
  • Most highly sensitives will use the majority of their life force energy for the majority of their life to do whatever they can to avoid tension. They will do anything and everything to protect themselves from even the possibility of overwhelm. Yet, to be a self-empowered highly sensitive leader, we need to be willing to be pioneers and actively seek out opportunities for transformation. So instead of avoiding tension, we can choose to lean into tension and work with it consciously and intentionally. This focus on the intentional use of tension is not so that we can get through it, but instead be stronger, calmer, and more joyful in however it is that we are meant to answer the call of our purpose.

    In this episode, I discuss how as highly sensitives we can intentionally use tension in order to continue to create and prosper. I share the four key steps to support this intentional use of tension when we choose to lean in and recognize it as a call for transformation versus destruction. This approach can give us a strength to success in business as an HSP no matter what is happening around us – a power to step up and into the royal advisor role we are called to be in business and leadership.


    “Most highly sensitives will use most of their life force energy for the majority of their life to do whatever they can to avoid tension.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:1:31: How to define intentional and tension5:22: How to transform tension10:20: Why focus on the intentional use of tension10:59: What type of core practice can you put in place to make better use of tension in your life

    “You have chosen a path of empowerment through entrepreneurship and leadership.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.comGet your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Survive to Thrive: http://www.shiftfromsurvivetothrive.comGet your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/188

  • Being able to shift from resistance to resilience is an important skill to master as a highly sensitive in business and leadership, especially in our current times. Right now, we are all in a collective experience of tension created by seemingly opposing influences that are pushing and pulling and forcing decisions you might not feel ready to make or do anything about. Yet rather than this being a negative experience, this tension can be used as a proactive energy to fuel change and inspire you into action. This is a choice you have – to choose resilience instead of resistance.


    In this episode, I share how back in 2017 I created a Business Miracles teaching titled: The Path from Resistance to Resilience. This was long before current world events brought all of us into an accelerated experience of more frequent tension and choice points. I discuss how this teaching is necessary now more than ever in supporting HSPs in business and leadership when it comes to accessing resilience through grace and grit, and how the root of most highly sensitive resistance is not overwhelm, but the fear of even the possibility of overwhelm. I also go over the three key elements that will support you with being able to continue to access resilience rather than being triggered into your highly sensitive shadows and coping mechanism.


    “Will you choose to fall prey to the fear that the media feeds on and outside circumstances? Or will you choose to put in place core practices and tools to manage your own relationship with the fear of the possibility of overwhelm, resistance and choice points?” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:1:49: What is the Business Miracles path from resistance to resilience3:16: How to cope during a collective turning point3:59: Which characteristics do we need to access your resilience7:58: How to cope with the fear of the possibility of overwhelm13:51: What does auto-writing do for highly sensitive leaders


    “At the end of the day, you will be faced with resistance as an opportunity to be called up into the privilege of agency, of owning who you are and learning how to work with who you are.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.comGet your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Survive to Thrive: http://www.shiftfromsurvivetothrive.comGet your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/187

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  • Consistently engaging in nourishing relationships, especially within an aligned community, is a powerful way to accelerate growth and success for HSPs in business and leadership. Being in aligned community removes the element of feeling “other” and gives you access to what Rupert Sheldrake calls the “morphogenetic field”. Through his theory of morphic resonance, groups with a likeness and alignment create accelerated learning simply by being part of that group, making for each member of the community possible, what alone would have been impossible.


    In this episode, I discuss how I came to see that as HSPs we need to approach business and marketing differently than the other 80% and how community is a key component. I share how I developed the 3 pillars of highly sensitive leadership success (community, core, practice, and consistency), and the 4C’s of marketing success (connection, communication, call to action, and consistency). I go in-depth on how the 4C’s not only apply to marketing but to any relationship, and how community is often something we avoid as HSPs but is the true superpower to success in business and leadership.


    “What I needed before anything was to be making a connection with those that I was serving.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:2:09: What are the three pillars of highly sensitive leadership3:23: Why did Heather develop the four Cs of marketing success7:52: Why do some highly sensitive entrepreneurs resist community11:17: How does morphic resonance apply to the highly sensitive community14:20: What is an example of morphic resonance18:56: How can highly sensitive people benefit from morphic resonance20:08: What are some phrases to ask for support

    “If I wasn’t doing it consistently, all the effort that went into the first three Cs didn’t really matter.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.comGet your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Survive to Thrive: http://www.shiftfromsurvivetothrive.comGet your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.comLearn more about our HSE Training Program and Community: https://www.businessmiracles.com/training-program/

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/186

  • Setting healthy boundaries is an act of resilience for highly sensitives in business and leadership. When we’re living as untrained highly sensitives, and do not create supportive boundaries for ourselves, we end up operating from shadows such as over-responsibility, overprotection, and people pleasing. The HSP leadership opportunity here instead is to take personal responsibility to get clear about what you need, set boundaries based on your needs and values and then take action to create dividing lines that separate your physical space, feelings, needs, and responsibilities from others. All so that you can be of highest service to both yourself and those around you in your business and life.


    In this podcast episode, I discuss how lack of boundaries leads to lack of focus leaving your energy drained and your business bank account suffering. Most importantly, I share how to get clear about your HSP needs and then specifically how to work with time to honor your needs, and effectively communicate your needs to others (a.k.a. set boundaries) all so that you can be your most creative and profitable self in your business.


    “Your boundaries tell other people how they can treat you.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:1:44: What do we mean when talking about boundaries2:08: Why are boundaries important2:37: What are the consequences of not setting boundaries3:10: What happens when highly sensitive people operate untrained6:03: Which tools can help you set boundaries8:23: What does time off, on, and in look like9:50: How to set boundaries13:26: What are tips for productivity rituals

    “Conscious creation of boundaries for HSPs is the opposite of the shadows of people pleasing, over responsibility, overprotection, perfectionism.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.comGet your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Survive to Thrive: http://www.shiftfromsurvivetothrive.comGet your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/185

  • In the journey of becoming and being an HSP in business and leadership, it’s important to consistently engage in the process of shifting from an untrained HSP to a trained HSP. All in order to create with more ease. However, as HSPs we often get caught up in the false belief that in order to succeed in business and leadership we need to do it the same way as the other 80% who are not highly sensitive. So we forgo the value of paced process in exchange for “playing a bigger game hustle” which tends to toss us into the HSP Coping Cycle of Fear/Anxiety/Pushing/Hiding/Shame/Recovery, rather than motivating us to create productively.


    In this podcast episode, I read an excerpt from my book “Different”, where I share my experience of feeling overwhelmed by the common coaching industry phrase of “play a bigger game” and how it triggered feelings of ‘not enough’ for me rather than motivating me to create more. I discuss how rather than pushing yourself to hustle to play a bigger game, you can access your inner magnitude, the HSP part of you that is connected to inner guidance and the magic of the universe. I share how you can access this part of you through self-inquiry to claim what truly inspires you. To then let this inspiration fuel, motivate, and encourage you to tap into your strengths and create from this space, rather than hustling to try to be someone you’re not and crashing as a result.


    “We are the balance to the other 80 percent.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:3:38: How do highly sensitive people try to protect themselves5:08: How does Business Miracles describe the Holy Spirit8:34: Where should you focus your energy right now17:27: Which questions to ask to check in with yourself20:33: How do most highly sensitive people function

    “Though being of service is one of our greatest motivators as highly sensitive entrepreneurs and highly sensitive leaders and is thoroughly rewarding…it takes a fierce due diligence commitment. ” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.comGet your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Survive to Thrive: http://www.shiftfromsurvivetothrive.comGet your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/184

  • Growing up highly sensitive, many of us missed the opportunity of individuation, or differentiation at a young age – what Margaret Mahler refers to as “hatching”. Because of this, we learned to cope and often hide our highly sensitive difference. We developed coping mechanisms of pushing or hiding (or moving back and forth between pushing and hiding) as a way to adapt rather than embrace our uniqueness and differences. Although this an understandable response we developed to keep ourselves safe when we were younger, now it’s time to stop feeling confused and believing you need to deny who you really are in order to be successful in business and life. Everything is now meant to be done differently.


    In this podcast episode, I read an excerpt from my book “Different”, where I vulnerably share my struggle to write my book. I came to realize I was guided to write it because I was meant to teach HSPs not just how to market and sell in their business differently, but how to step up and lead as a highly sensitive to create greater impact (and income) with a lot less effort through these extraordinary times. I also discuss Margaret Mahler’s concept of hatching – a process of separation, individuation and differentiation – and the four sub-phases in this process. I go into more detail on the differentiation phase and speak to how this specifically impacts highly sensitives and our unique journey in this world as HSPs in business and leadership.


    “I knew I had been training for the exceptional times of 2020 for my whole life.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:7:38: How to embrace your HSP difference9:45: Can you stop being overwhelmed by others’ emotions11:40: How to define hatching12:37: What are the four sub-phases of hatching14:04: Why was the concept of hatching controversial15:37: What happens when you are highly sensitive but your parents are not17:42: What is the more important area for focus and growth right now18:12: How to connect with what inspires you“Quote.” – Guest Name / Heather Dominick

    “It’s time to stop pretending your intuition is less valuable than logic.” – Heather Dominick

    Links and Resources:Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.comGet your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Survive to Thrive: http://www.shiftfromsurvivetothrive.comGet your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/183

  • As a highly sensitive person, our neuro-sensitivity is not going away. So, if you are allowing your business or career and life to be dictated by socialized trends, then you are setting yourself up to be in a constant state of anxiety. The focus we want, in order to avoid the comparison traps and pressures of socialized trends, is on how to be able to not only manage our sensitivity, but utilize it in a way that really allows us to show up in business and leadership in the world from a place of highly sensitive strength.


    In this podcast episode, I discuss the importance of staying above the fray of socialized trends, especially as a highly sensitive in business and leadership. I share how our social self is born as a response to pressure from the world around us. And how if we stay stuck in this comparison trap we are privileging anxiety instead of choosing privilege of agency. Most importantly, I share what you can do instead.


    “If you are allowing your business to be dictated by socialized trends, if you are allowing your work, your career to be dictated by socialized trends…if you are allowing your life to be dictated by socialized trends as a person who is highly sensitive, you are setting yourself up to be in a constant state of anxiety. You are setting yourself up to be in constant motion with the coping cycle and constant tug of war with resistance.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:2:48: How does research on neuro-sensitivity apply to highly sensitive people4:36: What does it mean to stay above the fray of socialized trends11:52: How does staying above the fray connect to privilege of agency16:06: What is required to stay above the fray of socialized trends

    “This is not the time in our world to be giving in to the fray of socialized trends, the fear, the anxiety, the divisiveness, and it is not the time to flake out. It is the time to choose to recognize we are in a new world now, my friends, if you’re waiting for it to be over, it’s going to be a long wait.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.comGet your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Stop The Overwhelm: http://www.stoptheoverwhelm.comGet your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/182

  • When we are untrained as a highly sensitive we can often find ourselves stuck in comparison traps – comparing our lives and businesses to to the other 80% who are not highly sensitive, or even to others who are highly sensitive to see if we “measure up”. But this is a guaranteed recipe for failure that will have you operating from your coping mechanisms of pushing, hiding or combo between the two; as well as being stuck in shadows such as people pleasing, perfectionism, and over-responsibility.


    Instead, we have the opportunity to choose privilege of agency as a healthy approach to making decisions, using discernment and setting boundaries based on our highly sensitive strengths. Only when we do this will we truly be able to remove the shackles of comparison and instead embrace and live from our essential self as a highly sensitive in business and life.


    In this podcast episode, I go deep into what privilege of agency is, and what it isn’t. I share my own journey of how I developed this concept and how I’ve used it to make massively impactful changes in how I operate. I discuss how it specifically relates to you as a highly sensitive in business and leadership and why this particular teaching is more important now than ever. So you will be able to step out of comparison traps and step up into your purpose and be the change you want to see in the world while also creating the personal success and freedom you desire.


    “There has always been this wonky energy around this training.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:1:54: What is the privilege of agency3:24: Why is the concept of privilege of agency difficult for highly sensitive people5:09: What privilege of agency is NOT7:44: Where and why did Heather develop the privilege of agency training13:48: Why is privilege of agency important for highly sensitive people

    “The concept of privilege of agency is very foreign to us.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.comGet your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Stop The Overwhelm: http://www.stoptheoverwhelm.comGet your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/181

  • As a highly sensitive in business and leadership, living on purpose is the ultimate form of self-care. This requires you to face your overwhelm and learn that, as A Course in Miracles states, “peace is part of you and requires only that you be there to embrace any situation in which you are.” Your life purpose is not what you do, or something you find, but is instead something you choose in every decision, action and interaction. It’s not a legacy we leave, but a legacy we live. Our life purpose takes courage to feel what we naturally don’t want to feel.


    In this podcast episode, I discuss how accessing the power of your heart as a gateway to your HSP Intuition is what will allow you to heal business and leadership turmoil and overwhelm. As well as support you with standing strong in the midst of the fire of our times, and have the passion to pursue your life purpose. I share how the mastery of discomfort resilience takes compassion plus courage, which equals the opening of the heart, and how this process of the opening of the heart requires two very important components. This is a trainable process and a valuable opportunity for growth in order for you to achieve HSP business and leadership success.


    “Life purpose is not achieved in the midst of comfort.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:3:02: What is our life purpose4:19 How to apply courage to our lives5:54: Can you train compassion8:02: What is the fourth component of emotional containment

    “Our life purpose is not something we find, it is something that we choose.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.comGet your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Stop The Overwhelm: http://www.stoptheoverwhelm.comGet your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/180

  • The key to reducing overwhelm, especially as a highly sensitive in business and leadership, is to build discomfort resilience through containment as an act of self-care. Containment is NOT about suppressing, ignoring, or soothing your emotions. It is instead about allowing the experience of your uncomfortable emotions without staying stuck in them, and then turning to HSP energy management tools I’ve created like the Order Form to the Universe (OFTU) to support you with accessing your highly sensitive strengths.


    In this podcast episode, I go deep into what containment is NOT, what containment IS, and how we can shift from overwhelm and overprotection into focus and flow. I discuss how the act of developing discomfort resilience is the opposite of overprotection, and is instead about taking personal responsibility for your emotions, recognizing that they don’t have to control you. It is not the automatic HSP response, but it is a doable, teachable, and important skill to master in spite of what’s happening around you and in the world at large, especially as a highly sensitive in business and leadership.


    “Our energy, our emotions tend to be felt more deeply by those of us who are highly sensitive.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:5:04: How to grow from personal interactions5:14: What is discomfort resilience9:07: Things that discomfort resilience is not12:21: What are the three elements of containment

    “We are faced in any given moment with potentially having our nervous system hijacked.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.comGet your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Stop The Overwhelm: http://www.stoptheoverwhelm.comGet your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/179

  • Did you know research shows that a person who sets (and achieves) goals tends to have higher motivation, higher self-esteem and a greater sense of self-confidence and autonomy?


    Setting an achievable goal also gives a boost to your systolic blood pressure (SBP).


    However, it wouldn’t surprise me if, as a highly sensitive, your experience with goal setting has been quite different.


    Here’s why: setting goals rooted in comparison or based on what you think you “should be” doing actually lowers your blood pressure. Which slows you down, and has you feel like you’re trudging through mud – with no motivation to actually take the actions needed to accomplish the goal.


    In this podcast episode, I’m sharing how to use your highly sensitive strength of intuition to consistently set – and reach – doable goals that will give you an ongoing boost to your systolic blood pressure and keep you motivated and ready to take action.


    “Intellect alone can only get us so far.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:1:14: How to set goals as a highly sensitive entrepreneur5:39: What are highly sensitive strengths8:32: Ways to connect with your big goals11:27: What does recent research say about goal-setting

    “We always have a choice between the smaller socialized version of ourselves and the more magnanimous essential version of ourselves.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.comGet your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Stop The Overwhelm: http://www.stoptheoverwhelm.comGet your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.comListen to The Business Miracles Podcast Episode 177: Burnout Doesn’t Get You Paid: https://www.businessmiracles.com/177

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/178

  • There’s no reward for being over-busy except burnout. That old-century definition of success, “the busier you are the more you’ve gotten done” is over.


    As we continue to live through exceptional world events, learning to consciously use our nervous system to stay focused is much more effective for us HSPs in business and leadership than a never-ending to-do list.


    In this episode you’ll learn:

    a practical system approach so you stay consistent throughout the yearhow I personally work with this system – even through unexpected changehow to infuse optimism, abundance, and enthusiasm into your day-to-day (even when you feel overwhelmed)

    As an HSP in business and leadership not only does burnout feel bad – it won’t get you paid.


    “It is your intentions backed by the power of free will that creates actualization.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:1:56: How to set deliberate intentions for the year4:04: Why don’t highly sensitive entrepreneurs work well with compartmentalization5:12: How to make a weekly plan5:55: What is the power of intentional release7:35: How to harness the power of zeal13:39: Ways to work with your weekly plan when facing unexpected situations

    “Your weekly plan is your intention in motion.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.comGet your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Stop The Overwhelm: http://www.stoptheoverwhelm.comGet your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.comListen to The Business Miracles Podcast Episode 176: The Power of Intention: https://www.businessmiracles.com/176

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/177

  • In this episode, we’re dismantling the old “New Year, New Me” philosophy that discounts where you’ve come from, how you’ve grown, and what you’ve accomplished up until now.


    Listen in as I share how to counteract old patterns of setting New Year resolutions that leave you feeling unmotivated and unaccomplished and instead use the power of Intention to:

    access your highly sensitive strengths of deep thinking and deep feeling to deeply create what you desireshift the top 3 highly sensitive shadows into strengthsuse a simple, powerful practice to set intentions filled with trust and ease

    Let the Power of Intention lead you forward into new levels of success with strength and resilience as an HSP in business and leadership.


    “There is such a cavernous difference between aim and plan, so I love that intentions include both.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:1:16: What is a business miracle2:24: How to prepare for the new year5:14: Why is it important to set intentions5:48: What keeps us from creating intentions10:34: What does it mean to re-return15:13: How can the Business Miracles team support you in the new year

    “How appropriate to begin the year setting intentions for the healing process of a wound to make the conscious decision to use what has worked against us in the past to work for us in the now.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.comGet your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Stop The Overwhelm: http://www.stoptheoverwhelm.comGet your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/176

  • When we are trained as empowered HSPs in business and life we have consistent access to our strengths such as intuition, creativity, and our ability to be spiritual by nature.


    And the gateway to so many aspects of our strengths is hope.


    In this episode you’ll learn how to use hope to accelerate your ability to take action in your business by:

    optimizing end of year reflection and assessmentsetting yourself up for conscientious entrance into the new yeartapping into your HSP visionary strengthcreating next levels of business growthand a fun, effective guided exercise to access hope and your Intuition

    “Time is different now.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:1:46: What is the final phase of manifestation4:16: How to access HSE strengths6:35: What to do instead of New Year resolutions11:21: How to harness your intuition

    “Hope secured by the power of faith expedites the creative process and provides the energy to call forth what is desired.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.comGet your HSE Training Kit: Survive to Thrive: http://www.survivetothrive.comGet your HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.comRead more about How to Use Hope to Fuel Your HSP Visionary Strength: https://www.businessmiracles.com/how-to-use-hope-to-fuel-your-hsp-visionary-strength/

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/175

  • In this episode, special guest Jill Wade, DDS – award-winning dentist, pioneering the profession in dental wellness and cosmetic dentistry – and I are busting the myth you can’t be highly sensitive AND highly successful.


    Jill and I are longtime colleagues and friends, and she is also an accomplished member of the Business Miracles community who has optimized the highly sensitive leadership training programs to create systems to scale her business, grow her team, add three new doctors to her practice, move her successful business from 1.5 million revenue to now being on track this year for 5 million, all while shifting from working full-time four days a week to two days a week.


    I invite you to listen in as we share:

    how to redefine industry metrics of marketing successtips on how to use social media to be transformational versus transactionalwhat’s really needed to create more social impact and a more sustainable income

    All with way less effort – by doing things differently, in a way that’s meant to work for you by tapping into the strengths of your uniquely designed nervous system to create sustainable success in your business.


    “Do you know what ended up being my number one referral base? My patients and my doctor relationships because I help them take better care of their patients.” – Jill Wade

    Listen and Learn:5:20: Ways to redefine industry metrics of marketing success7:43: Can you be highly sensitive and successful in business8:36: How to work less while working to your highly sensitive strengths21:35: What do we need to create more social impact

    “We each realized that we have redefined the metrics of success for ourselves. That just struck me as such an indicator of highly sensitive leadership.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Listen to this Special Podcast Series: Building Your Business Part-Time as a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur and LeaderListen to this Special Podcast Series: Highly Sensitive Leadership as a ProfessionalCheck out the HSE Assessment and Success GuideConnect with Jill Wade:Stonebriar Smile Design: http://stonebriarsmiledesign.comYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@stonebriarsmiledesignInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/stonebriarsmiledesignFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/stonebriarsmiledesign

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/174

  • Typically the end of the year is fraught with excitement, anticipation and maybe even a little bit of dread thrown into the mix.


    It’s all too common to feel overstimulated and overwhelmed with so many places to be, things to do, people to connect with, and obligations to fulfill. Add in all of the other aspects of these never-ending exceptional times that we have been managing ourselves through and it’s no surprise that so many HSPs turn into massive balls of walking anxiety.


    “Just coping” through the overstimulation that your nervous system experiences will leave you disconnected, disassociated from yourself, your feelings, and your experiences.


    Yet, these exceptional times are not for us to bury our heads in the sand and try to simply get through. These times are an opportunity to rise up and this time of year heightens that opportunity more than ever.


    This episode will teach you:

    the importance of learning to manage your nervous system rather than be a victim to the highly sensitive nervous system’s tendency to overwhelm in response to stimulationhow to set the frame energetically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for this time of year so you can shift past patterns into new opportunitiesa practical tool that you can use to instantly calm your nervous system when you’re overstimulated and feeling like a massive ball of anxiety

    “These exceptional times are not for us to bury our head in the sand and try to get it to get through; these times are an opportunity to rise up and this time of year heightens that opportunity more than ever.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:1:17: What does it mean to be at the end of the year5:05: Why is it important to learn to manage your nervous system9:10: How to shift past patterns into new opportunities12:28: What is a practical tool to instantly calm your nervous system

    “That uncertainty of feeling often comes from the experience of typically only coping through the overstimulation that our nervous system experiences and coping only or being in the shadow state of being highly sensitive typically will have you disconnected, disassociated from yourself, then therefore your feelings, and then therefore your experience.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Learn more about the HSE Training Kit: Stop The Overwhelm: http://www.stoptheoverwhelm.comLearn more about the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myHSEtype.com

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/173

  • The HSE shadow of comparison has a tricky way of sneaking up on you and catching you unaware. One minute you’re scrolling through social media and the next, seemingly out of nowhere, you find yourself feeling less than, not enough, and like you just don’t measure up. If you’re not careful, it will suck you dry of happiness before you even realize what’s happening.


    For us Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs and Leaders, the path of consciously rewiring our nervous system to be able to function optimally in all parts of our business and lives includes actively working to change our relationship with comparison.


    In this episode you’ll learn:

    the most common types of comparison that typically affect a highly sensitive personhow unhealthy comparison impacts not only your happiness but also your ability to be productive in your businesswhat’s needed to shift those unconscious patterns into a healthy use of comparison that can fuel you, inspire you, and motivate you to adapt, receive, and create.

    “Comparison is all about how you choose to use it.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:1:22 How to change your relationship with comparison5:04 Ways to use the HSE Shadow of Comparison as a strength6:16 How to shift unconscious patterns of comparison

    “There’s been a habitual pattern created over time, often enforced by our family of origin to register the difference between yourself and someone who’s not highly sensitive as less than or not enough.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Get your copy of DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution by Heather Dominick: http://www.differentthebook.comCheck out the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/172

  • No one likes having a difficult conversation – especially if you’re an HSP whose default tendency is to do whatever can be done to AVOID any type of difficult conversation.


    However, as a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur and Leader, avoiding difficult conversations is not only disempowering, it could also be costing you money.


    Listen now to learn how to begin the process of mastering challenging conversations so you can express yourself clearly and confidently when it comes to:

    marketing yourselfengaging in selling conversationschallenging clients regarding their blind spotsmanaging team memberssetting boundaries with family and friends

    “By avoiding difficult conversations, we are then living the limiting belief that unbearable emotions are your burden.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:1:55 What qualifies as a challenging conversation5:01 Why is it important for highly sensitive people to consider challenging conversations6:06 What happens when we don’t have difficult conversations11:16 When to have a difficult conversation14:27 What results from a difficult conversation17:10 How to support yourself in mastering difficult conversations

    “For us as highly sensitive entrepreneurs and leaders to avoid difficult conversations is actually disempowering.” – Heather Dominick


    Links and Resources:Read Heather’s Transformational Blog Post: How to Shift a Difficult Conversation into an Empowered Conversation: https://www.businessmiracles.com/how-to-shift-a-difficult-conversation-into-an-empowered-conversation/Check out this HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/171

  • Welcome to Part 3 of this special three-part episode series of the Business Miracles podcast: Using Your Highly Sensitive Leadership Skills In A Traditional Professional Setting. You’ll be hearing wisdom and insights from me, as well as hearing from select highly sensitive leaders who are currently creating more impact and more income within their traditional professional roles – and all with way less effort – by applying their highly sensitive leadership skills.


    Listen now to hear how Lisa Bolton, Business Miracles Member, Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur and Leader, RN-BSN, and Holy FireÂź Reiki Teacher and Practitioner, made the shift from struggling with being visible and owning her value to confidently and consistently using her highly sensitive leadership skills to enhance her nursing career, as well as to support other helping professionals such as doctors, nurses, and other wellness practitioners feel safe to be seen and heard. That is highly sensitive leadership. I have a sense that as you listen, you’ll be as inspired by Lisa as I am.


    “When you understand that you are a highly sensitive person and when you prioritize being able to care for your nervous system and then operate from your nervous system from a place of strength versus being unaware.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:2:21 How to use your highly sensitive leadership skills to enhance your career3:48 Why did Lisa Bolton leave her nursing career10:04 How can nursing and reiki coexist13:40 What makes Lisa’s new role in nursing different15:22 How do highly sensitive strengths come into play in a nursing position

    “I had to start serving myself what I needed and not expect people to just kind of know what I needed.” – Lisa Bolton


    Connect with Lisa Bolton:Lisa Soul Refresh: http://lisasoulrefresh.comLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-bolton-90384910b/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ascensionschoolofspiritual5486Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ascensionschoolofspirituality/

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/170

  • Welcome to Part 2 of this special three-part episode series where you’ll be hearing wisdom and insights from me, as well as hearing from select highly sensitive leaders who are currently creating more impact and more income within their traditional professional roles – and all with way less effort – by applying their highly sensitive leadership skills.


    In this episode, I’m thrilled to connect you with special guest Brian Murphy, primary school principal and breathing coach. Listen now to hear how Brian is using his leadership skills to move forward as a leader within the primary school division, allowing him the opportunity to create way more impact with way less stress. I just know you’ll walk away feeling inspired and empowered by what’s possible when you learn to harness your highly sensitive strengths and choose to do things differently.


    “It can sound so simple, but we as highly sensitives know how profound it is to not just have the thought about doing something or the consideration of doing something, but what is actually required to follow through and really show up.” – Heather Dominick

    Listen and Learn:3:59 How to manage your nervous system8:08 What does it look like to really show up10:35 How to manage a school as a highly sensitive leader19:10 Why is it important to make space for celebration26:10 How does breath work help highly sensitive leaders31:26 Ways to connect with Brian Murphy

    “Even though you’re going through something challenging, you are managing something challenging. It is all how you look at it.” – Brian Murphy


    Connect with Brian Murphy:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yourbreathcork

    Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/169