In the series finale of CHUMP, find out who once worked in a haunted nursery, who lost their virginity at Disneyland, and who saw a kid ruin their life with honesty.
Sponsored by Honey (http://JoinHoney.com/CHUMP) and Amazon Music (http://Amazon.com/CHUMP).
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Find out who once woke up during surgery, who participated in robot competitions, and who once accidentally made someone lecture a suit of armor.
Sponsored by DoorDash (Download the DoorDash app + code CHUMP2021).
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Manglende episoder?
Find out who once started a smuggling racket in high school, who once worked in a haunted building, and who was surprised on a date with jumping out of a plane.
Sponsored by DoorDash (Download the DoorDash app + code CHUMP2021) and Bespoke Post (http://BoxOfAwesome.com + code CHUMP).
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Find out who was once seated at a dinner table with a pimp, who was voted Most Likely to Get Away With Murder, and who has been put in handcuffs three separate times by police.
Sponsored by Honey (http://JoinHoney.com/CHUMP) and OMEN (http://bit.ly/oasischump). Thanks to ExpressVPN for sponsoring our channel http://expressvpn.com/rooster.
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Find out who once crashed a press conference, who fell out of a tree and landed on their face, and who cost their sports team a win in the finals. Sponsored by DoorDash (Download the DoorDash app + code CHUMP2021).
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Find out who once ate 127 shrimp in one sitting, who was in the eye of a hurricane, and who got caught live tweeting a date. Sponsored by OMEN (bit.ly/OASISCHUMP) and RTX (http://RTXEvent.com).
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Find out who accidentally wound up at a swingers party, who swallowed a toy, and who ripped their pants. Sponsored by Bespoke Post (http://bspk.me/2wrln7O + code CHUMP) and Honey (http://joinhoney.com/CHUMP)
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We switched hosts for episode 50! Find out how good Jeremy is at being a deceiver, who managed a restaurant for 20 minutes, and who once went fishing with explosives. Sponsored by DoorDash (download the DoorDash app + code CHUMP2021) and Canva (http://Canva.me/CHUMP).
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Find out who once got trapped in a porta-potty, who slammed the trunk of a car on someone's head, and who coerced someone into climbing into a locked off area at the zoo. Sponsored by Mint Mobile (http://MintMobile.com/CHUMP) and Omen (Download OASIS on the OMEN Gaming Hub and try out the BETA).
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Join the Takeout Crew for a special episode of CHUMP and find out who once almost ran over a celebrity in a parking lot, who once got free Slim Jims for a year, and see the first ever CHUMP bonus round. Sponsored by Honey (http://JoinHoney.com/CHUMP) and Canva Pro (http://Canva.me/CHUMP).
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Find out who once lost their big toe, whose godfather was in a biker gang, and what it means to "go zombie." Sponsored by DoorDash (Download the DoorDash app + code CHUMP2021) and Voodoo Ranger (@VoodooRanger on Instagram and Twitter).
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Find out who once had to send security to a hotel room, who once got 7 tattoos in a week, and who unknowingly went on a first date twice. Sponsored by Candid (http://CandidCO.com/CHUMP + code CHUMP) and Mint Mobile (http://MintMobile.com/CHUMP).
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Find out who was once asked to be part of an exorcism, who has a treasure map of Westminster Abbey, and who was voted Most Likely to Write a Best Seller. Sponsored by Bespoke Post (http://BoxOfAwesome.com + code CHUMP) and the Rooster Teeth Store (http://store.roosterteeth.com).
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Find out who defeated their sensei as a child, who went on a double date without realizing, and who got so drunk they fought a house. Sponsored by DoorDash (Download the DoorDash app + code CHUMP2021) and Honey (http://JoinHoney.com/CHUMP).
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Find out who once got "pistol whipped," who drunkenly bonded with a moth, and who once nearly left the beach with the wrong family. Sponsored by DoorDash (Download the DoorDash app + code CHUMP2021) and ExpressVPN (http://ExpressVPN.com/CHUMP).
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Find out who was once accused of poisoning someone, who gave themselves a concussion in a school play, and who had a porn star offer to manage their career. Play along on Rooster Teeth FIRST every Wednesday at 4:00 P.M. CT! Sponsored by Honey (http://JoinHoney.com/CHUMP) and Babbel (http://Babbel.com + code CHUMP).
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Find out who once walked to 7-Eleven in an ice storm, who ran a stuffed toy's travel blog, and who has that weird item in their house. Play along on Rooster Teeth FIRST every Wednesday at 4:00 P.M. CT! Sponsored by DoorDash (download the DoorDash app + code CHUMP2021) and Bespoke Post (http://BoxOfAwesome.com + code CHUMP).
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Find out who once slid down a wonder of the world, who touched a President, and who was a CEO of a media company as a child. Play along on Rooster Teeth FIRST every Wednesday at 4:00 P.M. CT! Sponsored by Feals (http://Feals.com/CHUMP) and EveryPlate (http://EveryPlate.com + code CHUMP199).
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Find out who almost lost an eye, who saved a dog's life, and who once robbed a spaceman of his helmet. Play along on Rooster Teeth FIRST every Wednesday at 4:00 P.M. CT! Sponsored by ExpressVPN (http://ExpressVPN.com/CHUMP) and Honey (http://JoinHoney.com/CHUMP).
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Find out what a bazooka cactus is, who organized school wide pillow fights in high school, and who fractured their kneecap at a wedding. Play along on Rooster Teeth FIRST every Wednesday at 4:00 P.M. CT! Sponsored by DoorDash (download the DoorDash app + code CHUMP2021) and HelloFresh (http://HelloFresh.com/CHUMP12 + code CHUMP12).
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