
  • Real estate is a touchy subject: tenants and landlords don't like each other. Tenants believe they are subservient to them, and landlords believe they SHOULD be. Or are the perceptions of each side drastically different than the reality?

    In addition, why is our school system so flawed, that most people aren't taught about the best way to make a living? Not everyone is made for the 9-5 lifestyle. And this is a narrative Steve Trang is passionate about changing it. 

    What if you don't want to be a landlord, and still want financial freedom? 

    Check out Steve's podcast: https://realestatedisruptors.com/ 

    Take advantage of today's market conditions with our investing firm: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • Cybersecurity is highly technical. You and I probably would not be able to understand a lot of the terms or systems or coding behind it. But revolutionary improvements come from the practical application of technology. So, how do we leverage the tech available to us in our own personal and professional lives? Is it truly the next step for modern businesses?

    In this episode, we bring on Darren Gallop, CEO & co-founder of Carbide, a company specializing in Information Security. His insight into the new communication age - particularly with the advent of AI - addresses how everyday security and privacy best practices are often difficult for the average human to make sense of.

    Security & privacy are simple ideas, but in practice, they are intensely complex. And businesses today can have very stubborn or "set in their ways" type of leadership. "No, it's my way, or the highway." But that often alienates the employees involved.

    0:00 The Cybersecurity Business

    26:34 AI & Cybersecurity

    Check out Dareen & his company Carbide: https://carbidesecure.com/ 

    Take advantage of today's market conditions with our investing firm: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Avery and her husband had a great idea one day to purchase a home and to rent it out, in hopes that one day, they will be able to help fund their kids' education with the income. They didn't even know this was known as "Real Estate Investing." At the time, there was no such thing as podcasts or courses to talk about this. 

    This idea then morphed into AirBNBs and short-term rentals, and she has been doing it for over a decade. But this asset class has changed dramatically over that time. States are changing laws and imposing regulations, all while the competition is increasing. With all the noise about short-term rentals lately, is it still worth investing in? 

    Stay tuned!

    Follow Avery on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theshorttermshop/?hl=en 

    Take advantage of today's market conditions with our investing firm: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • Real estate investing has two forms: active and passive. Passive is what most people think of when you say real estate investing, where you buy an asset, and it generates some sort of cashflow for you. Active investing takes this and applies the principles of business, including scale, value-add, management, and more.

    Today's guest, John Klingelhoets, began investing in real estate a decade ago. But during this process, he found it very beneficial to send letters - direct mail - to help him find more deals. Eventually, the deals started coming in, his friends wanted letters just like his, and it became a direct mail business.

    If you think of real estate as not just an asset, but also a business, you can take advantage of a powerful aspect of capitalism: Business-to-Business sales, or known as B2B. But of course, if the businesses provided services to each other are YOUR businesses, there's much more opportunity to expand into multiple niches at once. 

    So, how can you leverage the power of B2B to grow your real estate portfolio? And can direct mail play a role into it? Find out in this week's episode! 

    Learn more about John and Robot Ink here: https://www.robotinkmarketing.com/ 

    Take advantage of today's market conditions with our investing firm: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • Can luck dictate one's success in business? Absolutely. But looking at another's success or luck does not mean that you lose something in exchange. Luck is something I fully believe can be CREATED.

    For example, when I was paralyzed and stuck in a hospital bed, many may say - how is that lucky? That seems like terrible luck. But looking back today, I feel grateful for this experience. It's shaped my new life, my mission, and my day to day. I was stripped away of any self-pride or self-consciousness. This enabled me to take to new heights in my life and business. This podcast is just one of the new beginnings.

    I would never trade this experience. It was SO valuable...in hindsight. Looking back, I had a choice: I could give up, or I could use it to my advantage. 

    When you are faced with overwhelming odds or extremely bad luck, what choice will YOU make? 

    Take advantage of today's market conditions with our investing firm: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • 2024 is yet another pivotal election year for the United States. But if we've learned anything from the last few elections, there is a tremendous amount of fearmongering, noise, and propaganda that can result from a journalistic system incentivized by money and clicks.   

    This is why I'm HYPER-aware of anything that intends to change or influence my perceived reality. We all perceive the world differently, right? Is there a right or wrong way to perceive it?   

    When I experienced ICU Delirium, it changed how I looked at the world. Literally. My nerves told me I was standing up, while I was laying down. But my mind created a reality where I was. Ever since, I've been very wary of what the "news" tells me.   

    Are you?

    Take advantage of today's market conditions with our investing firm: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • My dad, Ron, lived in a time where mortgage interest rates were 18% - the highest in US history. He assumed he would never be able to own a home, and he would be renting forever. He had friends going down to the bank to get 12% interest on a Certificate of Deposit (CD). It was absolutely bonkers.   

    He was just trying to get started, as a young man. The policies enacted to get things under control was so aggressive that it had lasting consequences for the American economy.  

    But somehow, he survived, and came out on top. And he has seen the lingering effects of various monetary policies: it's not just that one quarter or one year that's affected. Why did this happen, and what did it mean for housing, cost of living, and consumer sentiment?

    Do we REALLY have to choose between high interest rates and high home prices?

    Take advantage of today's market conditions with our investing firm: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • The US had a huge role in shaping the world the way we know it today. It's role in international wars, politics, and economics has been astounding, particularly for a country so young. It's done a lot of bad, it's done a lot of good. But with the way the world is today...is the era of "good" over?

    Let's talk about the assumption that the way we perceive the world today is how it always was. Generations today don't share the same experiences as the ones prior - this is known throughout all of human history. 

    What are these trends that are going on today? This is especially important to me because I have kids. This is their future. How can we best understand this tremendous cycle of change that's occurred in the past few decades, what did it produce, and why it's changed. 

    Take advantage of today's market conditions with our investing firm: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • Capitalism is a function of money - the economy. It’s all about serving other people. What you can trade, what you can offer or sell, what problem you can solve for a certain price.

    As a society, we put a lot of focus on the consumer side - or “consumerism” - of capitalism. The never ending cycle of making money and spending money. And it impacts us direct in one way or another, whether you are buying goods with your paycheck, or trying to start your own business selling/offering something on the market.

    But you can’t just sell 1 pen and make a ton of money. Certain business are structured in certain ways because they have to in order to scale and make any money.

    So what do we need to understand to actually be benefited by capitalism and not be crushed by it? In this episode, we talk about the dichotomy of capitalism and consumerism, as well as how capitalism enables different levels of businesses.

    Take advantage of today's market conditions with our investing firm: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • After multiple, back-to-back surgeries, Mauricio was in the hospital for 5 weeks. But he had a law firm to run, and was working out of his laptop in his hospital bed. This proved to be unsustainable and unhealthy. 

    But far too often, entrepreneurs think of their own abilities as the only way to get something done. When it comes to business, that's a fast-track to burnout and declining mental (and physical) health. There's too much to do.  

    My story is similar, with being paralyzed over night and losing my job in the hospital. Both Mauricio and I had to get humble - we had no choice. We needed help. And we learned from that and apply it to our businesses every day.  

    We're sharing the lessons we learned in this episode of Saving Capitalism.  

    Mauricio's legal practice: https://www.premierlawgroup.net/

    Want to take advantage of todays market conditions with us? Invest in our opportunistic Fund 2 Here: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • The Fed announced several rate drops that could possibly happen in 2024, quite the surprise since they hiked rates dramatically to fight inflation not so long ago. What does this mean for the American Economy?

    In this episode, we will discuss the ramifications of these interest rate changes, updates to the monetary policy, the aftermath of the years of high inflation (things aren't getting cheaper!), and the effect of debt as the market changes.

    Want to take advantage of todays market conditions with us? Invest in our opportunistic Fund 2 Here: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • Selling health insurance is not glamourous by any means. But that' what my dad and I did for years and years. It felt great for a while. My success and income was based on how much I sold. It felt like I was my own boss.  

    But I got stuck on this treadmill. Eventually, I wanted to grow faster, and faster. I got greedy and prideful. Wanting more isn't inherently bad, but when it surpasses logic and sound decisions, that's when it gets dangerous.   

    And so I bought a business in an attempt to rapidly grow for millions of dollars, and it turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. I almost lost everything I built - everything my dad built too - in one fell swoop.

    Want to take advantage of todays market conditions with us? Invest in our opportunistic Fund 2 Here: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • Housing prices are up. Food prices are up. Everything is up, and life can seem bleak. But just how bad is the American economy doing, really?  

    As we know, news headlines about recessions and high interest rates can cause a lot of stress and worry. But the mainstream news reports don't always reflect reality. In today's episode, we cover the hard truth about the housing market, the economy as a whole, and why sometimes, the bad is actually good.

    It's all about mindset, in business AND in life. When we can shift our narrative, many more possibilities are opened to us.

    Want to take advantage of todays market conditions with us? Invest in our opportunistic Fund 2 Here: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • Companies are hurting right now. The market is TERRIBLE for investors and business sharks alike. But the truth is, "you don't know who's swimming naked until the tide goes out" - Warren Buffett.  

    But the United States remains a top choice for investors even during tumultuous times. It's legal structures and consumer laws still are lucrative for many.

    Let's talk about why bad markets are actually the BEST to invest in. We talk about deal structure, technology's role in wealth creation, and how this can affect your business/lifestyle just as it has affected mine.

    Want to take advantage of todays market conditions with us? Invest in our opportunistic Fund 2 Here: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • Financial freedom is a matter of creating an income that can support your lifestyle without consuming all of your time. For most people, financial freedom seems unattainable because of how jobs are set up. The 9 to 5.

    Research suggests that over 85% of all entrepreneurs (the successful ones) would be paid MORE if they took a 9 to 5 job versus doing it on their own. This is why jobs still exist despite the trend of being an entrepreneur. 

    This is where the line gets fuzzy. Financial freedom is a necessity. At a certain point, you won't be able to keep working a 9 to 5 job. What if you want to switch careers? That takes years of study and commitment. It'd be a lot easier if you already had the cashflow to support your dreams. 

    Does entrepreneurship truly equal financial freedom? Or is it just a myth? Let's talk about it.

    Want to take advantage of todays market conditions with us? Invest in our opportunistic Fund 2 Here: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • News flash: you won't get financial freedom by buying a house. There, I said it. It's the harsh truth.  

    You might be able to with 20 or 30 properties, but then who's going to manage it for you? Are you making enough to hire a property manager? Can you keep up if you don't?

    I learned this truth the hard way. The job I wanted to quit, the business I wanted to start, the real estate I wanted to buy - doing any of these things were not going to create the future I wanted.

    So what will? Let's break it down in this episode of Saving Capitalism.

    Want to take advantage of todays market conditions with us? Invest in our opportunistic Fund 2 Here: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • Real estate is more expensive than ever, and the Fed's efforts to bring down inflation are hurting the very people they said they would help: the middle class. 

    Your average home sale price has been astronomical for the past few years, with the new interest rate hikes creating even more of an affordability crisis.

    It's only a matter of time before it affects the commercial real estate space too - offices, retail, multi-family housing. They hold a large chunk of the money through debt and banks. So with the industries declining all-around, is it time for the banks to be worried? Should you be worried?

    Want to take advantage of todays market conditions with us? Invest in our opportunistic Fund 2 Here: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • Want to take advantage of todays market conditions with us? Invest in our opportunistic Fund 2 Here: https://cedar.cc/invest 

    In this episode, we're discussing the myth of being "self-made." Are there any successful people that got there completely on their own? 

    We're diving into the behind-the-scenes of the business world, using my portfolio and company structure as an example. I have over 70 LLCs (yes, totally out of control) and managing it is no easy feat. It can seem sporadic, but there's a reason why. Let's break it down! 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

  • Chris Voss is a former Lead FBI Negotiator and dynamic speaker who debunks the biggest myths of negotiation.

    And he has been seen on Forbes, Time, CNN, Fox News, and more, and is author of Never Split The Difference©.

    One of his golden rules for negotiation is: "Thou shalt not envision only one outcome."

    This is true for your personal life, career, and hostage negotiation.

    Tune in for more lessons from Chris in this episode of Saving Capitalism!

    More on Chris Voss: https://www.blackswanltd.com/chris-voss

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

    Want to take advantage of todays market conditions with us? Invest in our opportunistic Fund 2 Here: https://cedar.cc/invest 

  • Within any organization, leadership is essential to a functioning team. Sometimes, changing how a leader leads their team is required to achieve success. But change hurts. Change is uncomfortable. Change is subjective.

    Politicians are a prime example of what NOT to do. They make promises that they don't follow through with. They enact policies that their constituents do not support. 

    How can you learn from some of the best leaders in our history, and better your own life, both at work and at home? 

    What makes a good leader? 

    Find this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SavingCapitalism

    Get more free resources here: https://ajosborne.com/

    Want to take advantage of todays market conditions with us? Invest in our opportunistic Fund 2 Here: https://cedar.cc/invest