Join us. -
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