On this episode Desirae speaks with Clare, an Australia natural health practitioner, who struggled with infertility and went on to choose IVF. At the age of 43.5 she carried out an IVF pregnancy and chose to birth at home, a birth that ultimately ended up being unassisted! Listen to hear how that came to be. Clare shares about her journey and advocates for other women who desire to choose home as “an older mother”, as well as those who take the IVF route. She wants the world to know that they have options and that they are capable! Her determination and remarkable path to motherhood offers a powerful message that would be great for all women to listen to!
Desirae and Savannah Brigman talk about their personal experiences in attending while they were pregnant and fresh postpartum. What issues they ran into, what joys came along with it, as well as what they wouldn’t recommend or do again. If you are considering attending while pregnant or postpartum, give this podcast a listen. While it comes with its pros and cons, attending others while in the childbearing years yourself is possible and can be enjoyable! Listen to hear more!
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Desirae & Taylor hop on to share updates since the summer, as we have not had a podcast episode in a bit! We hope to share more soon, but as a summary, we are well and thriving. We hope you are all are doing amazing, too!
Desirae & Taylor share their thoughts on a variety of common judgements and understandings others hold, and those they may have held as well, and how their views on it have shifted from the beginning to now. Some have stayed the same despite many many births, and some have taken great shifts. It’s all about perspective and giving each other grace and trying to see from the other persons side, isn’t it? A humble and insightful listen for all, we hope!
Desirae and Taylor discuss how fear-based midwifery trainings are essentially just continuing trauma for women and bringing a watered down obstetrical model into women’s homes. If you feel lead to attend a specific training out of straight up fear, their marketing is working! Listen in for an alternative to the scared hype.
Desirae and Taylor have a conversation on attending the clients that no one else wants, aka the rejects of the regulated provider world. We talk about why they are rejected by licensed midwives and OBs, and why we simultaneously feel way comfortable, even motivated to take these women. Such a great listen for those that feel pulled to the “rejects” themselves.
Desirae and Taylor hop on this one to discuss the illusion of the necessity of many transfers, whether it was recommended by a provider because of their own limitations or if it was initiated out of a lack of knowledge on part of the expecting family planning a freebirth. We find the freebirth community is just not the same as it was when we were first exploring freebirth and it is hard to even be in the freebirth support groups these days because of it!
Audrey is such a joy to talk to!! Growing up with a mother who was a traditional midwife, homebirth was normalized to her. She talks about what that was like for her as a child having a mother that lived the on-call life. One day Audrey got to attend a birth with her mother and since that day she has had the “birth bug” as she endearingly calls it and supports women herself now as a doula in South Dakota with a heavy focus on postpartum support and placenta services. She did go on to have home births herself and talks about her different experiences between her mother attending her, going unassisted and finding another midwife that she really clicked with. We dive a little into a discussion on Hyperemesis Gravidarum, and attending with our own babies, as well! I seriously loved this episode and could have talked her head off for hours. You can find Audrey on Facebook at Blessings Birth Services, based in Stockholm, South Dakota.
Desirae and Taylor go over the perks of choosing HERBAL courses & programs, in general and in comparison to other similar programs! We love what we have birthed together and we are consistently proud of it. We get reminded all of the time how awesome it is and after a beautiful testimonial was provided to us in a call the other night, we decided we needed to share about all the wonderful things that is HERBAL. We would love your thoughts as well! We hope you join us in making the HERBAL experience the greatest of all time.
Mandy Fae returns to our podcast to share her freebirth story!! Her second baby conceived with her husband post-vasectomy, and she made it the most intentional and sacred birth experience!
Desirae follows up from our previous podcast back in May 2022 on various topics pertaining to the Amish. She shares on how she first connected with the Amish, fun facts about their lifestyle, how their care often differs from our population, how the Mennonite differ from the Amish, various stories of her experiences with the plain community, and much more! If you are fascinated with the Amish and Mennonite culture and would like to hear more about them, give this podcast a listen!
Christina has such a cool background! She learned about unassisted birth because her own mother had unassisted births, and her mom even wrote a book after her experiences! Due to freebirth being her normal, of course she went on to have an awesome uncomplicated first time freebirth. She is now planning another one with more advice based on what she previously felt under-prepared for the first time! We always think it’s so powerful when first time moms say “yes” to home birth the first go round!
Mary comes on to share her four birth stories. Her first was a hospital birth with “all the works.” The next was a planned freebirth, that due to lack of support and fear, lead to a transfer and hospital staff bullying. She went on to have two different freebirth experiences, and stayed home, how healing!! Mary really elaborates on important details and we love her personality. Such a good listen!
Sammi started her motherhood journey with an emergency cesarean and NICU stay after a failed Biophysical Profile, which left her with a lot of trauma and a desire to heal. She did go on to have a powerful HBAC with a midwife! She talks about her postpartum transfer and different kinds of complications and healing she had to go through, but ultimately felt a lot of heart relief from that birth. She ends the call with stating that she would definitely have a home birth again and hopes her story helps other VBAC moms considering home birth.
Kelly is seriously BADASS! She walks us through the diagnosis of a fatal condition with her first baby, how she was treated through the experience, finding out the doctors were actually wrong, and a physically & mentally traumatic birth. Her first steps into motherhood were certainly far less than acceptable and empowering. Kelly goes on to have a natural birth, three at-home losses, and then two more unassisted births that were oh so wonderful in different ways. It doesn’t end there, though! She brings us knowledge on her babies that had galactosemia, navigating pregnancy & birth with a blood disorder, and healing from trauma with her powerful modality of therapy! Every single person can benefit from simply listening to this episode. Kelly is such a light!
Being held in Austin, Texas March 11th and 12th, you will find many birth lovers, educators and professionals at the Sacred Birth Symposium. This event is unique because it incorporates all birth options - including unassisted, which is so near and dear to all of our hearts. Nelson & Allison have a wonderful first time mother home birth story, and they want to share the joy of home birth with their community! Fairly priced, kid-friendly venue, and the speaker lineup is amazing, you definitely want to check this event out. It is such a joy to hear such birth passion from a home birth father especially!
Desirae and Taylor have a raw conversation about the challenges of attending as a birth worker in the childbearing years. Whether it be an impact on you, others, or your loved ones, attending while you have little people at home DOES come with its own hardships that is exclusive to those of us in the Motherhood era of our lives. After visiting the hardships, however, we talk about the beautiful parts of attending in the midst of the childbearing and motherhood years. We would so love your thoughts on this one! What resonates?
Nae has so many creative perspectives to offer! Firstly starting out with her wonderful same sex relationship, she walks us through their intentional pregnancies, conception journey and their initial plans with their births! Both ladies experienced a transfer in their first birth experience and discusses how that looked, what went differently for each of them and how they feel about it. Nae goes on to conceive their third baby, and has a beautiful freebirth, supported by her wife, and recorded by her oldest son. This episode had us heavily emotionally invested! See our Facebook page for the video clips!
In a powerful and insightful testimony, Brittany shared her stories, ranging from a medicated hospital birth with an OB all the way to a completely unassisted birth! We navigate conversations here on birth trauma, what it’s like to experience all levels of different providers, positive hospital birth, compromising with your spouse, the differences in postpartums after different birth experiences, and even what it was like to be a flight attendant during pregnancy! There is a spot everyone can relate to on this podcast!
Have you ever heard someone say, or maybe even said yourself, “I had to have X intervention done because…” This may have been due to misleading care solutions, and ignorance on your care providers part to give you true informed consent. This happens to so many women and it creates chaos and trauma in their lives. Let’s start being accountable as midwives especially, and stop misleading people, intentionally or unintentionally!
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