Pastor Ryan Vallee from Alpha Australia shares tonight's message "Discerning the Harvest". What happens in the harvest season? There is a big field out there. There are many searching for Hope, to hear more about Jesus. Who empowers the harvest season? How can we prepare? Before we go, we wait. "Come Holy Spirit". What happens when we wait? We can catch the wind.
Passages: 9: 35-38, Luke 24: 48-49, Acts 1: 15, Acts 2: 47, Luke 5: 16, Matt 6: 9-13, Matt 28; 16-20
Date: 21.07.24
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Pastor Peter Sweetman shares today's message from our "Malachi: Responding to God's Love" series with "Righteousness". Did you complain last week? If so, why? Who is complaining in Malachi? What were the complaints? What were the people thinking? Is it justified? What will happen on the day of the Lord? We live in a world full of injustice. What is God's answer? What does He want you to do? What is it to fear God? You are His treasured possession. Where does it all end? What are the promises? Trust is Jesus' righteousness. He is coming soon.
Click to view this week’s passage: Mal 3: 13-15, 2: 17, 4: 1, 3: 5, Rom 14: 10-12, 2Cor 5: 10, Mal 3: 16-18, Ps 33: 18, 2: 11, Prov 8: 13, Ps 22: 23, Heb 8: 10, Dan 12: 1, Rev 21: 27, Mal 4: 2, 1John 1: 5, Rev 21: 5, Mal 4: 3, 5-6, Luke 1: 17, John 1: 28, Rev 22: 12-17
Date: 21.07.24
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Pastor Dan Moura concludes our "Malachi: Responding to God's Love" series with "Generosity". God's word always comes from love. What does God want to communicate? While God doesn't need the storehouse, what is He saying to the people? What are tithes and offerings? If we have a sense a lack, are we not doubting God? The call to give is an invitation. Remember He is provision.
Click to view this week’s passage: Mal 3: 6-12, Acts 14: 15-17, Ex 16: 17-20, Ps 40: 6-8, 4-5, Ps 112: 4-10
Date: 14.07.24
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Pastor Andrew Carnell continues our "Malachi: Responding to God's Love" series with "Generosity". How do you feel when talking about money? What is God's heart around money? What is God's posture in these passages? Are you holding back? What is your heart with generosity? Are you a cheerful giver? Are you a steward of God's gifts? Do you doubt God's goodness? What happens when you trust God? What is the greatest gift? What is our greatest treasure?
Click to view this week’s passage: Mal 3: 6-12, Matt 23: 23, 2Cor 8: 1-5, 2Cor 9: 7-11, Ps 24: 1-4
Date: 1407.24
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Brian Allbutt shares at "inspire" that we are "God's Chosen People". How is the church of Christ described? We need to keep coming to Jesus, He is a living stone. There is no other like Jesus. In Jesus, we too are living stones, made alive in Christ. What are we told of sacrifice? Jesus is the cornerstone, what the church is built on. We are to declare His praises. We are chosen because of His grace.
Click to view this week’s passages: 1Peter 2: 4-10, Eph 2: 1-2, Rom 12: 1, Phil 4: 18, Heb 13: 15, Ps 63: 3, Heb 13: 16
Date: 10.07.24
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Pastor Jono Harris continues our "Malachi: Responding to God's Love" series with "Justice". Who was Malachi? What have we learnt so far? What was happening in Israel? God then calls them out, He intervenes out of love. What are they saying to God? Who, actually, was unfaithful? What is God offering? Someone to prepare the way. And then a second messenger, Jesus. Then what does Jesus do? He refines us, He takes our mess. He brings us hope.
Click to view this week’s passage: Mal 2: 11, 17, 3: 1-4, Matt 3: 2, John 1: 29, Mal 3: 5
Date: 07.07.24
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Pastor Nathan Harris continues our "Malachi: Responding to God's Love" series with "Justice". Do you hear "That's not fair"? We all have a sense of justice. "Why do bad things happen to good people?" We need God's perfect justice, it is coming. We will be rewarded accordingly, yet our joy will be complete. We are encouraged to share God's Good News. How are we to live?
Click to view this week’s passages:Mal 2: 17, 3: 1-8, Rom 12: 19, John 5: 24, 2Cor 5: 9-10, Rev 22: 12, Heb 10: 24-25, John 1: 9-10, Rev 1: 5-8, 13-18
Date: 07.07.24
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Pastor Neil Bernard concludes our "Sermon on the Mount" series with "Life's Foundation". How does Jesus conclude His sermon? What are you going to do? What shapes our life’s journeys? What if we act on our feelings? Jesus challenges our responses to His message, we are to obey, daily. We are also to believe in His truth. What story is Jesus sharing? Why? We need to be firmly anchored. What is the difference between a good person but an unbeliever and a believer? What if they have a poor foundation? Where is your foundation? Is it the Word of God?
Click to view this week’s passages: Matt 7: 21-26, Ps 33: 6, 9, 1Pet 1: 24-25
Date: 03.07.24
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Jason Elsmore, director of Queensland Baptist Movement, shares the message asking "Mark 9: 23-24, Matt 11: 3-6, 2Cor 12: 8-9, Mark 6: 34-36, 1Cor 13: 2, Mark 6: 37, 42-44" What is a miracle? Do you see God's miracles? They are right through the bible. We might not get the miracle we want. How do miracles happen? We have a God of miracles.
Click to view this week’s passages: Mark 9: 23-24, Matt 11: 3-6, 2Cor 12: 8-9, Mark 6: 34-36, 1Cor 13: 2, Mark 6: 37, 42-44
Date: 30.06.2024
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If you would like to give at Bridgeman Baptist Community Church please go to www.bridgeman.org.au/giving/
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Pastor Jodi Traves continues our "Malachi: Responding to God's Love" series with "Devotion". The people of God had their passion wane. How was their faith? We see a confronting scene where God is calling His people to repentance, as an expression of their love. Where did the people go wrong? How are we to honour Him? We need to look at own lives, have we hardened our hearts? Do you feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit? There is no-one outside God's love and grace. Let your light shine.
Click to view this week’s passages: Mal 1: 6-14, Rom 12: 1-2, Mal 2: 5-6
Date: 30.06.2024 -
Pastor David Twigg introduces our "Malachi: Responding to God's Love" series with "I Have Loved You". Have you had unanswered prayer that was actually a benefit? How could the Israelites question God's love? Do you feel "not good enough"? Is God answering forgotten prayer? God chooses you. He loves you.
Passages: Mal 1: 1-5, Rom 10: 13
Date: 23.06.2024
Pastor Andrew Carnell introduces our "Malachi: Responding to God's Love" series with "I Have Loved You". Andrew sets the scene, what is happening in Israel? What do they have to get right? How has God loved Israel, and us? Can you see it or is there a distraction? Will you run to His love? This love you are given, will you give it to others?
Passages: Mal 1: 1-5, Eph 3: 16-18, Rom 5: 5
Date: 23.06.2024
Pastor Nathan Harris shares our 2024 Vision Sunday "Faith for More" message. We want to be part of His plan. We have seen God do so much here at Bridgeman. We have faith He can do so much more. Nathan shares a bit more on just 5 of the visions God has shown. These are visions for the future.
Click to view this week’s passages: Ps 127: 1, Eph 3: 20-21, Luke 19: 10, Matt 9: 37-38, Luke 4: 18, Eph 4: 11-12, John 4: 35, Eph 4: 13
Date: 16.06.2024 -
Pastor Neil Bernard continues our "Sermon on the Mount" series with "The Test of a True Faith". On the mount, Jesus speaks with authority. He is challenging people. "Has the bible got into you?" How are you using the truth? How can we discern between the good and the evil doers? What does it mean to become a Christian? Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing. Are they moving the truth even one degree? Will Jesus know you?
Click to view this week’s passages: Matt 7: 15-23, John 5: 22, Rom 8: 1
Date: 12.06.2024
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Pastor Travis Grainger shares tonight's message of "The Lost Sheep". Do you have faith that Wally is in the picture? How about God, is He in your picture? Why would Jesus welcome sinners? What do the Pharisees think of this? What can a lost sheep do without the shepherd? What can we do when we are lost, cut off from our life source? What happens when there is repentance? And where does Godly repentance lead? Our salvation is a gift from God.
Click to view this week’s passages: Luke 15: 1-7, Is 53: 6, 2Cor 7: 10, Luke 19: 10, John 6: 44, Rom 6: 23, Ps 127: 1
Date: 09.06.24
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Rev Dr Peter Francis, principal of Malyon College, shares the message of "Praying the Mission Heart of God". What do you do when you get a diagnosis that you weren't expecting? Does life get in the way of those changes needed? Life can get in the way of prayer. When you learnt the Lord's Prayer, did you understand the meaning? What are the petitions of this prayer? What God's heart? What is the Kingdom? What is God's will to be done? For all this, we need to pray, for God to open the door for the message of the Gospel.
Passages: Matt 6: 9-13, Gen 3: 9, Matt 3: 2, Matt 4: 17, Matt 7: 21-23, Luke 17: 20-21, Acts 1: 14, Col 4: 2-6, Rom 10: 13-15 -
Pastor Sara Millard concludes our series, "The Miracles of Jesus" with "Miraculous Catch of Fish". Peter wasn't doing too well after the death of Jesus. Why did he go back to fishing? He seems to have lost his confidence, not as faith filled. What is Jesus showing Peter in this passage? What is He showing you? Do you love Jesus as Peter does? Will you feed His sheep? Just as Jesus redeems Peter, He wants to redeem you also. He knows your story, He has a plan for you.
Passages: John 20: 30-31, John 21: 1-14, 15-17, Phil 1: 6, Eph 3: 20, John 3: 17
Date: 2/06/2024 -
Pastor Andrew Carnell concludes our series, "The Miracles of Jesus" with "Miraculous Catch". How does Peter respond? What was he doing in life? What was he expecting? And then he recognises the Lord, he runs to him. Jesus asks "Do you love me?" Jesus cuts into Peter's heart, and builds humility. Now he can be used. Jesus wants to use you, also! Jesus says "Follow Me".
Passages: John 21: 1-14, 15-19
Date: 2/06/2024 -
Pastor Neil Bernard continues our "Sermon on the Mount" series with "Christ or Crowds?" Do you think the narrow way is boring? How about the broad way? We should be appreciative to the Lord. The narrow way can be difficult. Yet we as Christians, should choose to follow the narrow path. Why do so many reject God, to love and obey Him? How does Jesus’ answer questions? What are we to do? Will you leave the crowd? Where does the narrow way lead us? Where does the crowd end? Where is the crowd in the difficult times? Have you chosen Christ?
Click to view this week’s passages: Matt 7: 13-14, Titus 2: 14, Luke 13: 22-30, Deut 30: 19
Date: 01.05.24
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Pastor Tyrone Thomas continues our series, "The Miracles of Jesus" with "Jesus Raises Lazarus". Sometimes we have an opportunity, but we might opt out, maybe it's just too hard. What was Jesus wanting to reveal in our passages today? Where can we see the glory, the power, of God? Will you opt in, too ask God to do His thing? Will you glorify His name? In suffering, will you opt in and pray to glorify God?
Passages: Rom 8: 28, Rom 5: 1-5, John 11
Date: 26.05.2024 - Vis mere