
  • SOCIE施舒雅美容世界,陪伴台灣37年


    —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

    妳不可能沒注意到這場 AI 的浪潮已席捲我們生活;從手機上的語音助手、圖片編輯工具,到無人車和醫療診斷,AI 技術已不再是未來的夢想,並切切實實融入我們的日常。而 CK 老師身為 NVIDIA AI 技術中心台灣區技術負責人,站在浪頭之上,這次會和我們用深入淺出的方式帶出他對產業的觀察,如影像辨識、醫療影像、自駕車等領域,甚至進入虛擬世界的建構,並分享他自己學習的各種渠道。如果連最專業的產業先鋒都要不斷學習了,妳我又有什麼理由不?準備啟程,和我們一起踏入 AI 的世界吧!


    CK 老師從大學物理到 NVIDIA 的職涯黃仁勳預言未來每個人都有 AI 助理,將徹底改變我們的工作和生活方式NVIDIA 的 Inference Microservice、Digital Twins、Omniverse、及 NeMo Framework 等 AI 技術,讓我們的日常生活變得更有趣和高效隨著 AI 技術的發展,我們應該注意哪些倫理問題和未來挑戰?除了「開始動手練習最重要」之外,妳還該關注些什麼 AI 的學習管道

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  • 妳知道狗狗們都有與生俱來、已經寫進他們 DNA 裡的使命嗎? CAREhER 因為愛狗愛到辦公室常不小心變成主人放風時狗狗的托兒中心,這次也開心邀請到寵物教育品牌 The Doggy Lab 犬研室的創辦人 Edward 來和我們分享,當我們真正理解狗狗時,牠們將成為更快樂、更平衡的生活同伴。就像每位成功的女人,都有強大的 support net,毛孩子不僅是療癒妳的重要支柱,妳也身兼牠們照護者的重要責任。今天,除了聽 Edward 和我們分享他獨特的創業旅程(有愛心又有耐心的男人很帥!),他也會幫助我們學習,如何更好地照顧我們生命裡重要的毛寶貝。


    Edward:走上訓犬師這職業道路學習不同的訓練方法,並將這些寶貴的國際經驗帶回台灣如何創立 The Doggy Lab 犬研室探討狗狗從工作犬到家庭伴侶的角色轉變,滿足狗狗的自然需求促進幸福感台灣和國外在狗狗訓練及公共空間的人寵共融差異

    Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/cky6u8bgpwpn00858w0xrike6
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  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • SOCIE施舒雅美容世界,陪伴台灣37年


    —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

    Kei Chen's journey into the modeling industry began unexpectedly during college in Tokyo, when a friend suggested she join a modeling agency seeking bilingual talent. Despite lacking prior industry experience, Kei quickly adapted and has since thrived in modeling management. Growing up in Kuala Lumpur's multicultural environment while being half Taiwanese, Kei developed a deep appreciation for diverse cultures, which she now leverages to help her talents succeed both in Japan and globally. 
    Crossover Japan’s management style diverges from traditional transactional methods, focusing on integrating diverse perspectives from different industries into the modeling world. With this approach, Kei creates new synergy while building long-lasting relationships, and encourages her artists to embrace their uniqueness. She believes that while appearance is important for certain brands, the personal values and opinions of talents are paramount. 
    With social media lowering barriers to fame and influence, Kei stresses it’s even more critical for artists to remain authentic while remembering they have more social responsibility to be role models with their platforms and influence. Looking ahead, she envisions greater diversity and women leadership in the talent management industry, emphasizing the need for support systems, compassion, and “seeing people for who they are, not just what they are.”
    【 In this episode 】

    How Kei began her career Establishing trust with her team and talents Kei’s entrepreneurial journeyWhy diversity? Future of women leadership in talent management

    Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/cky6u8bgpwpn00858w0xrike6
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  • Imagine starting a new job at a company grappling with internal sexual harassment allegations, a major license revocation in a key market, a data security breach and many other legal woes: all the above were true when Tony walked into his first day as Chief Legal Officer at Uber. Fast forward seven years later, we caught Tony at his Asia tour — connected by one of CAREhER’s very own member — so we could hear this story first hand, and learn from his journey at Uber to turn around one of the most tarnished reputations in the business world, but most importantly, one that re-shaped the workplace culture of its 20,000+ employees at the time, with millions more of customers whose safety they had to protect.

    【 Discussed in this episode 】

    How’s Tony called to the job to re-build Uber’s culture?Rebuilding Uber’s culture from the ground upEmpowering his team to scale and influence Building authentic connections with your community The Best Supporting Actor in Tony’s family of strong women goes to?

    Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/cky6u8bgpwpn00858w0xrike6
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  • 【職涯A時刻】我是步入中年、經歷九次轉職的職場大叔。作為高敏感人,我熱衷建立人際連結,從新鮮人到中年職場人,我扮演傾聽者與分享者,希望產生共鳴、幫助大家邁開關鍵一步。希望我的頻道可以陪伴不同階段的職場人,一同成長為更理想的自己。


    —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

    在台灣鬱鬱蔥蔥的茶園風景中,一個關於傳承、創新、同時不缺乏創業浪漫的故事正在展開: 跟隨 Mikey 從紐約設計師到先鋒茶農的轉型之旅,我們發現原來在看似輕描淡寫的創意裡,卻有他獨特對於打造品牌和平台的想法(和打法),將傳統與現代融為一體,與世界分享台灣文化品味的企圖心。有一天,世界會像聽到 sake 就想到日本、聽到 soju 就想到韓國,聽到 chajiu 就想到台灣?


    從那塊雙溪的小茶園開始培養第一群忠實的支持者怎麼讓世界像聽到 sake 就想到日本、聽到 soju 就想到韓國,聽到 chajiu 就想到台灣?不只是單一品牌:成為茶酒界的台積電不久的將來,我們對茶酒可以有何期待?

    【成為 CAREhER 會員】https://careher.net/new-membership/

    Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/cky6u8bgpwpn00858w0xrike6
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  • SOCIE施舒雅美容世界,陪伴台灣37年


    —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

    睽違一段日子,在米其林三星餐廳 ODETTE 工作的 Lesley 已經從助理侍酒師晉升為首席侍酒師,還斬獲數個國際大獎!她娓娓訴說自己心境的轉變;儘管對「美酒」這個工作的熱情始終如一,她卻分享,現在的她更注重聆聽和觀察客人的需求,而不是強加艱深的專業輸出,反而對於為每一位客人提供難忘的體驗有更深的體悟。這種照顧人的心,成了她取得成功的秘訣,也更是她認為女性加入餐飲界的好契機。一起再度來聽她說故事,並且發現,原來,紅酒是絕佳打開話題並促進聯繫的好工具。


    台灣女兒,居然代表新加坡贏得法餐大獎! Lesley 所開啟的 sommelier 之路從助理到首席侍酒師:從自己,到帶領團隊並統整所有細節察言觀色的觀察力和設身處地,來加強與「人」的連結米其林三星或不三星 – 透過服務來創造難忘的回憶和體驗專業女性在餐飲界,主動積極培養國際能見度

    【成為 CAREhER 會員】https://www.careherticket.net/zh-TW

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  • Is AI a "boy's or a girl's" job? To Debra Bell, Vice President at Micron, AI is a "new" job -- so the undefined nature is precisely what makes it a great opportunity to lower the entry barrier and narrow the gender gap in STEM education and profession. In this episode, hear Debra's journey in the tech space as she grew, expanded her roles and leadership; her warmth and sincerity is surely infectious that won the hearts of our audience from the IWD Summit and equally today.

    【Discussed in this episode】

    Debra’s journey 20 years ago and nowRealizing visibility and working towards visibilityBeing a leader and scaling influence in a male dominated industryWill AI take our jobs?AI trends women should get involved with

    【成為 CAREhER 會員】https://www.careherticket.net/zh-TW

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  • Facing the energy crisis, governments and organizations worldwide are investing not only in technology but also in talent. After all, sustainable energy transitions require actual people, who are properly skilled, to drive progress forward. As Asia’s Chief Financial Officer of GE Vernova - Gas Power, Patrick uses his 20 years of energy industry experience to help us decode -- in plainspoken words, which we super appreciate -- the challenges and opportunities on prioritizing resources in today's rapidly evolving energy landscape.

    【 Discussed in this episode 】

    The ‘Energy Trilemma’ (Sustainable, Affordable, Reliable)GE: transition from a traditional manufacturer to sustainable energy leaderThe shift in energy landscapeOptimizing and prioritizing resourcesCrucial characteristics for talent and leadership in the energy sectorWhat to expect in the future

    【成為 CAREhER 會員】https://careher.net/new-membership/

    “This podcast was recorded on 3/4 (Mon.) prior to the spin-off of GE Vernova on 2 April 2024, as an independent energy company”.

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  • SOCIE施舒雅美容世界,陪伴台灣37年


    —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

    「你知道你吃的魚來自哪裡嗎?」 Gigi 的故事就從這個簡單卻深刻的問題開始,但其實這也是食魚教育和海洋永續最直接的開始:認識餐桌上的那條魚、還有,那條魚是不是用一個對環境友善的方式捕獲而來。Gigi 是一位將對海洋的熱愛,轉化為實際行動的創業者;從顛覆傳統漁業模式,到獲得渣打女力創業獎肯定,洄遊吧 Fish Bar 不僅正開創一條連結人們與海洋的全新路徑,更讓大眾重新認識台灣豐富的海洋資源。這是一個關於勇氣、創新,以及如何在日常生活中做出支持環境永續的故事。而妳,也可以透過每一口食物的選擇來支持永續,讓海洋資源得到更好的保護與珍惜!

    【 在這集聽她說 】


    【成為 CAREhER 會員】https://careher.net/new-membership/

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  • 如果投資是一個光譜,一端是我們熟知的投資賺錢,另一端是以慈善行為為捐贈的投資,我們能否從中找到平衡?曾帶領兩個公司至 Nasdaq 上市的 Karen 如今投入在影響力投資的創投領域,運用她豐富的產業經驗,幫助更多新創團隊不僅實現營運和盈利目標,更對社會和地球做出正面貢獻。今天她將分享她對影響力投資的定義,也教我們怎麼從自身出發,透過有意識地消費和投資,實踐「你所花費的每一筆錢,都在為你想要的未來投票」理念。

    【 在這集聽她說 】

    Karen 對影響力投資的定義將影響力融入,而不僅看投資回報社會、經濟、環境,透過影響力投資完成地方創生從自身出發,開始用「花錢消費」打造對社會的影響力

    【成為 CAREhER 會員】https://careher.net/new-membership/

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  • Have you asked yourself lately, “What do I want going forward, and what can I do about it today?” For Nori, she knew she wanted to quit her job at Amazon so she took her experience in banking, and built a spreadsheet to conduct a comprehensive financial checkup, and forecasted her capability to handle the risk. This clarity gave her the confidence to turn her aspirations into a concrete plan.

    Her advice?

    Knowing when to say no. Prioritizing what truly matters allows for focused energy and a more intentional pathThe power of trying – “I’d rather try than regret not trying.”

    Now leading her own startup, Noriko is building an AI-powered app that addresses a common challenge — not knowing where to eat — while at the same time, empowering small businesses and restaurants with more opportunities to thrive. Her journey serves as an inspiration; a reminder that the intersection of self-discovery and entrepreneurship can lead to meaningful and impactful endeavours!

    【成為 CAREhER 會員】https://careher.net/new-membership/

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  • 2024 金鐘獎入圍節目 酷姨聯萌







    —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

    踏入科技業已經 25 年的 Sharon 聊起她的產業經驗,給我們留下最強烈的印象是又實際、又有前瞻感的領導力。這兩個看似衝突的特質卻在 Sharon 身上巧妙融合;從她談起運用新知來增加工作效率,到她說資源雖然有限,但能在有限的環境中,幫助團隊以及合作夥伴達成他們想要的,就不難理解她在豐富的職涯中,是如何有意識地不斷提升自己,也順勢拓展影響力。這一集,來聽聽 Sharon 聊她的影響力心法,即使面對未來大環境的不確定性,仍然保持開放的心態,「不會,就學!」

    【 在這集聽她說 】

    身為 Leader,在資源有限的實況下幫助團隊打造安全感,更貼近自己的職場目標影響力的定義是凝聚共識的能力你帶出 “real proposal” 了嗎?光說不練不行,光練不說也不行練出屬於自己的職場武功秘笈面對 AI 的浪潮,你該做的下一個選擇

    【成為 CAREhER 會員】https://careher.net/new-membership/

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  • 因爲自身免疫問題開始嘗試食物療法的沛如,透過對食物的真實慾望和反應,找到了與身體對話、共好的平衡。2023 年 9 月推出新書《用愛發酵:和食物對話,從我到我們的療癒之路》,從美國到台灣,她看見在社會上對於「食物」相關的每個環節,都經常被諸多既得利益族群所掌控;但她卻也驚喜地發現,在這個過程中相對弱勢的族群,他們背後所辛苦耕耘、促進多元文化再生的美好故事。睽違兩年上節目,沛如將再次和我們分享她的新旅程,並花了 10 年,重新認識自己,以及自己和這個世界的關係。

    【 在這集聽她說 】

    聆聽身體的訊息,讓食物療癒你的心靈SOUL Food 心靈食物食農故事助產士去殖民化的企業:Diaspora Co我們是祖先最狂妄的夢

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  • Mari's final Advice for Growth:

    Self-reflection as a motivational tool: She recommends conducting a self-review every three months, where individuals evaluate what went well, what didn't, and set intentional goals. This practice, she emphasizes, can lead to tremendous personal growth.Learning from female role models: Mari looks up to women from various backgrounds, such as actresses, CEOs, executives, and athletes. She pays close attention to their empowerment initiatives and even maintains a blog to track her learnings and gather inspiration.

    【 在這集聽她說 】

    Mari’s career transition from traditional banking to fintech and building startup ecosystems.The ‘ah ha’ moment towards building self-confidence.The power of diverse and female-dominated communities.Advice for growth: regular check ins, self-reflection and learning from female role models.

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  • 本集重點

    從建築建設、居家家具到綠植點綴 - 最後一場講座,我們從 #點線面 三個量度切入,分別請三位專家分享他們的理想生活新指標。很開心在「Living 住」這個議題,邀請 AJ2 愛家概念 創辦人 Kevin ,協同宏國建設五感十築創新長 Yvonne, 胖胖樹的熱帶雨林(Fat-Fat Tree Tropical Rainforest)以及 CAREhER 一同分享各自面對現下環境永續議題做出的努力與回應。

    CAREhER Curated x #yilan理想生活的新選擇,我們透過三場不同主題的沙龍講座,涵蓋三個不同主題:「食、住、行、樂」傳遞五感「十築」的核心價值為基礎 —— 安心、好氧、好水、健康、沈靜、舒適、自然、全齡、美學和珍惜,由不同的風格達人引導大家進入感官的深度互動、產品體驗,並發掘自身的「永續影響力」,一起打造理想生活的新選擇。

    【 在這集聽他們說 】


    Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/cky6u8bgpwpn00858w0xrike6
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  • 【職涯A時刻】我是步入中年、經歷九次轉職的職場大叔。作為高敏感人,我熱衷建立人際連結,從新鮮人到中年職場人,我扮演傾聽者與分享者,希望產生共鳴、幫助大家邁開關鍵一步。希望我的頻道可以陪伴不同階段的職場人,一同成長為更理想的自己。


    —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——


    夏末台北,我們再次聚集於五感十築宏國大樓舉辦了第二場 #yilan理想生活的新選擇 x 食講座,此次活動我們邀請Fika Fika Cafe 的創辦人 James、宜蘭 CÔTE À CÔTE 餐廳的創辦人 Fudy 主廚、美食加創辦人 Liz Kao,匯聚食物愛好者和對於永續健康生活的追求者,共同探討了飲食對生活的影響。

    CAREhER Curated x #yilan理想生活的新選擇,我們透過三場不同主題的沙龍講座,涵蓋三個不同主題:「食、住、行、樂」傳遞五感「十築」的核心價值為基礎 —— 安心、好氧、好水、健康、沈靜、舒適、自然、全齡、美學和珍惜,由不同的風格達人引導大家進入感官的深度互動、產品體驗,並發掘自身的「永續影響力」,一起打造理想生活的新選擇。

    【 在這集聽他們說 】


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  • 只要做投資就一定知道玩股網。玩股網是全台最大投資資訊&教學平台,提供最完整的客製化技術分析工具。就是愛玩股Podcast頻道,是為了讓更多投資人,可以接收到正確的投資觀念與投資技巧,一起成為市場贏家!

    就是愛玩股Podcast: https://fstry.pse.is/6fdcdg

    —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——


    作為迎接夏日的盛典,CAREhER 這次與綠建築先驅 —— 宏國建設攜手,以其永續品牌及宜蘭指標新案「五感十築」為主題,策展一系列沙龍,帶領大家深入 《理想生活》 和 《永續生活的實行》。 藉由風格生活領袖們的分享,從品牌成功案例、策略,至生活細微的日常,感受到有別於以往的「永續」觀點,和不同面向的新知識。本場邀請 Pinkoi 共同創辦人 Peter Yen,Tokyobike Taiwan 行銷長 Peggy Pan,以及 24Bottles 港澳台主理人 Queenie Chu 以「行」「樂」為題,聚焦在「安心、珍惜、美學」等三大面向的討論。

    執行長 Tiffany 問起三位講者的 #永續關鍵字,Pinkoi 執行長 Peter 提出:「設計從永續出發 ,而平台上更有大量女性工作者和設計師」。 Tokyobike 行銷長 Peggy 則說:「不做大,從日常做起」;來自義大利的精品環保水瓶 24Bottles 港台區主理人 Queenie 則提出:「long lasting ,習慣 ,B corp」三個關鍵字。

    【 在這集聽他們說 】


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  • SOCIE施舒雅美容世界,陪伴台灣37年


    —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

    “Sometimes I'm hesitant to show my vulnerability. As a young manager, I thought all the leaders are perfect and they don't make any mistakes and they’re charismatic. But this is not true,” she said.
    This authenticity is particularly important in today’s workplace, and especially true at MSD, because for once, there are four generations represented in the organization, from Boomers to Gen Z. Jae Yeon’s advice to emerging leaders and managers? Do not mimic stereotypical leadership styles. Instead, she encourages individuals to embrace their uniqueness and listen to their hearts, allowing their authentic leadership style to emerge. Knowing oneself and leading from within is the key to success.

    【 在這集聽她說 】
    1.   Her career: from government agency in Korea to the Pharmaceutical industry.
    2.   Difficulties working in a traditional 90’s Korean culture as a woman.
    3.   Why representation matters for women in leadership.
    4.   Being a role model and tips for mentoring relationships.
    5.   Advice for younger managers in managing stakeholders.

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  • 本集重點

    Combining her passion for fashion and education, Aya-san found a career in developing and supporting talent with the LVMH Group. As she discussed the challenges and opportunities of managing people and the diverse culture within LVMH, she highlighted how the LVMH group has traditionally had a decentralized culture, where you don’t tell the houses what to do. Instead, you have to exercise influence – which paved the foundation for its respect for diversity and celebrating inclusion.

    Caught in the culture clash between Japan and France, Aya-san shared how Japan's tradition, which places a strong emphasis on perfectionism, can lead to the fear of making mistakes for Japanese talents. While this quality enables the creation of high-quality products, it can also hinder their agility for adapting in a rapidly changing world. She also pointed out how diversity is not solely about physical appearance, but also the individual's thought process. In Japan and Taiwan, where ethnic diversity is not as prevalent, it becomes crucial to go beyond surface-level diversity and understand there are underlying factors unique to each individual that become essential in fostering an inclusive environment.

    "Diversity is counting the numbers, inclusion is making the numbers count,” Aya-san shared this quote from Professor Boris Groysberg at Harvard University. Through deliberate choice, inclusion can be achieved – something that echoes LVMH’s own belief, “diverse by essence, inclusion by choice.”

    Lastly, Aya-san discussed the emerging trends and initiatives at LVMH aimed at promoting sustainability. One of these initiatives is the adoption of green technology in the luxury industry, known as New Luxury, which focuses on making a positive impact on the world. A specific example is the introduction of Nona Source, an online resale platform that allows the purchase of high-end re-sourced materials used by LVMH at a reduced cost.

    【 在這集聽她說 】

    How did Aya-san started her career at LVMHManaging and celebrating diversity came from LVMH’s tradition as a decentralized organizationChallenges of balancing diverse work culture in JapanGoals and initiatives: women in key positionsThree elements in attracting and retaining top talents: mobility, opportunity, purposeSustainability trends in luxury goods

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  • 當我們聊到女人如花,是不是盛放後便走向凋零?許芳宜說,若以十年為期,我們可以將自己想像成不同的花材,「二十歲的妳或許是含羞草、三十歲後長成了玫瑰」,人生或許有高峰、有低谷,但每場花謝都是為了迎來下一場更加自在、美好的綻放。也回應今年奧斯卡最佳女主角楊紫瓊的話語,”Ladies, don't let anybody tell you you are ever past your prime.” 不要讓任何人說妳的巔峰期已過,許芳宜說:「若他人的話語無法為我的過去負責,那怎麼能定義我的未來?」

    由香港故宮文化博物館展覽〈百樣玲瓏⸺卡地亞與女性〉牽線,我們認識了許芳宜老師。在展覽中,Cartier 用寶石珍品,回顧女性自主的解放之路,也探索由古至今對於女性審美和生活方式的變化。我們從芳宜老師的身上,也看到了身為女人可以不受拘束、百樣玲瓏的樣貌:是舞蹈家、藝術家、創作者、製作人,可以選擇、可以不被時間與世界定義。


    【 在這集聽她說 】

    關於許芳宜的三個 Hashtag百樣玲瓏:精雕細琢妳的人生真正的女性自主每一次的凋謝都將迎來下一場綻放讓身體拯救妳的心靈

    Support this show: https://open.firstory.me/user/cky6u8bgpwpn00858w0xrike6
    Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/cky6u8bgpwpn00858w0xrike6/comments

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