
  • Today’s Christian/Biblian holds to certain (double) standards, (extreme) rites of faith, and (blasphemous) beliefs that all derive from the tome they claim to be “holy.”

    Within this tome, however, we are led to believe in a less-than-Supreme god who answered our/mankind’s request, and then righteously dispose of that requested miracle as we saw fit.. in that time and place… or the present one..

    And God told you to write that shyt down.


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  • Back to basics, and we shall begin at the beginning. Abandoned by the Alpha, let’s delve into these present-day CHRISTian “truths.”

    Be sure to tune in to episode 2: Blame it on the blasphemer


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  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • ‼️SPOILER ALERT!🚨: References the movie, “Passion of Christ” (2004).

    **The truths you encounter here at the Christian Truth platform are hard but definitive.. but one has to commit to throwing off the shackles of society to embrace these truths..⤵️

    •God requires no approval or permission. Nope, just put a period at the end of that sentence! Or, that
    •God does not require man.. nope and never has! And lastly,
    •you can’t kill a god, so your JC …make it make sense

    You may have arrived today expecting to disprove any and/or all of these truths, but when faced with one’s religious realities, are you still “BETTER?”**

    Becaaaaause.. Jesus is king.. how many of you undercover CHRISTians believe this? How many have been raised to ONLY believe in Jesus as God, eternal and insurmountable.. yes? Except to a point. (Version-dependent)

    So let’s delve into those caveats today! Where did mankind go wrong? When did humankind decide that we had the Heavens all sewn up with a bow, and with those strings we continue to play puppet master, and never the puppet.

    Listener: Do you believe in one (righteous) kill of a human who is still to this day.. your “god?” Or can you accept that a supreme power will remain ever bigger than the human mind could possibly imagine? It’s time to face the bitter truths of your/these beliefs..

    This two-part episode should be listened to in order (of publication/release), and also after listening to the episode : “Reality of Truth.”

    **Episode art includes images from Google search: ‘Passion of [the] Christ’ (2004 film by Mel Gibson).**


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/christiantruth/message

  • ‼️SPOILER ALERT!🚨: References the movie, “Apocalypto” (2006).

    **The truths you encounter here at the Christian Truth platform are hard but definitive.. but one has to commit to throwing off the shackles of society to embrace these truths..⤵️

    •God requires no approval or permission. Nope, just put a period at the end of that sentence! Or that
    •God does not require man.. nope and never has! And lastly,
    •you can’t kill a god, so your JC …make it make sense

    You may have arrived today expecting to disprove any and/or all of these truths, but when faced with one’s religious realities, are you still “BETTER?”**

    Listener: Do you believe in one (righteous) kill of a human who is still to this day.. your “god?” Or can you accept that a supreme power will remain ever bigger than the human mind could possibly imagine? It’s time to face the bitter truths of your/these beliefs..

    This two-part episode should be listened to in order (of publication/release), and also after listening to the episode : “Reality of Truth.”

    **Episode art includes images from Google search: ‘Apocalypto’ (2006 film by Mel Gibson),


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/christiantruth/message

  • The truths you encounter here at the Christian Truth platform are hard but definitive.. but one has to commit to throwing off the shackles of society to embrace these truths..

    •God requires no approval or permission. Nope, just put a period at the end of that sentence! Or that
    •God does not require man.. nope and never has! And lastly,
    •you can’t kill a god, so your JC …make it make sense

    You may have arrived today expecting to disprove any and/or all of these truths, but when faced with one’s religious realities, are you still “BETTER?”

    Listener: Do you believe in one (righteous) kill of a human who said too much? Or do you believe God can do as They please? Let’s face those realities..

    **Episode art includes images from Google search: bible truth, including GodTube, DailyVerses.net, BibleLyfe, & “Biblical Proof - WordPress.com.”


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  • I believe in BIGGER, and this upsets people. These same bothered humans claim the name of an individual who was killed (according to biblical lore) for REMINDING mankind of its place..

    We cannot fathom that which we cannot control, and therefore making sense of a higher-than-human-emotion-and-thought power is seen as demonic, heretical, and definitely NOT "of God."

    Here, listener, is where you and I part ways on the path of enlightenment.. I'm ok with "bigger than a (multiversioned, so-called holy) book" type of power, and thusly, I was chosen for that acceptance. "Now go tell the world, prophetess.."


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  • We’ve been at war with our own kind since the bibble told us to separate..No surely before then, for man has always known better than God. Throughout history, our society has molded the way we think, believe, and govern ourselves.. majorly through the enforced rites of religion.Who decided different was bad? Or cause for a caste system that evolved with the dwindling humility of mankind..?Will we ever see the days where no one judges for the deity they claim to serve? Or will we forever be forced to endure the hypocrisy that is mainstream Christianity..?**Episode art includes images from “race war” Google search, including “Medicine, Science & Making Race in Civil War America,” by Leslie A Schwalm; “Race, War & the Cinematic Myth of America: Dust That Never Settles,” by Eric Trenkemp; and the 2022 film “Race War.”**--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/christiantruth/message

  • •(To fight for) a soul.. those who feel adrift, hang on to this.. it’s not b/c you were “born without one.” Rather it’s no one else’s concern, whether they realize that truth or not.

    •for fame, I don’t even require you BELIEVE a heffa!☺️ Many have tried, and been dismissed.. but all Account to the God they claim to worship/serve.

    {Episode art includes image results of the Google search: “unnecessary,” and include “The Unnecessary Woman” by Rabih Alameddine; “Unnecessary Inventions: A Game” by Funderdome; and “Unnecessary Farce” by Paul Slade Smith.}


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  • Many have served, but not many appreciate our service.

    That has never been more apparent than this past weekend, when civilians stood by and simply witnessed my attackers assaulting me; no one stepped in to assist me, and so survival mode kicked on.

    And it will remain on, as I see no redeemable quality in the situation, nor sense any motivation to improve, from the relevant community/public.

    So we match energies.. but let’s not forget why this makes you better. As Christian “bullies,” you’re righteous in beating on someone for doing their job. I’m sure I read that in the bibble somewhere..😒

    This episode is a little more personal, but wholly relevant to today’s civilian society.


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  • Dare; God wouldn’t mostly.. but God CAN’T.. y’know? They just aren’t able to do the “NO” thing. You understand.At least according to the book you claim to be holy & wholly inspired by the same entity who.. wouldn’t.You’ve heard many call the LGBTQIA+ community “abominations in the eyes of God.” Which is it? One True Creator or we’re “not of God?”--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/christiantruth/message

  • Some people are adamant that God is in fact Jesus of Nazareth, the man dogma says died for all mankind.

    Inconsistencies exist... called versions. Each new version invalidates all those that came before it. These inconsistencies destroy that which many CHRISTians call "FAITH."
    It's time to pick a team, "CHRISTIAN:"
    •devil (man made)/uppity foe
    •jc (guaranteed ticket home to Heaven)/faith questions the Heavens.
    •then there's God; they can be anything WE SAY they are.

    Today, claim a team.. your beliefs will always speak louder than any prayer you're busy cooking up "for my soul." God already knows what you believe, They're just waiting for you to realize and accept your beliefs for what they are: mankind's control over the Heavens.

    **Episode art includes images from Google search results: "trinity."**


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  • Believe me, listener, I am fully aware of who will be offended, but today we shall re-evaluate that specific audacity.

    “If you build it, they will come..” -Field of Dreams, 1989

    Of late, the most misused literary tome known in AmeriKKKa is the “holy bibble.” This book explains it all!
    •why slavery wasn’t the cause for war
    •why abortion is murder
    •(and MY personal favorite,) why CHRISTians are righteous in judging for [their] GOD!

    Many of you have heard time and again, that “it’s not ALL christians,” or “it’s not always about race.” Reality check: incoming. It MAY not be “all christians,” but it’s all bibbles, it’s more nonmelanated than melanated, & it most definitely, in the instances described herein, IS about religious superiority!

    Because one strain of religion truly believes they have always been able to control their god, have always been superior (to differing walks of faith), & have ALWAYS been, period.


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  • Did you know, should “the devil” be real to you, that its very existence invalidates your free ride home?Now you’re aware, awakened if you will, to what your belief system actually means in terms of you worshipping “your Christian god.”•God has a foe, according to those who believe in “the devil,”•“the devil” is an ongoing variable in the war for souls•most importantly, mankind has believed (& must continue to believe) these things forever.Here at the Christian Truth podcast those lies are refuted and destroyed, by a blasphemin’ obscene prophetess who claims a more supreme power rules the Heavens.Once more you’ve entered an arena, CT listener.. undercover though you may be, you are present. This is now a Truth you cannot unknow.. there’s nothing wrong with admitting we got it wrong; its disgraceful that our species truly believes our mistake-riddled faith changes reality anywhere, but especially in Heaven.!??Welcome to a/the portal to God’s truth, Christian Truth listener.. I’ll be your hostess for this evening’s episode.**Episode art/images found through Google search for ‘devils day job;’ these include a title page from Logan Atlas’ “The Devil’s Day Job,” image(s) of a recent submission to the World History Encyclopedia named “The Origin of Satan,” as well as Christopher Raymond’s “JOB: a Modern Day JOB story from the Bible.”**--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/christiantruth/message

  • If JC was real, Christians throughout time have NEVER believed in them/him.

    Today he is the CHRISTian’s “messiah” but he only became this after we (mankind) wrote a book or two explaining why he had to die.. for everyone. You did not believe he had “a right” to say the things he is *reported* to have said.

    He was the first human to tell his fellow mankind that they: were not required to judge for (any) God, and therefore, had no say in who went to heaven or not.. you name him a blasphemer in your holy book, Biblian.

    Those of you who worship this blasphemer, do so from the biblically ironic place of judgement of ALL OTHERS.. although you are named for this original heretic, CHRISTian, there is an absolute reversal of “should” versus “sin.”

    Welcome to a/the portal to God’s truth, Christian Truth listener.. I’ll be your hostess for this evening’s episode.


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  • I’m Prophetess LGBTQ, and there are those who say I speak heresy to say God is bigger than the bibble, or needing mankind/JC EVER..!

    Of late, I’ve encountered humans void of humility; they either don’t believe in God or they believe in JC but “ain’t really church-goin kind of ppl.” However they’re quick to place that ace card on the table, “well u know I’m a CHRISTian, so…”

    So what? A bully is a bully, despite the religious dogma of salvation.

    When you stop teaching your children to hate, THEN you should address the name under which you congregate awaiting Judgement..


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  • (Tell It) To God’s Face (continuation of “Altar Call”)

    “They don’t have the faith I have, so I will never be (wholly, truly) believed.”

    I was warned this would happen, even with those who said they believed and understood..

    I’m Prophetess LGBTQ, and there are those who say I speak heresy to say God is bigger than the bibble, or needing mankind/JC EVER..!

    God made no mistake in giving me the gift of prophecy, but again there are those who would have you believe, listener, that I am in fact, a blasphemer!

    I’m obscene true.. but I have no need for lies, and my God doesn’t shrink from my fellow man’s disbelief in my gift or message.

    I was chosen on purpose, here’s that purpose: let God run Heaven for a change, what do you say, CHRISTian??


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  • It’s almost like your host is on some unbelievable quest for [the end of] jesus.. you’re darn skippy!

    If one piece directs your worship away from God (NOT JesusGod, pepple!), it is NOT inspired by nor does it include a favorable portrayal of your god!

    You should keep in mind, listener, that as a FORMER CHRISTian, I too will have to answer for the choice I initially made in regards to my faith. For how is worshipping, praising, adoring a 👉🏾huMAN being turned martyr👈🏾.. F A I T H in the God we claim gave us salvation*?!?

    See?? Personal growth!!!!


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  • Boobs, bibbles, boobs in bibbles.. it’s all about PACKAGING!

    Many carry a VERSION of the “holy bibble” that they or their pepple’s have “always lived by.” But no two bibbles are the same; kinda like Dalmatians, snowflakes and even identical siblings! There’s always O N E (or more) thing(s) that needed tweakin’, and your version is obviously the most relevant one to date..

    So I ask again, listener, do you believe in a god who wrote a book telling you his faults and forays? Or a god that can, and always has been able to grow, love, Create as They damn well please?

    I mean how big is YOUR god? ..according to your version, right..? Then the question has been answered.


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  • Think of this episode as a continuance of the previously released episode: “Blasphemer VS Biblian.”

    NEW Listener!!: Prepare to question yourself.. your beliefs and the future of your faith… here at Christian Truth, we believe that supreme is bigger than you can read about in a bibble, and so needs nothing from mankind, never has!

    Again, obviously not a popular belief, but contemplate what your argument looks & smells like to your god, CHRISTian.. your faith does not believe in a supremely powerful god, b/c your faith says God became flesh, & the message that spilled forth from those HUMAN lips.. didn’t sit well with the masses, so you eradicated it.

    That’s you worshipping GOD?? Which god is that? The one of whom you asked your ticket home? Or the one you killed and sent back to heaven to replace the first?

    Ready urself, listener/undercover CHRISTian, for your Day.. on THAT Day.. you will indeed be required.. to Account this lifetime.. to your “god.”


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  • Many call your host a blasphemer; you might even think it at times! But I was never meant to be believed, hear me clearly listener, nope, I’m not here to be believed, but heard.

    I’m loud enough, right? And I’m fired up enough each time someone tells me I “need jesus,” or that I’d better change my ways or I’ll never “make it to heaven.”

    Please remember that, according to the English dictionary, this blasphemy you mention is spoken against a GOD, not against a man-made book most of “christendom” blames their god for writing!

    But those same ppl refuse to allow their god to be any bigger than their hold on his power, and so he cannot or WOULD not E V E R make “abominations,” pedophiles, or transgender individuals.

    Here, we (never) politely disagree.. but you’ll tell your god you believed his Christian Truth to be false/blasphemy, you’ll stand alone, CHRISTian.


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/christiantruth/message