Food is part of our traditions and cultures, and it affects our health, our economy and all of our communities. So, Florida Foodie is giving you some food for thought, taking a closer look at what we eat, how we eat it and the impacts on Florida and what it means for everyone, everywhere.
❤ Ebben a műsorban gyakorlatias tippeket kapsz az önmegvalósításról, holisztikus táplálkozásról, fitneszről, olyan témákat érintve, mint önbizalomnövelés, a puffadás elmulasztása, érzelmi kiégés ellen, testi-lelki jólét, fogyás, edzés, formásodás. Könnyen feldolgozható, rövid epizódjaim célja, hogy informáljanak és inspiráljanak. ISSA Life Coach, NASM táplálkozástudományi szakértő, a középkorú nők egészségének szakértője, NASM személyi edző, dietetikus hallgató vezetésével.
A podcast about creating a healthier relationship with food, free from bingeing, food obsession, and dieting. If you’re a millennial looking for some food therapy, I’m here for you. Come with a glass of wine, we’ll debunk wellness culture, intuitive eating, and more. It’s not about the food ladies, let’s get to what you’re really hungry for.
Craving Food Freedom is hosted by Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist Elise Liu, millennial, dog mom, first-gen Chinese American, yoga-doer, and sourdough enthusiast. Welcome aboard!
Instagram: -
Mi az, hogy ital/bár kultúra? Egyáltalán, miért kell a borokról, sörökről, párlatokról, kávékról meg ételekről kóstolójegyzetet írni? Inni és enni kell, és kész, nem? De. Közben pedig keresni kell a jót, a még jobbat, a tökéletest - ha van olyan. A kultúra a civilizáció építőeleme. Ahogy az irodalomban vagy zenében, az italok és ételek terén is lehet alkotni, és a tökélyre törekvő alkotást megérteni. Közben pedig lehet jókat enni és inni is - ünnepkor, lazításnak, búfelejtésre - hisz ez is kultúránk része. Főleg akkor, ha kulturáltan csináljuk. Ezért van a Borravaló: hogy megmutassuk mit és hogyan érdemes. Hogy mikor, az rátok van bízva… Borravaló: egy magazin a gasztrokultúráról.
Laura Heywood Interviews airs LIVE Mondays and Wednesday from Noon-1PM Eastern. Following one week of exclusive on-demand access for subscribers, each episode will be available as a free Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and everywhere else podcasts are found.Laura Heywood Interviews embodies Laura’s signature intersection of contagious enthusiasm and deep research. The launch marks ten years since the first tweet Laura posted as her formerly anonymous online alter-ego, @BroadwayGirlNYC (50k followers across Twitter, Instagram, YouTube & Facebook).The show features visits from celebrity newsmakers, tastemakers and changemakers from both inside and beyond the world of theatre; phone calls with listeners and contests available only to those listening live; and interviews from Laura’s extensive archive, consolidated and combined to celebrate current events and timely themes.While best known for her long-form interviews with over 150 Broadway stars on AOL’s Build Series, CBS, Sirius XM, and her own social media channels, Laura is also an accomplished sports talk personality (San Francisco Giants); a radio DJ in formats as diverse as hip-hop, light rock, show tunes, and classic rock; a commercial actor (Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty), print model (Nintendo, TIME Magazine, Ameliora) and voice over actor (Grand Theft Auto series, Macy’s, Volvo); a world traveler; and a dedicated fitness & personal growth devotee. She is also an activist, focused particularly on arts education in elementary schools.Segments include YES, AND… which explores a surprising feature of each guest’s background, training, or personal interest; TWEETS & SASS, a look into the social media posts that have Laura & her guests “all atwitter”; and JUST ‘CAUSE, a segment dedicated to a charity or non-profit organization chosen by that day’s guest. Subscriptions to Laura Heywood Interviews include over 100 hours of additional content from DNR Studios, including Derek & Romaine, The Taylor Strecker Show, I Love My Wife, Naughty but Nice with Rob Shuter, and Happy Campers with Matthew Camp. For more information and to subscribe, visit
Health news that you can use with New York Times Best-Selling Author and Fitness Titan, Kathy Smith. Listen up if you want the most up-to-date and accurate information on fitness, longevity, health, aging and motivation. Each show consists of the biggest stories in health as well as new breakthrough techniques to live a healthier, more vibrant life. You'll feel like you're part of the conversation as Kathy gets real on The Art of Aging!
Calling all entrepreneurs and purpose driven-women! Are you ready to become fearless in your body, mind, and business?
Learn how to change your identity, beliefs, and habits, so you can transform your health and your business from the inside out. It’s possible to achieve your biggest, life-changing goals without the frustration, obsession, or negative self-talk that so many women subject themselves to every day.
All you need are the right tools, the right mindset, and the faith to turn your dreams into reality. And I’m here to guide you along the way!
This podcast is for you if:
- You love learning about nutrition and health and how to optimize it.
- You're motivated to uncover the mindset blocks holding you back.
- You know you have a big purpose to fulfill and want help achieving it.
- You love going into the "woo" and desire to grow spiritually.
- You're here to make a big impact on the world through business, charity, or any other entrepreneurial endeavor.
My passion is helping entrepreneurial women become the best version of themselves while pursuing the kind of life they actually want.... one with abundant freedom, joy, and peace.
On this podcast, you'll learn about a wide variety of topics that impact your ability to live the life you desire, from nutrition, to fitness, to business, and much more.
And we're willing to have all the awkward, candid conversations so you can learn what you need to know to live your best life! -
Crack open a drink with us where ever you are and learn about the best vacation destinations around the world. Get in #VacationMode with us! As owners of Penyak Travel Company (and avid travelers ourselves) we dive deep into how to get the most out of your vacation, planning, and all the tips & tricks of the industry.
We cover everything from the hottest property reviews, destinations, cruises, Europe, domestic travel (who doesn't like Vegas?) and much more!
So grab a cocktail, wine, or a cold beer and enjoy the show with us! -
Einblicke in aktuelle Entwicklungen der Bereiche Ernährung, Fitness, Medizin, körperliche sowie mentale Gesundheit.
Herzlich Willkommen ! ♡ Ich bin Laura, ganzheitliche Ernährungsberaterin, Trainerin, dreifache Buch Autorin und Content Creatorin. In meinem Podcast erhältst du Dich erwarten Tipps, persönliche Erfahrungen, jede Menge Wissen und spannende Interviews mit tollen Experten/Expertinnen.
Für mehr kostenlosen Content, Informationen rund um die Themen Ernährung, Gesundheit, Mindset und Fitness, Trainingsvideos sowie kostenlose gesunde Rezepte folge mir gerne auf meinem Instagram-Account @fit__laura:
Meine App:
Meine Bücher: -
Nancy delivers the right recipe for healthy bodies and minds through a personal journey of discovery of what nourishes every cell, tissue, organ, and thought. Audiences are invigorated by her charismatic approach to eating healthy as they gain a real understanding that what we eat is, truly, who we are. Nancy’s clients have reversed medical conditions, lost weight, and learned how to eat energizing, healthy, fresh food. Nancy’s presentations give everyone some easy to implement health suggestions that can impact their health in a positive way for the rest of their life!
Organic Healthy Lifestyle is broadcast live Tuesdays at 3PM ET.
Organic Healthy Lifestyle TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (
Organic Healthy Lifestyle Radio Show is broadcast on W4CY Radio ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Organic Healthy Lifestyle Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets. -
Ismert, kedvelt, tiszteletnek örvendő személyiségek idézik fel az egykori otthon tűzhelyét, a gyermekkor kedves ételeinek ízeit, az anyai gondoskodás és szeretet megannyi, ételben és étkezésben megnyilatkozó kifejezését. A vasárnapi ebéd hangulatához illeszkedő műsor a családi összetartozás élményét erősíti és megidézi az ország legkülönbözőbb tájegységeinek gasztronómiai hagyományait. A vasárnap delente jelentkező műsorban vendéglősök és neves éttermek vezetői és vendégei is szerepelnek.
Welcome to our podcast, “Restaurant Misfits”, where we’ll discuss all things related to restaurant marketing, management, and everything else in between growing a restaurant business. Whether you are a single-location owner, multi-location owner, or just getting into the industry, you’ll find tips and tricks to help you achieve massive results in your business.
We’re always looking for new interviews and features.
If you’re interested in joining us on the show, please email Ana on our team at [email protected]! -
This Intermittent Fasting podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, goes in-depth on whom intermittent fasting (IF) is right for and whom it may harm. Plus, Dr. Cabral breaks down the nuances of what time your intermittent fast should start and end each day depending on your health, anti-aging, or weight loss goals.