
  • Making Fun A Habit Series

    30 days to add fun into your creative practice. I will be going through Mike Brennan's Make Fun A Habit workbook and help you make fun a habit. I had the pleasure of interviewing Mike on my other podcast Find A Podcast About and talking about his podcast Creative Chats. This workbook leads you through steps to rekindle the fun in your life and get you in a space where you are your most creative. This is a 30 day book and I will be tackling each day as if it were a week and providing you insights on how you can use his ideas in your creative practice. Each chapter is broken up with a short story, questions to ponder, action items and tips.

    Yes, And

    Doing improv is not about being funny, its about taking what your scene partner gives you and running with it. Improv doesn't just happen on the stage, it happens when two or more people get together and trust each other enough that they can go along with whatever the other person gives them. Yes it can be funny and usually is when professionals do improv, but they have taken the time to get to know each other in order to know what the next person will do. Life doesn't have a script, neither should your art.

    Question to ponder

    What seems exciting or scary about improv?How do you think improv can create some fun and impact specific areas of your life and work?Who do you know whom seems to be a master of improv? What makes them a master?

    Action item: Learn some improv exercises such as Yes And, One word at a time, Scene swap, hot potato


    Be prepared to failListen to your partnerBe specific Be HonestHave Fun

    Reach Out To The Podcast

    To reach out to me, email [email protected] I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

    Email: [email protected] YouTube Channel: Create Art Podcast YT ChannelIG: @createartpodcastTwitter: @createartpod
    Create Art Podcast Newsletter


    Special Message

    If you have found value in this podcast, please share it with a friend as that is the best way to discover new podcasts. I want this to be a 5-star podcast in your eyes so let me know what you would like to see.

    Speaking about sharing with a friend, check out my other podcast Find A Podcast About where I help you outsmart the algorithm and find your next binge-worthy podcast. You can find that podcast at findapodcastabout.xyz.

    I am trying to utilize YouTube more, so make sure to check out my

  • Making Fun A Habit Series

    30 days to add fun into your creative practice. I will be going through Mike Brennan's Make Fun A Habit workbook and help you make fun a habit. I had the pleasure of interviewing Mike on my other podcast Find A Podcast About and talking about his podcast Creative Chats. This workbook leads you through steps to rekindle the fun in your life and get you in a space where you are your most creative. This is a 30 day book and I will be tackling each day as if it were a week and providing you insights on how you can use his ideas in your creative practice. Each chapter is broken up with a short story, questions to ponder, action items and tips.

    The #1 Rule, there are no rules

    We all have to follow some rules, whether we create them for ourselves or they are imposed on us by others. Why not make rules for yourself that clearly define what your values are and then let others know about them. They will create boundaries that others will respect. I used to be against all rules, but then I found that I could be creative within the confines of the rules and usually worked hard when they were imposed on someone else. Now I am the rule maker with my kids, it is tough, but I try to help them understand why we do what we do.

    Question to ponder

    Would you describe yourself as a rule breaker or a rule keeper? Why?What were some of your favorite childhood games? What did you like about them?What rules did you have a hard time with? Why? How would you have rewritten the rules?

    Action item: Write your own personal life rules Think about why they are important to you. Consider if you could make your life anything you wanted, what would it look like?


    Reflect on your values and desiresStart small and build graduallyBe specific and actionableWrite them down

    Reach Out To The Podcast

    To reach out to me, email [email protected] I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

    Email: [email protected] YouTube Channel: Create Art Podcast YT ChannelIG: @createartpodcastTwitter: @createartpod
    Create Art Podcast Newsletter


    Special Message

    If you have found value in this podcast, please share it with a friend as that is the best way to discover new podcasts. I want this to be a 5-star podcast in your eyes so let me know what you would like to see.

    Speaking about sharing with a friend, check out my other podcast Find A Podcast About where I help you outsmart the algorithm and find your next binge-worthy podcast. You can find that podcast at

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Making Fun A Habit Series

    30 days to add fun into your creative practice. I will be going through Mike Brennan's Make Fun A Habit workbook and help you make fun a habit. I had the pleasure of interviewing Mike on my other podcast Find A Podcast About and talking about his podcast Creative Chats. This workbook leads you through steps to rekindle the fun in your life and get you in a space where you are your most creative. This is a 30 day book and I will be tackling each day as if it were a week and providing you insights on how you can use his ideas in your creative practice. Each chapter is broken up with a short story, questions to ponder, action items and tips.


    Sometimes you need to change your environment from the usual. Instead of going to the same stores and coffee shops, try someplace new. instead of using the same old tried and true places where you get inspiration from, find new places and see what happens. When you go exploring outside of your back yard or usual waterhole, you find new things to discover that are in your back yard and you increase the size of it.

    Question to ponder

    What can a change in your environment look like?What is the objection that arises immediately? Why?How can you address this concern and still move forward?What was the best trip you have been on? What made it the best?Where have you always wanted to travel and haven't gone yet?

    Action item: Embark on a weekend exploration. Look up interesting places on Google near you that you can explore.


    Be open to new experiencesBe socialTake your timeBe present

    Reach Out To The Podcast

    To reach out to me, email [email protected] I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

    Email: [email protected] YouTube Channel: Create Art Podcast YT ChannelIG: @createartpodcastTwitter: @createartpod
    Create Art Podcast Newsletter


    Special Message

    If you have found value in this podcast, please share it with a friend as that is the best way to discover new podcasts. I want this to be a 5-star podcast in your eyes so let me know what you would like to see.

    Speaking about sharing with a friend, check out my other podcast Find A Podcast About where I help you outsmart the algorithm and find your next binge-worthy podcast. You can find that podcast at findapodcastabout.xyz.

    I am trying to utilize YouTube more, so make sure to check out my

  • Making Fun A Habit Series

    30 days to add fun into your creative practice. I will be going through Mike Brennan's Make Fun A Habit workbook and help you make fun a habit. I had the pleasure of interviewing Mike on my other podcast Find A Podcast About and talking about his podcast Creative Chats. This workbook leads you through steps to rekindle the fun in your life and get you in a space where you are your most creative. This is a 30 day book and I will be tackling each day as if it were a week and providing you insights on how you can use his ideas in your creative practice. Each chapter is broken up with a short story, questions to ponder, action items and tips.

    Monkey See Monkey Do

    Imitation is the highest form of flattery is the old saying that comes to my mind. Look around your workspace or home and notice what you read, watch or listen to for enjoyment. See if you can learn from those whom inspire you and mimic what they do in terms of process or style. It may give you a while new process or adjust your current process and give you a shortcut or breakthrough that you never tried before.

    Question to ponder

    Who are your influences? What do you like about them?Where do you need to mimic? What new things are you attempting?How will you know when it's time to stop mimicking?

    Action item: Pick a new skill you would like to learn for fun. Keep it simple to start so you can keep it fun. Gather up some examples of people you can use as mimic models when first starting out.


    Start with simple tasksdon't be afraid to make mistakesdon't compare yourself to others

    Reach Out To The Podcast

    To reach out to me, email [email protected] I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

    Email: [email protected] YouTube Channel: Create Art Podcast YT ChannelIG: @createartpodcastTwitter: @createartpod
    Create Art Podcast Newsletter


    Special Message

    If you have found value in this podcast, please share it with a friend as that is the best way to discover new podcasts. I want this to be a 5-star podcast in your eyes so let me know what you would like to see.

    Speaking about sharing with a friend, check out my other podcast Find A Podcast About where I help you outsmart the algorithm and find your next binge-worthy podcast. You can find that podcast at findapodcastabout.xyz.

    I am trying to utilize YouTube more, so make sure to check out my YouTube...

  • Tapping the deep well of inspiration in spirituality

    Recently I had the privilege of speaking with Kirsten about pantheism and using our spirituality as a source of our inspiration. I hadn't given much thought to using the deep well of spirituality as a source of inspiration, however, after talking with Kirsten, I felt a close connection and plan on scouring the depths of my spiritual practice as a back-sliding Taoist as a source of my inspiration. This interview was made possible through PodMatch and is how I get many of my guests.

    Questions I posed to KirstenHow did living overseas change my life? How do you approach finding guests for your show? How do you stay organized and motivated to consistently produce new episodes? How do you navigate the balance between individual expression and the collective consciousness in your artwork, given your pantheistic beliefs?How do you navigate the tension between the impermanence of art and the eternal essence of nature in your creative work, given your pantheistic perspective?How do you envision the role of art in fostering a deeper connection to nature and the universe, as inspired by your pantheistic beliefs?
    About Kirsten Rudberg

    Having grown up overseas (in both Guyana, South America as well as Lahore, Pakistan) it was only later that I understood that my childhood has dramatically shaped me in ways that I did not expect. They even have a Wiki entry for kids like me, "Third Culture Kids" and let me tell you, I fit it to a "T!" My childhood was informed by the Islamic call to prayer and my education at the American School had me playing with kids from all over the world of every color, creed and religion. When one grows up like this, is it any wonder that the world becomes enchanted? That other humans become enchanted? I am endlessly thrilled with meeting other people and getting to know who they are and what makes them tick. I find that developing relationships and building respectful community, as well as joy-filled community is essential to my being happy. I live an enchanted life and besides for being a "creative" and author, I also have an animated series on YouTube called "Murder of 2," about two crows who sit on a line and observe humanity, as well as multiple other projects I'm working on right now. I am a panentheist, who believes that Spirit or Energy or God/Goddess exists in all I can see and not see, and that magic and miracles are real and potent. This is the gist of my podcast, Byte Sized Blessings, where I interview people of all kinds asking them about powerful moments in their lives, ones that changed them forever. I walked the Camino in 2013 and that is a story in itself...I believe in adventure, in joy, in feeding my heart with belief in other people and that eventually we will create the communities and spaces that will heal and include everyone. (at least everyone that wants to be included, because, boundaries!)

    Kirsten Rudberg LinksYouTubeInstagramFaceBookWebsite
    How Do I Get Great Guests

    I use a service called PodMatch. Imagine Your Favorite Online Dating App, But Instead Of Using It For Finding Dates, You're Booking Podcast Interviews. We Use The Same(ish) Technology For Automated Matching!

  • Making Fun A Habit Series

    30 days to add fun to your creative practice. I will go through Mike Brennan's Make Fun A Habit workbook and help you make fun a habit. I had the pleasure of interviewing Mike on my other podcast Find A Podcast About and talking about his podcast Creative Chats. This workbook leads you through steps to rekindle the fun in your life and get you into a space where you are your most creative. This is a 30-day book and I will be tackling each day as if it were a week and providing you insights on how you can use his ideas in your creative practice. Each chapter is broken up with a short story, questions to ponder, action items, and tips.

    You're Never to Fancy to Have Fun

    Sometimes our art gets too formal and we forget the joy of creating tings. By loosening up and having fun with our friends and coworkers we can shake things up and maybe release some pent up energy to create something wonderful. At worst you will have stories to tell, at best you have had a great time and have enjoyed each others company, and if we take it one step further and let our audiences in on the fun, they will have a great time and want to come back for more. Don't take yourself too seriously.

    Question to ponder

    What were some of the activities you enjoyed as a child?How can you incorporate some of those things in your life today?What stops you from being silly? What's an easy next step to get you moving in the right direction?Who do you know who seems to have fun naturally? Pan a get-together and talk to them about how they engage with fun and play

    Action item: Host a party for your friends or coworkers. Have everyone dress up as fancy or as formal as they can. Provide fancy foods, and fine dining, and set an elegant atmosphere but then serve up a pattern interpreter. Hand out silly hats or pirate eye patches for people to wear. For evening activities, bring out Legos, play twister, and have a water gun fight, give everyone a can of silly string, just get creative, and let fun out, to play together.


    play gamesdo arts and craftsgo on an adventurelearn new thingsjust be silly

    Reach Out To The Podcast

    To reach out to me, email [email protected] I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

    Email: [email protected] YouTube Channel: Create Art Podcast YT ChannelIG: @createartpodcastTwitter: @createartpod
    Create Art Podcast Newsletter


    Special Message

    If you have found value in this podcast, please share it with a friend as that is the best way to discover new podcasts. I want this to be a 5-star podcast in your...

  • What is National Poetry Writing Month?

    Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

    The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

    NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

    Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

    Prompt for today

    And now for our last prompt of the year – optional, as always! Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem in which the speaker is identified with, or compared to, a character from myth or legend, as in  Claire Scott’s poem “Scheherazade at the Doctor’s Office.”

    Poem for Today

    A Dark Elf (Drizzit) 

    30 April 24 

    For ages beyond measure he has existed 

    From a race of those who shunned the light 

    He stood out from their accursed nature 

    He became a hero to some  

    A traitor to his people 

    And when he tried to pursue his natural instincts of life 

    He was abandoned by both 


    When I first read of his travels and adventures in Icewind Dale 

    It wasn’t his fighting prowess that I admired 

    It wasn’t his abilities I coveted 

    It was his ability to stand up for himself 

    In the face of what others said was right or wrong 


    The light that comes from the darkness 

    Is always brighter than the light that comes from the sun 

    It has much farther to travel 

    And more dangers to overcome

    Reach Out To The Podcast

    To reach out to me, email [email protected] I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

    Email: [email protected] YouTube Channel: Create Art Podcast YT ChannelIG: @createartpodcastTwitter: @createartpod

    Create Art Podcast Newsletter


    Special Message

    If you have found value in this...

  • What is National Poetry Writing Month?

    Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

    The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

    NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

    Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

    Prompt for today

    And now for our optional prompt. If you’ve been paying attention to pop-music news over the past couple of weeks, you may know that Taylor Swift has released a new double album titled “The Tortured Poets Department.” In recognition of this occasion, Merriam-Webster put together a list of ten words from Taylor Swift songs. We hope you don’t find this too torturous yourself, but we’d like to challenge you to select one these words, and write a poem that uses the word as its title.

    Poem for Today


    29 April 24 

    The chip on my shoulder 

    Grew legs and wings 

    And started to strangle me 

    It fed me regurgitated lies 

    And was my sole source of nourishment 


    The weight on my shoulders got so bad 

    That I stooped when I walked 

    My head was always down 

    I was focused on what was behind me 

    Instead of the path before me 


    I felt comfortable 

    I felt safe in my solitude 

    I felt good that I would be the harbinger of my destruction 

    But then I got tired of being tired 

    I got tired of having the weight I didn’t need 

    I saw others who didn’t struggle like I did 

    And I wanted what they had 


    So, I stopped eating the food 

    I pried off the wings and feet 

    And I threw the bird off my shoulders 

    I was able to leap 

    I was able to find new food 

    I was able 

    My back straightened 

    My steps increased 

    And I was able to do more 

    Be more 

    Reach Out To The Podcast

    To reach out to me, email [email protected] I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

    Email: [email protected] YouTube Channel:
  • What is National Poetry Writing Month?

    Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

    The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

    NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

    Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

    Prompt for today

    our optional prompt for the day asks you to try your hand at writing a sijo. This is a traditional Korean verse form. A sijo has three lines of 14-16 syllables. The first line introduces the poem’s theme, the second discusses it, and the third line, which is divided into two sentences or clauses, ends the poem – usually with some kind of twist or surprise. 

    Poem for Today

    Nothing Is Not Me 

    28 April 24 

    The coffee pushes me forward because I need to be pushed 

    I can’t be left alone for too long for I will do nothing 

    Nothing is never what I wanted to be, nothing is not me  


    Trying to fill the holes that hope to be fulfilled with things 

    Amassing things and trinkets just collects dust and debris 

    Things filling up nothingness are empty, nothing is not me 


    Promises to do better, ideas that inspire,  

    It begins with an effort, and then more effort 

    Effort is movement, to move is divine, nothing is not me 

    Reach Out To The Podcast

    To reach out to me, email [email protected] I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

    Email: [email protected] YouTube Channel: Create Art Podcast YT ChannelIG: @createartpodcastTwitter:
  • What is National Poetry Writing Month?

    Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

    The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

    NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

    Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

    Prompt for today

    And now for our prompt – optional, as always!  Today we’d like to challenge you to write an “American sonnet.” What’s that? Well, it’s like a regular sonnet but . . . fewer rules? Like a traditional Spencerian or Shakespearean sonnet, an American sonnet is shortish (generally 14 lines, but not necessarily!), discursive, and tends to end with a bang, but there’s no need to have a rhyme scheme or even a specific meter. 

    Poem for Today

    Things Left Undone 

    27 April 24 

    There are squished raisins around the floor being covered by dust bunnies 

    There are several records that were desired that are left unplayed 

    Multiple piles of books growing monthly that are unread 

    The comic books that provided an escape now are trapped in stasis  

    Sketch pads that haven’t been scrawled upon with deteriorating-colored pencils 

    Left over pressure treated boards from a deck that needs to be sealed and stained 

    A fire pit that has never seen a fire lit or had smores roasted upon 

    Keyboards that creak when looked at in anticipation of being played 

    Awards just waiting to have their time in the spotlight on a wall of love 

    Empty cardboard boxes that used to be the home waiting to be recycled 

    A neighborhood waiting to embrace the occupants of this home 

    An infinite amount of blank digital sheets waiting to be filled with ideas  

    Letters waiting to be crafted to let friends know their importance 

    And here I am among all of this, bored, wanting to create but never knowing where to start 

    Reach Out To The Podcast

    To reach out to me, email [email protected] I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

    Email: [email protected] YouTube Channel: Create Art Podcast YT ChannelIG:...
  • What is National Poetry Writing Month?

    Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

    The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

    NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

    Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

    Prompt for today

    Last but not least, here’s our optional prompt for the day. Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem based on the “Proust Questionnaire,” a set of questions drawn from Victorian-era parlor games, and adapted by modern interviewers. You could choose to answer the whole questionnaire, and then write a poem based on your answers, answer just a few, or just write a poem that’s based on the questions. You could even write a poem in the form of an entirely new Proust Questionnaire.   

    Poem for Today

    How I Want To Die 

    25 April 24 

    That depends on when you ask me 

    The typical high schooler trying to escape their history 

    Then a gun to the head 

    If you are asking the spiked haired, leather jacket wearing, dangling earrings punk rock 18-year-old 

    In a blaze of glory 

    If you are asking the morose warrior poet smoking weed 13 times a day 

    He’d want to go out sleeping and continue the deep sleep of death 

    If you are asking the Avant garde grad student with a boulder on his shoulder 

    Slicing of the wrists comes to mind 

    If you ask the homeless philosopher 

    Then a bottle of pills seems about right 

    If you are asking the man who left Chicago and all his friends for what he called love 

    Then a bomb strapped to his chest over a bridge carrying thousands of travelers 

    But if you ask me today 

    At home 

    In my bed 

    With my loved ones in the next room 

    No tears 

    No sadness 

    I’d rather be left as the traveler I am 

    As my spirit animal demands 

    A few words of encouragement spoken to me 

    From someone I respect 

    A send-off into the other lands 

    Reach Out To The Podcast

    To reach out to me, email

  • What is National Poetry Writing Month?

    Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

    The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

    NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

    Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

    Prompt for today

    Finally, our (optional) prompt for the day is another one pulled from our 2016 archives. Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem that begins with a line from another poem (not necessarily the first one), but then goes elsewhere with it. This will work best if you just start with a line of poetry you remember, but without looking up the whole original poem. Or you could find a poem that you haven’t read before and then use a line that interests you. The idea is for the original to furnish the backdrop for your work, but without influencing you so much that you feel as if you are just rewriting the original! For example, you could begin, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day,” or “I have measured out my life with coffee spoons,” or “I miss them, but it wasn’t a disaster,” or “they persevere in swimming where they like.” Really, any poem will do to provide your starter line – just so long as it gives you the scope to explore. 

    Poem for Today

    Said The Shotgun To The Head (Kimo Style) 

    24 April 24 

    I can taste the metal in my mouth from a double barrel 

    Don’t worry, I am not being kidnapped or robbed 

    I have done it to myself 

    My finger is not on the trigger 

    I won’t write the story of my life 

    On a blood and brain spattered wall 


    For too long I have thought this was the way to end things 

    And I felt good that it would be in my hands 

    And not someone else’s  

    I felt in control that I could end things 

    Anytime I wanted to  

    Anytime it got too deep 

    But now I have too much to live for 

    And I don’t want to have those I love 

    Seeing the ending of this movie 



    I have relied on the pain that comes with carrying a shotgun in my mouth 

    And I am tired of the taste 

    I have enough metal in my mouth 

    With fillings that crack my teeth 

    With porcelain crowns that feel off 

    With the drilling that it took to put them there 


    I am putting the shotgun down 

    In front of a crowd 

    Hoping they never need to feel the need  

    To shove a weapon in their mouth 

    My mouth spits wisdom 

    And hope 

    And encouragement 

    And maybe a better path 



  • What is National Poetry Writing Month?

    Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

    The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

    NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

    Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

    Prompt for today

    And now for our (optional) prompt. Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem about, or involving, a superhero, taking your inspiration from these four poems in which Lucille Clifton addresses Clark Kent/Superman.

    Poem for Today

    Right Bicep  

    23 April 24 

    The embodiment of vengeance sitting on a throne of the bones of the souls he has damned 

    Is embedded on my right bicep 

    Part of the right arm of justice 

    That I use to correct the wrongs 

    That have occurred 

    He sits there with a face so dour 

    He sits there looking exhausted 

    He sits and views all the work left to be done 

    It never ends 

    This world isn’t fair 

    As I teach my children 

    But there are those in this world 

    That come in after the tragedies 

    To make sure they never happen again 

    I put you there 

    Because I have always desired to be  

    An instrument that can dispassionately dole out vengeance 

    But I find my emotions take hold 

    And I cannot damn another soul for their wrongs 

    I am not the judge, jury and punisher 

    So, you will have to sit on my arm 

    Until I can burn out the emotions 

    And one day be like you 

    Without a heart 

    Without a soul 

    Reach Out To The Podcast

    To reach out to me, email [email protected] I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

    Email: [email protected] YouTube Channel:
  • What is National Poetry Writing Month?

    Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

    The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

    NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

    Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

    Prompt for today

    And now for our (optional) prompt! Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem that repeats or focuses on a single color. Some examples for you – Diane Wakoski’s “Blue Monday,” Walter de la Mare’s “Silver,” and Dorothea Lasky’s “Red Rum.”

    Poem for Today

    The Color of High School 

    21 April 24 

    I remember the scene shop in the theater where other students were tagging the walls with Rush, I was blasting out UB40’s Red Red Wine 

    I’d sing that song till my throat turned red 

    Feeling the words touch my soul every time 

    Filling me with hope that I would find a love worthy of that song 

    Drinking the apple wine Night Train with its dark red label 

    When at my lowest points I’d scrawl on my notebooks our mascot the J-Hawk 

    With a gun pointed at his head 

    And the pale blood of loneliness and teen angst splattered against an indicated wall 

    No one saw these depictions 

    Which is probably for the best 

    The walls of some of the hallways glowed when we lost power 

    A high school built initially to be a prison had few windows 

    At least that is how the story went 

    The stoners and the underground kids flicked their lighters 

    And we found our way to the blazing exit signs that always had power 

    The crimson letters guiding us to safety 

    At the D Door 

    Where smoking was tolerated 

    I’d see teachers and students monkey fuck each other 

    To light their cancer sticks and cowboy killers 

    And the rhythmic dull red glow of the embers matched their breathing 

    My high school was a vampire's paradise 

    Gym uniforms, sport uniforms, the carpeted triangle 

    All reflected their devilish desire for blood 

    There was blood at every fight 


  • What is National Poetry Writing Month?

    Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

    The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

    NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

    Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

    Prompt for today

    Our optional prompt for the day challenges you to write a poem that recounts a historical event. In writing your poem, you could draw on your memory, encyclopedias, history books, or primary documents. If you’re interested in a little research, you might find interesting this collection of letters written during the American Civil War, or this collection of primary documents concerning South Sea voyages. Or perhaps you might find something of interest in digging through Europeana, an online clearinghouse of digitized materials from cultural institutions across Europe.

    Inspiration for this poem came from Ronald Regan Radio Address

    Poem for Today

    Crate Digging 

    20 April 24 

    A package had been sent it me 

    The shape familiar 

    Just over 12 inches square 

    So carefully I opened it 

    And found placed with care 

    A record sleeve with no picture 

    And the only writing on it was Ronald Regan 1961 

    I opened it and found the familiar shape of a 12-inch record with no label 

    So, I took off the record I had played last 

    Something by Miles Davis or john Coltrane 

    And put this new, mysterious record on the platter 

    Recovering from the demon rum and weed 

    That my jazz obsession claimed on me 

    I pressed the play button 

    And the tone arm raised,  

    Moved over to the starting groove 

    And set down as delicately as a mother placing her newborn baby down for a nap 

    I sat back into my easy chair 

    As the sound of Ronald Regan’s voice came over my speakers 


    There was no music 

    Just his voice droning on and on 

    He told me the horros of socialized medicine 

    And how that would destroy my savings 

    How it would cost me my livelihood 

    How it was unamerican 

    How my son, he must not have read my FBI...

  • What is National Poetry Writing Month?

    Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

    The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

    NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

    Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

    Prompt for today

    Last but not least, here’s today’s optional prompt. This one comes from the poet and fiction writer Todd Dillard, who provided this idea on his twitter account a few months ago. The idea is to write a poem in which two things have a fight. Two very unlikely things, if you can manage it. Like, maybe a comb and a spatula. Or a daffodil and a bag of potato chips. Or perhaps your two things could be linked somehow – like a rock and a hard place – and be utterly sick of being so joined. The possibilities are endless!

    Poem for Today

    Two Sides Same Coin 

    22 April 24 

    The coffee-stained steno note pad decided one day to crawl from under the dust of neglect and seek out the cell phone 

    Its wire binding was loose and its companion the bic pen had been lost after never coming back from getting cigarettes 

    The pad of paper felt neglected, its blue lines fading 

    Where once my innermost thoughts filled its pages 

    Now were curling up unused and unwanted 

    The pad scrapped along the floor 

    Leaving a scratch in the flooring 

    And it saw the endless stairs up to my room 

    Sighed deeply and found a way to the top by standing on end and grasping for the next step 


    My cell phone was communicating and noting my breaths and snores as I slept 

    Plugged in and cared for like a king 

    It slept just a mere foot from the bed 

    Unaware of what was coming up from the basement 

    The blue light and the life-giving electricity flowing through its circuits 


    Years ago, I had abandoned one of my oldest friends 

    And determined that due to low light 

    And spilled drinks 

    And the fact that i couldn’t see the words I had inscribed 

    I would switch to reading my poetry off my phone as I had seen younger poets do 

    It was easier to flip through apps on a phone 

    Versus flipping through pages of steno note pads 

    Sometimes I would bring the wrong one 

    Other times due to clumsiness I would spill my coffee and the liquid would seep into the pages 

    Low light at most readings made it impossible to see 


    The steno climbed the last stair 

    And made its way into the...

  • What is National Poetry Writing Month?

    Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

    The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

    NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

    Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

    Prompt for today

    Finally, here’s our prompt – optional, as always! This one comes to us from Moist Poetry Journal, which posted this prompt by K-Ming Chang a while back:

    What are you haunted by, or what haunts you? Write a poem responding to this question. Then change the word haunt to hunt

    Poem for Today

    Haunted, Hunted By 

    19 April 24 

    I saw the look on her face 

    The horror of almost losing her life 

    I heard the way she tried to speak but no words formed 

    When the words did come forth 

    She sounded like the 4-year-olds she would never know 

    I felt the leathery skin 

    Tissue paper thin, veins easily seen but not easily pierced 

    I smelled the stains on her fingers 

    And the ashtray breath when she kissed my cheek 

    Her heart had given out 

    She was initially unable to speak 

    The one who was so protective of me 

    Was now the one that I protected 

    Her dead body with makeup on that she would never wear 

    I said goodbye to that corpse knowing there was nothing there 


    Walking back from the park 

    At the start of the pandemic 

    My left side turned off 

    From shoulder to toe there was nothing there 

    Walking between my two children 

    Each one holding me up 

    On the left was my child who reminded me of the mother I lost 

    On my right was the child that reminded me of my fury and anxiety 

    They got me home without incident 

    And I laid on the couch 

    Unable to tell my wife what I was feeling 

    Worse yet, unable to tell her what I wasn’t feeling 


    I didn’t end up in a pine box that day 

    My speech has slowed a bit, halts from time to time 

    I can hear it, but no one else notices 

    I can feel the oblivion coming but no one else listens 

    I quiet myself in preparation 

    The end will be lonely 

    Even if I am surrounded by my loved ones 

    I will be unable to say it is time 

    I make plans to leave a sign for when it’s time to die 

    Wanting to...

  • What is National Poetry Writing Month?

    Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

    The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

    NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

    Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

    Prompt for today

    And now for our (optional) prompt! Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem in which the speaker expresses the desire to be someone or something else, and explains why. Two possible models for you: Natasha Rao’s “In my next life let me be a tomato,” and Randall Jarrell’s “The Woman at the Washington Zoo.”

    Poem for Today

    The Name Tattooed on My Arm 

    18 April 24 

    Looking down at my right arm 

    Seeing the skull and the fu-man-chu  

    With a fedora and sunglasses 

    And the name scrawled there 

    Is the person I wanted to be 


    I gave him a name 

    And a tortured history 

    And a dismal future 

    Just on the right side of destitution 

    He was my voice for decades 

    When I didn’t know what to be 


    He sat there under my skin 

    As a reminder 

    As a warning 

    That I may become him one day 

    Parts of me desired that ending 

    It was so poetic 

    So romantic 

    He'd be someone I’d give up my sweet ass to in a heartbeat if he’d have me 


    He was dark and dangerous 

    Mysterious and stoic 

    Nothing could touch him 

    Feelings could not sway him 

    He was comfortable in his own skin 

    He is the things I am not 


    I created this phantom 

    To fight the nightmares 

    To fight my weaknesses 

    Naturally he doesn’t have any 

    He was my hero 

    Like Bukowski or Kerouac 

    Until I became a father 

    And thought that if he tried to date my daughters 

    He’d be carried out in a pine box 


    I so wanted to be him 

    But he is not real 

    He is not sustainable 

    He would not be able to do what I do 

    Live the life I live 

    Be a father 

    Be a partner 

    Be supportive 

    He is selfish 

    He is all the bad qualities that I don’t need 

    And yet 

    At times I want to be...

  • What is National Poetry Writing Month?

    Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

    The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

    NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

    Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

    Prompt for today

    Last but not least, here’s our optional prompt for the day. Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem that is inspired by a piece of music, and that shares its title with that piece of music. Need an example? Here’s A. Van Jordan’s “Que Sera Sera” and Adrian Matejka’s â€œSoave Sia Il Vento.”

    Poem for Today


    Jupiter The Bringer of Jollity 

    17 April 24 


    To be born as the father of the gods was born 

    In such a similar way 

    Brings us both to level ground 

    I can only imagine that these were the sounds 

    Echoing through the universe to mark both of our births 


    When the members of the orchestra reach that point of the crash 

    I am transported to that fateful day 


    After the birth, the horns come in 

    And coddle the youngster 

    Making them warm and feel comforted 

    The safest place in the world 


    The march of time starts 

    The fun times of youth are sprinkled here and there 

    With the sounds of flutes and triangles 

    The first challenge is encountered 

    And the refrain returns of warmth and comfort 


    The march picks up 

    The pace quickens 

    And the birth of our progeny happens 

    All is silent 

    And the process begins again 

    And the pace slows back down 

    And we enjoy the moments 

    Basking in the pride we feel 

    Trying to make these moments last forever 

    We get to encounter what our predecessors felt when they held us 


    The march slows as our bodies age 

    The greatest things happen 

    And we instead of watching our growth  

    We watch theirs 

    And then the begin the process 

    And we as grandparents are doubly blessed 


    We see the process happen again  

    And again if we are lucky 

    And we look to see the process happen one more...

  • What is National Poetry Writing Month?

    Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

    The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

    NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

    Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

    Prompt for today

    here’s today’s (optional) prompt, taken from our 2016 archives. Today, we challenge you to write a poem in which you closely describe an object or place, and then end with a much more abstract line that doesn’t seemingly have anything to do with that object or place, but which, of course, really does. The “surprise” ending to this James Wright poem is a good illustration of the effect we’re hoping you’ll achieve. An abstract, philosophical kind of statement closing out a poem that is otherwise intensely focused on physical, sensory details.

    Poem for Today


    16 April 24 

    Awakened by a child's nightmare 

    The rest of the morning wrecked with thoughts that won’t stop 

    Remembering almost 16 years ago 

    Sleeping on a beanbag 

    Forgetting the name of the company I worked for 

    Remembering how I used to roll my own cigarettes 

    Smelling the encrusted tobacco on my yellowing fingers 

    Buying my first house and worrying about how to pay for it 

    The kid behind these eyes 

    With spiked hair and a ponytail 

    Modified mullet 

    Dangling earrings 

    Wearing a real leather jacket with chains 

    Always afraid of the dark 

    And the secrets it holds 

    Finding a tribe in the places that god hated 

    That same tribe dispersed throughout the big sky country 

    Listening to an old guy singing songs badly, on purpose 

    These thoughts come back as I hold my babies 

    I am a man 

    Not wanting to uphold the easy definition 

    These thoughts come through at 6:34 AM EDT 

    While a television plays the news of the world 

    And the fan cools the air 

    Moving it from one end of the room to the other 

    A child with pink eye, a child with anxiety 

    Two cats prowl the grounds 

    One with a single clouded eye, the other with diabetes 

    A snoring wife, whose dreams I am not allowed to see 

    A half-painted picture by numbers facing away from me 

    Photo Negatives is not how you should live your life 

    Reach Out To The Podcast

    To reach out to me,...