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  • Manglende episoder?

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    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • The $10k/month content strategy that actually works 🚀

    In this episode, I'm breaking down the exact posting schedule you need to hit $10,000 a month as an online fitness coach. No more guessing games or overthinking - I'm giving you the blueprint for free, because I'm just that f****** generous.

    Here's the truth: most of you think you have a lead generation problem, but what you really have is a content problem. When you have an audience, everything is easy. When you don't, everything's a struggle. So if you want to scale from $1k to $10k to $100k months, mastering your content game is non-negotiable.

    I'm diving into the nitty-gritty of what to post, when to post it, and why it matters. From reels to live streams to DMs, I'm covering it all. Because at the end of the day, if you're not a great marketer, your clients are getting out-advertised by other coaches every single day.

    So if you're ready to stop overthinking and start taking action, tune in. This episode might just be the kick in the ass you need to finally break through to that next level.

    Top Quotes:

    "When you have an audience, everything is easy, and when you don't have an audience, everything is hard." (2:49)

    "Content will make the difference between you making $1,000 a month and $10,000 a month." (2:56)

    "If you want to make $10,000 a month, you absolutely f****** must send 20 to 40 DMs per day to people in your audience." (14:55)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Crushing it in the 10K Mastermind: Client wins and breakthroughs 🚀

    In this episode, I'm bringing you inside our exclusive 10K Mastermind Podchats, where my clients making $5k to $25k per month get to pick my brain and level up their businesses.

    We're kicking things off with a bang as one of my star students, Mr. D, shares how he's finally broken through his plateau and is on track to hit nearly $7k this month. But the real gem? His 10/10 sales call that I secretly recorded - you've got to check out that YouTube video!

    From there, we're diving into the nitty-gritty of running successful challenges, nailing those renewal calls, and even how to get your skeptical spouse on board with investing in your business.

    If you're an online fitness coach looking to scale to six figures and beyond, this episode is packed with real-world strategies and mindset shifts to help you break through to the next level. Let's go!

    Top Quotes:

    "Last month, I was at 5.8k. This month, right now, I'm sitting at 6.5k. So I already hit my goal income for the month." (2:21)

    "What we do in renewal calls is we remind them of their past pain... And then we talk about what they've learned with you and how much they've grown and then we get them talking about their future goals which creates a wide gap and then we close based on that gap." (30:09)

    "I'm just excited to stop making actual content that’s actually eating the heart of our market." (32:18)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Mastering the art of the sales call: The one element you're probably overlooking 🔥

    In this episode, I'm breaking down the anatomy of a killer sales call and revealing the single most important element that most online coaches are completely missing.

    If you're struggling to close deals and convert leads into paying clients, this one's for you. I'm sharing the exact framework I use to consistently sign high-ticket clients, including the pre-frame technique that sets you up as an authority from the jump.

    So if you're ready to level up your sales game and start signing more clients, tune in. This episode might just be the game-changer you've been looking for.

    Top Quotes:

    "If you can come into that sales call excited, motivated, ready to serve your client, if you can slow down and get a little bit curious when they're talking about their pains and be a little bit more empathetic... That's the most important aspect of sales calls." (12:12)

    "Every single person that books the sales calls with you is a potential new customer. But it's also an opportunity to completely change somebody's life." (14:35)

    "If you get a call in your calendar with a person that wants to buy your stuff, that's f****** cool. And so you need to do everything in your power to make sure that you're the best that you can possibly be for that specific call for that specific opportunity." (15:05)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Unlock your productivity: The two secrets to getting sh*t done 🔥

    In this episode, I'm breaking down the two game-changing concepts that have allowed me to run multiple 7-figure businesses, post content daily, and still have time to learn new skills like boxing. If you're feeling stuck and overwhelmed in your online coaching business, this one's for you.

    Too many coaches are spinning their wheels, putting in work but not seeing results. Sound familiar? I've been there, and I'm sharing the exact strategies I use to maximize my time and skyrocket my productivity.

    Whether you're struggling to create consistent content or just can't seem to find enough hours in the day, these two concepts will revolutionize how you approach your work. It's time to stop being busy and start being productive.

    Top Quotes:

    "Sit down, lock yourself in a room, turn on f****** airplane mode and just focus on the task at hand." (10:48)

    "I tackle the hardest/the most important task in the morning before I start my day because I know that once I get into my work day, I'm going to make a bunch of excuses for why I can't get this stuff done." (11:35)

    "So many of us, when it comes to success and life in general, end up feeling like we're not making any progress because we end up getting more." (1:29)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • From 9-to-5 grind to $100k months: How Clayton Snyder built his online empire 🚀

    In this episode, I'm sitting down with one of my OG Million Dollar Mastermind students, Clayton Snyder, to break down his journey from corporate drone to crushing it as an online fitness coach.

    Clayton's story is proof that with the right mindset, strategy, and a whole lot of hustle, anyone can build a thriving online business. We're diving deep into how he went from 500 Instagram followers to consistently hitting $100k months, and the lessons he learned along the way.

    If you're feeling stuck in your 9-to-5 and dreaming of building your own online coaching empire, this episode is your blueprint for success. Because if Clayton can do it, so can you.

    Top Quotes:

    "I had no choice to do it because I had to pay my rent. So I figured out to make it happen." (3:14)

    "All I truly believe is taking delusional optimism. It takes delusional optimism and just staying crazy consistent." (33:24)

    "I'm like, just do it. Trust me. I don't need to talk. I might just do it. I'm gonna change your life." (33:45)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • The 3 traits holding you back from online coaching success 🚀

    In this episode, I'm calling out the biggest roadblocks that are keeping you stuck, broke, and frustrated in your online coaching business. If you've been putting in the work but not seeing results, this one's for you.

    I'm breaking down the three worst habits that are sabotaging your success and keeping you from hitting that coveted $10k/month mark. But here's the thing - once you identify these traits and flip the script, you become unstoppable.

    So if you're ready to break free from what's holding you back and finally create the business and life you've been dreaming of, tune in. This episode might just be the kick in the ass you need to level up and become the coach (and parent) you were meant to be.

    Top Quotes:

    "Every basketball player would be Michael Jordan. Every hockey player would be Wayne Gretzky. Like you don't get to be the very best. Like you don't get the f****** elite level shit. Until you put in the work for an extended period of time." (19:24)

    "I don't count the costs. I'm willing to pay whatever the price. And that is how I'm getting sick. I don't look at the timeline. I don't look at the reps. I don't count the fact that I've already done eleven hundred and fifty podcast episodes." (17:41)

    "What if your kid looked up to you and was like, I want to be like mom one day. I want to be like dad one day. That's available to you. But you got to be decisive. You got to be consistent and you got to be patient." (20:07)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • The 3 traits that are holding you back from online coaching success 🚀

    In this episode, I'm diving deep into the three worst habits that are keeping you stuck, broke, and frustrated in your online coaching business. If you've been putting in the work but not seeing results, this one's for you.

    I'm breaking down the character traits that are sabotaging your success and keeping you from hitting that coveted $10k/month mark. But here's the thing - once you identify these traits and flip the script, you become unstoppable.

    We're talking about indecision, inconsistency, and impatience - the three deadly sins of entrepreneurship. I'm sharing real talk on why these habits are killing your dreams and how to overcome them to finally create the business and life you've been dreaming of.

    So if you're ready to break free from what's holding you back and level up your coaching game, tune in. This episode might just be the kick in the ass you need to become the coach (and parent) you were meant to be.

    Top Quotes:

    "The way that I view decisions is I would rather make a choice and live with the consequences of that decision than to sit in the consequence of indecision which guarantees that I stay in the same place." (5:43)

    "Being inconsistent. You know when we feel motivated we're at the gym and then when we have a bad day we skip it. We f****** eat shitty food and we order fast food because it's rough. Inconsistency will keep you stuck." (10:32)

    "Maybe the f****** reason is that you just haven't been doing it for long enough. You just haven't been putting in the reps for long enough. Maybe the f****** reason is you’re just getting started. You're on f****** year one." (18:37)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Stop talking, start doing: Why "success is the only option" is bullsh*t 🚀

    In this episode, I'm calling out all the wannabe entrepreneurs who talk a big game but aren't putting in the work. You know the type - always saying "failure isn't an option" but never actually taking action to make their dreams a reality.

    I'm breaking down why this mindset is holding you back and what it really takes to achieve success as an online fitness coach. Spoiler alert: it's not about saying the right things, it's about doing the work day in and day out, even when no one's watching.

    If you're tired of being in the same place month after month, year after year, this episode is your wake-up call. It's time to stop blending in and start standing out. Because success isn't just going to fall into your lap - you've got to go out and earn it.

    Top Quotes:

    "Everybody can speak empty words out of their mouth, but your actions tell me more than your words will ever say." (2:28)

    "Despite what society tells you, despite what all of your friends are doing, despite what everybody else in their herd is doing, it's not f****** normal to be in the same place six months from now. That is weird. That's f***ed up." (8:20)

    "Stop making excuses. Stop procrastinating. Stop finding reasons why you can't and start asking yourself how you can." (11:20)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • The right way to hire: Scaling your online coaching business without losing your mind 🚀

    In this episode, I'm breaking down the dos and don'ts of hiring for your online coaching business. Because let's face it - bringing on team members can either skyrocket your growth or become a massive headache if done wrong.

    I'm diving deep into when it's actually the right time to start hiring (hint: it's probably later than you think), what roles to prioritize, and how to make sure each hire is actually freeing up your time for revenue-generating activities.

    If you're ready to scale beyond $15k months and create a business that serves you instead of draining you, this episode is your blueprint for smart hiring. Trust me, I've made all the mistakes so you don't have to.

    Top Quotes:

    "If you're under 10 to 15K a month and you start hiring people that you don't have the money for, then you're going to end up eating into your profit margins." (3:17)

    "Every person that you hire should buy you back time in your calendar so that you can do more things to generate revenue for the business. That's the purpose of hiring employees." (11:03)

    "The reason that I'm able to produce so many pieces of content every single day is because I've got people that help me in my business take back some of the things that I was doing myself so that with that extra time that I do have in my calendar, I'm able to put more time into content." (11:53)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Scaling from $10k to $25k: The blueprint for online coaching success 🚀

    In this episode, I'm breaking down exactly what it takes to scale your online coaching business from $10,000 to $25,000 per month. Because let's face it - hitting that first $10k is just the beginning. Now it's time to level up and create a sustainable, thriving business.

    I'm diving deep into the key metrics you need to track, the marketing strategies that will keep your pipeline full, and the crucial hires you need to make to free up your time and energy. Trust me, this isn't just theory - these are the exact steps I've used to build my own 7-figure empire.

    But here's the kicker: scaling isn't just about making more money. It's about creating a business that serves you, instead of you being a slave to it. So if you're ready to take your coaching business to the next level and create the freedom you've been dreaming of, this episode is your roadmap to success.

    Top Quotes:

    "If you want to build a small business, don't hire people. If you want to build a big business, you need other people." (8:11)

    "Now because you've got more time, you can spend more time creating content. Now because you've got more time, you can spend more time researching. Now because you've got more time, you can host more coaching calls for your clients so that they continue to stick around." (7:50)

    "As you grow and as you expand, your goal is to put people in the right places so that not only your business can grow, but you also get some of your time back." (7:26)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • It's time to go all in on your dreams: The power of burning the boats 🔥

    In this episode, I'm calling out all the fence-sitters and half-committed coaches out there. If you've been saying you want to hit $10k or $20k months but you're not willing to bet on yourself, this one's for you.

    I'm sharing some raw, unfiltered stories from my own journey - from living in my grandma's trailer to building a 7-figure empire. You'll hear about the times I went all in, risking everything to chase my dreams. Because here's the truth: success requires total commitment.

    Too many of you are living the same six months on repeat, never truly pushing yourself to the next level. You keep giving yourself a way out, an option to retreat. But I'm here to tell you - that's not how champions are made.

    It's time to burn the boats and leave yourself no option but success. Are you ready to match the energy and commitment of those gunning for the same goals as you? Because I promise you, they're out there putting in the work right now.

    So if you're tired of playing small and ready to unleash your full potential, tune in. This episode might just be the kick in the ass you need to finally go all in on your dreams.

    Top Quotes:

    "I would rather perish than be the same dude right now that I was six months ago." (9:22)

    "You will never achieve success until you commit all of your energy. All of it. Not part of it. Not counting the cost. Not wondering, like, is it if you can budget for it, if you can afford it, or if it's feasible." (10:01)

    "Life is a game, and I'm here to f****** win. And I know that there's other business coaches out there that are f****** going after my clients. And so I'm gonna be the hardest working m***********." (10:40)
    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Unleashing the power of podchats: Insider tips from the 10K Mastermind 🚀

    In this episode, I'm pulling back the curtain and giving you an exclusive look into one of our 10K Mastermind podchats. These are the raw, unfiltered conversations I have with my top-performing clients who are crushing it in the online fitness coaching space.

    From marketing strategies that are blowing up on social media to the nitty-gritty details of running successful masterclasses and giveaways, we're covering it all. I'm dropping knowledge bombs left and right, sharing the exact tactics that are helping my clients scale their businesses to $25k months and beyond.

    So if you're ready to level up your coaching game and create massive impact, this episode is your blueprint for success.

    Top Quotes:

    "If you truly want something and you're putting in a ridiculous amount of work ethic and you're following the right game plan, dude, your success is inevitable." (3:43)

    "Make your videos look more professional. And what I mean by that is like I wouldn't- the talking to the camera with your phone makes you look younger. It's just that you don't have the age to do that. So if you want to attract an older demographic... you've got to present yourself as a guy that's a fucking expert." (1:26:27)

    "You don't want to throw a monkey wrench into something that's working. What you want to do is you want to find ways to add." (1:28:02)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Hustle culture isn't dead - it's the key to dominating your industry 🔥

    In this episode, I'm calling out the BS narrative that hustle culture is toxic and that you should always prioritize your feelings over your goals. Because here's the truth: if you want to achieve real success as an online fitness coach, you need to be willing to put in the work - no matter what.

    I'm breaking down why the "anti-hustle" mindset is keeping so many coaches broke and struggling. We'll dive into the importance of learning from people who are actually crushing it, not just those preaching feel-good messages on social media.

    If you're tired of making excuses and ready to take your business to the next level, this episode is your wake-up call. It's time to embrace the hustle, silence the doubters, and become a fucking force of nature in your industry.

    Top Quotes:

    "Everybody wants to be successful. But 90% of people actually get in the arena and they realize what it takes to be successful. And they realize how much fucking work it takes to be successful." (3:53)

    "Change is inevitable, because life is always moving forward. But progress is not." (13:55)

    "If you want to be successful, put in the fucking work. Period. Hustle culture is good. Those people that hustle, get ahead of everybody else. Those people that hustle, become remembered." (15:05)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • 3 proven strategies to make money NOW as an online fitness coach 💰

    In this episode, I'm breaking down three actionable strategies you can use TODAY to start making more money as an online fitness coach. No more hoping and praying that clients will magically appear - it's time to take control of your business growth.

    I've seen too many trainers spinning their wheels, posting content and crossing their fingers that someone will reach out. But that's not a reliable way to predictably grow your income. Instead, I'm giving you the exact blueprint I've used to help thousands of coaches hit $10k months and beyond.

    From launching a "new" program (even if it's just repackaging what you already offer) to tapping into your existing network of leads and past clients, these strategies are simple but incredibly effective. The best part? You can implement them immediately and start seeing results.

    So if you're tired of the feast or famine cycle and ready to take your online coaching business to the next level, this episode is your roadmap to success. It's time to stop hoping for clients and start actively pursuing them.

    Top Quotes:

    "When it comes to online fitness coaching, I think that most personal trainers trying to get clients are all doing the exact same shit." (1:16)

    "Once somebody pays you once, they are seven times more likely to be your customer again." (8:42)

    "I think that as online personal trainers, sometimes we get delusional about the idea of people wanting to re-sign or re-work with us after they've stopped, but the truth is, it's not just about the training and the nutrition… it's about how you handle them as a client." (10:07)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Don't let the devil win: Unleashing your inner champion 🔥

    In this episode, I'm diving deep into the biggest obstacle holding you back from achieving your dreams as an online fitness coach - and it's not what you think.

    I'm talking about the devil within - that voice of self-doubt, fear, and procrastination that tries to convince you to give up before you even start. We all face this internal battle, but the coaches who break through to $10k months and beyond are the ones who learn to silence that voice and keep pushing forward.

    I break down exactly what I mean by "the devil" and how it shows up in your journey as an entrepreneur. More importantly, I reveal the secret weapon you need to overcome it: unwavering faith in yourself and your vision.

    This isn't some woo-woo BS - it's about developing that unshakeable belief that your success is inevitable. When you have that level of certainty, nothing can stop you. You'll push through the failures, the setbacks, and the moments of doubt because you know it's all part of the process.

    So if you've been struggling to stay motivated or questioning whether you have what it takes, this episode is your wake-up call. It's time to silence that inner critic and unleash your inner champion. Because at the end of the day, the only thing standing between you and your dreams is you.

    Top Quotes:

    "The devil is that feeling that you get when you're working towards your goal and there's this little voice in the back of your head that's telling you, ‘you should take a break, man’." (1:51)

    "Unless you truly believe that the challenges that you're facing in your life right now are not meant to be permanent obstacles, but they're meant to be learning lessons to get you one step closer, you'll never achieve success." (7:35)

    "Find somebody that believes in you more than you believe in yourself. Find somebody whose belief will carry you through to the next level until you get that level of self-belief where you know you're gonna be successful." (9:16)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Unleashing your inner beast: How to crush it in online fitness coaching 🔥

    In this episode, I'm diving deep into what it really takes to dominate the online fitness coaching game. We're talking about everything from content creation strategies to mindset shifts that'll help you break through plateaus and skyrocket your business.

    I kicked things off by sharing some exciting news about PT Domination coming to the USA. If you've been feeling isolated in your online coaching journey, this is your chance to connect with like-minded badasses and level up your game.

    But the real meat of this episode? It's all about helping you overcome the obstacles that are holding you back from reaching your full potential. We tackled questions from coaches struggling to book consistent calls, create engaging content, and push past their mental barriers.

    So if you're ready to stop playing small and start dominating in your online fitness coaching business, this episode is your wake-up call. It's time to unleash your inner beast and go all in on your dreams.

    Top Quotes:

    "Business is growing, but it's like been slow because it's like the challenge is the only time they get like five, six clients, right?" (3:09)

    "You went from doing this shit to this shit. And you haven't found your stride yet, but you're finding it. So you just need to keep going." (1:26:44)

    "If you're going to give a mindset thing, then attach it to a pain point they have." (1:27:09)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Unlock the secrets to viral content with Adley: Your ticket to 1 billion+ views 🚀

    In this episode, I'm joined by the viral video mastermind Adley, who's about to blow your mind with the tactics behind creating content that gets over a billion views a month. Yes, you read that right - a BILLION views!

    Adley breaks down the systematic, predictable approach they've used to create viral moments for major brands like Land Rover and Charmin. But here's the kicker - these same strategies can work for you and your fitness coaching business.

    If you're tired of posting content that gets lost in the noise, this episode is your golden ticket to breaking through. Adley reveals the 7-step formula (with 18 sub-steps!) that can 5x your views almost instantly. And the best part? You'll get to experience this game-changing knowledge live at our upcoming event in Houston.

    Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your content strategy and explode your reach. Because when you combine these viral tactics with the power of our PT Domination community, there's no limit to what you can achieve.

    Top Quotes:

    "We've done over a billion views a month systematically, predictively. Sustainably since 2020. And we've done this in entertainment, we've done this in fitness, we've done this for Land Rover, Charmin, HP, Airhead, Drumstick, creating viral content and viral moments." (1:16)

    "If you implement even three of the things that we're going to teach you in Houston, you're going to see a massive difference in your conference." (3:08)

    "How many of you guys have friends right now outside of P2 Dom that understand how big your goals are and support you wholeheartedly actually wanting you to f****** win?" (17:19)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark