Club 15 - Advocacy Has No Age Limits
USA · Kate Gilman Williams
- Børn & familie
- Videnskab
- Pets & Animals
- Nature
Kate Gilman Williams is a 12 year old author and animal advocate. Kate partnered with Sarah Maston, Founder of Project 15 from Microsoft, to launch Club 15 – named so because we lose one elephant from our planet every 15 minutes. It is up to Kate’s generation to save wildlife and wild spaces, and on her Club 15 podcast, you hear from legends in the field of conservation and technology who understand this urgency. Renowned guests include: Virginia McKenna, Yoko Watanabe, Eric Dinerstein, Fatema Hamdani and Petronel Nieuwoudt.
Listen as 12 year old Kate Gilman Williams interviews world-renowned scientists, conservationists, technologists and activists who understand that our youngest generation must play an active role in solving sustainability solutions.