
  • Hello fellow climate queens,

    We are back, but only briefly. We have hopped back on here to say "see you soon" as we are putting down the mics after two wonderful seasons. This has been a fantastic journey that we are both incredibly grateful for. We have learnt so much over the last two and a half years from all of our research, our guests and most importantly, you guys, our listeners. Thank you to every single person who chose to have us chatting in your ears, we are still in awe that our podcast has been listened to over 30,000 times, increasing by the day!! For two Dublin pals who started this simply to get the climate conversation going, we have been truly blown away by the response and support along the way and we feel we achieved what we set out to do.

    Everyone we thank during the episode is linked below and as we said, we will be creating a one-stop-shop resource with all of our recommended books, articles, docs, movies, IG accounts, websites and so much more. Keep following us on Instagram @climatequeenspodcast as we hope to organise a few in-person meet ups and chat to some of you over a cup of tea by the sea :)

    Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts and remember- knowledge is power and use your vote! This is only the beginning.

    All our love,

    Clo & Katie

    Thank Yous:

    VOICE Ireland: Voice Ireland - Together we are the VOICE of Irish concern for the EnvironmentIEN: IEN – The Irish Environmental NetworkFront Line Defenders: Front Line Defenders |Native Events: Homepage - Native EventsFashion Revolution Ireland: Ireland - Fashion Revolution : Fashion RevolutionNYCI: Home - National Youth Council of Ireland

  • Hello lovely people, welcome to our final episode of Season 2!
    This year has been unexpectedly turbulent and has thrown everyone’s daily lives into complete disarray. For us, we still managed to find solace in our podcast and continued to record remotely. We have been so lucky to be able to speak to incredible individuals and meet people online over the last few months. It has shown us that with challenges come opportunities. So thank you- to everyone who has supported us for our second year, we are beyond grateful and we’re already gearing up for Season 3!
    Our final episode is Part 2 of our A-Z of Sustainability where we work through letters K to Z discussing the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement, Regenerative Agriculture, Upcycling and so much more! We may have had a whiskey and hot port for the occasion and it’s quite easy to tell that this our first alcoholic beverage in quite some time! So enjoy our inappropriate giggling!
    Thank you all so much for listening to us every month,
    If you have a moment, please leave us a review and rate us on your preferred podcast platform! It really does help us reach more willing ears!
    We’ll be back,
    Until then, keep learning, sharing and spreading some much needed kindness,
    All our love,
    Clo & Katie x
    Show notes:

    Kyoto Protocol: https://www.epa.ie/climate/thekyotoprotocoLNG/Fracking: Methane: https://www.factcheck.org/2018/09/how-potent-is-methane/ Net Zero: https://www.nationalgrideso.com/news/fes-2020-what-does-net-zero-target-really-mean https://www.nationalgrid.com/stories/energy-explained/what-is-net-zero (Zac Effron doc)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMzYiY5wcHU Ozone Layer: https://geographical.co.uk/nature/climate/item/3716-geo-explainers-what-s-happening-to-the-ozone-layer#:~:text=The%20ozone%20layer%20is%20a,layer%20in%20the%20Earth's%20atmosphere).&text=The%20ozone%20layer%20shields%20life,systems%20and%20also%20damage%20plants. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2019/2019-ozone-hole-is-the-smallest-on-record-since-its-discovery Paris Agreement: https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings/the-paris-agreement/what-is-the-paris-agreementIPCC Global Warming of 1.5C: https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/Pre-Industrial Levels: https://theconversation.com/what-is-a-pre-industrial-climate-and-why-does-it-matter-78601Quote/Milk Quota: http://www.climatecouncil.ie/media/Working%20Paper%20on%20Agriculture%20and%20Land%20Use.pdfhttps://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/dairy-farmers-celebrate-as-milk-quotas-abolished-after-31-years-1.2160563 Regenerative Agriculture:
    -Reverse climate change https://regenerationinternational.org/why-regenerative-agriculture/-Kiss the Ground Documentary - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3-V1j-zMZw Sustainable Development Goals: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/ Tax/ Carbon Tax:https://www.carbontax.org/whats-a-carbon-tax/https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/money_and_tax/tax/motor_carbon_other_taxes/carbon_tax.htmlhttps://www.bonkers.ie/guides/gas-electricity/what-is-carbon-tax/Upcycling: -Patagonia https://www.patagonia.com/home/ - Aisling Duffy https://www.aislingduffy.co.uk/ -Upcycling Movement https://theupcyclemovement.com/ Virgin Plastic:https://www.dw.com/en/we-need-to-talk-about-virgin-plastics/a-48458223 https://www.planetcleanrecycle.com/defining-plastics-virgin-vs-recycled/ Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation -https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/explore/plastics-and-the-circular-economy Plastic Packaging Video - https://fb.watch/2p2ymH0S8o/ or https://www.instagram.com/tv/CHr-3sLnrvI/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Waste Hierarchy / Green washing: https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/10946-greenwashing.html#:~:text=Greenwashing%20is%20when%20a%20company,services%20from%20environmentally%20conscious%20brands 7 R’s & Reuzi - https://reuzi.ie/ Extinction: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/prehistoric-world/mass-extinction/Youth Climate Movement: http://www.youngo.uno/ https://fridaysforfuture.org/ Zero waste Daniel - Upcycling Store http://zerowastedaniel.com/ Zero Wasters to follow: https://www.instagram.com/zerowasteireland/ Lauren Singer: https://www.instagram.com/trashisfortossers/ https://www.instagram.com/zero.waste.collective/ https://www.instagram.com/zerowastemaynooth/ https://www.instagram.com/queerbrownvegan/ https://www.instagram.com/browngirl_green/ https://zerowastememoirs.com/about-zero-waste-memoirs/ Bea Johnson: https://zerowastehome.com/ https://www.instagram.com/compostsociety/

  • Manglende episoder?

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  • Hello lovely people,

    Welcome back to Climate Queens!

    This month's episode was recorded for the Dublin Arts & Human Rights Festival which ran for ten days from Friday October 16th to Sunday October 25th 2020. It was our very first video episode or "vodcast" as the cool kids say. So if you fancy seeing what we both look like in action you can find the video of this conversation over on our newly formed YOUTUBE channel! Link in the show notes.

    For this conversation we are joined by two inspiring women; Mariam Sawadogo from Sierra Leone, who is now a firm friend of the podcast and Clodagh Daly who is one of the volunteer lawyers for Climate Case Ireland. We have been following the work of this organisation over the last couple of years so it was brilliant to be able to speak to Clodagh about the landmark case that was brought to the Supreme Court here in Ireland.

    Our chats with Mariam and Clodagh delve into the importance of the law when it comes to tackling our climate crisis, the link between human rights violations and climate breakdown and the biggest barriers facing climate action in Sierra Leone and Ireland today. It was a really rich discussion, one we wish could have gone on for the whole evening. We hope you enjoy hearing from Mariam & Clodagh!

    If you have a couple of minutes to spare please subscribe and leave us a review, we really love hearing from you, our listeners! Your support means the world to us.

    Katie & Clo x

    Show notes:

    Climate Case Ireland:

    Mariam Sawadogo:

    Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmfxrTgL40w

    Details of The Dublin Arts & Human Rights Festival, although it's finished you can still check out the incredible events that took place: https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/en/campaign/dublin-arts-human-rights-festival-2020

  • Hello wonderful people! Welcome back to this month's episode of Climate Queens. We are so delighted to share this conversation we had with Mariam Sawadogo, Frontline Defenders Regional Protection Coordinator for West and Central Africa. If you tuned into Joseph Rahall's episode you will remember Mariam introducing Joseph. We had an initial chat with Mariam prior to her introduction of Joseph and we were so blown away we decided that it needed its own episode! So here it is!

    The work Mariam does is endless so it was an absolute honor to have time to speak with her about her role. Mariam delves into why we need active participation of women in environmental decision making and tells us what she thinks is the biggest challenge facing Sierra Leone over the next decade to 2030. It was a pleasure and joy to speak with Mariam, we hope you enjoy it!

    P.S. If you are enjoying our podcast please rate, review and subscribe. Three simple steps that will frankly make our day :) Thank you!

    All our love,

    Katie & Clo x


    Follow the wonderful Mariam on Twitter @MariamS06: https://twitter.com/mariams06?lang=en
    Building Capacities to Protect Women's Land Rights in Sierra Leone: http://www.fao.org/3/ca4786en/ca4786en.pdf
    Protecting Women's Land Rights in Sierra Leone: http://www.osiwa.org/newsroom/from-the-field/protecting-womens-land-rights-in-sierra-leones-draft-national-land-policy-by-sonkita-conteh-director-namati/#:~:text=This%20is%20the%20reality%20for,is%20governed%20by%20customary%20law.&text=The%20draft%20National%20Land%20Policy,land%20rights%20under%20customary%20law.

  • Hello lovely people!

    Welcome back to CLIMATE QUEENS and our third and final installment of our collaboration with Front Line Defenders. This month we are joined by environmental rights activist and human rights defender Joseph Rahall.

    As well as speaking with Joseph, we also had the pleasure of speaking with Mariam Sawadogo, the Front Line Defenders Regional Protection Coordinator for the west and central continent of Africa. The conversation was so good and important that we decided Mariam deserved her own bonus episode- so watch this space to hear more from Mariam.

    As you will hear from Mariam's introduction, Joseph Rahall is an expert in environmental protection with over 27 years’ experience. In 1989, when Joseph was still a high school teacher, he founded Green Scenery, an organisation that works to promote environmental awareness and ensure the conservation of Sierra Leone.

    In our conversation we delve into the changes Joseph has seen to the climate of Sierra Leone since his childhood including deforestation and "freaky" weather patterns disrupting local ecosystems and food production. He explains so eloquently just how badly his country is experiencing the effects of the climate crisis- a direct result of our actions in the developed world. Joseph's work intersects many disciplines and you will hear this as Joseph speaks about empowering local communities, the commonalities between the current injustices of the global pandemic and the climate crisis and the need for the developed world to slow consumption.

    We were honored to spend time speaking with Joseph and could have continued long into the evening. We hope you enjoy hearing Joseph's story and the brave work he is committed to with Green Scenery.

    This is the last of our three-part series in collaboration with Front Line Defenders, but fear not we will be back for a very special episode to celebrate the Arts & Human Rights Festival with the lovely people in Front Line Defenders- so stay tuned for more on this!
    We have been truly blown away by the response from our listeners to the incredible conversations we have had with Marcelo Cwerner from Brazil, Lay Peng Pua from Malaysia and no doubt you will share the same love & support for our conversation with Joseph Rahall. We hope that this is just the beginning of us having the opportunity to use our platform to elevate the most important voices of the climate movement. We’d really like to express our gratitude to the team at Front Line Defenders- Laura, Ross, Grace and Tara. Thank you guys for reaching out and seeing the potential in our platform for generating fascinating conversation with dedicated and amazing people fighting on the front lines.

    Much love,

    Katie & Clo
    To read more about Green Scenery: http://greenscenery.org/
    Joseph Rahall: https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/en/profile/joseph-rahall
    Letter to UN High Commissioner Mary Robinson on Sierra Leone Conflict: https://www.hrw.org/news/1999/06/17/letter-un-high-commissioner-human-rights-mary-robinson-sierra-leone-conflict
    Food insecurity in Sierra Leone: https://www.wfp.org/publications/findings-sierra-leone-food-security-monitoring-jan-2020
    Climate risk and Sierra Leone:
    Climate crisis could displace 1.2 billion people by 2050:

  • Hi everyone!

    Welcome back to CLIMATE QUEENS and our second installment of our collaboration with Front Line Defenders. This month we are joined by chemist, environmental rights activist and human rights defender Lay Peng Pua.

    China banned plastic waste imports in 2018, with that recycling companies moved to Malaysia making this beautiful country the number one international dumping site for OUR plastic waste.

    When Lay Peng moved back to her hometown of Jenjarom she saw first hand the devastating impact that the plastic "recycling" industry was having on her local community in Malaysia, with over 40 illegal plastic factories emitting toxic gases and polluting the local rivers and waterways making people in the community very sick.

    By now we are all too familiar with our global plastic waste problem, however did you know that the plastic waste of over 19 countries has been found in Malaysia? Do we really know what happens to our plastic waste when we throw it away? As we hear from Lay Peng, chances are it's ending up in her country!

    Join our conversation with Lay Peng to hear the story of how our consumption and disposal of plastic waste is destroying her community, and how she is fighting back. Lay Peng also provides suggestions as to how we can tackle this growing plastic waste issue even during a global pandemic!

    To learn more about Lay Peng's story, check out the links below in our show notes below:

    About Lay Peng Pua: https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/en/profile/lay-peng-pua

    Undeterred by threats, Lay Peng Pua calls for continued action to protect the environment:

    The Recycling Myth:
    https://www.greenpeace.org/malaysia/publication/3349/the-recycling-myth-2-0/Malaysia drowned in your plastic waste after China ban:
    Celebrating Malaysia's might green warriors: https://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/people/2020/03/18/international-women039s-day-celebrating-malaysia039s-mighty-green-warriors
    The story of plastic waste in Malaysia: https://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-malaysia-plastic-2018-story.html
    Italy told to stop using Malaysia as a plastic dumping ground: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/10/italy-told-to-stop-using-malaysia-as-plastics-dumping-ground-greenpeace-landfill
    Tons of recycling being dumped and burned: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/tons-recycling-being-dumped-burned-20968066
    New Zealand's role in Malaysian plastic dumping ground: https://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/insight/audio/2018663363/nz-s-role-in-the-malaysian-plastics-dumping-ground

    Drone footage of illegal recycling factories:

    Australia's recycling lie, 60 minutes: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lqrlEsPoyJk

    Greenpeace Malaysia:

  • Welcome back to CLIMATE QUEENS and our special Summer Series! For the next three episodes we will be partnering with an amazing NGO called Front Line Defenders.

    As you all know at this point we are passionate about climate activism and when we think of climate activism, we don't always think of those who face personal risks working to protect the environment. In some countries, human rights defenders advocating for action on climate can be threatened, harassed, and detained for their peaceful work. We especially wanted to highlight those who are directly impacted by the climate crisis in this way and we could not think of a better organisation to partner with than Front Line Defenders.
    Front Line Defenders is an Ireland-based international human rights organisation with the specific aim of protecting human rights defenders (HRDs) at risk. Over the next few months we will be speaking to three human rights defenders from different countries, discussing their stories and bringing you their experience on the front lines.

    On this episode we speak to Tara from Front Line Defenders about what it means to be a human rights defender and we chat to Marcelo Cwerner, a HRD from Brazil, about his relentless work on the front lines of the Amazon Rainforest. We absolutely loved this conversation and learnt so much from Marcelo. For more information on Front Line Defenders and Marcelo check out our show notes below.

    We hope you enjoy it.

    Much love,

    Clo & Katie
    Front Line Defenders: https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/Rights on the Line podcast: www.frontlinedefenders.org/podcastFront Line Defenders Marcelo Cwerner Bio: https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/en/profile/marcelo-cwernerMarcelo Cwerner Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/marcelocwerner/Marcelo’s website: https://marcelocwerner.com/ Marcelo’s companies: https://www.marupiaraexpedicoes.com.br/ , http://www.embarquepaje.com.br/ , https://www.malocaviva.com/ Alter do Chão Fire Brigade: http://brigadadealter.ga/ , @brigadadealter
    R. Buckminster Fuller- Utopian or Oblivion: The Propspect for Humanity: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1321401.Utopia_or_Oblivion ARTICLES: Portuguese: https://epoca.globo.com/paulista-deixou-mercado-financeiro-para-se-dedicar-projetos-ambientais-em-alter-do-chao-1-24130378 , https://veja.abril.com.br/brasil/fomos-injusticados-brigadistas-de-alter-do-chao-reforcam-inocencia/ English: LA Times: https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-02-14/firefighter-brigade-volunteers-accused-arson , The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/dec/05/brazil-ngos-crackdown-raids-amazon-fires , NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/30/world/americas/amazon-fires-dicaprio-bolsonaro.htmlWWF: https://www.wwf.org.br/?74264/Alter-do-Chao-charge-without-evidence-is-attack-on-the-ConstitutionInformation about Amazon Rainforest: https://www.britannica.com/place/Amazon-Rainforesthttps://www.pressenza.com/2020/06/amazon-rainforest-hit-by-killer-droughts/https://www.plantbasednews.org/news/amazon-fires-as-bad-if-not-worse-than-last-years
    https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/brazil-amazon-fire-bolsonaro/2020/03/14/70bfdee4-5417-11ea-929a-64efa7482a77_story.htmlhttps://onetreeplanted.org/blogs/stories/cool-facts-about-the-amazon-rainforestFloating river: https://ideas.ted.com/this-airborne-river-may-be-the-largest-river-on-earth/

    To DONATE to the Amazon Rainforest:Amazon Aid Foundation: https://amazonaid.org/Rainforest Alliance: https://www.rainforest-alliance.org/Amazon Watch: https://amazonwatch.org/Rainforest Trust: https://www.rainforesttrust.org/

  • Hello lovely people, welcome to our eleventh episode, an A-Z of Sustainability- Part 1! We thought what better way to educate ourselves on environmental terms and share our learnings than following the trusty alphabet.

    Have you ever wondered what biodiversity, deforestation, horticulture and a circular economy actually mean? Or what the term "just transition" is all about? Have you heard rumblings of the IPCC or Ireland's Climate Action Plan but never knew where to start? We tackle all of this and more. We hope you enjoy listening to this as much as enjoyed researching it!

    *Unfortunately Clodagh's mic had a mind of its own on this recording so she does sound like she is underwater in certain sections. HOWEVER, the content is still great. We appreciate your understanding as we continue to navigate the virtual waters of recording over Zoom!

    As always, thank you for listening. If you enjoyed this episode or any previous episodes please do like, subscribe and share a review. We'd really appreciate it :)

    All our love,

    Katie & Clodagh


    Word of the year: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/nov/07/climate-strike-named-2019-word-of-the-year-by-collins-dictionaryThe Guardian changing language in relation to environment: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/may/17/why-the-guardian-is-changing-the-language-it-uses-about-the-environmentA: Activism: This is a document with so many collated resources to aid our shared learning and understanding of systemic racism, white privilege and how to be anti-racist: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U3DVqtfv-SAQ3Vq0VDVSylfo15a_4mj7aZPiUXcZ5e4/edit
    The Albedo Effect: https://www.skepticalscience.com/earth-albedo-effect.htmB: Biodiversity: https://greenschoolsireland.org/biodiveristy/ https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/mar/12/what-is-biodiversity-and-why-does-it-matter-to-us // Biodegradable vs Compostable: https://bioplasticsnews.com/2019/04/13/what-is-the-difference-between-biodegradable-compostable-and-oxo-degradable/ C: Climate Action Plan: https://www.dccae.gov.ie/en-ie/climate-action/publications/Pages/Climate-Action-Plan.aspxD: Deforestation: https://www.livescience.com/27692-deforestation.html https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/deforestation/ // Downcycling: https://www.buschsystems.com/resource-center/knowledgeBase/glossary/what-is-downcyclingE: Circular Economy: https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/circular-economy/concep // Eco-cide: https://ecocidelaw.com/the-law/what-is-ecocide/ // Ecosystem: https://biologydictionary.net/ecosystem/F: Fossil Fuels: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/energy/reference/fossil-fuels/ // Forest Bathing: https://time.com/5259602/japanese-forest-bathing/G: The Gulf Stream: https://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/2020/01/02/climate-change-gulf-stream/ // Greenwashing: https://www.lexico.com/definition/greenwashH: Horticulture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3B6iRgUgmII: IPCC: https://www.ipcc.ch/J: Just transition: https://climatejusticealliance.org/just-transition/

  • Hello fellow Climate Queens,

    We are back after a two month hiatus. We hibernated alongside the rest of the world during this unprecedented time and have emerged in this new digital age with our very first episode recorded over Zoom! Woop!

    We have decided to bring you an episode dedicated to only good news. In a time when we are bombarded with often deeply upsetting news, we didn't want to add to that but in fact bring you an antidote with a fun, positive episode where we share some of our favourite good news stories from the last few weeks, over a cup of tea (of course). So please join us for half an hour, take a deep breath and know that we are in this together and we will come through the other side.

    Big love,

    Katie & Clo


    Birdsong: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/coronavirus-birdsong-seems-louder-and-the-ravens-are-more-relaxed-1.4231725
    Irish people donating to Navajo and Hopi tribes in Oklahoma: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/05/world/coronavirus-ireland-native-american-tribes.html

    Laid-off Irish Debenhams workers raise funds for Bangladeshi staff: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/social-affairs/laid-off-irish-debenhams-workers-raise-funds-for-bangladeshi-staff-1.4250652

    Dutch tulip farmer sends buckets of flowers to Kerry nursing homes to cheer up residents:


    WRAP report on food waste: https://resource.co/article/wrap-reports-lockdown-drop-food-waste

    Paprika: https://www.paprikaapp.com/

    Cocktail builder:https://www.cocktailbuilder.com/
    Cycling Brussels:https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/11/slow-streets-can-coronavirus-cure-brussels-of-addiction-driving

    Cycle lanes Dublin: https://twitter.com/DublinCommuters/status/1259954709730717696

    David Attenborough facts:

    Ecobricks: https://www.ecobricks.org/
    Seal Rescue Ireland:https://www.sealrescueireland.org/
    Distilleries making hand sanitizers: https://www.rte.ie/news/coronavirus/2020/0320/1124405-irish-distilleries-step-up-production-of-hand-sanitizer/

  • Hello again,
    After we recorded our full episode we were chatting about specific stats, facts and figures relating to animal slaughter and cruelty with Evelyn. We turned on the mic to capture this for anyone who is interested in knowing more. It is not for the fainthearted but it is important information. We have also included separate show notes below to aid with any further research you wish to do!

    More recent slaughter numbers: https://www.facebook.com/NARAcampaignsIRELAND/posts/2157930680896929Meat The Victims Footage: (Ireland January 2020) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ayRUUpO20/?utm_source=ig_embed https://www.instagram.com/meat_the_victims/?hl=enFree range standards: https://www.agriculture.gov.ie/media/migration/farmingsectors/poultry/guidelinesforfreerangepoultryproducersandslaughterhouses72010.pdfISPCA laying hen conditions: https://www.ispca.ie/news/detail/ispca_highlight_cruelty_of_intensive_laying_hen_farmingEmployee well being: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4841092/Cow slaughter: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/irish-cattle-slaughtered-in-conditions-breaching-eu-law-1.3033583
    Slaughter Statistics: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine : provide species breakdown figures for animals slaughtered in Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) approved slaughter plants during 2017. Bovine – 1,747,053 Ovine – 2,948,493 Porcine – 3,291,322 Poultry – 95,511,268Equine – 7,748

    Hello, lovely listeners, we are so happy to be back with our first episode of Season Two! Thank you to everyone for your messages of support over the last few months and of course for your patience while we took a much needed breather and prepped for 2020. We are officially refreshed and ready to rock!
    This episode topic was suggested by a number of our listeners so here we are with an entire episode dedicated to...VEGANISM! Although both of us are vegetarians we felt we needed an expert opinion on this topic and enlisted the lovely Evelyn from the VegHuns (for more information check out their instagram @theveghuns). In this episode we talk about veganism reaching mainstream conversation, the journey of going vegan, why we eat meat? and of course, the environmental impact of eating animal products. We loved the chat and learnt so much. For more of the hard hitting facts relating to animal cruelty, we have a 5 minute bonus episode available for you to delve into this if you so wish.
    A big thank you to our very good friend Pat Kane of Reuzi, (is there an episode where we do not mention this wonder woman? we think not!) who let us record this episode in her gorgeous shop in Foxrock. THANK YOU PAT! We hope you enjoy our first episode back, please do rate and review us on whatever platform you are listening on. We want to reach as many ears as possible this year and those lovely reviews and ratings help us climb the rankings so people can find us more easily, we would really appreciate your help with this! For updates, news and general musings please follow us over on our Instagram @climatequeenspodcast.

    Thank you for tuning in,

    Katie & Clodagh

    -VegHuns Instagram https://www.instagram.com/veghuns/ -Definition of Veganism (from Evelyn) https://www.vegansociety.com/go-vegan/definition-veganism-Historical reference link Eva Batt vegan cookbook soil 1964 https://quotesonslavery.org/2010/04/30/why-veganism/ -Movement Veganuary 400K signed up https://www.plantbasednews.org/news/veganuary-record-numbers-400000 -Spike of Gamechangers on Google https://www.plantbasednews.org/culture/sign-ups-vegan-challenge-surge-600-the-game-changers -Documentaries:
    - Cowspiracy https://www.cowspiracy.com -The Gamechangers - https://gamechangersmovie.com-HSE website https://www2.hse.ie/wellbeing/why-diet-and-nutrition-helps-your-health.html -WHO https://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/diet/en/ -Animal EAT Lancet Report for plant-based health and sustainability - https://eatforum.org/content/uploads/2019/01/EAT-Lancet_Commission_Summary_Report.pdf-Vegan health: Longer living - https://www.bluezones.com/ (-Plant based diet def: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/plant-based-diet-guide#overview -Supplements:
    -B12 https://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/micronutrients/FNBvol29N2supjun08.pdf -Protein ttps://www.truthordrought.com/soybean-myths-Nutritious November link: Sources of Iron https://www.instagram.com/p/B5hYQ2cHZ44/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link -Bees: http://drbeekeeper.com/2017/03/many-bees-take-produce-teaspoon-honey/ -Biodiversity Crisis Bee Decline : http://sos-bees.org/causes/ -Plant based milk rise: https://www.sare.org/Learning-Center/Books/Managing-Cover-Crops-Profitably-3rd-Edition/Text-Version/Nonlegume-Cover-Crops/Oats -IAP report: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/nov/28/global-food-system-is-broken-say-worlds-science-academies-Our world in data food production alone is responsible ¼ worlds green gas emissions: https://ourworldindata.org/food-ghg-emissions -Eco eye, all grain / crops feeding livestock for humans = 4 billion people:
    https://www.rte.ie/lifestyle/living/2020/0204/1113010-what-will-ireland-eat-eco-eye-looks-at-the-future-of-irish-food/-Soy deforestation 80% fed to livestock https://wwf.panda.org/our_work/food/sustainable_production/soy/-Lancet medical journal : 20 food scientists- western countries may need to reduce meat consumption by 90% to advert climate crisis: https://www.irishtimes.com/business/agribusiness-and-food/meat-consumption-must-drop-by-90-to-avert-climate-crisis-report-warns-1.3760363 -34% Ireland transport beef & dairy: https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/1dee94-agriculture/ -19.5% Electric Cars: https://www.epa.ie/media/Chapter10_Environment_Transport.pdf -Resource intensive producing animals v’s source food from land, GHG emissions: https://www.epa.ie/media/epa_agriculture_v2.pdf - €5 retailer €5 processor €2 farmer stats where not solid source for this: https://www.beefplan.ie/ -80% Irish beef industry run by 8 families ‘beef barrons’ Larry Goodman https://www.independent.ie/business/farming/beef-barons-worth-over-2billion-34475145.html -10% emissions food from the transport - 80% emission from land use https://ourworldindata.org/environmental-impacts-of-food-Switching vegan can dietary green house gas emissions can be 60-70% lower https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/veganism-environmental-impact-planet-reduced-plant-based-diet-humans-study-a8378631.html -Oat mince https://recipes.oregonlive.com/recipes/veggie-oat-taco-mince -Reducing meat https://www.onegreenplanet.org/animalsandnature/eat-for-the-planet-meat-and-the-environment/ -Cornucopia Dublin Restaurant https://cornucopia.ie -Happycow https://www.happycow.net -Dublin Vegans Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/DublinVegans/ -Carbon footprint food https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-46459714

  • Hello, welcome to EPISODE EIGHT! Time has absolutely flown and this is our final episode of 2019. Fear not, we will be back next year with more climate positive solutions and chats. We want to say a massive thank you to YOU - our supporters and listeners who have been championing us since the day one.
    ‘Tis The Season To Be...Green, is all about channeling your inner climate queen and taking the less is more approach to this festive season. It can be a tough time of year and very stressful, so we are encouraging you to choose PRESENCE over PRESENTS this holiday season. Why not give the gift of your time to the ones you love? Or volunteer your time to support others who aren’t so fortunate. This episode is packed with lots of ideas, tips and tricks for a more sustainable festive season.

    This Friday November 29th, also marks another global student climate strike for our future. We stand in solidarity with the thousands of students taking to the streets to demand change all across the world. #GlobalStrike4Future

    SHOW NOTES:Support our sea swim here: https://ie.gofundme.com/manage/support-masi-this-christmasHomeless Period Ireland: https://www.homelessperiodireland.ie/ MASI - https://www.masi.ie/Less is more- Gift Experiences: https://www.groupon.ie/
    Buy me once -long lasting items: https://buymeonce.com/Buy a tree! GROWN: https://www.grown.ie/Buy a star: https://www.buyastar.ie/ Donate to charities like: VOICEAMAZON RAINFOREST: https://www.rainforest-alliance.org/ OFFSET YOUR CARBON EMISSIONS with VITA-: https://vita.ie/product/carbon-calculator/
    Make your own gift: https://minimalistbaker.com/4-ingredient-nutella-vegan-gf/
    Buy Second hand - 100% reloved https://100percentreloved.com/ Zero Waste Starter Kits / Gifts from - https://www.reuzi.ie/ Veg box subscription - Green Earth Organics https://www.greenearthorganics.ie/farm-or-irish-produce/organic-irish-veg-box.html
    PACKAGING:83,000 tonnes packaging https://repak.ie/christmas/ = 7.5 times as heavy as the Eiffel tower! GIFT WRAPPING:Furoshiki:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F74Dwe2BDFwBrown tape for presents: https://www.reuzi.ie/store1/Brown-Paper-Sticky-Tape-2-5cm-wide-p137580300What to do with wrapping paper: https://www.mywaste.ie/what-to-do-with/wrapping-paper/ Reusable wrapping bags- not on the high street: https://www.notonthehighstreet.com/linenandlisle/product/hand-printed-star-pattern-linen-gift-bag?force_currency=EUR&DGMKT=FID__TID_aud-453406178336:pla-340879747907_PID_395762_CRI_340879747907&gclid=Cj0KCQiA2vjuBRCqARIsAJL5a-IgH_a4gylqtYq797wgK7bHLEP8WrQ0yVaH_Bw6CWVkAdPZGP2gK9YaAqHCEALw_wcBPat’s cards from REUZI: https://www.reuzi.ie/store1/Plantable-Wildflower-Card-Reindeer-p160217106CHRISTMAS TREE & DECORATIONS:Pinterest Eco-Friendly Christmas decorations: https://www.pinterest.ie/search/pins/?rs=ac&len=2&q=eco%20friendly%20christmas%20decorations&eq=eco%20friendly%20christmas&etslf=21137&term_meta[]=eco%7Cautocomplete%7C0&term_meta[]=friendly%7Cautocomplete%7C0&term_meta[]=christmas%7Cautocomplete%7C0&term_meta[]=decorations%7Cautocomplete%7C0Plastic tree better only use it thirty times: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/26/business/energy-environment/fake-christmas-tree-vs-real-tree.htmlThe living tree: https://www.livingchristmas.com/our-storyLED Lights 75% less energy and last up to 25 times longer: https://www.thespruce.com/is-switching-to-led-christmas-lights-worth-the-investment-1387898
    FOOD WASTE:Article from Independent: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/christmas/food-drink/over-4-million-christmas-dinners-are-thrown-away-each-year-a6757211.htmlStop Food Waste tips: https://www.dccae.gov.ie/en-ie/news-and-media/press-releases/Pages/Cut-food-waste-this-Christmas.aspxhttps://stopfoodwaste.ie/One can enough energy to run Christmas lights for 2 hours: https://www.gwp.co.uk/guides/christmas-packaging-facts/ Swapsies.ie: www.swapsies.ie Thriftmas: swapsies/sustainable fashion dublin: @swapsiesdublin/@sustainablefashiondublin on Instagram

  • REUZI - https://www.reuzi.ie/ Reuse Month https://www.mywaste.ie/reuse-month/ Tshirt to Tote Bag Workshops - 2,700 Litres of water for cotton for 1 tshirt = 3 years of drinking water https://www.wri.org/blog/2019/01/numbers-economic-social-and-environmental-impacts-fast-fashion
    John Hardy - green school - sustainable practices https://www.ted.com/talks/john_hardy_my_green_school_dream?language=en
    Join a community space - feel connected Zero Waste - Minimal Waste 3 areas in your life to make a difference - cutlery - water bottles..No need to buy new Value Added Gap - Katie Patrick https://twitter.com/katiepatrick Drive positive behaviour change to take action -
    Small changes & Collective Action

    Zero Waste Movement - Bea Johnson - Lauren Singerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF72px2R3Hg
    -Athboy Bags https://www.sparkchange.ie/project/athbags-initiative/

    - Plastic Free Kinsalehttps://www.kinsale.ie/2018/02/06/plastic-free-kinsale/
    - Extinction Rebellionhttps://extinctionrebellionireland.com/

    - Young Friends of the earth https://www.youngfoe.ie/

    - Not Here Not Anywhere https://notherenotanywhere.com/

    -Voice - https://voiceireland.org/

    -Not here not anywhere https://notherenotanywhere.com/

    -Extinction Rebellion https://extinctionrebellionireland.com/

    Individual Solutions - Project Drawdown https://www.drawdown.org/
    Take the Quiz!

    Top 5 Things:1. Manage refrigeration chemicals -Individual and industry level (so no fridge burning)2. Install onshore wind turbines - industry levels3. Cut down on food waste - individual level * Episode 4. Eat more plants and less meat - individual level5. Restore tropical Forests - POLICY MAKERS
    Pat Top Tips:1.Think Twice - ASK Questions:
    -Do you really need it? Rethink you behaviour- How and Where was it made - think local think regenerative2. Bring Your Own : Did you know that 40% daily carbon footprint comes from our daily choices so why not bring your own items to make small changes together. 3.Bathroom Routine - Mix it up -use natural products - Start with what you already own and make a small switch try a bar of soap.4. Think LOCAL

    REGENERATION PRACTICESMarie Condo - Look at your daily life - tackle one room at a time
    Quote: Not about one person doing it perfectly, it’s millions of people doing it imperfectlyAnne-Marie Bonneau

    Greta Thunberg - Activism comes in many forms - step in the right direction -Share on whatsapp - Try and have those difficult conversations with people who you know are not aware of their environmental impacts.
    Shop less - shop second hand
    Tshirt 2,700 Litres = 3 years of your drinking water! https://curiosity.com/topics/it-takes-2700-liters-of-water-to-make-one-t-shirt-curiosity/
    Second hand depop online resources - Ebay with tags on - Renting clothes Platforms

    Sustainable Fashion Dublin - Workshops - Swap Shopshttps://www.instagram.com/sustainablefashiondublin/?hl=enSWAPSIES - Platform - Online Resource Hub https://www.swapsies.ie/

    Fashion Revolution Ireland https://www.fashionrevolution.org/europe/ireland/
    Stop Food Waste www.stopfoodwaste.ie
    120K per year per person @ x cups / day https://www.mywaste.ie/news/22-000-coffee-cups-disposed-of-in-ireland-every-hour/
    REUZI WORKSHOPS - @reuzi https://www.reuzi.ie/
    Book Recommendations: Let my people go surfing Yvonne Chonard https://eu.patagonia.com/ie/en/product/let-my-people-go-surfing-revised-paperback-book/BK067.html
    Climate Justice - Mary Robinson
    - Stories of women all over of worldhttps://www.bookdepository.com/Climate-Justice/9781408888469
    Naomi Klein - This Changes Everything https://www.bookdepository.com/This-Changes-Everything-Naomi-Klein/9780241956182?ref=grid-view&qid=1571834553234&sr=1-1
    Naomi Klein - On fire https://www.bookdepository.com/On-Fire-Naomi-Klein/9781982129910
    Lorna Golde - Climate Generation https://www.bookdepository.com/Climate-Generation/9781565486768

    Mary Robinson - QUOTE‘Feel empowered. And if you start to do it, if you start to feel your voice heard, you will never go back.’
    Mothers Of Invention https://www.instagram.com/mothersinvent/ Clare Press - https://www.instagram.com/mrspress/Dominique Drakeford - https://www.instagram.com/dominiquedrakeford/Sustainable Fashion Dublin - https://www.instagram.com/sustainablefashiondublin/Native Events - https://www.instagram.com/nativeevents_/

  • Welcome back to Climate Queens Podcast. This month’s episode structure is a little different, as we bring you live recordings straight from #dublin city as part of the Global Youth #climatestrike on 20.09.19. Activism is at the heart of this episode and as you know by now, we are all about championing climate action. We bring you live chats directly from people marching for the future of our planet, which really captures the essence of activism. We also found some time to bring you some special guests like:

    Edwin Alblas from:

    Aisling McGuire from:

    Siofra Caherty from:

    Cormac Nugent from:

    And really the stars of the show are the voices of the Youth on strike.
    Be warned, this is an emotive episode and because of this we have allowed a full 45 minutes of uninterrupted passion, climate action and speeches from those who are making waves and striking for change to fight for our futures.
    Some groups mentioned that you can support are:

    We are proud to have been a part of what was the biggest climate strike
    mobilization in history with Over 4 Million people, but now we need to come together, stand up and take action. To quote directly from some very young climate activists from 20.09.19:“We need to wise up - we need to wake up and we need to start right nowWe need to build a better future and we need to start right now.”

  • You are very welcome to Episode 5! This month we are discussing one of the most important resources on our blue planet- WATER! Currently, 7 out of 10 people have access to clean running water globally, but this will not be the case forever. Did you know that by 2040 most of the world won’t have enough fresh water to meet demand each year? Have you ever turned on your tap and thought about where your water comes from? What would you do if it ran out?
    Water really is the source of all life, including ours, without it we would not be here. Our planet is in crisis and we need to start thinking about the importance of water on our planet and our global water consumption - so grab that cup of tea and join us as we dive into the deep end!
    Hottest month on record stat https://www.livescience.com/july-hottest-month-ever-record-climate-change.html326 million trillion Gallons water: https://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/earth/geophysics/question157.htm Water meteor crash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LpgBvEPozk Survival of water - 3-4 days v’s food: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325174.phpWorld Economic Forum water crisis #1 global risk 2016: https://www.iucn.org/resources/issues-briefs/water-and-climate-changeSustainable Development Goals - UN Framework https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/SDG 6 water & SDG 13 - Climate Action: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg13 71% earth surface - waterhttps://twitter.com/fxmatt4/status/1039886923152732163?s=20WATER EXPLAINED Netflix & Vox DOC Stats link above97% salt water - 2% frozen fresh water - 1% freshwater DrinkingCanada v’s Kuwait- Definition Aquifers: https://www.gsi.ie/en-ie/programmes-and-projects/groundwater/activities/understanding-ireland-groundwater/aquifer-classification/Pages/What%20is%20an%20aquifer.aspxUSGS Water Cycle: https://www.usgs.gov/special-topic/water-science-school/science/how-much-water-there-earth?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objectsSnowPack ⅓ drinking water - California sierra nevada Oceans- how important in regulating https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/facts/climate.htmlThe majority of radiation from the sun is absorbed by the ocean: https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/facts/climate.html In the last 200 years, the oceans have absorbed a third of the CO2 produced by human activities and they have also absorbed 90% of the extra heat trapped by the rising concentration of greenhouse gases: https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/how-climate-change-relates-to-oceansMarine life- ⅕ coral reefs have died: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/10/climate/ocean-warming-climate-change.htmlCoral Reefs Wiped out by 2050:https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/environment-90-percent-coral-reefs-die-2050-climate-change-bleaching-pollution-a7626911.htmlSea Level Rise:https://www.climaterealityproject.org/sites/climaterealityproject.org/files/WaterCycle.pdfhttps://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/jan/10/warming-oceans-likely-to-raise-sea-levels-30cm-by-end-of-century-studyChennai India- ran out water https://psmag.com/environment/chennai-india-is-running-out-of-water-other-cities-will-be-soon Hindu Omarou Ibrahim- links!!! Twitter: https://twitter.com/hindououmar?lang=en https://believe.earth/en/hindou-ibrahim-womens-leadership-in-chad/ https://www.weforum.org/people/hindou-oumarou-ibrahimhttps://www.siliconrepublic.com/innovation/indigenous-women-climate-change-hindou-oumarou-ibrahimStats on water global water usage (8% fresh water consumed, 22% Industry, 70% Agriculture): https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/03/water-scarcity-one-of-the-greatest-challenges-of-our-time/ Stats on water and food: http://www.takepart.com/article/2015/05/11/cows-not-almonds-are-biggest-water-users/ Rainforest Alliance https://www.rainforest-alliance.org/Amazon Watch https://amazonwatch.org/Earth Alliance https://ealliance.org/

    UN Water: https://www.unwater.org/water-facts/climate-change/GLOBAL STRIKE FOR CLIMATE - https://globalclimatestrike.net/Ireland, 1.6 billlion drinking water Ireland.
    ½ drinking water lost to leaks in Ireland: https://www.epa.ie/livegreen/water/:
    Sewage Ireland : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDvxEW4AKew&feature=youtu.be Irish sea - Solution not Pollution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDvxEW4AKewRediscovery Centre http://www.rediscoverycentre.ie/ Florida Scientists, coral: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dbO-IOc9tk Irish teenager, Fionn Ferreira invention for micro plastics: https://www.fastcompany.com/90329634/can-spreading-tiny-glass-beads-on-the-arctic-ice-keep-it-from-meltingArctic Ice911 coating the ice with glass particles:https://en.reset.org/blog/ice911-how-scattering-tiny-glass-beads-over-arctic-could-help-restore-ice-and-stabilise-climateSubmarines refreeze arctic & antartic https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottsnowden/2019/08/19/ice-making-mini-submarines-is-the-latest-idea-to-re-freeze-the-arctic/
    Resolute Marine Energy - Wave 20: https://www.resolutemarine.com/https://www.forbes.com/sites/natalieparletta/2019/07/10/wave-powered-desalination-promises-to-deliver-clean-water-to-developing-countries-and-island-nations/
    Irish Environment Network -https://ien.ie/ Make Ireland Sustainable For All http://sdgsforall.ie/about-us/who-are-we/
    Living Lab - Native Events https://www.nativeevents.ie/ - Electric Picnic https://www.facebook.com/events/bodysoul/the-living-lab-at-bodysoul-2019/2148703648702107/

  • Welcome to Episode Four- It's Getting Hot In Here!

    This month we have decided to tackle the BIG topic of Global Warming. We have gone right back to basics discussing those greenhouse gases we've all heard about, the story of carbon, what is happening to our world's temperature right now and why it is so important that we take action before it's too late. Do you want to know why it's so warm?

    With many European countries experiencing record breaking temperatures this week, it seems a fitting time to ask, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? We have the answers for you. So grab a cool, refreshing drink and buckle up!

    Since recording this episode we discovered that a woman called Eunice Newton Foote was one of the first women in climate science and in 1856 she theorized that changes in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could affect the Earth’s temperature. She is hardly mentioned at all through articles, research and history in general, in fact she didn't even get a chance to present or read her own research at the American Association of the Advancement of Science, a mad did it instead. So we would like to dedicate our episode to this incredible woman who was written out of history and recognise her breakthrough discovery. Women are at the forefront of this fight for a better, safer planet and we now know that over 150 years ago, this was also the case.



    *Definition of Global Warming:https://www.nrdc.org/stories/global-warming-101
    *Greenhouse Gases: https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/overview-greenhouse-gaseshttps://www.britannica.com/science/greenhouse-gas/Methane
    *Difference between Global Warming Climate Change: https://skepticalscience.com/print.php?r=326
    *Ice Age 21,000 years ago:https://medium.com/@humanoriginproject/evidence-of-global-warming-the-end-of-the-last-ice-age-a54f5e40d9b3
    *Time line Global Warming - Bloomberg Business Video (3 mins 16):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McRYTC56DC4

    *More on James Hansen and climate science in the U.S. (long read but worth it):

    *Carbon Cycle:
    *What is carbon?
    *Periodic Table:
    *Methane Leak 2014 InfaRed Imagery:
    *All below from Ice On Fire : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Elf0RFBhr8I -ICE ON FIRE: Burned 1.4 trillion tonnes of carbon in the atmosphere-Carbon linked to 5 mass extinctions-Measure carbon impact Negative Carbon 14 -Arctic warming 3 times faster than the rest of the world
    *Keelings Curve:
    *Global Temperature measured land, air, sea - average mean temperature: https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-how-do-scientists-measure-global-temperature
    *Carbon Dioxide Increase of 50% since 1990:

    *Paris Climate Agreement:

    *IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change):
    2018 report breakdown:

    *Plant 8 trees per person: http://blog.phantomforest.com/2016/09/how-many-trees-are-needed-to-produce-enough-oxygen-for-one-person/
    *Feeding Kelp to Cows:
    *Underwater plants can sequester 5 times more carbon than land based plants:

    *Carbon Capture Machines:

    *Renewable energy beating coal on cost:

    *Robert Swan Quote"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it"
    Groups to get involved with:

    Climate Case Ireland https://www.climatecaseireland.ie/ Stop Climate Chaos https://www.stopclimatechaos.ie/ Not here Not anywhere https://notherenotanywhere.com/ Extinction Rebellion Ireland https://extinctionrebellionireland.com/ Cool planet experience https://www.coolplanetexperience.org/Voice Ireland https://voiceireland.org/ Young Friends of the Earth https://www.youngfoe.ie/Friends of the Earth Ireland https://www.foe.ie/ Active Hope * https://www.activehope.info/index.html
    *LOOK UP*

    Takeaway David Wallace Wells - uninhabitable earth https://www.bookdepository.com/Uninhabitable-Earth-David-Wallace-wells/9780241355213
    Joe Rogan Podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoWXvMQ3xqg

  • You are so very welcome to this special episode, recorded live at the Living Lab area, run by Native Events. This was Body & Soul's 10th Anniversary and to celebrate we had all of the chats with Megan Best, who is their Operations Manager. This festival has always led the way in sustainability and this year they have even gone so far as to ban the sale of single-use plastics. This framed the topic of our conversation, so join us as we dig into Single Use V's Reusables with some hard stats and simple solutions!
    *Reuzi https://www.reuzi.ie/ Your one-stop sustainable shop *Native Events https://www.nativeevents.ie/ Sustainable Production Events *Attention Attire https://attentionattire.ie/ Repurposed tents *Recreate https://recreate.ie/ Reusing Materials *
    Story of a Spoon (1 min 55 secs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg-E1FtjaxY *
    One Day: How Ireland Cleans Up: https://presspack.rte.ie/2019/01/14/one-day-how-ireland-cleans-up-new/ *
    Invention of plastic, Leo Baekland: https://www.ericksonliving.com/tribune/articles/2016/12/leo-baekeland-father-plastic-age *
    8 million tonnes of plastic enter our oceans every year: https://plasticoceans.org/the-facts/ *
    How Long do things take to degrade https://www.thebalancesmb.com/how-long-does-it-take-garbage-to-decompose-2878033 *
    Water Scarcity as Chennai run out of waterhttps://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-48672330 *
    Plastic Bag Levy Ireland 2002http://www.irishenvironment.com/iepedia/plastic-bag-levy/ *
    Ireland to pay 150 Million Euro in fines from missing 2020 emission targets https://assets.gov.ie/10209/8ad1d5cf6a9749f89dcb83dd587ade0d.pdf *
    Climate Action Plan 2019 Irelandhttps://www.gov.ie/en/publication/5350ae-climate-action-plan/ *
    500 THOUSAND coffee cups disposed of every day in Irelandhttps://recyclinglistireland.ie/ *
    In Ireland we are the largest producer of plastic waste in the European Union with 61kg per person from stats in 2015: https://www.thejournal.ie/ireland-plastic-waste-3786393-Jan2018/ *

    The zero waste hierarchy: https://www.addisoncountyrecycles.org/recycling/reduce-reuse/zero-waste *
    The amount of oil used to make a plastic bottle: https://mightynest.com/articles/making-a-plastic-water-bottle *

    Deep River Rock commit to 10% recycled bottles https://www.newstalk.com/news/deep-riverrock-announces-100-recycled-bottle-862709 *
    *Disposable coffee cup stats in Ireland: https://www.mywaste.ie/news/22-000-coffee-cups-disposed-of-in-ireland-every-hour/ *
    Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation - More plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/publications/the-new-plastics-economy-rethinking-the-future-of-plastics *
    Fishing Line Accounts for 46% of Ocean Litter:https://mercyforanimals.org/straws-arent-the-real-problem-fishing-nets *
    Single Use tents impacts:https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/festivals-2019-tent-ban-single-use-plastic-waste-pollution-aif-a8904216.html *
    Single Use EU Ban of plastic cutlery:https://www.thejournal.ie/single-use-plastics-european-council-4644836-May2019/ *
    Megan Best Interviewee https://www.linkedin.com/in/megan-best4861/ *
    Good News:*Guinness World Record for ocean clean up by 633 divers https://edition.cnn.com/2019/06/16/us/divers-largest-underwater-cleanup-record-trnd/index.html *

    Guardian Change language around the environment https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/may/17/why-the-guardian-is-changing-the-language-it-uses-about-the-environment?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=fb_gu&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR36zDtmMmtS49PGzerh2HNvALvEMl7pipC_3BjRQNXjysdIPvVO3cvd6CM#Echobox=1558131214 *
    We can now make biodegradable plastic from cactus juice and edible food packaging made from seaweed: https://www.explainthatstuff.com/bioplastics.html *

  • Welcome back to Climate Queens! This month we are exploring FOOD WASTE and the journey of our food from farm to fork. Have you heard of Food Waste before? Did you know that there is a difference between food waste and food loss? We will be chatting all about this and so much more. Grab your cup of tea or coffee and settle in as we explore some great tips on how to be smart with your shopping & how you can reduce your food waste with our three simple steps, which will be your new BFF!

    Ireland is now the second country to declare a climate emergency after the UK:https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/politics/ireland-declares-climate-emergency-things-will-deteriorate-rapidly-unless-we-move-very-swiftly-38098129.html
    Greta Thunberg graced the cover of time magazine: http://time.com/collection/100-most-influential-people-2019/5567758/greta-thunberg/

    7 million acres of land were saved in the amazon rainforest:https://www.upworthy.com/millions-of-acres-of-rainforest-saved-a-tiny-amazon-tribe-just-defeated-big-oil-in-a-historic-lawsuit
    ONE THIRD of food is wasted globally every single year:http://www.fao.org/save-food/resources/keyfindings/en/
    If food waste were a country it would be the third largest ommiter of green-house gases - after the USA and China. http://www.fao.org/3/a-bb144e.pdf
    Over 800 million people experiencing chronic undernourishment and food poverty:
    2017 stats 1 in 8 people experience food poverty in irelandhttps://food.cloud/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Annual-Report.pdf

    Updated to 1 in 11: https://food.cloud/the-problem/
    1 million tonnes of food is wasted in Ireland every year:https://www.dccae.gov.ie/en-ie/environment/topics/sustainable-development/waste-prevention-programme/Pages/Stop-Food-Waste0531-7331.aspx
    Equivalent to filling Croke Park:http://voiceireland.org/our-work/food-waste/
    The difference between food loss and food waste:
    40% Food Loss & 40% Food Waste:https://ec.europa.eu/food/safety/food_waste/stop_en
    16% of crops wasted in UK: https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/fruit-vegetables-food-waste-farms-uk-birmingham-manchester-feedback-a8220171.html
    Use By and Best Before Dates: https://www.fsai.ie/faq/shelf_life/best_before_and_use_by.html
    Food wasted due to confusion over labelling: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2016/593563/EPRS_BRI(2016)593563_EN.pdf
    Just Eat It Documentary: http://www.foodwastemovie.com/
    Climate Quiz, Project Drawdown: https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2019/04/specials/climate-change-solutions-quiz/index.html
    1000 litres of water in one glass of milk: https://www.unitedutilities.com/faq/bills-payments/what-does-a-litre-or-cubic-metre-of-water-cost/
    €700-€1000 spent every year on food waste: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/environment/turning-food-waste-into-profit-1.3097437
    The effect of food waste in landfill: https://www.moveforhunger.org/the-environmental-impact-of-food-waste/
    Over ⅓ of our bins is made up of organic waste: https://stopfoodwaste.ie/resource/food-in-our-bins/
    Tristram Stuart Ted Talk (14 minutes): https://www.ted.com/talks/tristram_stuart_the_global_food_waste_scandal?language=en#t-507837
    The Food Waste Diversion Project: https://www.facebook.com/diversionproject/
    Sustainable Food Shopping; Evocco: https://www.evocco.com/
    Recipe Key:http://www.recipekey.com/
    Food Cloud: https://food.cloud/
    Falling Fruit: http://www.fallingfruit.ie/
    Misfit Foods: https://misfitoddsquad.com/
    Toast Ale: https://www.toastale.com/
    Feeding the 5000: https://feedbackglobal.org/campaigns/feeding-the-5000/
    Voice Ireland: https://voiceireland.org/food-waste.php

  • Welcome to Climate Queens and our very first episode! Join us as we delve into the world of FAST FASHION and the effect it is having on our shared planet. For more information, news and updates you can follow us on Instagram here -> @climatequeenspodcast

    We chose to launch our podcast this week in support of Fashion Revolution Week with events taking place all over the world. This year marks the sixth anniversary of the Rana Plaza Factory collapse in Bangladesh, where 1,138 people tragically died for our clothes. Please check out the link below for more information: https://www.fashionrevolution.org/about/why-do-we-need-a-fashion-revolution/

    For those of you wanting to channel your inner Climate Queen and read, watch and listen more about Fast Fashion, check out all of the links below.

    Fast Fashion's Effect on People, The Planet & You (18 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPM9lhackHw

    Fashion Industry Value:

    100 billion garments are manufactured every year:

    1% of clothes are recycled:

    The Linear & Circular Economy- The Story of Stuff (20 minutes):

    Contact your brands and ask #whomademyclothes:

    The water consumption of a t-shirt and pair of jeans:

    70% of clothes donated to charity shops are exported to developing countries: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/12/world/africa/east-africa-rwanda-used-clothing.html

    10-30% of clothes in charity shops are actually sold: https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-30227025

    Every second the equivalent of one rubbish truck of clothes is sent to landfill or burned:

    Wash your clothes at 30 degrees to save 40% of electricity over one year:

    Microfibre pollution: https://www.stopmicrowaste.com/

    Link to buy a Guppy Friend Washing Bag: https://www.patagonia.com/product/guppyfriend-washing-bag/O2191.html

    Wearing your clothes for 9 months longer can reduce the environmental impact of that garment by 20-30%:

    The resale market will overtake the luxury retail market within the next 10 years:https://www.thredup.com/resale

    Rent The Runway
    Wear The Walk
    Save Your Wardrobe
    Good On You

    UK Environmental Audit Committee:
    New materials for our clothes:

    Carlings' Digital Fashion:

    Sustainable Fashion Event: