
  • Lapsevanem on oma lapse eeskuju, juht, mentor ja sõber. Laps õpibki kõige paremini läbi eeskuju. Iga lapsevanema unistus ja soov on, et tema lapsest kasvaks tubli inimene, kes tuleb elus edukalt toime, on elurõõmus ja ning oskab enda eest seista.Küll aga ei ole selle soovi täitumine kaugeltki nii lihtne. Täiskasvanu elus on palju tegureid, mis mõjutavad tema kohalolu, kasvatusoskuseid ja eeskujuks olemist.Selles episoodis vestlevad Renee Aluste ja Remo Ojaste lapse ja lapsevanema vahelise suhte arendamisest. Kuidas juhtida last läbi eeskuju? Mil moel olla toeks oma lapsele? Kuidas temasse sisendada eneseväärtustamist? Kuidas luua rohkem positiivseid mälestusi?Need on vaid mõned küsimused, millele lisaks sellele episoodile aitab vastuseid leida ka Mindsetfitness ja Combat Ready koostöös korraldatav iga-aastane "Isad ja pojad" bootcamp: https://mindsetfitness.ee/isadpojad-bootcamp/"Lihtsam on tugevaid lapsi kasvatada kui katkiseid mehi parandada." Frederick DouglasHead kaasamõtlemist!*** Küsimuste/mõtete korral kirjuta meile: [email protected] Hoia meie tegemistel ja tulevastel koolitustel silm peal: Koduleht: https://www.combatready.ee/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CombatReadyEE Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/combatreadyee LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/80306445/ Akadeemia: https://www.combatreadyacademy.ee

  • Combat Ready instruktorid Priit Lilleväli ja Aleksandr Afanasjev käisid Balkani maades eelluurel suhteid loomas. Mis on sealse kultuuriruumi eripära ja kuidas ehitada head suhet igaühega? Mehed räägivad muu hulgas, kui kasulik tööriist suhete ehitamisel on märkmik ja kuidas näidata oma tegudega mitte sõnadega.

    Aleksandr: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aleksandr-afanasjev-81316a235/

    Priit: https://www.linkedin.com/in/priit-lillev%C3%A4li-327835102/


    Küsimuste/mõtete korral kirjuta meile: [email protected]

    Hoia meie tegemistel ja tulevastel koolitustel silm peal:

    Koduleht: https://www.combatready.ee/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CombatReadyEE

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/combatreadyee

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/80306445/

    Akadeemia: https://www.combatreadyacademy.ee

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • It's Leadership Q&A time again! We get lots of questions from our regular online seminars and in this episode, Remo and I answer some of them.

    We tackle the nuances of leadership, emphasising the value of open communication, the necessity of understanding the root causes behind a leader's reluctance to decide, and the power of building strong relationships within a team.

    00:00 Start

    01:35 How do I know what is REALLY my problem??

    04:22 Understanding the line between personal and team problems

    12:40 Isn't the military super strict? How does that relate to business?

    20:25 It can be hard to make connection between military, business and life

    28:02 Knowledge work is like playing basketball, you have to manage the crisis during the game

    31:21 But what if I don't like the feedback I get??

    35:50 How to support a leader who is hesitant to make decisions

    38:11 Building relationships is ALWAYS the answer

    Follow Us

    Remo Ojaste: https://www.linkedin.com/in/remoojaste/

    Louis Zezeran: https://www.linkedin.com/in/louiszezeran

    If you have any questions, write to me: [email protected]

    Keep an eye on our activities and future trainings: https://www.combatready.ee

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CombatReadyEE

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/combatreadyee

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/combatready

  • When you think about the journey of a nation, it's often the stories of its people that give colour to the black-and-white pages of history. In the latest episode of Combat Ready Frontline Podcast, we are introduced to a man whose life is a reflection of Estonia's struggle, growth, and development, Combat Ready Instructor Eerik Heldna.

    Eerik's story isn't just about a career in public service; it's a story that reflects the fabric of Estonia's re-independence. Imagine being a young beat cop, witnessing the chaotic beauty of a country reborn, the lawlessness of once-forbidden streets now teeming with life and opportunity. This is where Eerik's tale begins, in the no-go zones of Tallinn, which today buzz with the vibrant energy of hipster culture and artisan cafes.

    Host Louis Zezeran takes us on a journey through Eerik's eyes, exploring the transformation of Estonia from the ground up. From the gritty reality of drug enforcement to the strategic intricacies of military intelligence, Eerik's career is a testament to the power of being "default aggressive" — a mindset of seizing opportunities and serving one's nation with fervour.

    (00:00) Start

    (01:39) Eerik is giving a speech for Estonia's independence day tomorrow

    (07:53) We just got back from training with Echelon Front in the US

    (11:56) Estonia in the 90s was a place where you could make something happen

    (13:04) Recalling Estonia's re-independence in 1991

    (19:01) Most of Estonia's decision makers were relatively young after independence

    (25:39) Eerik Estonian police in 1998 to focus on drug related crime

    (33:17) Early days on the beat

    (39:47) 90's Estonia had huge problem with border, customs and traffic police corruption

    (52:41) Eerik's struggle with the balance between being default aggressive and taking responsibility

    (57:07) Did the 90's pave the way for Estonia' entrepreneur spirit today?

    (58:04) Final thoughts

    Follow Us

    Eerik Heldna: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eerik-heldna-7501ab293/

    Louis Zezeran: https://www.linkedin.com/in/louiszezeran

    If you have any questions, write to me: [email protected]

    Keep an eye on our activities and future trainings: https://www.combatready.ee

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CombatReadyEE

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/combatreadyee

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/combatready

  • In this episode, Combat Ready Instructors Louis Zezeran and Remo Ojaste go through questions from the audience from their sTARTUp Day 2024 panel session. On the day the audience submitted a bunch of really good questions via the Votemo app, however there wasn't time to answer them live.

    You will learn answers to the following questions:

    1. How can creating realistic training scenarios enhance the learning experience?

    2. What strategies can be employed during role-play exercises to make tough decision-making scenarios more reflective of real-world challenges?

    3. In what ways can post-training debriefs contribute to improved performance in future high-pressure situations?

    4. How does the balance between practical, demonstration, and theoretical approaches, such as the "65% practical" model, create a more effective training program?

    (00:00) Start

    (00:48) We ran a hostage rescue at startup day to demonstrate FTX leadership training

    (08:31) Military has a great job of describing and writing down best decision making process

    (11:01) How do military examples relate to the business

    (15:19) How do you rehearse things like project management, conflicts and communication?

    (21:33) Preparing for a meeting is often as important as preparing for a performance


    (28:38) When you make decisions, eventually there is going to be some regret

    (32:54) Patrick asked about the relationship between military and civilian leadership in Estonia

    (40:33) Some people want military examples, some people want business examples. How to balance?

    (49:16) Would the live hostage rescue mission result in casualties?

    (51:45) How do you prioritize and execute in a hostage rescue scenario?

    Follow Us

    Remo Ojaste: https://www.linkedin.com/in/remoojaste/

    Louis Zezeran: https://www.linkedin.com/in/louiszezeran

    If you have any questions, write to me: [email protected]

    Keep an eye on our activities and future trainings: https://www.combatready.ee

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CombatReadyEE

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/combatreadyee

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/combatready

  • Õppimine ja areng on lahutamatu osa elust ja ei lõppe tegelikult mitte kunagi. Iga päev, mil arengut ei toimu, on pehmelt öeldes "maha visatud". Selleks aga, et areng saaks toimuda ja õppimine oleks efektiivne, on vaja eelkõike teada, kuidas seda teha. Selles episoodis arutlevad Combat Ready instruktorid Priit ja Aleksandr, kuidas toimub tagasisidestamine juhtimises ja õppimises ning kuidas muutusi läbi viiakse, läbi oma kogemuste, eluliste näidete ja õppetundide.

    00:00 - Sissejuhatus
    15:20 - Mis on debrief? Kuidas seda kasutada?
    22:50 - Alusta positiivsest. Miks on see oluline?
    27:20 - Raskustest ja takistustest - mis takistab tagasiside vastu võtmist?
    28:36 - Kuidas tagasisidet anda, millest rääkida ja kuidas?
    37:07 - Kuidas muutused toimuvad?
    48:53 - Milleks seda vaja on?
    53:45 - "NO GO" - enamlevinud vead juhtimises.
    1:01:50 - Kokkuvõte

    Aleksandr: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aleksandr-afanasjev-81316a235/
    Priit: https://www.linkedin.com/in/priit-lillev%C3%A4li-327835102/


    Küsimuste/mõtete korral kirjuta meile: [email protected]
    Hoia meie tegemistel ja tulevastel koolitustel silm peal:
    Koduleht: https://www.combatready.ee/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CombatReadyEE
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/combatreadyee
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/80306445/
    Akadeemia: https://www.combatreadyacademy.ee

  • In this episode I (Louis Zezeran) talk with Combat Ready Instructor Renee Aluste who is one of only 6 Estonian soldiers who have completed the imfamously grueling US Army Ranger School.

    Renee takes us through the demanding selection process of the Special Forces, recounting the moment he reached his breaking point. Drawing on his inherent optimism and resilience, he shares how he overcame his trials with the support of the lead instructor. We then shift gears and delve deep into his inspiring affiliation with the US Army Rangers. It started early in his career by meeting Hungarian special operations personnel who had been through the training and then later an Estonian superior officer who paved the way for volunteers to attend the Ranger school.

    Finally, Renee demystifies the rigorous training and tactics at the Ranger school, discussing the selection process, mental demands, and how instructors push candidates to their limits. It wasn't all smooth siling and Renee was held back and didnt pass one section, known in the school as "recycling". We hear about the psychology impact of that being recycled had on Renee, how is created a strong bond with other candidates in the same position and how they came together to overcome and mentor the other students on their second round through.


    Follow Us:

    Renee Aluste: https://www.linkedin.com/in/renee-aluste-799571176
    Louis Zezeran: https://www.linkedin.com/in/louiszezeran

    If you have any questions, write to me: [email protected]

    Keep an eye on our activities and future trainings: https://www.combatready.ee
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CombatReadyEE
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/combatreadyee
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/combatready

    Want to learn more about the principles of combat leadership and how they apply to business and life?

    Try our Online Academy in English: https://combatreadyacademy.com

  • How can the principles of Extreme Ownership transform your leadership style? This episode uncovers the game-changing concept developed by Jocko Willink & Leif Babin from Echelon Front, as we reflect on its significant impact on our own leadership styles. We engage in a vivid exploration of their principles, focusing on the role of cultural and linguistic adaptability in effective communication. Listen as we shine a light on storytelling's power in bringing these principles to life, fostering a deeper understanding of their essence.

    Our discussion extends to the intertwining relationship between leadership and decision-making. We emphasize how successfully managing resources and time is paramount to accomplishing any mission. Hear how understanding internal dynamics, prioritising and executing tasks, and the art of detaching oneself from a situation can be your leadership superpowers. We then unpack the concept of Extreme Ownership, examining how it guides us in controlling our reactions to external factors.

    Finalizing our exploration, we navigate the realm of decentralized command - the fourth law of combat leadership. We reveal how it fosters an environment empowering team members to make decisions while comprehending the mission's intent. Learn how this principle stands in stark contrast to micromanagement and encourages people to accept responsibility. By the end, you'll see how the principles of Extreme Ownership can be applied to any situation, bolstering your leadership journey.

    If you have any questions, write to me: [email protected]

    Keep an eye on our activities and future trainings: https://www.combatready.ee
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CombatReadyEE
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/combatreadyee
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/combatready

    Want to learn more about the principles of combat leadership and how they apply to business and life?

    Try our Online Academy: https://combatreadyacademy.ee

  • Ever wondered what it's like to be thrust into a high-stress situation, armed with laser tag weapons and a sense of impending chaos? How would you manage your thoughts and make decisive calls? Today I (Louis Zezeran) talk with Robert Käsper, the head of Field Training Exercises (FTX) for Combat Ready and we discuss how we simulate battlefield conditions to teach the principles of leadership.
    Through our discussion, we dissect the core essence of these exercises, emphasizing the importance of independent decision-making and understanding mission boundaries. Robert shares his military journey, which began with mandatory service, offering a comparison between volunteer-based Defense League and the constraints of the military's compulsory service. He provides a unique perspective on military discipline and how it differs from the supportive environment of the FTX.
    We also discuss how military boot camps are designed to transform soldiers, a process that can often be shocking for those unaccustomed to such strict boundaries. Lastly, we explore the value of making mistakes and allowing others to learn from their failures. Robert discusses how he uses this approach in helping young people develop their skills, stressing the importance of self-directed decision making.
    From exploring the role of medics on the battlefield to discussing leadership in high-pressure combat situations, this episode is a treasure trove of information for anyone interested in the military or personal growth.
    0:00:00 - What are the Combat Ready Field Training Exercises (FTX)
    0:07:21 - Louis is again fascinated by conscription in Estonia
    0:16:14 - Methods of Discipline and Training
    0:20:19 - Allowing Others to Fail.... just enough
    0:33:27 - Medic's Role in the Military
    0:36:50 - Squad Leaders' Importance in Combat
    0:42:18 - Effective Battlefield Leadership and Delegation
    0:52:25 - Different Perspectives on Teaching
    If you have any questions, write to me: [email protected]
    Keep an eye on our activities and future trainings: https://www.combatready.ee Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CombatReadyEE
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/combatreadyee
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/combatready
    Want to learn more about the principles of combat leadership and how they apply to business and life? Try our Online Academy: https://combatreadyacademy.ee

  • Interviewer: Louis Zezeran

    This is the second in my series of getting to know my new teammates in Combat Ready. In these podcasts I try and dig into one aspect of their military career or life and learn more about them.

    In this episode I get to know Priit, our head of sales who has did two tours of duty in Afghanistan with the Estonian Scouts battalion. He has stationed at a forward operating base (FOB) far away from the main forces where they had to fortify their position and be able to look themselves. The base bordered a local village and it was the job of the troops to form a relationship with the locals. Part of their daily patrols was to ask how they can help and provide whatever assistance they could.

    The difficulties came as when Priit's group would leave, the Taliban would come in. Unfortunately their version of trying to "create a relationship" with the villagers usually comprised threats of violence. The local people may have been good but when the Taliban have a gun to your daughter's head, anything is on the table.

    We also get into how Priit's team dealt with coming under fire and the value of Standard Operating Procedures in high pressure situations.

    This was a facinating talk where Priit calmly walks me through an average day on patrol

    * What happens when your vehicle hits an IED
    * How the company leader was building a relationship with the local elders
    * Eerie silence in town means the sh*t is about to go down
    * When they came under fire from the enemy, "cover and move" was everything.

    In the final part of our conversation, Priit opens up about his transition from military to civilian life. His military experiences have not only equipped him with valuable skills but also shaped his ability to build meaningful relationships in his personal and professional life.

    If you have any questions, write to me: [email protected]

    Keep an eye on our activities and future trainings: https://www.combatready.ee
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CombatReadyEE
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/combatreadyee
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/combatready

    Want to learn more about the principles ofcombat leadership and how they apply to business and life?

    Try our Online Academy, currently in Estonian but coming in English Oct 2023: https://combatreadyacademy.ee

  • Louis Zezeran here, in this series of English podcasts I sit down and do a short introduction with each of our Combat Ready instructors. I have never been in the military and I am fascinated by the mindset which led these guys to complete amazing achievements over the course of their career.

    Join me for an enlightening discussion with Aleksandr Afanasjev, a seasoned leader with 14 years of experience guiding individuals in various environments. His journey began in the military in 2005, where he first got a taste of leading nine men, and has since progressed significantly. From growing up on military movies to serving in the Middle East and providing peace in the region, Afanasjev’s passion for the military and his dedication to his mission is sure to inspire.

    "Sass" shares how his time in the military changed his perspective on leadership, taught him the importance of resilience, and how it shaped his views on teamwork in both military and civilian life. With today's social media-centric society, he offers insight into how people can become more self-aware of their thoughts and reactions. He further explains how being humble in every situation is crucial and how he learned this from his experiences.

    He speaks candidly about how his determination and ego helped him persevere despite numerous challenges. He also discusses humbling experiences where he learned to control his ego and how these experiences taught him to communicate better with his team.

  • Welcome to the first English episode of the Combat Ready Frontline Podcast!

    In this episode, Combat Ready co-founder and ex Estonian Special Forces member Remo Ojaste sits down with Louis Zezeran, founder of Comedy Estonia and recent addition to the Combat Ready instructor team.

    Louis is well known in Estonia for his work growing Stand Up production company Comedy Estonia. It started in 2010 as there was no culture of Stand Up in Estonia at all. The guys began by doing small events, standing on coffee tables in bars and slowly built the group, brand and overall Estonian Stand Up culture over the next decade. Juggling his business and artist sides was no comic act for Louis. But, it’s his candid conversation on managing comedians that explains how he fostered a bond of trust and understanding with them.

    It was in this journey that Louis discovered the principles of Extreme Ownership. After feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of leading this quickly growing group of talented artists, implementing the 4 laws of combat and the mindset for victory had immediate benefits for him and the team. By embracing decentralized command, he cultivated a culture of trust and understanding which helped in managing two distinct groups within his organization.

    In this podcast, Remo and Louis discuss this journey and how he has proven that these principles which were born out of the military do apply to business, art and life.

  • Martin Jõesaar on üks kahest Combat Ready asutajast Remo Ojaste kõrval. Juba kooli ajal tõmbas teda niiöelda riigikaitseliste tegevuste poole - ta oli aktiivne noorkotkaste liige, käis lasketiirus ning osales ka näiteks Erna retkel. Hilisem sõjakooli taust ning pikk tööpõlv kaitseväes on teda tänaseks viinud elama ja tööle Brüsselisse kaitsetööstusvaldkonda.

    See saade on hea sissevaade sellele, kuidas õige suhtumine ja heade suhete hoidmine on elus ehk isegi tähtsamad kui spetsiifiliste oskuste omandamine. Saad teada, kuidas distsipliin ja julgus viivad sihile ning kuidas näiteks käituda, kui soovid mõnda uut positsiooni/töökohta saada.

    Lisaks saad lühikese ülevaate sellest, kuidas Combat Ready loodud on ja mis teeb meie töökultuuri omalaadseks. Sellest podcasti osast saavad põnevaid ja kasulikke mõtteid nii ettevõtete juhid kui ka need, kes alles mõtlevad ettevõtluse peale, nii investeerimishuvilised kui ka kõik, kes soovivad oma elus olla rohkem sihikindlad ja distsiplineeritud.

  • Lauri “Doc” Lemming on üks humble, rahulik, tasakaalukas ja suur mees – ning seda mitmes mõttes. Lisaks sellele, et tal on pikkust pea kaks meetrit, on ta päästnud elusid nii lahinguväljal kui ka operatsioonisaalis. Ta teadis juba noorena, et soovib saada arstiks ning soov spetsialiseeruda lastekirurgia alale tekkis juba ülikooli esimesel semestril, mil ta sai operatsioonisaalis käe valgeks, kui toimus kohutav Pala bussiõnnetus, mille käigus põrkasid kokku koolibuss ja metsaveoauto.

    See podcast toob väga palju põnevaid paralleele juhtimisest lahinguväljal, meditsiinivaldkonnas või olukorras, millel ei ole elude (surmaga) mingit pistmist. Nii lahingus kui ka näiteks meditsiiinivaldkonnas on eriti oluline õppida olukordi juhtima, varasemalt läbi harjutama ja otsuseid kiiresti langetama, sest muidu võib otseses mõttes tagajärjeks olla kellegi surm. See tähendab, et suhted peavad olema head ning protseduurid peavad olema väga hästi läbi töötatud ja harjutatud.

    Kuula saadet ja saad vastuse näiteks sellistele küsimustele:
    * Kas juhiks sünnitakse või õpitakse?
    * Kui habras on tegelikult inimelu? Aga kui tugev on inimese vaim?
    * Mis on viie punkti käsk ja kuidas see aitab otsuseid langetada igas olukorras?
    * Mida on meil Afganistanis käinud veteranidelt ja meditsiinis töötavatelt inimestelt õppida?

    Lauri ja Remo arutelu tõendab, et kui miski toimib lahingus ja eriolukorras, siis seal, kus keegi läbi tegevuste läbi otseselt ei sure, toimib see kindlasti. Lauri jutust ja elukogemusest kõlab palju põhimõtteid, mida me ka ise Combat Ready koolitustel ja igapäevaelus eeskujuks olles õpetame. See saade on mõeldud igaühele, kes tahab oma perspektiive elu kohta laiendada, saada teadlikumaks juhiks ning kindlasti on see hea kuulamine inimesele, kes ennast üldse juhiks ei peagi.

    Lauri leiad üles Instagramist: lauri_doc_l

  • Tõnu Sillaots on tervisliku ja aktiivse eluviisiga veteran – inimene, kelle mõtteviisist meil kõigil on midagi õppida. Olgugi et nooruses oli Tõnu pigem uljas ja avastas julgelt maailma nagu poised ikka, muutusid tema elu ja mõtteviis kardinaalselt, kui ta oli 16-aastane. Lähedase inimese kaotus võib tabada igaüht ning see on meie enda valik, kuidas me pärast seda oma eluga edasi minna otsustame.

    Tõnu tasakaalukas ja rahulik ellusuhtumine on viinud teda tänaseks päästja ning Crossfiti treeneri ametikohale, mida ta väga naudib. Üks olulisemaid asju tema jaoks on teiste abistamine ning kogukonna toetamine. Me kõik oleme milleski head, meil on vaja see vaid üles leida.

    Sellest podcasti osast kuuled nii mõndagi inspireerivat ja motiveerivat, sh:
    · Kuidas luua tervislikke harjumusi,
    · Kuidas hoida distsipliini,
    · Miks on heade suhete hoidmine nii oluline,
    · Miks on meeskonnatöö oluline,
    · Kuidas ja miks võtta vastutust,
    · Kuidas läbi raskuste edasi minna.

    See vestlus on kindlasti mõeldud neile, kes otsivad mingit tõuget oma elus edasi liikumiseks või teatud harjumuste ja mõtteviiside sisse juurutamiseks. Väljakutsuvatel aegadel on vaja võtta samm tagasi ning vaadata asjade suuremat pilti – seda see podcast just teha aitabki!

  • Combat Ready frontline podcasti neljas külaline on aktviiselt tegutsev suurtükiväe pataljoni reservohvitser ja "Viimsi vaalapoeg" Martin Siimann.
    Tallinnast pärit mees on hea näide sellest, et kui mõtteviis on õige, jõuad elus kaugele hoolimata sellest, milline arvamus kellelgi sinust olla võib. Vanaisa kuldsed õpetussõnad on saatnud teda läbi elu ning podcasti kuulajal (hoolimata soost või tegevusvaldkonnast) on sellest osast kindlasti nii mõndagi enda elu tarbeks kõrva taha panna.
    Olgugi et Martin on vägagi alalhoidlik ning nooremas eas ehk õpetajate (ja teiste juhtide) silmis kohe silma ei paistnud, aitas Martini "teeme lihtsalt ära" mõtteviis teda näiteks nii õpilasesindusse, õpilasesinduse presidendiks kui ka hinnatud arendusjuhiks teenindusvaldkonnas. 2020. aastaks teenis Martin Siimann suurtükiväelase ja lipnikuna välja ka aasta reservväelase tiitli.
    Sellest osast saad näiteks teada:
    - Milline suhtumine aitab elus saavutada edu?
    - Miks on suhted ja suhete hoidmine olulised?
    - Miks võib olla hea võtta aasta vabaks keskkooli ja kaitseväe vahel?
    - Miks on kaitseväes teenimine justkui puhkus?
    - Mida tähendab tegelikult olla "pugeja", miks seda karta ei tasu ja kuidas sellises olukorras käituda?

    Head kuulamist!

  • Priit Lilleväli on pealtnäha rahulik ja vaikne mees, kuid ta on oma eluaastate jooksul näinud ja kogenud nii mõndagi, mis temast just täna hea juhi, intstruktori ning pereisa teeb.
    Priiduga käivad kaasas näiteks erinevad (eluohtlikud) seiklused Kloogal, elamine kasuisaga, vanaema õpetussõnad, kooli pooleli jätmine, kaks missiooni kuulipildurina Afganistanis ning Rootsis ehitajana töötamine. Need kõik on aga vaid osa tema elukogemustest, mille õppetundidest ka kuulajal nii mõndagi eluks kõrva taha panna on.
    Läbivaks heaks tooniks on Priidu elus heade suhete loomine ja hoidmine, mis on ka üks Combat Ready juhtimiskoolituste baasvundamente.
    - Kuidas saab kinnisvaramüüjast caoch?
    - Miks võiks iga mees ja naine läbida ajateenistuse?
    - Mis teeb Priidu elu ägedaks?
    - Miks on Eestis hea elada?

    Kuula ja saad teada! ;)

  • Combat Ready instruktori Priit Lilleväli tagasiside saatele: „Kui ma mõtlen Eerik Heldna podcasti osa peale, siis tuleb mulle kohe silmade ette juht, kellega koos läheks iga kell lahingusse. Kõige rohkem meeldis mulle tema rahulik ja rahustav hääletoon. Sellega meenub mulle tsitaat Chris Vossilt, kes oli FBI pantvangiläbirääkija USAs ja raamatu "Never Split The Difference" autor: "Inimesed võivad kuulata, mida sa neile ütled, kuid nad ALATI reageerivad sellele, KUIDAS sa ütled." Eeriku mega põnev taust ja kogemused on muidugi järgmine aspekt, mis tõstab respekti tema vastu. Vestluses Remoga toob ta oma väga põnevaid kogemusi näideteks, mis on õpetlikud ja panevad mõtlema.
    Üks kõrva jäänud mõte, mille ta kaitseväest saadud õppetundidest rääkides välja tõi, on see, et üks viis treenida ennast heaks juhiks, on õppida jaoülema käsiraamatu järgi. See on mega hea point ja sellest soovitaksin isegi teistel juhtidel šnitti võtta. Ma ei ole liiga paljude tippjuhtidega kokku puutunud, aga Eerik Heldna tundub üks kuradima "humble" juht, kellega oleks au koos teenida. Ootan kindlasti ka jätkusaadet, sest põnev oleks kuulda veel lugusid tema juhtimiskogemusest, õpingutest FBI koolis ja tööst kriminaalpolitseis. Aitäh teenituse ja hea saate eest!“

  • Aleksandr Afanasjev on 37 aastat vana, millest 14 aastat teenis ta erinevates Kaitseväe üksustes. Tal on selja taga kolm välismissiooni Afganistaanis ja suur hulk lahingkogemust. Teda on autasustatud teenetemärgiga lahinguliste teenene eest.
    Ta on osalenud ja võitnud meeskonnaga kõik patrullvõistlused Eestis - Erna retk (praegu Admiral Pitka retk), Utria dessant, Põrgupõhja retk jne. Samuti osales ta maailma ühes raskeimas patrullvõistluses Suurbritannias - Cambrian patrol, kus ta sai autasustatud hõbemedaliga. USAs osales ta Best Warrior võistlusel ja tuli ohvitseride seas esimesele kohale.
    Tema eluteekond ei olnud sugugi lihtne ja kõik takistused, mis eluteel ette tulid, andsid palju kogemust, kuidas ühes või teises situatsioonis hakkama saada.
    Missioonid, langenud kamraadid, elu väikeses Eesti linnas, perekondlikud mured, juhiks saamise teekond ja Combat Ready'ga liitumine. Sellest kõigest räägib ta esimeses Combat Ready Podcastis.