
  • Seeing the writing on the wall for the "legal institution" of Slavery well before the Civil War, Southern Elites were scrambling to reconfigure their business models in order to secure access to that precious commodity, their niggers. The mythical & infamous Willie Lynch was called in to help the Planter class plan for emancipation. How can they keep control over their slaves, even once gradualism was exhausted and the inevitable freedom at long last had come?

    In the letter credited to him, Lynch actually frowns upon hangings as a "waste of valuable stock." According to him:

    I am not here to enumerate your problems, I am here to introduce you to a method of solving them. In my bag here, I have a fool proof method for controlling your slaves. I guarantee every one of you that, if installed correctly, it will control the slaves for at least three hundred years.

    So what we know as "lynching" is really frowned upon by the Planter class. The true lynching was to sow disunity such that we would never be able to overcome the systemic and cultural obstacles placed in our - that our designed to negatively impact us on the basis of the group to which we belong.

    And we are still swinging from that metaphorical tree. #StrangeFruit

    We have nailed ourselves to that tree, so that we might find a way to survive in this white man's world. But is that freedom? #WhatsFree

    What is freedom? What is this freedom that was promised us? What is that freedom that will at long last bring us down from the lynching tree, so that we might rest and experience new life?

    We discuss that in this episode of Blacks with Power, and I want to invite you to this consideration. Coming off the Juneteenth release of my new book, Becoming a People: Re-Membering Blackness in the imago Dei, there were a few things I wanted to connect with Pr. Jimmie on and share with you. I think you'll really be edified by the convo. And I believe it should compel you to grab a copy of my book.


    The beautiful piece of art used in the cover image is by Nebiyu Assefa. See more of his art via the link.


  • So, I wasn't going to record an episode...I mean, I wanted to. But I didn't want to...

    The reality that police are now shooting us in the back of the head and folk are finding ways to rationalize and justify that. Even those who are supposedly supporting the mattering of Black life, want to see the tape of Andrew Brown Jr's execution as if they believe there could be something on the tape that gives them comfort that a bullet to the back of the head was warranted...

    I was compelled to record a show. But, I also didn't assert that with Pr. Jimmie. So, we didn't set up in my normal software for recording. So...this will be an Old Skool throw back type show...

    It will be just audio.

    Yet, we were on fire! I was in a space that I hope I won't be in next week. Yet, I give thanks for what the Spirit placed in our midsts and so I am releasing this as a traditional audio only podcast.

    Because we must consider: what is the line that cannot be crossed? What is the deal breaker for this experiment in integration? Do we have a deal breaker? Or have we simply resigned ourselves...reconciled ourselves to taking this ass-whopping until White folk stumble upon a higher level of civility and humanity than which they are presently capable?

    We have to have some positions that protect and assert our dignity as human beings. So, in this conversation I present some of those foundational positions we must have and why we must have them if we the Black People are to become anything more than a victim of the American Experiment.

    There are some foundational positions we must hold as a people, and we must be willing to disengage from anything that violates our dignity. So, in a sense: this might be the last podcast, because I don't know what point it serves to have this conversation if you all are still ok with remaining a subjugated people.

    But if you hear this and are moved to protect and assert your dignity, let us know in the comments and we can continue on this journey together!

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • We have heard the quote, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over-and-over again, while expecting different results.” But we seem to be stuck on this trajectory…

    How do we make it stop?!

    This conundrum has become a reality for Fr. Jabriel and me. Communally, we see this conundrum of insanity illustrated in how we view ourselves. There are many of us who are not willing to put in the work to explore and evolve who we are and how we view ourselves. Believe it or not, the personal view of ourselves distort our view toward others. This is the center of this conundrum. 

    Are we willing to start and continue the work of self-exploration and evolution? Are we willing to continue in this conundrum of insanity?

    This is our exploration on this episode of Blacks With Power. After viewing this episode, share your thoughts and comments. How much deeper do you think we need to go in this conversation? What's the single greatest question you have in response?

    Your comments will shape the how we approach this moving forward...so, thank you!


  • The old saying goes, “Laughter is good for the soul.” But it’s also said that, “You have to laugh to keep from crying.”

    These sayings expressed the way in which we either find joy through laughter or cope through laughter. And this is the deeper search, because we all need to laugh…

    We all have moments when we “need to laugh.” Or maybe not…maybe we’re the only ones…Do you have moments when you just need a good laugh? As you see and endure the Black Experience, do you not experience times where you “just have to laugh?”

    But how are we laughing?

    Just to cope? Or to enter into the Joy of our True and Only Master?

    This is our exploration on this episode of Blacks With Power. After viewing this episode, share your thoughts and comments. How do you engage laughter? Do you find joy through laughter? Do you find yourself coping with laughter? Do you ignore those who simply cannot laugh? We invite you to watch and share.


  • The oldest and the most BELOVED institution in the Black community is the Black Church. Tuesday, February 16, 2021, PBS aired a documentary called “The Black Church.” 

    One personal take-away of this documentary is that “white acceptance is something that Black people long for.” These words are from my personal tweet, @WWJimmieDo. Fr. Jabriel, @Jah_Bread, responded, “There’s a topic...lol.” 

    Any good documentary should provoke an honest conversation. White acceptance is something that is longed for in our BELOVED Black Church. Because of this, we celebrate our tradition while negating the trail that we are blazing for the next generation to come.

    What has the Black Church become? Is the Black Church moving our beloved community forward? Or, are we just simply celebrating the traditional heritage of the Black Church? 

    This is our exploration on this episode of Blacks With Power. After viewing this episode, share your thoughts and comments. What are your thoughts when it comes to the heritage of the Black Church? We invite you to watch and share.

    To ensure a deeper understanding of the Black Church, we offer the following resources:

    Black Church and Black Radicalism by Gayraud S. WilmoreThe Negro Church in America / The Black Church Since Frazier by E. Franklin Frazier and C. Eric LincolnDavid Walker’s Appeal by David Walker

    Some additional sources to consider:

    The Black Church in the African American Experience by C. Eric Lincoln and Lawrence H. MamiyaThe Talking Book: African Americans and The Bible by Allen Dwight CallahanSlave Religion by Albert J. Raboteau The Black Church: Relevant or Irrelevant in the 21st Century? by Reginald F. Davis


  • Zora Neale Hurston penned, “All your skin folk ain’t your kinfolk.” There are “skin folk” who continue to project whiteness in families, churches, and other institutions that is part of our community. The projection of whiteness dismembers and distorts the memory, vision and mission of the beloved community. 

    As we journey through Black History Month, we are constantly reminded of the terror of White Supremacy. From the period of Reconstruction to the Insurrection at the Capital Building, whiteness (White Supremacy) remains at the cultural center of our country, community, and companions (those who consider themselves kinfolk). 

    What does it mean for us to remember, return, and reconnect to our being as the beloved community? How do we embark on this journey of reclaiming ourselves and our community?

    This is our exploration on this episode of Blacks With Power. We are joined by Rev. Tyree Anderson, D.Min. He is the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Ensley, located in Birmingham, Alabama. He also hosts The Cutting Edge Clergy Podcast. After viewing this episode, share your thoughts and comments. What resonates with you as it pertains to reimagining ourselves free from the projection of whiteness?


  • What is Black History Month?

    What is its purpose? What should be its purpose? What is the best use of Black History, in these times?

    What are we remembering? What does it mean to "re-member?"

    As we enter Black History Month, in the wake of White Insurrection, it is time to reconsider our approach to our story and its usage. It might not be the best use of Black History as a means to "enrich American History."

    Maybe it's better to focus Black History on enriching the devalued and dismembered Black American? Better to use Black History for enriching the devalued and dismembered African people of the world...

    This is our exploration in this episode of Blacks with Power. After checking it out, what do you think? What needs to be remembered? Where should we be placing the emphasis of remembering and who should be most invested in this remembering?


  • With all the talk of unity and unifying America in the Post-Trump Era, the real question is this:

    What do you mean by unity?

    What definition of self are you using to determine what is meant by unity? What version of self are you presenting for unification with White America?

    As a new Administration takes over and most folk prepare to go back to sleep, we wanted to explore these questions in this episode of Blacks with Power.


  • Last week…as we were recording last week’s episode of Blacks with Power, vitriolic elements of White Power took the Capital by storm, resulting in five death, including a member of Law Enforcement. They violated and betrayed the Rule of Law, with the support of the President, Members of Congress and other Federal and State elected officials.

    Now, we are witnessing the aftermath. How will genteel White Power respond? What will the Rule of Law mean in this instance?

    All of it remains to be seen. But, will Black people be watching? Will you be paying attention? And for what will you be paying attention? What will you be looking to see and what will you do with what you see?

    That’s our discussion on this episode, and we’d love to hear your response to our thoughts & challenges in the comments below. Or tweet us: @jahbread & @wwjimmiedo.


  • It’s wild…

    We recorded this hours BEFORE the mayhem that unfolded in DC on January 6, 2021. It wasn’t developed with this in mind. However, this was clearly in the Spirit that came upon us as we start this New Years journey as Blacks with Power.

    The Ancients would say: “A charge to keep I have…A God to glorify. A never-dying soul to save and fit it for the sky…”

    What is the role of the Black Church in these times?

    If we are indeed American like everyone else… If we indeed have a value to America that needs be appreciated…

    And if America is really & truly to “heal…”

    What is the Holy Call of the Black Church? And how do we cultivate the faith that would ensure the Mattering of Black Lives, such that our full Black selves might have efficacy in the transformation in the America unto A More Perfect Union?

    What is the faith we must have…what is the faith that is becoming of Beloved Community?

    Those are some of our questions in this episode of Blacks with Power. We’d love to hear your response to what we’ve presented!


  • We didn't plan on doing this episode, so I don't have a plan for a post. Yet, the Spirit spoke and we listened. So, we hope that you will too!

    It's rare that you'll see a white face on Blacks with Power. But, in this episode we're joined by my brother Fr. Cayce - with whom I host Racial Heresy (my podcast on Racial Reconciliation).

    Pr. Jimmie knows Fr. Cayce too...they are in the same cohort at the School of Theology at Virginia Union. So, there was a lot of laughter and irreverent discussion about race and dynamics across the color line, in this work of racial reconciliation.

    It's our gift to y'all. Inviting y'all into a discussion that neither you, nor our white audience for Racial Heresy get to see. Please let us know what you think!


  • Prophets, politicians…prophets, politicians…

    We better know my difference!

    Cause like Push T, all I see is victims.


    Victims of politicians pretending to be leaders. Victims of prophets compromising alone the Way like politicians…

    Both pulling one over on We the People because we fail to understand the difference in their roles. We misunderstand who should have what role. So, we allow politicians to shape the way we walk along this Journey to the Promised Land, and we expect prophets to conform to the way established by politicians.

    But, like President Obama said recently on Trevor Noah’s Daily Show, that’s not the role of a politician. But we expect the wrong things from them.

    Until we put politicians and prophets in proper perspective, we will remain lost in this wilderness. So, what is this proper perspective?

    How should we understand the role of politicians? And how do we put politicians in proper perspective?

    That’s our exploration in this episode of Blacks with Power. How do you think we ought to view and engage with politicians? Let us know in the comments.


  • What do we do when people are determined to continue banging their heads against the wall?

    Like, imagine walking up to someone who is repeatedly head-butting concrete…

    If you didn’t find him completely strange and just walk away…if you felt compassion for that man, and wanted him to not hurt himself…

    What would you do?

    He can’t hear you gently calling for him to stop. He can’t feel you tapping and shaking him to catch his attention.

    He’s too busy banging his head against the wall. He’s determined to band his head against that wall.

    But you know the danger of that process. So you forcibly restrain him. But as soon as you think he’s calm and you let him up, he returns to banging his head into the wall…

    What do you do?

    That’s what it feels like to minister to Black people. No matter how often our way fails to bring about the mattering of Black Life, we remain committed to that approach - banging our heads against the wall.

    I realizing that's not a slight against our people. Rather, it requires perspective and understanding...something I've learned from my failures as a father, which I shared after our episode. But, I think it helps give some perspective on where I'm coming from, so I share it (just) with you...


    But there’s some things I’m learning about all of this, for those of us that strive to help Black folk find that Promised Land where Black Lives Matter. And that’s what Pr. Jimmie and I discuss in this episode of Blacks with Power.

    Check it out and let us know: 1) how do you give Black people the grace to bang their heads against the wall of White Supremacy, and 2) what do you think has to happen for Black folk to stop banging their heads against that wall and be ready for something new - even if unproven?


  • We don’t talk about castration enough…

    But castration is a big part of the Black American identity. It’s why Rev. Jesse Jackson fantasized about cutting off Obama’s nuts. (His words…not mine… #NeverForget)


    Don’t believe me? The scholars in our midst can read Prof. Dianne Miller Somerville’s work on “Rape, Race, and Castration in Slave Law in the Colonial and Early South.”

    The same fear of Black men that led to the rise of the KKK also encouraged the practice of castration. During the Nadir of American Race Relations, Black men and women were lynched and mutilated so their body parts could serve as souvenirs…relics of White Conquest. It was the anatomy of a lynching…

    The castration occurred to bear witness to the virility of the White Male and the undergirding of White Power.

    We tend to think that we’ve moved away from castration, as a society. We’ve evolved and we are beyond that.

    Now, we engage in self-castration.

    Now, Black men don’t have to be lynched in order to be castrated. The Society has been designed to compel Black men to castrate themselves. The Black community watches on, as a man castrates himself, and remains silent. We encourage the self-castration and then wonder why that man is ineffective.

    When will we stop allowing the self-mutilation of blackness?

    I think it takes an intentional effort by the Black Church for us to begin undoing our penchant for self-castration. That’s why I think the Senate race of Rev. Raphael Warnock is critical - especially in these times…

    The Georgia Runoff is happening immediately after President Trump was defeated…

    I know I don’t have to tell you that…

    I also don’t have to tell you that Trump has been by far the most vitriolic and offensive President of recent memory. There was a constant, open and explicit assault on Black Identity.

    In Western Civilization, who is supposed to defend the integrity and honor of a people that have been offended?

    Hence the purpose of castration…

    Immediately after the Trump Era, we need a Black Man to do what Barack Obama could not do.

    We need a Black Man to demonstrate the righteous indignation of a people that have been offended by another.

    Obama had it early on…in his candidacy. But when sermons from Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright popped up, White Power handed Barack the knife. He castrated himself, denied his faith and became President.

    He didn’t have much choice…

    It’s not like the Black Community was (proudly) standing back and standing by, making it clear that the establishment had no right to question his faith - nor the faith of Black people, shaped by our American sojourn.

    It’s not like Black Clergy mounted a defense of Black Faith, like “evangelicals” launched for Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

    So without cover…without guidance, Barack Obama didn’t have a choice. He took the knife…

    After that, it became impossible for him to ever take the stands we have wanted him to take on behalf of Black America. He had been forever rendered powerless in the arena set up by the White Man.

    And they’re doing it again with Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock.

    What will we do? What should we do?

    That’s our discussion on this episode of Blacks with Power. Check it out, and let us hear from you.


  • Why do we tend to take the opinions of non-theologians - over that of theologians, on matters of faith?

    Recently, there’s been much discussion about the swipes that Barack Obama took at Jeremiah Wright in his new book.

    Some of you might be saying: “what swipes?” You might not have heard because mainstream news isn’t speaking on it yet. Here’s a very good analysis to get you started.

    Believe me: it’ll become part of the Georgia Run Off Election for Rev. Raphael Warnock…so you might want to take note. Fox is starting early, as you would figure. Check them out…


    And Barack Obama is giving White Power the playbook by which to attack the way Christ and His Gospel has spoken to Black people in America, in order to provide us with comfort in the midst of White supremacist aggression.

    But, Obama is not the problem. I don’t begrudge him the choice he freely made for his life and the life of his family. That’s between him and his god.

    Barack Obama is just another example in a long list of examples, where folk have been allowed to misinterpret the Gospel of Jesus Christ and remain part of the Beloved Community without correction.

    We have to love each other better than that, if we are to realize that Black Lives Matter. So, what does Love require of the Black Church in the midst of these assaults on the faith given us by God and the free expression of it?

    That’s what we are getting at in this episode of Blacks with Power. Check it out and let us know: what would have to happen over the next 3-4 years for the Black Church to protect Black people from any further heresy creeping into Black Faith?


  • What do we do about heresy?

    Heresy?!?!? Who talks about heresy…

    Two lines in, I’m sure many have already stopped reading. Heresy is such a bad word…

    We don’t talk about it. So we damn sure don’t know what to do about it. We don’t consider how it impacts the Mattering of Black Life.

    But how can the essential and foundational mattering of a people - any people - be established when that people is unknowingly embracing heresy?

    The Apostles warned followers to be aware that heretics exist and that they are determined to come among the people in order to rebind them to the things, ways and people from which the Lord had freed them.

    But do we take heed of their warning? Do we even still believe their warning is anything more than allegory?

    Do we even still care that there are thieves in the temple?

    And if we don’t…what does it mean for the heresy that has crept into Black culture?

    That’s the focus of our discussion in this episode of Blacks with Power. What do you think of the role that heresy has - and is - playing in the problems we face as a people? We’d love to read your thoughts…


  • The experience of Black people in America is exhibit A in the case of white society’s wickedness…

    We are often afraid to say that. We are more likely to feign being “happy darkies,” thankful for the genteel goodness of white people.

    And we are counting on that genteel goodness now more than ever. After four years of Trumpian rampant white supremacist vitriol…

    After four years of white folk feeling empowered to say the heinous shit that is on their minds…

    We are counting on things being returned to normal. We are “hopeful” that normal will become better.

    We are trusting that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will bring healing to the Nation…

    But if we’re honest with ourselves and our thoughts we know the truth:

    White people are incapable of prescribing the healing of America…

    And since we’ve decided to stay here...

    Since Black people have not decided to leave America, we have chosen to adopt White America as our sisters and brothers.

    As Western Protestant Christians, we have chosen to adopt White Christians - yea, even White Evangelicals - as our brothers and sisters.

    So, what does that mean for our engagement with America? What does that mean for the Mattering of Black Life?

    That’s the jump off for our discussion in this episode of Blacks with Power. What do you think about our perspectives on tending to whiteness?


  • The Black Church got on board with ushering the Black Vote to elect Joe Biden. All over traditional and social media the refrain is that Black voters saved America. But, the deeper truth of that statement is this:

    Black people saved an America that didn’t want to be saved…

    You see, the 2020 Presidential Election was supposed to be a blowout for Biden. White folk had become "woke." They were protesting en masse, "in far greater numbers that in the 1960s." This was all to be a sign that the white supremacy was at its final throes. And were were told to be excited...to have hope. To use this as an indication that justice is around the corner and all we needed to do was get to the polls...to come out and vote. White folk were going to have our backs...

    There was supposed to be a “Blue Wave” that swept over the land, bringing the Democrats into Sole Control of the Federal Government.

    But that didn’t happen…

    Rather, the Republicans retained control of the Senate and weakened the Democrats’ majority in the House.

    The Presidential Election - while Biden seems likely to win, was incredibly close in the vote. Forget contesting the vote and the various lawsuits…forget the potential of GOP controlled States unbinding Electors and declaring Trump the winner…forget the stacked Supreme Court with Justices from the Bush-Gore 2000 betrayal of the Black Vote…

    The vote…the popular vote and Electoral College vote was actually close. Yes, there was a record turnout - in early voting, mail-in voting and in person day of voting. But that increase only serves to highlight the fact that it’s not just a small group of people who side with Trump.

    There is a shit-ton of people in America who agree with his ideology. They just think Trump went (a little) too far with his behavior.

    Black people saved an America that didn’t yet want to be saved. Black people saved an America that had not yet come to repentance. And it was the Black Church that counseled us to do it…

    So, where to now for the Black Church?

    What should we be considering? How should we be looking toward “the now” and the future?

    White folks still have not decided to abandon white supremacy. So what should be the outlook for the Black Church going forward? How ought the Black Church minister unto the faithful in this dynamic?

    That’s what we begin exploring in this episode of Blacks with Power. Check it out and give us your thoughts on “where we go from here…”


  • It’s like we - Black poeple - are stranded in the wilderness and don’t know it…

    It’s like we are stranded in the wilderness and have reconciled ourselves to that position…

    Has the Black Church kept us stranded in the wilderness? Why is it that the Church hasn’t been able to guide us through the wilderness by now?

    Dr. John Kinney, Professor of Theology and Former Dean of the School of Theology at Virginia Union, joins us to speak about where the Black Church is in the struggle for the Mattering of Black Life and offer his thoughts on where the Black Church should be in this struggle to restore Black Life to the imago Dei.

    He came with a lot of wisdom! And, got started right away…


    We had barely said hello before the Spirit gave word and the conversation took off! So, I’m going to be short on this intro as well…inviting you to enjoy this conversation. Let us know: what is the single greatest takeaway you gleaned from this discussion?

    Post your thoughts in the comments below the video…


  • It's a long way to go when you don't know where you're going…You don't know where you're going when you're lost.

    That’s what the late great Guru of Gang Starr said on Hard to Earn


    Do we Negroes know where we are going?

    Don’t just get upset at the seeming audacity of my question. But think about it…dare to answer it:

    Do we know where we are going?

    What is freedom? Where is the Promised Land?

    In Eucharistic fashion, walking in love as Christ loved us, giving himself for us - an offering and sacrifice to God, Dr. King was assassinated. And on the night before he died for us, while feasting on the Word with friends, our leader Martin Luther King, Jr. gave what we know as the Mountaintop Speech.


    Have you ever listened to it? If not…you should…really. It’s damn sure worth it.

    What did Dr. King see from the Mountaintop?

    We know he saw the Promised Land…

    But what did he see? What did the Promised Land look like? Of what did the Promised Land the Lord showed to Dr. King consist? How did he know that what he saw was the Promised Land of God?

    Have you ever wondered that?

    Shouldn’t we want to know what he saw?

    In this episode of Blacks with Power, Pr. Jimmie and I are exploring the spiritual reality of this last day in this prophet’s life. What does it say to us and how does it shape the Mattering of Black Life?

    Share your comments! Let us know what you think the Promised Land is made of…
