
  • In this guided meditation, we invite you to unlock the power of your heart center and connect with the boundless love that resides within you.

    This meditation is ideal for anyone struggling with feeling cut off or disconnected from their emotions. This meditation uses binaural beats, for best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • Emotions are helpful messengers, even the uncomfortable onces. You'll be guided to embrace an attitude of curiosity with your emotional experience rather than an attitude of judgment. In this session, you'll listen to the messages your emotions carry like you would a friend that you love and care about.

    This meditation is ideal for anyone grappling with uncomfortable emotions such as anxiety, anger and sadness. This meditation uses binaural beats, for best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

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  • Step into your power through this guided meditation that will connect you to your inner vitality. Immerse yourself in the gentle guidance and binaural beats that will bring you closer towards calm and a newfound sense of empowerment.

    This meditation is beneficial for anyone feeling like they are lacking courage, confidence or inspiration. This meditation uses binaural beats, for best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • The world is a busy place. Our minds can be too. It can sometimes feel like you're in a tornado of thoughts and feelings; tossed around and choatically moving from one thought to the next.

    This meditation will guide you back to the ground through deep breathing exercises and a guided visualization. You will connect to the earth and to yourself while the stress and worry of everyday life melts away.

    This meditation is ideal for anyone grappling with stress, anxiety of feeling overwhelmed with their racing thoughts. For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • We think we need to judge and critisize ourselves to become the version of ourselves we want to become. But this is counter productive. Constant criticism (from self or others) imparts stress on the nervous system. And when we are stressed, we are impeded from taking the steps we want to overcome our struggles.

    Self-compassion is the practice of treating yourself with the same warmth, care and understanding that you would offer to a dear friend or somone you love in times of struggle. It involves acknowledging your humanity and accepting perceived imperfections, as well as offering yourself forgiveness and kindness.

    This practice will relax your nervous system and your inner critic, creating space for your brightest most expansive self to emerge.

    This meditaiton is ideal for anyone struggling with recurring negative thoughts about themselves, episode of depression and those struggling to break free from persistant feelings of guilt and shame.

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • In this meditation, we draw upon the inspiration of trees to tap into self-appreciation.

    With a guided visualization and affirmations, you'll connect with the natural world, release comparisons and simply be present in your own uniqueness.

    This meditation is ideal for anyone struggling with low self-esteem and feeling "not good enough."

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • Experience the power of being fully present as you let go of the past and future worries. Through gentle breathwork and sensory awareness, this meditation invites you to embrace the beauty and richness of the present moment. Release tension, cultivate gratitude, and deepen your sense of presence with each mindful breath.

    This meditation is beneficial for anyone who is struggling to release the past and/or is worrying about the future.

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • Within each of us lies a radiant source of wisdom, love and strength. Through gentle breathing techniques and a guided visualization, you'll uncover the essence that shines within you.

    This meditation is beneficial for anyone feelings hopeless, lost, confused or burdened in some way.

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • Emotions, integral to the human experience, often exert a profound influence on our thoughts, behaviors and overall well-being. However, when left unattended, they can accumulate within our bodies, manifesting as tension and stress. Through this meditation, you're invited to explore and observe your emotions without judgment, allowing them to flow freely and ultimately be released through a visualization and affirmations.

    This guided meditation is designed to facilitate the acknowledgment and release of pent-up emotions. It is ideal for anyone stuck in any emotional experience that is causing discomfort.

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • In this meditation, you'll explore how to witness your thoughts and emotions without the weight of criticism or attachment. By embracing this practice, you'll nurture a mindset rooted in non-judgment, acceptance and understanding.

    This meditation is ideal for anyone struggling with recurring negative thoughts, overwhelm, stress, depression and anxiety.

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • In moments of overwhelm, finding peace within ourselves can feel like an impossible task. This meditation invites you to release the burden of overwhelm through intentional breath and a guided visualization.

    This meditation is ideal for anyone dealing with overwhelm, stress or anxiety.

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • The breath really is our most underrated tool for regulation.

    This meditation guides you through simple breathing exercises meant to relax and regulate your nervous system.

    Anyone can benefit from this guided meditation.

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • The inner critic is ubiquitous to humans. What originally developed as a means of self-preservation and protection evolved into a harsh and judgmental aspect of your being.This inner dialogue can erode our self-esteem and cloud your perception of your true capabilities.

    Not only will you meet your inner critic in this meditation, through gentle guidance you will also befriend that critical part of you; transforming it from a source of self-doubt to one of self-compassion.

    This meditation is particularly beneficial for those struggling with persistent feelings of guilt and shame, recurring negatives thoughts about self, and those struggling with low self-confidence and low self-esteem.

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • Letting go is a transformative process that requires conscious effort and self-awareness. It involves releasing attachments to the past, worries about the future and the negative self-talk that holds us back from experiencing true peace and fulfillment.

    This guided meditation serves as a powerful tool in this journey. Through guided visualization, deep breathing and affirmations, this meditation helps us to gently acknowledge and accept our emotions and thoughts without judgment. It allows us to cultivate a sense of inner calm and spaciousness, enabling us to release what no longer serves us with grace and compassion.

    This meditation is especially helpful for those struggling with anxiety, feeling stuck or holding on to intense emotions.

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • Racing thoughts can feel like a whirlwind of chaotic mental chatter. Worries, anxieties can easily spin out of control, leaving us feeling overwhelmed, unable to focus and constantly on edge. Today's guided meditation offers a sanctuary from this mental storm.

    Through gentle guidance, you're invited to reconnect with your breath and anhor yourself in the present moment. By observing thoughts without judgment, you can begin to untangle the knots of worry and find a sense of calm.

    This meditation is invaluable for anyone seeking respite from nonstop racing thoughts.

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • The human mind has a tendency to focus on the negatives, a phenomenon often referred to as the "negativity bias." This bias evolved as a survival mechanism to help our ancestors avoid potential threats and dangers in their environment. Those who were more vigilant and cautious were more likely to survive and pass on their genes. As a result, our brains became wired to pay more attention to negative information, as it could have immediate consequences for our safety and well-being.

    While the negativity bias served an adaptive purpose in the past, it can sometimes lead to disproportionate focus on negative aspects of life in modern times. Practicing gratitude serves as a powerful antidote to the negativity bias. This practice can quite literally re-wire the mind. When we actively seek out and appreciate the good in our lives, we counteract the tendency to dwell on negative thoughts and emotions.

    This guided meditation invites you to connect with what you are grateful for in a heart-centered and embodied way. This meditation is particularly helpful for those struggling through a depressive episode, high levels of stress or anxiety or feelings of hopelessness.

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • Escape the chatter of your mind with our most recent heart-centered meditation. Your heart is more than just a muscle—it's where your emotions reside. In this guided practice, you'll journey inward to explore the depths of your heart's wisdom.

    This meditation is ideal for anyone experiencing disconnection from self or others, feelings of sadness, dissociation or anxiety.

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • Loneliness is a universal human experience, one that touches us all at some point in our lives. It's important to recognize that feeling lonely doesn't diminish your worth or value as a person. Rather, it's a natural emotion that arises from our innate longing for connection and companionship.

    In this guided meditation, you are invited to explore this terrain with curiosity. Through visualizations and affirmations, you'll be guided to acknowledge and embrace your feelings of loneliness without judgment. You'll discover that you are never truly alone and that within the depths of your own being lies the strength and wisdom to navigate these emotions with grace.

    This meditation is ideal for anyone grappling with feelings of loneliness, isolation or unworthiness.

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • This session focuses on fostering inner balance. Cultivating balance is an ongoing and essential process for overall well-being. It allows for flexibility, resilience and is a more sustainable approach to navigating the complexities of life.

    This meditation is especially helpful for individuals experiencing anxious thoughts, stress or burnout and those who are going through major life transitions.

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.

  • Self-worth is the intrinsic value and respect you hold for yourself. It's about recognizing your own dignity, acknowledging your abilities and understanding that you deserve positive experiences and relationships. Self-worth is not built on external validation; it is separate from the opinions of others. Relying solely on external validation can be precarious, as opinions from others are subject to change and may not always reflect an individual's authentic worth. Building a strong sense of self-worth begins with acknowledging your imperfections without harsh self-judgment. While some might believe that self-criticism serves as motivation, it often leads to a breakdown in confidence and a negative impact on overall well-being. The constant internal criticism can create a toxic cycle that undermines our belief in our abilities and diminishes our sense of worth. You will be empowered to break free from self-doubt and cultivate a self-image rooted in compassion and worthiness through a guided visualization and affirmations. This meditation is particularly helpful for those struggling with self-criticism and low confidence.

    For best results we recommend wearing headphones. We do not encourage operating heavy machinary while listening to this meditation.

    Calm Connected is part of the True Healing community. Stay connected via instagram @truehealinginc.