
  • When we come into alignment with the Lord's mindset, there is incredible breakthrough that is unlocked in our daily lives. It becomes easy to walk in God's destiny when we walk with a Kingdom mindset. On the contrary, when we have a carnal mindset we can be held and kept bound by the devil's devices. Pastor Jonathan shares about how imperative it is that we align our minds with the power of the Holy Spirit so that we have the mind of Christ and a Kingdom mindset.

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • Pastor Jonathan continues to speak on the power of a renewed mind and shares about how we must make sure our thoughts are filled with God's truth and not the enemy's lies. We are called to believe the Lord's promises and have Kingdom expectations in our daily lives. Be blessed by this challenging and empowering word!

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

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  • In this powerful message, Pastor Jonathan shares about the need to bring godly discipline to our thought life. If we do not bring spiritual discipline to our mind, we will find ourselves thinking all sorts of unrighteous thoughts which then lead to unrighteous actions. But when our thoughts are fixed on Jesus and His righteousness, our lives will be led closer to Him and His call for us.

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • In this powerful message, Pastor Jonathan continues to share on the great need for our minds to be renewed by Christ. There is a battle for the control of our thought life. The enemy wants to sow lies and deception into our thinking to get us off-course with our walk with God. However, the Lord has called us to be diligent with our thought-life and keep our mind fixed on Him!

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • Pastor Jonathan shares on the vital importance of the renewed mind. When our mind is not renewed into the mind of Christ, it is very difficult to walk like Jesus did. God wants to rearrange our thinking to have righteous thoughts and a mind filled with faith and trust in Him.

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • In this message, Pastor Jonathan shares about living a life that conquers the power of sin and shame. Jesus died on the cross and resurrected again not only that we would have eternal life through Him, but also that we would live an overcoming life here on Earth! It is by His power that we walk in true freedom and victory. This is His will for us.

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • Pastor Natasha shares a very powerful message from the life of Isaac and his faith in God. This message is filled with great revelation about digging the wells in our lives, allowing the Holy Spirit to flow and building for eternity. We know this will help equip to you and strengthen your faith in Jesus!

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • James Cargill shares a powerful word on having great faith in God and being filled with praise and gratitude. The Lord is speaking to us to believe fully in His Word and His promises. It is easy for us to believe God for salvation, but do we believe God for healing, deliverance, and victorious living? Jesus paid the price for our total healing, but it comes down to our faith in Him!

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • It is time to dream big, expand our vision and refuse to let limitation hold back our faith in God! The Lord is increasing our faith to believe for miraculous doors to be opened. These are very exciting days as we push in for mighty moves of God's presence and power. Be challenged by Pastor Jonathan as he shares about speaking life into every situation and coming up to new levels of faith in God!

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • Is your faith ridiculous? God's Word is clear that we are to believe with faith and have no doubt. That is the biblical requirement. Often, we can have all sorts of back up plans in case God doesn't answer our prayer. But true faith has no plan B! This level of faith gets labelled as ridiculous. Even Jesus was ridiculed for His miraculous declaration in Mark 5:40. But we know this is the faith that pleases our Father in Heaven!

    Zachary Cargill challenges us to step up in our faith in Jesus and to believe with ZERO doubt! This encouraging message will be a great blessing to your walk with God as He calls us to step into a new season of faith in Him.

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • Bernard Tararo shares a very inspiring word about the blessing that comes when we submit to God. When we follow the Lord's instruction, He opens miraculous doors for us. But when we choose our own path, those miraculous doors remain shut. Submission is never easy, but when we submit to God's voice, it is always the best and most rewarding way! Let this message be a blessing to your walk with God.

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • We hear lots about faith, especially as Christians, but what does faith truly mean? In this message, Pastor Jonathan clarifies what faith is, how it is given to us and how we work with faith in our own lives. We believe this message will be a great blessing to your walk with God and bring an increase to your understanding of faith in Jesus!

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • Pastor Bobby Matapo has been a spiritual leader in the Cook Islands for several decades and has great kingdom influence in many different avenues in our country. He has seen God work miraculously in his body by overcoming terminal cancer. Hear his exciting story of how God healed him and be challenged by this teaching on having trust and faith in God!

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • You've heard it before, 'pray without ceasing'. But do we actually do this?

    The truth is, we have the authority to shift our circumstance with the power of our prayer.
    Are you so longing for an answered prayer? Don't give up so easily!
    Jesus said in Luke 18:1, "that they ought to pray, and not lose heart".
    Pastor Jonathan shares a powerful message that we believe will stir your prayer life to a new level.

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • When we walk in the natural realm, we don't have the strength and fortitude to face our giants. We need to live in the realm of faith so we can rise and confront our obstacles and conquer our trials.
    Enjoy this message by Pastor Jonathan, as he shares on how we can rise to overcome our battles.

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • We were so blessed as a church to have Murray and Nancy Watkinson share a fresh revelation about oneness in the body of Christ. We often hear the words "Till death do us part" at a wedding ceremony. But these words also speak to how we should treat our spiritual family. Murray shares from the book of Ruth and how the Lord is calling us into deeper unity in these days.

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • Pastor Jonathan shares in this message about the power of taking authority over our situations by speaking directly to the mountains we are facing. Jesus has given us both power and authority over our circumstances, to wrestle and contend for breakthrough in our lives. It comes first by understanding the authority we carry because when we know our position, we can change our condition! Listen to this week's podcast and hear about the mighty authority God has given to us!

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • Pastor Jonathan shares a powerful message on the reality of the supernatural realm. Our assignment in life is a spiritual assignment. We must be aware how much influence the spiritual realm has on our daily lives and know what our authority is as born-again believers. We are not in a physical battle, but the Bible is clear that our wrestle is against the power and principalities of this dark age. We believe this message will greatly equip you to stand firm in the faith and walk in spiritual breakthrough!

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • In this powerful message, Pastor Jonathan continues sharing about the spirit of Oneness in the Church. God desires that we should be in total unity, standing together as born-again believers advancing His kingdom! Pastor Jonathan challenges the church to keep zealous for the Lord and to fight to stay together in unity. We know this will be a great blessing to your walk with Jesus as you listen today!

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/

  • In this powerful message, Pastor Jonathan shares about the need for oneness in the church today. The Bible says that the world will know we are Christians by our love for one another. The Lord's house is not to be filled with comparisons or back-biting, but the Lord wants a church filled with grace, mercy, forgiveness and love for one another. We know that miracles will be released as we love each other with the love of Jesus! Be blessed as you listen to this word.

    • • • • •
    Our heart at Celebration Church Rarotonga is that this message will greatly bless your walk with Jesus and help bring you closer to Him. We pray that you would be stirred to live a life that is passionate about loving Jesus!

    We would love to hear from you! Connect with us through the links below:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebrationraro
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celebrationchurch_rarotonga/
    Website: https://www.celebrationrarotonga.com/