
  • A healthy lifestyle is one of the greatest gifts you can offer your children. In this second episode of a two-part series, Shiela and her husband Bruce expound on what Charlotte Mason believed are important aspects of a child’s health, and how foundational the pursuit of physical health is for learning and brain function. They share some of the science behind healthy habits and also practical tips, ideas and insights to set your family on a journey of health and vibrancy. You’ll realize the power of building family bonds and memories through shared experiences and adventures around fitness and nutrition. Happy Healthy Homeschooling!

    About Shiela

    Shiela Catanzarite is an author, speaker, editor, and communication coach. She's a 20-year Charlotte Mason veteran homeschooler and has worked as Jeannie Fulbright’s editor and designer for 20 years helping develop Jeannie’s award-winning Apologia science curriculum and most recently her Charlotte Mason products published through Jeannie Fulbright Press. Shiela is the author of the newly published Living Verse Language Arts in Poetry and is finishing up her second book in the series Living Verse Language Arts in Scripture, to be released spring 2024.

    Earning a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a master’s degree in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary, Shiela has been teaching language arts in some capacity for 40+ years. Her passion remains helping students understand the elements of language and how to use these elements artfully to communicate effectively. Shiela is currently a language communication coach, working one-on-one with students who have language learning and communication challenges. She also writes curriculum for her private middle and high school English language communication classes that focus on writing and speaking.

    Both of Shiela's and her husband Bruce’s daughters attended private universities on scholarship and went on to pursue graduate studies in medicine and global business. She attributes their love for learning and academic achievement to homeschooling with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and methodology.


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    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • The impact of a child’s health on his learning is a topic that doesn’t get much attention but one that is vital and is something Charlotte Mason took seriously and expounded on. She believed there are three conditions for healthy brain activity: exercise, rest, nutrition. In this first episode of a two-part series, we’ll explore Charlotte Mason’s thoughts on a child’s health and learning and how her educational philosophy includes aspects of a healthy lifestyle. We’ll touch on these aspects and how you can make them part of your homeschool to ensure your children have optimal opportunity to learn and grow into the people God made them to be. You’ll be intrigued as you come to understand the wisdom behind Charlotte Mason’s argument that, “the physiological matter may seem like the lowest rung of the educational ladder but the lowest rung is the necessary step to all the rest.”

    About Shiela

    Shiela Catanzarite is an author, speaker, editor, and communication coach. She's a 20-year Charlotte Mason veteran homeschooler and has worked as Jeannie Fulbright’s editor and designer for 20 years helping develop Jeannie’s award-winning Apologia science curriculum and most recently her Charlotte Mason products published through Jeannie Fulbright Press. Shiela is the author of the newly published Living Verse Language Arts in Poetry and is finishing up her second book in the series Living Verse Language Arts in Scripture, to be released spring 2024.

    Earning a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a master’s degree in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary, Shiela has been teaching language arts in some capacity for 40+ years. Her passion remains helping students understand the elements of language and how to use these elements artfully to communicate effectively. Shiela is currently a language communication coach, working one-on-one with students who have language learning and communication challenges. She also writes curriculum for her private middle and high school English language communication classes that focus on writing and speaking.

    Both of Shiela's and her husband Bruce’s daughters attended private universities on scholarship and went on to pursue graduate studies in medicine and global business. She attributes their love for learning and academic achievement to homeschooling with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and methodology.


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    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

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    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Have you ever struggled to explain your belief in the Bible's account of creation to your children or others? Do you wish the evidence were easy to describe? In this talk, Jeannie demystifies the reasons for believing in the Bible's account of creation and the flood. With easy-to-grasp explanations, she clarifies and expounds on the scientific, geological, archaeological, and human geographical evidence that points to the Biblical Creation model of origins. This talk will not only boost your faith in the Bible and its historical accuracy, it will equip you with an answer to the hope that lies within you.

    About Jeannie

    Jeannie Fulbright, a 24-year veteran homeschooler, is the author of the #1 best-selling, multi award-winning Apologia Young Explorer science series: Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics, Botany, Zoology, and Anatomy & Physiology. She is also the author of the action-packed historical time travel book series Rumble Tumbles Through Time, as well as preschool science books and activity kits, the Charlotte Mason Heirloom Planner, and many high-quality Charlotte Mason based products. Jeannie and her husband Jeff became empty nesters in 2019. All four of their children all went to the University of Georgia on scholarship (homeschooling works!). For more than 20 years Jeannie has traveled around the country speaking to homeschoolers at conventions, covering a plethora of topics from Charlotte Mason to marriage and prayer.


    Jeannie Fulbright | Instagram | Facebook | Facebook Group | TikTok | Pinterest | Website

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    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • April is National Poetry Month and what better way to celebrate the beautiful language of poetry than with the Perfect Poetry Tea Time! Whether you’re new to the idea or are already enjoying poetry tea times, this episode is for you. Join Shiela as she shares practical ideas for engaging in a month long poetry study that culminates in hosting a tea time celebration. You’ll learn Charlotte Mason’s thoughts on poetry and how to engage with carefully selected poems during the month. You’ll be inspired to gather your family to visioneer and plan the perfect tea time and everything it entails: from choosing the poets and their poems to deciding the decorations and tableware to learning to be a gracious host. Most importantly, you’ll choose what guests to invite and how to create a welcoming ambiance that highlights your theme. Visit Shiela’s website to request her FREE Poetry Team Time Planner to help you get started and stay organized.

    About Shiela

    Shiela Catanzarite is an author, speaker, editor, and communication coach. She's a 20-year Charlotte Mason veteran homeschooler and has worked as Jeannie Fulbright’s editor and designer for 20 years helping develop Jeannie’s award-winning Apologia science curriculum and most recently her Charlotte Mason products published through Jeannie Fulbright Press. Shiela is the author of the newly published Living Verse Language Arts in Poetry and is finishing up her second book in the series Living Verse Language Arts in Scripture, to be released spring 2024.

    Earning a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a master’s degree in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary, Shiela has been teaching language arts in some capacity for 40+ years. Her passion remains helping students understand the elements of language and how to use these elements artfully to communicate effectively. Shiela is currently a language communication coach, working one-on-one with students who have language learning and communication challenges. She also writes curriculum for her private middle and high school English language communication classes that focus on writing and speaking.

    Both of Shiela's and her husband Bruce’s daughters attended private universities on scholarship and went on to pursue graduate studies in medicine and global business. She attributes their love for learning and academic achievement to homeschooling with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and methodology.


    Little Pine Learners

    Free Poetry Team Time Planner PDF


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    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • Life is full of trials and tribulations, yet we’re told to consider it all joy. Why? Because God is maturing us and is growing our character. He is working all things for our good! But it doesn’t feel like it at times, especially with the added pressure homeschooling can bring. So how can we respond to trials in a way that brings blessing? How can we help our children do the same? Jeannie and Shiela share their experiences trusting God with the varied hardships they faced while homeschooling. They touch on how they helped their children navigate trials and how they kept their homeschool alive while walking through difficulties. They offer wisdom and tips to help you not only prepare for what will come but persevere through it with hope and even joy!

    About Jeannie

    Jeannie Fulbright, a 24-year veteran homeschooler, is the author of the #1 best-selling, multi award-winning Apologia Young Explorer science series: Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics, Botany, Zoology, and Anatomy & Physiology. She is also the author of the action-packed historical time travel book series Rumble Tumbles Through Time, as well as preschool science books and activity kits, the Charlotte Mason Heirloom Planner, and many high-quality Charlotte Mason based products. Jeannie and her husband Jeff became empty nesters in 2019. All four of their children all went to the University of Georgia on scholarship (homeschooling works!). For more than 20 years Jeannie has traveled around the country speaking to homeschoolers at conventions, covering a plethora of topics from Charlotte Mason to marriage and prayer.

    About Shiela

    Shiela Catanzarite is an author, speaker, editor, and communication coach. She's a 20-year Charlotte Mason veteran homeschooler and has worked as Jeannie Fulbright’s editor and designer for 20 years helping develop Jeannie’s award-winning Apologia science curriculum and most recently her Charlotte Mason products published through Jeannie Fulbright Press. Shiela is the author of the newly published Living Verse Language Arts in Poetry and is finishing up her second book in the series Living Verse Language Arts in Scripture, to be released spring 2024.

    Earning a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a master’s degree in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary, Shiela has been teaching language arts in some capacity for 40+ years. Her passion remains helping students understand the elements of language and how to use these elements artfully to communicate effectively. Shiela is currently a language communication coach, working one-on-one with students who have language learning and communication challenges. She also writes curriculum for her private middle and high school English language communication classes that focus on writing and speaking.

    Both of Shiela's and her husband Bruce’s daughters attended private universities on scholarship and went on to pursue graduate studies in medicine and global business. She attributes their love for learning and academic achievement to homeschooling with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and methodology.


    Jeannie Fulbright | Instagram | Facebook | Facebook Group | TikTok | Pinterest | Website

    Shiela Catanzarite | Website | Instagram | Instagram

    Homeschooling.mom | Instagram | Website

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    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • Marriage is hard. Homeschooling is hard. Because of this, peace and joy can sometimes seem out of reach. The fact is, our ultimate role as women frequently goes unfulfilled, leaving us broken and wounded, dealing with our emptiness and loneliness in the only ways we know how. We attempt to fill the hollow hole in our hearts with the things of this world, which never satisfies. In this podcast, Jeannie shares her journey from a broken, painful marriage to transformation, wholeness, and healing through the living Word of God. She shares how to find all you need to be the wife God created you to be and experience a beautiful and fruitful marriage in a broken world.

    About Jeannie

    Jeannie Fulbright, a 24-year veteran homeschooler, is the author of the #1 best-selling, multi award-winning Apologia Young Explorer science series: Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics, Botany, Zoology, and Anatomy & Physiology. She is also the author of the action-packed historical time travel book series Rumble Tumbles Through Time, as well as preschool science books and activity kits, the Charlotte Mason Heirloom Planner, and many high-quality Charlotte Mason based products. Jeannie and her husband Jeff became empty nesters in 2019. All four of their children all went to the University of Georgia on scholarship (homeschooling works!). For more than 20 years Jeannie has traveled around the country speaking to homeschoolers at conventions, covering a plethora of topics from Charlotte Mason to marriage and prayer.


    Jeannie Fulbright | Instagram | Facebook | Facebook Group | TikTok | Pinterest | Website

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    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • Homeschooling is about freedom—freedom to pursue a lifestyle of learning that includes lots of out and about educational adventures. There are so many opportunities to enrich your children's learning outside your home. With a little planning you can take advantage of the variety of offerings in your area and beyond! In this episode, Shiela shares ideas for homeschooling out and about and how her family enriched their homeschool by adopting this life-giving lifestyle of learning. Go to Shiela's website to request her free PDF of ideas for homeschooling out and about.

    About Shiela

    Shiela Catanzarite is an author, speaker, editor, and communication coach. She's a 20-year Charlotte Mason veteran homeschooler and has worked as Jeannie Fulbright’s editor and designer for 20 years helping develop Jeannie’s award-winning Apologia science curriculum and most recently her Charlotte Mason products published through Jeannie Fulbright Press. Shiela is the author of the newly published Living Verse Language Arts in Poetry and is finishing up her second book in the series Living Verse Language Arts in Scripture, to be released spring 2024.

    Earning a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a master’s degree in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary, Shiela has been teaching language arts in some capacity for 40+ years. Her passion remains helping students understand the elements of language and how to use these elements artfully to communicate effectively. Shiela is currently a language communication coach, working one-on-one with students who have language learning and communication challenges. She also writes curriculum for her private middle and high school English language communication classes that focus on writing and speaking.

    Both of Shiela's and her husband Bruce’s daughters attended private universities on scholarship and went on to pursue graduate studies in medicine and global business. She attributes their love for learning and academic achievement to homeschooling with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and methodology.


    Shiela Catanzarite | Website | Instagram | Instagram | Email

    Homeschooling.mom | Instagram | Website

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    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • Your child was designed for a purpose and given everything they need to fulfill that purpose. God has a specific plan and a unique will for their lives. Our job as homeschoolers is not to map out their route, but to help them discover the path God created before the foundations of the earth for them to walk. On that path, they will use the unique gifts, talents, skills, interests, and passions God developed in them. Only there will they find true fulfillment and peace in their vocation. In this talk, Jeannie will share why and how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in leading your children into their designed destiny, while releasing our need to control and direction and lean into God’s plan and purposes instead.

    About Jeannie

    Jeannie Fulbright, a 24-year veteran homeschooler, is the author of the #1 best-selling, multi award-winning Apologia Young Explorer science series: Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics, Botany, Zoology, and Anatomy & Physiology. She is also the author of the action-packed historical time travel book series Rumble Tumbles Through Time, as well as preschool science books and activity kits, the Charlotte Mason Heirloom Planner, and many high-quality Charlotte Mason based products. Jeannie and her husband Jeff became empty nesters in 2019. All four of their children all went to the University of Georgia on scholarship (homeschooling works!). For more than 20 years Jeannie has traveled around the country speaking to homeschoolers at conventions, covering a plethora of topics from Charlotte Mason to marriage and prayer.


    Jeannie Fulbright | Instagram | Facebook | Facebook Group | TikTok | Pinterest | Website

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    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • We've all experienced a sense of overwhelm on our homeschool journey from time to time, and sometimes it's hard to pinpoint exactly where the source of stress is coming from. But we're never stuck. There's a solution to overwhelm! In this episode Shiela shares the solution and also practical ideas and strategies to help you not only identify and reduce overwhelm but avoid it.

    About Shiela

    Shiela Catanzarite is an author, speaker, editor, and communication coach. She's a 20-year Charlotte Mason veteran homeschooler and has worked as Jeannie Fulbright’s editor and designer for 20 years helping develop Jeannie’s award-winning Apologia science curriculum and most recently her Charlotte Mason products published through Jeannie Fulbright Press. Shiela is the author of the newly published Living Verse Language Arts in Poetry and is finishing up her second book in the series Living Verse Language Arts in Scripture, to be released spring 2024.

    Earning a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a master’s degree in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary, Shiela has been teaching language arts in some capacity for 40+ years. Her passion remains helping students understand the elements of language and how to use these elements artfully to communicate effectively. Shiela is currently a language communication coach, working one-on-one with students who have language learning and communication challenges. She also writes curriculum for her private middle and high school English language communication classes that focus on writing and speaking.

    Both of Shiela's and her husband Bruce’s daughters attended private universities on scholarship and went on to pursue graduate studies in medicine and global business. She attributes their love for learning and academic achievement to homeschooling with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and methodology.


    Shiela Catanzarite | Website | Instagram | Instagram | Email

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    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • One thing we often neglect in our busy schedule is nurturing our walk with God. With everything we must complete, we feel that we just don't have the time to have a quiet time. However, Jesus tells us, "Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself unless it remains in the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. I am the vine and you are the branches. The one who remains in Me, and I in him, will bear much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing." We all want more than anything to do a good job homeschooling, to bear much fruit in our children's lives. Yet, if we are not walking with the Lord, we cannot bear fruit, we can do nothing well. Colossians 1:29 says, "To this end I strenuously labor with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me." We need the energy Christ provides to succeed in any endeavor we undertake, especially homeschooling. In this podcast, Jeannie will share the simple format that Jesus taught us to strengthen our relationship with God. Even if you only have five minutes to spare each day, by employing the steps Jesus imparted, you will receive all the blessings and benefits of an intimate and dynamic relationship with God.

    About Jeannie

    Jeannie Fulbright, a 24-year veteran homeschooler, is the author of the #1 best-selling, multi award-winning Apologia Young Explorer science series: Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics, Botany, Zoology, and Anatomy & Physiology. She is also the author of the action-packed historical time travel book series Rumble Tumbles Through Time, as well as preschool science books and activity kits, the Charlotte Mason Heirloom Planner, and many high-quality Charlotte Mason based products. Jeannie and her husband Jeff became empty nesters in 2019. All four of their children all went to the University of Georgia on scholarship (homeschooling works!). For more than 20 years Jeannie has traveled around the country speaking to homeschoolers at conventions, covering a plethora of topics from Charlotte Mason to marriage and prayer.


    Jeannie Fulbright | Instagram | Facebook | Facebook Group | TikTok | Pinterest | Website

    Homeschooling.mom | Instagram | Website

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    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • Homeschooling can feel lonely at times. We are made for relationships, and supportive friendships for you and your children are vital to keep you strong and encouraged on the homeschool path. But not any friend will do. We must be intentional about finding life-giving, likeminded friends for ourselves and also for our children. Where do we find these treasured friends? Jeannie and Shiela share their experiences and insights on finding and choosing the right kinds of friendships. They discuss the benefits of wise friends and the harmfulness of foolish ones. You’ll learn why quality friends matter and things to consider when looking for and nurturing these vital relationships that will add encouragement and fun to your journey. Don’t homeschool without them!

    About Jeannie

    Jeannie Fulbright, a 24-year veteran homeschooler, is the author of the #1 best-selling, multi award-winning Apologia Young Explorer science series: Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics, Botany, Zoology, and Anatomy & Physiology. She is also the author of the action-packed historical time travel book series Rumble Tumbles Through Time, as well as preschool science books and activity kits, the Charlotte Mason Heirloom Planner, and many high-quality Charlotte Mason based products. Jeannie and her husband Jeff became empty nesters in 2019. All four of their children all went to the University of Georgia on scholarship (homeschooling works!). For more than 20 years Jeannie has traveled around the country speaking to homeschoolers at conventions, covering a plethora of topics from Charlotte Mason to marriage and prayer.

    About Shiela

    Shiela Catanzarite is an author, speaker, editor, and communication coach. She's a 20-year Charlotte Mason veteran homeschooler and has worked as Jeannie Fulbright’s editor and designer for 20 years helping develop Jeannie’s award-winning Apologia science curriculum and most recently her Charlotte Mason products published through Jeannie Fulbright Press. Shiela is the author of the newly published Living Verse Language Arts in Poetry and is finishing up her second book in the series Living Verse Language Arts in Scripture, to be released spring 2024.

    Earning a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a master’s degree in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary, Shiela has been teaching language arts in some capacity for 40+ years. Her passion remains helping students understand the elements of language and how to use these elements artfully to communicate effectively. Shiela is currently a language communication coach, working one-on-one with students who have language learning and communication challenges. She also writes curriculum for her private middle and high school English language communication classes that focus on writing and speaking.

    Both of Shiela's and her husband Bruce’s daughters attended private universities on scholarship and went on to pursue graduate studies in medicine and global business. She attributes their love for learning and academic achievement to homeschooling with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and methodology.


    Jeannie Fulbright | Instagram | Facebook | Facebook Group | TikTok | Pinterest | Website

    Shiela Catanzarite | Website | Instagram | Instagram

    Homeschooling.mom | Instagram | Website

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    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • Is your language arts living? It should be! In this episode we'll discover the origin of language and its intended purpose. We'll discuss why most language arts programs are ineffective and how they fail to produce strong thinkers and writers who know how to artfully apply the elements of language arts to their communication. We'll learn what Charlotte Mason has to say about language arts and how we can approach this beautiful subject in a life-giving way that brings joy, confidence and maturity to our children's language learning, communication and ultimately connection.

    About Shiela

    Shiela Catanzarite is an author, speaker, editor, and communication coach. She's a 20-year Charlotte Mason veteran homeschooler and has worked as Jeannie Fulbright’s editor and designer for 20 years helping develop Jeannie’s award-winning Apologia science curriculum and most recently her Charlotte Mason products published through Jeannie Fulbright Press. Shiela is the author of the newly published Living Verse Language Arts in Poetry and is finishing up her second book in the series Living Verse Language Arts in Scripture, to be released spring 2024.

    Earning a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a master’s degree in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary, Shiela has been teaching language arts in some capacity for 40+ years. Her passion remains helping students understand the elements of language and how to use these elements artfully to communicate effectively. Shiela is currently a language communication coach, working one-on-one with students who have language learning and communication challenges. She also writes curriculum for her private middle and high school English language communication classes that focus on writing and speaking.

    Both of Shiela's and her husband Bruce’s daughters attended private universities on scholarship and went on to pursue graduate studies in medicine and global business. She attributes their love for learning and academic achievement to homeschooling with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and methodology.


    To get my "all things language arts" newsletter that offers weekly tips, ideas and inspiration to keep your language arts living, email me at [email protected] and I'll happily add you to the list.


    Shiela Catanzarite | Website | Instagram | Instagram

    Homeschooling.mom | Instagram | Website

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    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • As we head into the curriculum-choosing season, Jeannie shares five essential elements to consider when deciding on the books and materials you will use with your children next year. In this episode, Jeannie encourages you to contemplate God's purpose for your children and to how to align your curriculum choices to His ultimate will for your family. She also discusses how to assess whether a curriculum will encourage joy, excitement, curiosity, and love for learning in your children. Jeannie will conclude by infusing you with the faith to believe that God already knows which curriculum you should use for each of your children and that you can trust in Him to guide you.

    About Jeannie

    Jeannie Fulbright, a 24-year veteran homeschooler, is the author of the #1 best-selling, multi award-winning Apologia Young Explorer science series: Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics, Botany, Zoology, and Anatomy & Physiology. She is also the author of the action-packed historical time travel book series Rumble Tumbles Through Time, as well as preschool science books and activity kits, the Charlotte Mason Heirloom Planner, and many high-quality Charlotte Mason based products. Jeannie and her husband Jeff became empty nesters in 2019. All four of their children all went to the University of Georgia on scholarship (homeschooling works!). For more than 20 years Jeannie has traveled around the country speaking to homeschoolers at conventions, covering a plethora of topics from Charlotte Mason to marriage and prayer.


    Jeannie Fulbright | Instagram | Facebook | Facebook Group | TikTok | Pinterest | Website

    Homeschooling.mom | Instagram | Website

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    Thank you to our sponsors!

    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • It's a new year and God has gifted you 525,600 minutes! How will you invest them to ensure you have the most fruitful, life giving homeschool year ever? By beginning with the ENDS in mind! What were your gains in 2023? What do you want to gain by the end of 2024? Join Shiela as she shares a simple framework to help you reflect on the gains you had last year in order to plan for the ones you desire this year. Be inspired to create a vision and concrete plan that will bring clarity, confidence and direction to your family life and homeschool this year. Gather the family and create an exciting vision that ensures an adventurous year of growth and precious memories! Be sure to visit Shiela's website to request the free PDF she created to help you "begin with the ends in mind."

    About Shiela

    Shiela Catanzarite is an author, speaker, editor, and communication coach. She's a 20-year Charlotte Mason veteran homeschooler and has worked as Jeannie Fulbright’s editor and designer for 20 years helping develop Jeannie’s award-winning Apologia science curriculum and most recently her Charlotte Mason products published through Jeannie Fulbright Press. Shiela is the author of the newly published Living Verse Language Arts in Poetry and is finishing up her second book in the series Living Verse Language Arts in Scripture, to be released spring 2024.

    Earning a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a master’s degree in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary, Shiela has been teaching language arts in some capacity for 40+ years. Her passion remains helping students understand the elements of language and how to use these elements artfully to communicate effectively. Shiela is currently a language communication coach, working one-on-one with students who have language learning and communication challenges. She also writes curriculum for her private middle and high school English language communication classes that focus on writing and speaking.

    Both of Shiela's and her husband Bruce’s daughters attended private universities on scholarship and went on to pursue graduate studies in medicine and global business. She attributes their love for learning and academic achievement to homeschooling with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and methodology.


    Begin with the Ends in Mind PDF


    Shiela Catanzarite | Website | Instagram | Instagram

    Homeschooling.mom | Instagram | Website

    Thank you to our sponsors!

    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • Let's face it: homeschooling is hard work. Add to that the responsibilities you assume outside the home, you could become overwhelmed. Whether those responsibilities are duties to your homeschool organization, the church, a ministry, a part-time job, or even a full-time job, there are ways to organize your life and rewire your mindset to enable a peaceful, purposeful, and successful homeschool and work life. In this podcast, Jeannie will share the trade secrets she discovered over her 25 years of homeschooling to make working and homeschooling a joy. By employing important principles from the Charlotte Mason philosophy and growing your faith in God’s purposes and plans for your children, you will find that you have all you need to create a beautiful homeschool life while also excelling in your duties outside the home.

    About Jeannie

    Jeannie Fulbright, a 24-year veteran homeschooler, is the author of the #1 best-selling, multi award-winning Apologia Young Explorer science series: Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics, Botany, Zoology, and Anatomy & Physiology. She is also the author of the action-packed historical time travel book series Rumble Tumbles Through Time, as well as preschool science books and activity kits, the Charlotte Mason Heirloom Planner, and many high-quality Charlotte Mason based products. Jeannie and her husband Jeff became empty nesters in 2019. All four of their children all went to the University of Georgia on scholarship (homeschooling works!). For more than 20 years Jeannie has traveled around the country speaking to homeschoolers at conventions, covering a plethora of topics from Charlotte Mason to marriage and prayer.


    Jeannie Fulbright | Instagram | Facebook | Facebook Group | TikTok | Pinterest | Website

    Homeschooling.mom | Instagram | Website

    Thank you to our sponsors!

    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • In this first episode of 2024, Jeannie and Shiela share the last five of their top ten reasons to homeschool, focusing in on what an excellent education truly means and how homeschooling stimulates strong character and allows children time to develop their unique interests, passions, and skill sets, shaping them into the person God created them to be. Homeschooling is a gift. One that builds beautiful memories and allows our children to have a peaceful and purposeful educational experience.

    About Jeannie

    Jeannie Fulbright, a 24-year veteran homeschooler, is the author of the #1 best-selling, multi award-winning Apologia Young Explorer science series: Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics, Botany, Zoology, and Anatomy & Physiology. She is also the author of the action-packed historical time travel book series Rumble Tumbles Through Time, as well as preschool science books and activity kits, the Charlotte Mason Heirloom Planner, and many high-quality Charlotte Mason based products. Jeannie and her husband Jeff became empty nesters in 2019. All four of their children all went to the University of Georgia on scholarship (homeschooling works!). For more than 20 years Jeannie has traveled around the country speaking to homeschoolers at conventions, covering a plethora of topics from Charlotte Mason to marriage and prayer.

    About Shiela

    Shiela Catanzarite is an author, speaker, editor, and communication coach. She's a 20-year Charlotte Mason veteran homeschooler and has worked as Jeannie Fulbright’s editor and designer for 20 years helping develop Jeannie’s award-winning Apologia science curriculum and most recently her Charlotte Mason products published through Jeannie Fulbright Press. Shiela is the author of the newly published Living Verse Language Arts in Poetry and is finishing up her second book in the series Living Verse Language Arts in Scripture, to be released spring 2024.

    Earning a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a master’s degree in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary, Shiela has been teaching language arts in some capacity for 40+ years. Her passion remains helping students understand the elements of language and how to use these elements artfully to communicate effectively. Shiela is currently a language communication coach, working one-on-one with students who have language learning and communication challenges. She also writes curriculum for her private middle and high school English language communication classes that focus on writing and speaking.

    Both of Shiela's and her husband Bruce’s daughters attended private universities on scholarship and went on to pursue graduate studies in medicine and global business. She attributes their love for learning and academic achievement to homeschooling with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and methodology.


    Jeannie Fulbright | Instagram | Facebook | Facebook Group | TikTok | Pinterest | Website

    Shiela Catanzarite | Website | Instagram | Instagram

    Homeschooling.mom | Instagram | Website

    Thank you to our sponsors!

    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • Want to hear the Top Ten Reasons to Homeschool from two homeschool veterans and authors with six successful college graduates between them? In this podcast, Jeannie Fulbright and Shiela Catanzarite discuss the first five reasons to homeschool. If you need a reminder of why it’s all worth it or know someone who is looking for a reason to begin, this podcast is a must listen. Your eyes will be opened to how homeschooling builds family bonds, allows children the freedom to be themselves, to grow into the persons they were created to be, and to discover their interests early and pursue them well. You’ll be encouraged to release the burden of enslavement to the system that is failing American school children, and instead embrace a true learning atmosphere and environment that develops your children into the people God designed them to be. Jeannie and Shiela will share profound truths and stories that will inspire and encourage you to start or continue the homeschool journey with freedom and joy.

    About Jeannie

    Jeannie Fulbright, a 24-year veteran homeschooler, is the author of the #1 best-selling, multi award-winning Apologia Young Explorer science series: Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics, Botany, Zoology, and Anatomy & Physiology. She is also the author of the action-packed historical time travel book series Rumble Tumbles Through Time, as well as preschool science books and activity kits, the Charlotte Mason Heirloom Planner, and many high-quality Charlotte Mason based products. Jeannie and her husband Jeff became empty nesters in 2019. All four of their children all went to the University of Georgia on scholarship (homeschooling works!). For more than 20 years Jeannie has traveled around the country speaking to homeschoolers at conventions, covering a plethora of topics from Charlotte Mason to marriage and prayer.

    About Shiela

    Shiela Catanzarite is an author, speaker, editor, and communication coach. She's a 20-year Charlotte Mason veteran homeschooler and has worked as Jeannie Fulbright’s editor and designer for 20 years helping develop Jeannie’s award-winning Apologia science curriculum and most recently her Charlotte Mason products published through Jeannie Fulbright Press. Shiela is the author of the newly published Living Verse Language Arts in Poetry and is finishing up her second book in the series Living Verse Language Arts in Scripture, to be released spring 2024.

    Earning a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a master’s degree in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary, Shiela has been teaching language arts in some capacity for 40+ years. Her passion remains helping students understand the elements of language and how to use these elements artfully to communicate effectively. Shiela is currently a language communication coach, working one-on-one with students who have language learning and communication challenges. She also writes curriculum for her private middle and high school English language communication classes that focus on writing and speaking.

    Both of Shiela's and her husband Bruce’s daughters attended private universities on scholarship and went on to pursue graduate studies in medicine and global business. She attributes their love for learning and academic achievement to homeschooling with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and methodology.


    Jeannie Fulbright | Instagram | Facebook | Facebook Group | TikTok | Pinterest | Website

    Shiela Catanzarite | Website | Instagram | Instagram

    Homeschooling.mom | Instagram | Website

    Thank you to our sponsors!

    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • From the beginning, it was God’s design that His words permeate the lives of His people. Charlotte Mason had a lot to say about the priority of Scripture in the home. She understood that God’s word is living and that it will prove effectual in the lives of our children as we impart it to them. More than ever, our children need to hear God speak. The homeschool lifestyle affords a myriad of opportunities to impart God's word to them. In this podcast Shiela shares practical ideas and insights for incorporating Scripture into your children's day.

    About Shiela

    Shiela Catanzarite is an author, speaker, editor, and communication coach. She's a 20-year Charlotte Mason veteran homeschooler and has worked as Jeannie Fulbright’s editor and designer for 20 years helping develop Jeannie’s award-winning Apologia science curriculum and most recently her Charlotte Mason products published through Jeannie Fulbright Press. Shiela is the author of the newly published Living Verse Language Arts in Poetry and is finishing up her second book in the series Living Verse Language Arts in Scripture, to be released spring 2024.

    Earning a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a master’s degree in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary, Shiela has been teaching language arts in some capacity for 40+ years. Her passion remains helping students understand the elements of language and how to use these elements artfully to communicate effectively. Shiela is currently a language communication coach, working one-on-one with students who have language learning and communication challenges. She also writes curriculum for her private middle and high school English language communication classes that focus on writing and speaking.

    Both of Shiela's and her husband Bruce’s daughters attended private universities on scholarship and went on to pursue graduate studies in medicine and global business. She attributes their love for learning and academic achievement to homeschooling with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and methodology.


    Ideas for Incorporating Scripture into Your Days (free download)


    Shiela Catanzarite | Website | Instagram | Instagram

    Homeschooling.mom | Instagram | Website

    Thank you to our sponsors!

    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • How do we help our children become self-sufficient, independent, and self-motivated? This is a question that many parents struggle to answer. However, recent research studies and Charlotte Mason's teachings on this very issue have the answer. In this talk, Jeannie shares the seven keys for developing self-motivated children. Each key builds upon the other and intertwines to give us a clear picture of our role as parents in nurturing to life our children's natural desire to know, their Divine curiosity, the innate personal motivation that should be a driving force in their learning and education. You will discover that your role is doing less not more. And as you trust in God to fulfill his purposes for your children, you will be freed from the need to take control over and worry about their future. The Truth that God guides and leads you and your children will set you free to enjoy this homeschool journey without the constant burden of failing your children.

    About Jeannie

    Jeannie Fulbright, a 24-year veteran homeschooler, is the author of the #1 best-selling, multi award-winning Apologia Young Explorer science series: Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics, Botany, Zoology, and Anatomy & Physiology. She is also the author of the action-packed historical time travel book series Rumble Tumbles Through Time, as well as preschool science books and activity kits, the Charlotte Mason Heirloom Planner, and many high-quality Charlotte Mason based products. Jeannie and her husband Jeff became empty nesters in 2019. All four of their children all went to the University of Georgia on scholarship (homeschooling works!). For more than 20 years Jeannie has traveled around the country speaking to homeschoolers at conventions, covering a plethora of topics from Charlotte Mason to marriage and prayer.


    Jeannie Fulbright | Instagram | Facebook | Facebook Group | TikTok | Pinterest | Website

    Homeschooling.mom | Instagram | Website

    Thank you to our sponsors!

    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.

  • You matter, Mama! You are God's masterpiece~ fearfully and wonderfully made. He cares so deeply about you and has His eye on you during these homeschooling years. God prepared good works for you to walk in and homeschooling is indeed one of those good works. It's a beautiful and amazing season…yet one that requires great investment. Investment of your time, your energy, your thoughts. And an even greater investment of your heart.

    I want to remind you that amidst all this investing, sacrificing, and pouring out, YOU MATTER. God is for you, and He desires that you continue growing into the beautifully unique woman He's created you to be, even as you help your children grow.

    In this episode, we'll learn ways to invest in ourselves so our children can truly have, "the best of their mother."

    About Shiela

    Shiela Catanzarite is an author, speaker, editor, and communication coach. She's a 20-year Charlotte Mason veteran homeschooler and has worked as Jeannie Fulbright’s editor and designer for 20 years helping develop Jeannie’s award-winning Apologia science curriculum and most recently her Charlotte Mason products published through Jeannie Fulbright Press. Shiela is the author of the newly published Living Verse Language Arts in Poetry and is finishing up her second book in the series Living Verse Language Arts in Scripture, to be released spring 2024.

    Earning a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a master’s degree in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary, Shiela has been teaching language arts in some capacity for 40+ years. Her passion remains helping students understand the elements of language and how to use these elements artfully to communicate effectively. Shiela is currently a language communication coach, working one-on-one with students who have language learning and communication challenges. She also writes curriculum for her private middle and high school English language communication classes that focus on writing and speaking.

    Both of Shiela's and her husband Bruce’s daughters attended private universities on scholarship and went on to pursue graduate studies in medicine and global business. She attributes their love for learning and academic achievement to homeschooling with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and methodology.


    Shiela Catanzarite | Website | Instagram | Instagram

    Homeschooling.mom | Instagram | Website

    Thank you to our sponsors!

    Medi-Share: an affordable Christian alternative to traditional health insurance

    Tuttle Twins: children’s books to help you teach your kids how the world really works

    Have you joined us at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions? We hope to see you there!

    For more encouragement on your homeschooling journey, visit the Homeschooling.mom site, and tune in to our sister podcast The Homeschool Solutions Show.

    View full show notes on the blog.