
  • Eveline est la fondatrice de Sobre et BranchĂ©e , un espace au fĂ©minin pour explorer sans jugement sa relation avec l’alcool. Sobre depuis le 1er septembre 2020, elle a choisit de se rĂ©tablir Ă  voix haute pour tenter d’enrayer le stigma de l’alcoolisme au fĂ©minin.

    ApĂ©ro Ă  zĂ©ro rĂ©unit sous une mĂȘme enseigne la plus grande boutique de produits sans alcool au Canada, des services d’évĂ©nementiel corporatif ou privĂ© et une boutique physique. Marilou la fondatrice est sobre depuis plus de 4 ans. Elle a comme mission de briser le stigma entourant la sobriĂ©tĂ© et de montrer qu’un lifestyle sans alcool peut ĂȘtre tout autant festif!

  • David est un mari heureux et un pĂšre dĂ©vouĂ© qui a consacrĂ© sa vie Ă  enseigner aux enfants comment bouger au mieux de leurs capacitĂ©s. Son parcours personnel est guidĂ© par son amour du mouvement et du partage de sa passion avec les autres.


    [email protected]


  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Matt Gardiner is a Recovery Coach, Life Coach & Sound Therapist with a passion for helping people rediscover who they truly are.

    Matt helps identify where you are on your own 'Hero's Journey' and supports you en route to the 3rd Stage of Rebirth!

    He has a knack for helping those who have identified themselves as needing help to control their drinking. This subject, in particular, is very personal for Matt as he has battled with alcohol for most of his adult life.

    Matt’s unique training (including 5 Coaching certifications) enables him to help his clients confront & strip away their negative self-talk and any victim mentality they have; they then emerge on the other side ready to take action and “Celebrate the Wins”!

    “Take back the control of your life through better words, better breathing & having fun!”

    While he is not working with his clients, Matt is the host of 2 podcasts: ‘Electric Soil Podcast’ and ’10 Albums’.

    He is also the singer/guitarist in the alt-rock band ‘Ground Level Falcons’, based out of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

    Matt is also a huge advocate for the mental & physical health benefits that come with Arts & Creativity."

  • Nita Sweeney is the award-winning wellness author of the running and mental health memoir, Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink and co-creator of the writing journal, You Should Be Writing: A Journal of Inspiration & Instruction to Keep Your Pen Moving. Her upcoming book, Make Every Move a Meditation (available for preorder), was featured in the Wall Street Journal. A certified meditation leader, mental health advocate, ultramarathoner, and former assistant to writing practice originator Natalie Goldberg, Nita founded the groups Mind, Mood, and Movement to support well-being through meditation, exercise, and writing practice, and The Writer’s Mind, to share using writing practice to produce publishable work. Nita also publishes the writing resource newsletter, Write Now Columbus. Nita lives in central Ohio with her husband, Ed, and their yellow Labrador retriever, Scarlet. Download your free copy of Nita’s eBook Three Ways to Heal Your Mind.

  • This is probably one of the most "Outside of my comfort zone" episode I've recorded but enjoyed every minute of it. It was phenomenal and appreciated the insightful expertise of Dr. Craig.

    Craig Wright is a native of Baltimore, Maryland where he studied religion and philosophy in his youth as a member of the Baltimore Ethical Society. He holds degrees in Psychology and Metaphysics. He is an Ordained Metaphysical Minister, and a Certified Metaphysical Practitioner.

    It was the tragic death of a friend in the summer of 1972 that prompted Craig to search for the meaning of life. This began his study of NUMEROLOGY. After many years of personal research, Craig went public in 1988. This was the year he

    met Rev. Hazell Cassell and was invited to be a guest on her radio program.

    Craig's presentation on Numerology generated so much

    excitement that people began to ask him to share his knowledge about this fascinating science. The momentum has continued to grow. Craig's services have been sought nationally and internationally. He has served as a resource to several Human Service Agencies by conducting seminars and workshops. He has a wide array of clientele who consult with him regularly on personal as well as business matters.

  • When Ann was 19, she woke one morning to find her mother dead in her bathroom.

    Twenty years later the tears from that trauma were still just under the surface. Ann found a simple technique that helped her release these emotions - but she went further and can now put her awareness inside her body - and has changed the bone structure of her skull and grown œ an inch at age 55. Ann has found that seeking out our truth, what we truly feel, and accepting those feelings, is the key to inner peace.





  • Francis est impliquĂ© beaucoup dans le monde du podcast: il est rĂ©alisateur, producteur et lui-mĂȘme podcasteur, entre-autre, sur le podcast Grains d'Espoir, que je recommande fortement. Ce que les gens ne savent peut-etre pas, ce sont les dĂ©mons que Francis a afrontĂ©, de la jeune enfance jusqu'Ă  aujourd'hui. C'est avec beaucoup d'ouverture, de franchise et d'honnĂȘtetĂ© que Francis m'a partagĂ© sa vie et j'en suis trĂšs reconnaissant. Merci Francis.

  • Hilary Arnow Burns grew up in Westport, Connecticut. She spent over 30 years as a business consultant to companies all over the world. Her best accomplishment is having raised two remarkable children.

    12 years ago, a comment from her daughter woke Hilary up. She realized she had been numbing herself with food and alcohol and decided to take a REAL look at her life. She didn’t like what she saw: she was overweight, unhappy in her marriage, drowning in debt, and had no life of her own.

    She got real. She was tired of feeling bad. She discovered tools and techniques for getting over to the right side of life and spending less time on the sad, disempowered side.

    She wrote a memoir, the Second Piece of French Toast, to inspire other people to get unstuck and regain their power and happiness. This podcast, Get Real and Get Free, is also committed to people living their best lives.

    Website: https://www.gettingrealwithhilary.com/

    Course: https://www.gettingrealwithhilary.com/getting-unstuck

    Blog: https://creatinglifeouthere.com/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GettingRealWithHilary

    Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/0WKao0gYI3fpwLPNLiPNKi

    (Called Get Real and Get Free)

    Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578616149?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details

  • Kate is a Certified Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist, helping people overcome their limiting beliefs. As a mom of 2, having struggled with postpartum depression and mental blocks, Kate was able to resolve inner conflict by working with her subconscious mind. She now helps others connect to their true selves, find the root and the cause of their mindset challenges and create a safe space for clients to express and release the "unexpressed".

    Social media:Instagram: kate.semeniuk

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008247102701

    Website: www.katesemeniuk.com

  • Coach Jon is a weight loss coach and emotional eating expert who has lost 100lbs, and overcome binge-eating and food addiction after going through a life-altering trauma.

    NUTRITION: https://www.freedomnutritioncoach.com

    MENTORSHIP: https://www.jonmclernon.com

    YOUTUBE: https://freedomnutrition.rocks/YouTube

  • Joey Braun hosts a podcast called MindShape with co-host Avery Chatman in which they ask everyday people to answer difficult questions about their past traumas. After helping over 80 people share their stories it's clear to them that vulnerability is the bridge that connects people together. Their goal is to empower their guests and inspire the people who listen to their stories.


  • David Goudreault est romancier, poĂšte et travailleur social.

    Il a ouvert les portes de sa vie pour discuter avec moi de dépendance, de sobriété et d'un peu de tout. J'ai aimé mon temps avec David et le remercie de sa générosité.

    Vous pouvez trouver David ici: https://www.davidgoudreault.org/ et vous devez ABSOLUMENT prendre quelques minutes pour aller écouter ça: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=519093019229697

  • Andrew Calderella is Best Selling Author | Inspirational Speaker, Trainer, & Coach | Philosopher | Serial Entrepreneur, Founder, & CEO.

    Andrew is an inspirational speaker, trainer, and coach who specializes in helping everyone be their best in all

    areas of life while making a more significant positive impact in our world.

    You can find him here: http://www.7way.me/

  • Alan Stevens is an International Profiling and Communications Specialist regularly featured on National TV, Radio and in the World’s Press, profiling the likes of our leading politicians, TV, and sports stars as well as Britain’s Royalty. He’s been referred to by the UK Guardian as the leading authority on reading people, globally and the mentalist meets Dr. Phil by the Herald.

    Alan has worked with international clients, the likes of Disney Films and Gillette, and high-profile organizations like the Australian Federal Police to help them to understand how people tick. Alan works with business owners and executives, helping them to understand and engage their clients and prospects, enhancing their presentations and negotiation skills. And with parents and teachers to help them enhance the ability of their children to reach their full potential while improving the experience of parents, teachers, and students.

    He is focused on creating and training his own competition, to the highest level and as quickly as possible. His belief is that “We need more people with the skills, but they have to be well trained”, and believes he has a moral obligation to find and train the best coaches to become the leaders in their fields.

     He is also the creator of the #WeTogether initiative and The Campfire Project, which is a safe place for men and women to give themselves permission to tell their stories. To share their experiences and wisdom from around the world.

     Social Media

    Website  https://www.alanstevens.com.au

    LinkedIn  https://www.linkedin.com/in/readingfaces

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CelebrityProfiler

    Business Group page  https://www.facebook.com/groups/AlanStevens

    Facebook Business Page https://www.facebook.com/ReadingFaces/

    The Campfire Project group page https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheCampfireProject/

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/face_profiler  

    Twitter https://twitter.com/Face_Profiler

     Link to my free course https://www.alanstevens.com.au/free

  • AmĂ©lie m'a partagĂ©e sa vie et son parcours sans cacher quoi que ce soit. Son ouverture d'esprit et de coeur ne m'ont pas laissĂ© indiffĂ©rent et vous non plus. Merci pour ton temps AmĂ©lie et continue ton parcours!

  • Janylene hypnologue clinique, coach certifiĂ©e par l'ICF et dĂ©tentrice d'une licence RTTÂź niveau thĂ©rapeute en thĂ©rapie de transformation rapide. Elle m'a ouvert son coeur et sa vie pour m'inspirer et vous inspirer. Je suis content qu'elle m'est parlĂ© et j'espĂšre que vous en tirerez tout le plaisir Ă  votre tour.

    Vous pouvez la trouver ici:


  • Angelo est un homme d'affaire qui a connu les dĂ©boires de perdre le contrĂŽle et de mettre en pĂ©ril la confiance de ses proches jusqu'Ă  ce qu'il voit le fond du baril et dĂ©cide de s'en sortir. Il est maintenant impliquĂ© dans plusieurs projets pour remettre Ă  ceux et celles qui lui ont donnĂ© la libertĂ© et la sobriĂ©tĂ©. Vous pouvez trouver ses projets ici:


  • Michael Vincent est nĂ© le 26 dĂ©cembre 1981 au QuĂ©bec. Il est homme d’affaires et confĂ©rencier, il a aussi lancĂ© officiellement sa carriĂšre de chanteur hip-hop en 2020. 

    PropulsĂ© par ses rĂȘves et ses ambitions, mais Ă©galement par son objectif de raconter son histoire et  de faire vivre des Ă©motions, il a commencĂ© Ă  composer en toute humilitĂ© au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es.

    MCV a vĂ©cu l’enfer de la drogue au cours de son adolescence, passant ses journĂ©es Ă  vendre et Ă  consommer dans la rĂ©gion de MontrĂ©al.  Sous la pression de ses proches, il a suivi sans succĂšs trois cures de dĂ©sintoxication. 

    Jusqu’à ce qu’un jour,  craignant pour sa santĂ© mentale, il a finalement dĂ©cidĂ© de se choisir

    Quelle rencontre incroyable avec Michael: son ouverture et sa gĂ©nĂ©rositĂ© me sont restĂ©s en tĂȘte. Merci beaucoup Michael.





  • Heather Hutchison is the Amazon best-selling author of Holding On by Letting Go: A Memoir, and an award-winning singer/songwriter with three albums released to date. Blind since birth and having struggled with mental illness from a young age, she is passionate about educating people on disability and mental health through her music and writing. An avid traveller, Heather has spent time living and teaching English in Latin America.






  • Julie est titulaire d’une maĂźtrise en Ă©ducation et enseigne au collĂ©gial et Ă  l’universitĂ© depuis 20 ans. Elle est aussi coach professionnelle certifiĂ©e et spĂ©cialiste en rĂ©tablissement et dĂ©pendances. Sa mission est de placer le bien-ĂȘtre humain au cƓur des organisations.

    Ce fût un charme de discuter avec Julie de son parcours et du nouveau chapitre de sa vie :)

    Vous pouvez trouver Julie ici:

    Site web en français: https://juliebloom.world/fr/

    Instagram: juliebloom.world https://www.instagram.com/juliebloom.world/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juliebloom.world?locale=fr_FR

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-bloom-m-ed-b-comm-2988b385/

    Fondation She Recovers: https://sherecovers.org/

    Le rĂ©pertoire des coachs de She Recovers: https://sherecovers.org/coach-directory/

    La prĂ©sentation (en anglais) faite le 25 octobre “Se rĂ©tablir du Stress Chronique de la PandĂ©mie” pour les Mental Health Mondays Educational Series: https://lnkd.in/gp6NW8ru