Is prospecting on Instagram different than how you should prospect on LinkedIn?
The reality is the platforms are different. They have a different audience and require a different perspective. It is not the platform that matters, it is the strategy you use.
In this episode I chat with none other than James Duncan, SVP of Marketing at Lower.com, and someone who I have personally watched completely change the script on social and digital marketing. His voice in the mortgage and real estate space is LOUD and you all should hear it!
Intentions matter, and the best quote from the episode is “have a take, and don’t suck.”
Connect with James:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/mortgageteacher/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jdaustex
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/themortgageteacher/
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
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Are you creating content with a transactional mindset? Thinking, “If I post this video, it will get me this thing.” That is the problem with social media content right now. You are getting on with the intention of SELLING.
Content is not about creating “click bait” but instead should really be about what your intent really is. Personally. What is YOUR intent in life.
In this episode, which I might add is what I believe to my number 1 most favorite episode of them ALL, I interview Ken Perry, President and CEO of the Knowledge Coop. This is a transformative conversation to say the least, but it will leave you thinking, “Am I vulnerable, am I a human to my audience?” or “Am I doing this all wrong…”
My favorite think you will hear Ken say in the episode, “You can serve your way out of a bad situation.”
Connect with Ken:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/adhdceo/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mrkenperry
Knowledge Coop Website: https://www.knowledgecoop.com/
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
Want FREE Social Media Advice? Join our FREE FB Group! 👇🏻
Manglende episoder?
Want to know why the word “social media manager” might have a bad taste in your mouth?
Maybe you have spent a ton of money, energy and time on one, only for it to not “work” in your mind. Here is the thing, when you hire someone for help with your social, it is important to know what to ask. As the saying goes, “How can you hire someone If you don’t know what you need?”
This is a powerful thought and can transform how you think. Can you go from being wired to think transactionally to focusing on the value of what having deeper, more meaningful connections can mean for your business?
In this episode I get the pleasure of interviewing Robert Courtney Collins, a man who is truly redefining branding and what actual strategy and success on social means. He is also the creator of the largest “social creator” conference called Creator Con. This was an interview I have sought out for years. Knowing that someone else sees and views social the way I do and has also BEEN there like I have. We started in the streets of figuring it out, and now were here.
Connect with Robert:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/robertcourtneycollins/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robertcourtney1980
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
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Would you listen to your leadership encourage you to get on social if they themselves don’t? No, probably not. It would be like hiring a fitness trainer who didn’t ever workout. They don’t have any credibility!
As we exit 2024 there are some specific reflections I have made over the year, and one of them is being WHO you are and allowing that piece to shine through in your content. I am NOT saying the mortgage conversations don’t matter, I am saying they should be second.
In this episode I get the pleasure of interviewing Montell Watson, who leads multicultural markets for MovementMortgage and whose wife Emily happens to also run an influencer social marketing company. This is important because we talk about perspectives of leadership, we also talk about what it’s like being married to an influencer, and Montell shares some VERY interesting perspectives that make my predication for 2025 feel very spot on.
Connect with Montell:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/montell3/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/montell.watson
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
Want FREE Social Media Advice? Join our FREE FB Group! 👇🏻
Are you still “cold calling” and working to build relationships this way?
The reality is that some choose that way…but what If you had an entire profile about someone BEFORE you picked up the phone to call them? And even better, what if you knew of specific events that had just taken place and could use them as a REASON to call and have a touchpoint with someone?
In this episode I am freaking honored to interview a new amazing friend of mine Jonathon Haddad the recently appointed CEO of AIME. We dive into the changes the younger generation of mortgage professionals need to make to keep up, how much different AIME is and how important authentic growth. This is a conversation about the tides turning, how the numbers really do not lie, and what YOU need to do about it.
The big question? Would you be scared if I called your agent!? 😎
Connect with Jonathon
IG: https://www.instagram.com/jonathon_haddad/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jon.haddad.18
Website for more about Jonathon and AIME: https://aimegroup.com/about-us/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=jonathon+haddad
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
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Have you ever thought, “I don’t have the skills,” “I’m too old to learn Instagram,” or ever made the quintessential “I only have 14 followers comment?”
These are all real thoughts that even the best of us who use this platform have had. But how can you learn to love the process of figuring it out?
In this episode I get to interview the true definition of grit and grace in the amazing Amberly Lago. She is an Author, TEDX Speaker, Coacher and Founder of the Unstoppable Life Mastermind and has such an impactful story, but more importantly she is a testament to “figuring it out.” We talk about Instagram’s currency, connection, and how she leaned into it. This episode is full of “little” takeaways that add up to huge results. Most importantly, Amberly and I discuss how it really must be YOU who does the connecting!
Connect with Amberly:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/amberlylagomotivation/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amberly.lago
Website: https://amberlylago.com/
Buy Amberly’s book: https://amberlylago.com/book/
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
Want FREE Social Media Advice? Join our FREE FB Group! 👇🏻
Do you still think you’re “late” to the video game? Questioning whether it is worth starting because you feel behind?
You aren’t.
In this episode I interview the video OG Ryan Hills. Ryan is a Regional Director with Movement Mortgage and Owner of RE Source and an 18-year veteran to the video space. I was eager to do this episode with Ryan because no matter how long you have been, or not been doing video, there is no ‘I’ve arrive’ moment. It is a constant re evaluation, what is working, what is not. Most importantly though, you must keep showing up.
This is one you’re really going to want to tune into if you feel like “video” and what to do with it is weighing you down!
Connect with Ryan:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/theresourcetv/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ryan.Staci
RE Source YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b41s2dANTLM
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@TheresourceTv/videos
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
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“How do you meet people online that you wouldn’t have otherwise met?”
Great question and it is the exactly what we need to know the answer to in order to get the results we want. But, how does your ability to connect with new people relate to what you are WILLING to do that others aren’t? In this episode we are talking about your competitive edge. Brian Covey, a dear friend and fellow athlete, and I talk about what his competitive edge has been. If you aren’t sure what that means, then you will want to listen in to this. Brian is also EVP of Revolution Mortgage and a proclaimed disrupter. I would have to agree!
“It’s all the unique things and experiences and things that motivate and inspire you. They’re things you’ve done in your past, you may not put worth on, but they make you different than your competition.”- Brian
This is a major note taking episode!
Connect with Brian:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/thebriancovey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brian.covey.1422
Website: https://briancovey.com/
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
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Being remembered is the currency of today’s world. It is no longer about stopping the strolling and instead it is all about stopping the scroll. So how do we do that?
In this episode I interview none other than Rene Rodriguez. He is not only the creator of the Amplify experience, but he is a multi-best-selling author, and incredible mentor, and a 30+ year veteran of the neuroscience space. He specializes in how neuroscience applies to leadership change, influence, and creating powerful brands. This episode is jam packed with thought provoking ideas and super tactical things you can do right now, but one of the biggest revolves around “we all want referrals…so how do we increase our chances?”
Ready to find out? You’ll want to listen to the WHOLE thing!
Connect with Rene:
IG: www.instagram.com/learnwithrene/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/learnwithrene
Website: www.meetrene.com
Connect with Michelle:
Website: bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
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Have you ever thought about ALL the things that high performing athletes do to keep themselves functioning at that level?
Now, are we thinking about that same concept as we transition it to how we run our companies?
In this episode, I interview two great friends of mine, Andrea & Brooke who run Gold Ivy Health Co and the Ivy Unleashed Podcast, and we dive into the critical connection between mental and physical fitness and high performance in your business. We talk about how taking care of your body and mind directly correlates with how effectively you can show up for your business and how Instagram and how we show up there plays a role in this journey.
Connect with Brooke and Andrea:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/goldivyhealthco/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063559599908
Website: https://goldivyhealthco.com/
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
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Want to know why most people cannot get their social media off the ground? Because they are leading with, I am a “mortgage originator” or a “I am a real estate agent” and they hide behind that and don’t show who they really are. The lack of consistency also eats them alive.
In this episode, I interview Christine Beckwith, CEO of 20/20 Vision Your Success coaching along with best-selling author and award-winning mortgage industry executive sales leader. She has written a book every other for 7 years, so she is about to publish her 6th.
As Christine says, “They will not let that thing ride that tarmac long enough to get the nose off the ground. They'll put the flyer up that doesn't get any likes, and then they'll say, "It doesn't work." So join us in this conversation so you can learn how to NOT lose sight of the fact that engagement is not the end game. Engagement is the hallway to the dance. It's not the dance.
Connect with Christine:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/2020visionforsuccess/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christine.beckwith.16Website: https://www.visionyoursuccess.net/
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/ Instagram @BermanMediaSocial YouTube:
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me! Email: [email protected]
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Are you showing up as a highlight reel or as someone we can connect with?
One thing has become clear about how people use Instagram, and it ties directly into their inability to show up consistently due to their fear, or insecurity around not showing up “perfectly.”
In this episode I interview Greg Gale, branch manager at Nova Home Loans in Scottsdale and National Coach with The Core Training. We have an in-depth conversation about why people are failing at showing up consistently, how to solve it, and most importantly how to ensure that their time is fruitful. We all want to be generating business off the platform, but are you your own worst enemy here?
Connect with Greg
IG: https://www.instagram.com/greg_gale_/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Thegaleteam
Book an appointment with Greg: https://solo.to/greg_gale
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
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Are you proudly sporting the "busy badge"?
Instagram's power extends beyond just creating leverage; it also fosters community building. Yet, a common refrain persists: many people claim they're "too busy" to engage themselves and show up consistently on the platform.
5 years ago, Tina didn’t even have a presence on Instagram but was selling 130 homes a year. But she saw the writing on the wall and knew that if she wanted to be busy now, she would have to figure it out BACK then.
In this episode, I get to Interview none other than Tina Caul, founder of the Caul Group, #1 east coast team EXP team,consistently in the top 3 out of the entire brokerage, and recently named in the top 25 in the entire nation for ALL brands by Real Trend. This woman is a MONSTER at selling real estate, but a genuinely incredible human!
Connect with Tina
IG: https://www.instagram.com/tina_caul/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tina.caul
ReLAUNCH Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/getaccess.global/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF&_rdr
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
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Have you ever thought about how the way you present something can change its value?
This resonates heavily with the how we produce video content and write copy for our Instagram’s. Are you just another talking head or are you creating a narrative that can really help build a loyal following and community for yourself?
In this episode I get to interview Neal Foard, who has BLOWN my mind with his knowledge of sales, storytelling and perception development. With over 30 years in advertising, this guy is a expert in persuasion.
You will want to listen, rewind, and listen some more to this one!
Connect with Neal
IG: https://www.instagram.com/nealfoard/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nealfoard
Neal’s Story Fire course: https://www.nealfoard.com/
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
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Perhaps one of the biggest struggles we see in the world of Real Estate marketing is cookie cutter, boiler plate, in house marketing content. Is there any actual VALUE to it or is it just VAL YOU to you so you can check the “I posted on social media” box?
I went on a search to find someone who was re-writing the script on how in-house marketing was supposed to work, what it should look like, and I found the woman who is KILLING it at changing that game!
In this episode I interview the President of McQuaid & Company Real Estate Services and new author of the INth degree, Tiffany Mcquaid.
The nugget for you to ponder on: How can you create a presence that is PRESENT when you are not?
Connect with Tiffany
IG: https://www.instagram.com/tiffanymcquaid/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tiffanymcquaid
Buy her book!: https://www.amazon.com/INth-Degree-How-Stand-Going/dp/B0CPHVFFBD/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1J24SEEN2MFRE&keywords=tiffany+mcquaid&qid=1705936657&sprefix=tiffany+mcqu%2Caps%2C200&sr=8-1
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
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Consumers when they see activity, they associate it to “productivity.” People will also subconsciously translate that into how well you will do for them.
So, if you have a Facebook page, or an Instagram page, and you haven’t posted in 3 weeks, or your content is subpar, you may inadvertently be hurting your brand. And YES you have a brand, whether you think you do or not.
In this episode I get to interview a GEM of a human, Luke Acree, President of Reminder media who dropped knowledge bomb after knowledge bomb. Honestly could have stopped this episode 10 min in it was THAT GOOD!
The real question of this episode is, “How are you consistently showcasing yourself to the marketplace and controlling the narrative of your brand?”
Connect with Luke
IG: https://www.instagram.com/lukeacree/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lukeacreeRM
Website for Reminder Media: https://remindermedia.com/tour-social/
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
Want FREE Social Media Advice? Join our FREE FB Group! 👇🏻
“Every day from that day on, I was going to do a reel in the morning after I wake up.” 2.5 years later there is not a Monday- Friday of any week that this doesn’t happen. What kind of person does it take to make that commitment?
You don’t have to be great at something right out of the gate. But what you do have to be is committed to the journey. If you are trying to be a leader in the mortgage industry, leading from the front is part of that job description. Laura Brandao is a shining example of EXACTLY that!
Laura and I connected on FB after realizing we both went to Rutgers, and in this episode we talk about what it looks like to go all in, and “burn the boats” as they say. Not your typical episode of how to’s, but instead a look into the minds of those who are leading from the front and failing forward in the social media space.
Connect with Laura
IG: https://www.instagram.com/brandao_laura/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/laura.brandao.395
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
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Do you have a FB group? Are you connected to all of those who are in it on Instagram?
Leveraging a Facebook group with a substantial membership to prospect on Instagram can be a strategic way to expand your reach and deepen engagement with your audience. But what are some of the simple ways to accomplish this? How do you leverage this data?
In this episode I get the pleasure of Interviewing Karen Cooper, creator of the Empowering Women in Real Estate FB Group, which is one of the largest female ONLY groups on Facebook! Together we dig into how she uses her group, where Instagram comes in, and we also talk about all things personal VS business account on IG and where the intersection of it all lies.
This is a jam packed 50 min episode!
Connect with Karen
IG: https://www.instagram.com/karen.w.cooper/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karen.w.cooper
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/270964189759362
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
Want FREE Social Media Advice? Join our FREE FB Group! 👇🏻
Two years can transform a world, and it’s time to dive back into that evolution.
In the last two years, Instagram has really changed; it's now all about listening to what the audience wants, which is less about slick, perfect videos and more about real, relatable content that brings a breath of fresh air. People are looking for honest stories they can connect with, not just the flashy, highly edited stuff.
Brace yourselves for Round 2 with Phil Treadwell, who's coming back to the podcast by popular demand—his last visit racked up five times more downloads than any other episode! We'll dive into the huge changes in both his life and the Instagram scene, and reflect on the power of mindset through it all.
Connect with Phil
IG: https://www.instagram.com/philtreadwell/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pdtreadwell
Website: https://philtreadwell.com/coaching
And M1 Coaching: https://m1academy.app/free
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
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Agents are still asking the age-old question of “should I have a business and a personal account or just one?”
The division created by maintaining two distinct Instagram profiles is precisely why numerous agents struggle to achieve success on the platform. The most effective and rapid method to expand your business is by fostering a community on Instagram. However, this becomes virtually unattainable when there's a separation between personal and business accounts
In this episode I get to interview Marjorie Adam, a 28 year veteran in the real estate industry, who not only sells a CRAP ton of real estate, but she is a podcaster herself, a mogul in the real estate coaching space AND a mom herself, and you know what she brought to light? Having two accounts is how realtors have been TAUGHT in the past.
Connect with Marjorie
IG: https://www.instagram.com/themarjorieadamteam/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marjorie.adam.94
Website: https://www.marjorieadamteam.com/?fbclid=IwAR2DOYkuLrBF-K0GxcpPl1Q9v9qRH69fjwpxoS0aTyHl1m9d2tqHkiL9tEk
Connect with Michelle:
Website: https://bermanmediapd.com/
Instagram @BermanMediaSocial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgG-BvwWOQ_jEYDZ-gKVxQ
Need a Dynamic Speaker for an Event or Group? Duh...Me!
Email: [email protected]
Want FREE Social Media Advice? Join our FREE FB Group! 👇🏻
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