
  • Interview with Hayden Locke, President & CEO of Marimaca Copper

    Our previous interview: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/posts/marimaca-copper-tsxmari-most-advanced-copper-developer-on-the-tsx-5269

    Recording date: 1st July 2024

    Copper: A Critical Metal for the Global Electrification Push

    As the world accelerates its transition towards a sustainable and electrified future, copper has emerged as a critical component in this transformation. The copper market presents compelling opportunities for investors driven by robust demand projections and potential supply constraints.

    Marimaca Copper, a company developing the Marimaca oxide copper project in Northern Chile, offers an interesting case study on how junior mining companies are positioning themselves to capitalize on these trends. The company is pursuing a balanced strategy of advancing its flagship project while continuing exploration efforts to potentially expand its resource base.

    Hayden Locke, President and CEO of Marimaca Copper, highlights the global nature of copper demand: "The scale of transmission investment, particularly by China but also the rest of the world, is going to be the big driver of demand for copper over the next 5 to 10 years." This demand is underpinned by worldwide efforts to reduce carbon emissions, electrify transportation, and upgrade power grids.

    On the supply side, challenges persist. Developing new copper mines is time-consuming and capital-intensive, often taking a decade or more from discovery to production. This dynamic could lead to a supply gap, potentially driving copper prices higher in the coming years. As Locke notes, "The only way it's going to be supplied is if the price goes up."

    For companies like Marimaca Copper, this market environment presents opportunities and challenges. The company focuses on completing the definitive feasibility study and permitting process for its main Marimaca project while simultaneously pursuing exploration at its Mercedes site and other targets. This approach aims to create value through potential resource growth while advancing towards production.

    Strategic partnerships play a crucial role in the capital-intensive copper mining industry. Marimaca's partnership with Mitsubishi Corp illustrates this, providing financial support and industry expertise. Such relationships can help de-risk projects and improve their chances of successful development.

    Investors considering the copper sector should know the potential rewards and risks. While long-term demand projections remain strong, copper prices can be volatile in the short term. Additionally, mining projects face various risks, including potential delays, cost overruns, and geopolitical challenges.

    However, the macro thematic supporting copper investment remains compelling. The metal's crucial role in renewable energy, electric vehicles, and grid infrastructure positions it at the heart of the global sustainability push. As Locke emphasizes, "This is a global phenomenon. We're not talking about one jurisdiction, we're talking about every jurisdiction, every developed jurisdiction in tandem, and that will create a wave of demand."

    For investors, companies like Marimaca Copper offer exposure to this macro trend. With its balanced approach to exploration and development, strategic partnerships, and focus on a commodity with strong long-term fundamentals, Marimaca represents the opportunity available in the copper sector.

    As the world continues its push towards electrification and sustainable development, copper will likely remain a critical component of the global economy, offering potential rewards for well-informed and patient investors.

    Learn more: https://cruxinvestor.com/companies/marimaca-copper

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  • Interview with Gregory Martyr, Executive Chairman of Capital Markets

    Our previous interview: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/posts/capital-metals-aimcmet-major-backing-for-flagship-high-grade-emp-in-sri-lanka-pfs-by-2025-5418

    Recording date: 1st July 2024

    Capital Metals, a junior mining company focused on mineral sands, is forging ahead with its Eastern Minerals Project in Sri Lanka, despite recent setbacks in securing a strategic partnership. The company's Executive Chairman, Greg Martyr, emphasises that this project stands out as one of the highest-grade undeveloped mineral sands deposits globally, potentially offering significant economic advantages.

    The company recently faced a challenge when a planned deal with Sheffield Resources fell through due to market conditions affecting Sheffield's valuation. However, this setback has led Capital Metals to reassess its strategy and focus on demonstrating the project's standalone viability. With $2.8 million USD in cash, the company is well-positioned to advance key development milestones.

    A primary focus for Capital Metals is expanding the project's resource base. The current resource estimate, dating from 2016, is based on relatively shallow drilling. The company plans to conduct a new drilling program to depths of 10-14 meters, potentially uncovering significant additional mineralization. Martyr has set an ambitious target of doubling the resource in the short term, which could significantly enhance the project's attractiveness to potential partners or financiers.

    Rather than pursuing a large-scale development from the outset, Capital Metals is considering a staged approach. The initial focus would be on producing 550,000 tonnes per year of heavy mineral concentrate, representing the simplest part of the project to implement. This strategy aligns with current market trends and could help manage capital requirements and technical risks.

    To fund the initial development phase, Capital Metals is exploring several financing avenues, including vendor finance, offtake financing, and targeted equity raises. The company aims to minimise dilution while securing the necessary funds to advance the project. Martyr believes this combination of financing options could significantly reduce the need for traditional project debt.
    Recognising the need for specialised mineral sands expertise, Capital Metals is in discussions with industry professionals to strengthen its operational team. This move aims to bolster investor confidence in the company's ability to execute its development plans effectively.

    The mineral sands sector is characterised by a limited number of high-quality development opportunities, potentially enhancing the strategic value of Capital Metals' project. By advancing the project independently, the company aims to strengthen its market position and create optionality for future partnerships or standalone development.

    Investors should watch for several key milestones that could serve as catalysts for Capital Metals' valuation, including results from the planned exploration program, appointment of key operational personnel, an updated development plan, permitting progress, and potential offtake or financing agreements.

    While the Eastern Minerals Project presents a compelling opportunity, investors should be aware of potential risks, including execution challenges, financing uncertainties, regulatory hurdles in Sri Lanka, market fluctuations, and potential technical issues during development.

    In conclusion, Capital Metals offers investors exposure to a high-grade mineral sands project with significant potential for resource expansion and staged development. The company's revised strategy focuses on demonstrating the project's standalone value, which could unlock significant shareholder value if executed successfully. The coming months will be crucial as Capital Metals works to turn its confidence into tangible progress, potentially rewarding investors who recognise the opportunity at this pivotal juncture.

    Learn more: https://cruxinvestor.com/companies/capital-metals

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  • Interview with Andrew Williams, President and CEO of New Pacific Metals

    Our previous interview: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/posts/new-pacific-metals-nuag-advancing-2-large-bolivian-ag-au-projects-3092

    Recording date: 28th June 2024

    New Pacific Metals (TSX:NUAG) is emerging as a compelling player in the silver mining sector, with two significant discoveries in Bolivia that are attracting attention from investors and industry experts. The company's flagship Silver Sand project has recently reached a crucial milestone with the publication of its pre-feasibility study (PFS), while its second project, Carangas, is advancing towards a preliminary economic assessment (PEA).

    The Silver Sand project's PFS results are particularly noteworthy, showcasing robust economics that position it as one of the world's premier undeveloped precious metals projects. With an after-tax Net Present Value of $740 million at $24 silver, a 37% Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and a payback period under two years, Silver Sand demonstrates significant potential for value creation. The project's NPV to initial capital expenditure ratio of over 2 further underscores its attractiveness.

    New Pacific's second discovery, the Carangas project, adds another dimension to the company's growth potential. With a PEA expected in the coming months, Carangas could potentially unveil another significant silver asset, further enhancing the company's resource base.

    One of New Pacific's key strengths lies in its strategic backing. The company boasts strong support from major players in the silver mining industry, with Silver Corp holding a 27% stake and Pan American Silver owning just under 12%. This backing not only provides financial support but also lends credibility to New Pacific's projects and approach.

    Operating in Bolivia presents both opportunities and challenges. While the country has a rich mining history, it hasn't seen a new large-scale open-pit mine permitted in some time. New Pacific has taken a strategic approach by employing a 100% Bolivian team for its in-country operations, complemented by experienced expats and Vancouver-based management. This structure effectively balances local knowledge with international mining expertise.

    The silver market outlook provides an attractive backdrop for New Pacific's projects. Silver demand is driven by both investment and growing industrial applications, particularly in sectors such as photovoltaics and electric vehicles. The supply side is constrained, as 75% of silver is produced as a byproduct of other metals, potentially setting the stage for significant price movements if demand outpaces supply growth.

    From a financial perspective, New Pacific is well-positioned with approximately US$15 million expected in cash reserves by the end of the year. This runway provides the company with flexibility to continue advancing its projects without immediate financing pressure.

    For investors, New Pacific Metals offers exposure to two high-quality silver assets in a jurisdiction that, while challenging, offers potential for lower costs and less competition. The company's strong backing, experienced management, and advancing projects make it an attractive option for those seeking exposure to the silver market.

    However, investors should be mindful of the risks associated with mine development in Bolivia and the inherent volatility of the silver market. As with any mining investment, careful due diligence is essential. Potential investors should closely monitor progress on permitting, stakeholder engagement, and project advancement, as well as broader trends in the silver market.

    View New Pacific Metals' company profile: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/companies/newpacificmetals

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  • Interview with Dan Noone, CEO of G2 Goldfields Inc.

    Our previous interview: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/posts/g2-goldfields-tsxvgtwo-high-grade-gold-resource-growth-update-in-mining-friendly-guyana-5247

    Recording date: 28th June 2024

    G2 Goldfields (TSXV:GTWO) is emerging as a compelling investment opportunity in the gold exploration sector, with its flagship project in Guyana's Cuyuni Basin showcasing significant high-grade potential and district-scale opportunities.

    The company's current resource stands at 2 million ounces, comprising two main deposits:
    Oko Main Zone with 1.2 million ounces of gold at an impressive grade of 9 grams per tonne (g/t) and Ghanie Deposit with 800,000 ounces at 2 g/t gold.

    Recent drilling results have been encouraging, with intersections of 10 meters at 9.7 g/t gold and 52 meters at 2 g/t gold reported outside the existing resource envelope. These results underscore the potential for significant resource expansion.

    G2 Goldfields controls approximately 20 kilometers of strike length along the prospective gold trend, providing numerous opportunities for further discoveries. The company is actively exploring this extensive land package, with ongoing drilling at Ghanie and Oko Northwest, as well as regional exploration along the trend.

    CEO Dan Noone highlights the district's historical significance: "The discovery was 150 years ago in the 1770s Gold Rush. This area in the Cuyuni Basin has clearly been known as a gold district for a long time."

    Investors should note several key catalysts on the horizon:
    Resource Expansion: G2 aims to at least double the size of the Ghanie deposit by year-end.
    New Discovery Potential: Drilling at Oko Northwest has identified multiple high-grade zones.
    Updated Mineral Resource Estimate: Planned for Q1 2025, incorporating ongoing drilling results.
    Regional Exploration: Continued exploration along the 20-kilometer trend could yield new discoveries.

    The company's market capitalization has grown significantly, from approximately $4 million in 2019 to nearly C$300 million today. This growth reflects the market's recognition of G2's exploration success and the growing scale of its gold resource.

    Looking ahead, G2 Goldfields is considering various development scenarios, including potential collaboration with neighboring projects to maximize the district's value. This strategic approach could provide additional upside for investors.

    The broader gold market context is also favorable, with prices remaining strong above $2,300 per ounce. However, Noone observes a disconnect between gold prices and gold equities, potentially presenting an opportunity for investors.

    While G2 Goldfields offers significant potential, investors should be aware of the risks associated with junior mining companies, including exploration risk, financing requirements, and commodity price fluctuations.

    In conclusion, G2 Goldfields presents an intriguing opportunity for investors seeking exposure to a high-grade gold exploration story with district-scale potential. The company's combination of existing resources, exploration success, and strategic positioning in a renowned gold district makes it a noteworthy option in the gold sector. As always, investors should carefully consider their risk tolerance and portfolio allocation when evaluating an investment in G2 Goldfields.

    View G2 Goldfields' company profile: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/companies/g2-goldfields

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  • Interview with Nic Earner, Managing Director of Alkane Resources Ltd.

    Our previous interview: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/posts/alkane-resources-asxalk-gold-production-growth-exploration-upside-in-top-mining-jurisdiction-5395

    Recording date: 28th June 2024

    Alkane Resources (ASX:ALK), an established Australian gold producer, is embarking on an ambitious expansion of its Tomingley Gold Operations in New South Wales. The company aims to increase annual gold production from its current level of 60,000 ounces to 100,000 ounces by 2026, representing a significant 67% boost in output.

    The expansion plan, outlined by Managing Director Nic Earner, involves a comprehensive A$132 million investment program. This includes underground development of newly discovered deposits south of the existing mine, new open pit operations, and upgrades to processing facilities. A key component of the expansion is the relocation of a national highway, highlighting the scale and complexity of the project.

    Financially, Alkane is well-positioned to execute this growth strategy. The company has secured a A$60 million debt facility, which it plans to upsize to A$110 million. Importantly, Alkane expects to fund a significant portion of the expansion through operating cash flows. Earner projects potential free cash flow generation over the next five years at current gold prices, after accounting for expansion costs.

    From a cost perspective, Alkane anticipates all-in sustaining costs (AISC) to average around A$2,000 per ounce (US$1,300-1,350) over the next five years. While costs are expected to be higher in the initial years due to increased development activities, they are projected to decrease below this average in later years, potentially enhancing profit margins.

    The current resource base supports a mine life extending to 2032, but Alkane sees potential for further extensions. The company is actively exploring both near-mine and regional targets, allocating A$10 million annually to these efforts. Several opportunities for resource growth have been identified, including depth extensions at existing deposits and potential new underground developments.

    As Alkane approaches the 100,000-ounce annual production milestone, it may attract increased attention from institutional investors. Many fund managers have minimum production thresholds for gold mining investments, often around this level. This transition could potentially lead to a re-rating of Alkane's stock as it enters the investment universe of larger funds.

    While the growth prospects are promising, investors should be aware of potential risks. These include execution risks associated with the complex expansion project, gold price volatility, regulatory and environmental factors, and the inherent uncertainties in resource development.
    In the broader macroeconomic context, gold producers like Alkane are operating in a complex environment. Factors such as inflation concerns, geopolitical tensions, and currency fluctuations continue to influence gold prices. Additionally, industry-wide challenges in replacing reserves and increasing focus on ESG factors are shaping the competitive landscape.

    Alkane's expansion strategy aligns well with these industry trends. By growing production and maintaining competitive costs, the company is positioning itself to capitalize on potential upside in gold prices while building resilience against market volatility.

    For investors, Alkane Resources presents an opportunity to gain exposure to a growth-oriented gold producer with a clear expansion plan, potential for increased cash flow generation, and possible re-rating as it reaches a more substantial production profile. However, as with any mining investment, careful consideration should be given to the associated risks and the investor's own risk tolerance and investment objectives.

    View Alkane Resources' company profile: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/companies/alkane-resources

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  • Interview with
    Marcel Robillard, President & CEO of Puma Exploration
    Derek McPherson, Executive Chairman of Olive Resources Capital

    Recording date: 27th June 2024

    The gold sector is currently navigating a complex landscape, presenting both challenges and potential opportunities for investors. Despite gold prices reaching around $2,400 per ounce, many gold mining stocks, particularly junior exploration companies, have not seen corresponding gains. This disconnect has created a situation where industry experts believe there may be undervalued opportunities in the sector.

    Marcel Robillard, CEO of Puma Exploration, describes the current market as one of the most challenging in the past 15 years for junior exploration companies. Many firms are struggling to raise capital and maintain investor interest. However, this challenging environment may be setting the stage for future growth and investment opportunities.

    Derek McPherson, Executive Chairman of Olive Resource Capital, suggests that the gold sector could be on the cusp of a significant upturn. He draws parallels to previous bull markets in 2001-2004 and 2010-2012, where major producers saw gains first, followed by mid-tier companies and eventually junior explorers. This historical pattern indicates that when institutional investors begin allocating significant capital to gold stocks, it could trigger a cascade effect throughout the sector.

    For investors considering gold exploration companies, several key factors emerge as important:

    Project potential: Look for companies exploring large-scale deposits that could produce at least 150,000 to 200,000 ounces of gold per year.Grade and economics: Higher-grade deposits are more likely to attract interest from larger mining companies.Jurisdiction: Projects in mining-friendly locations with good infrastructure are more attractive.Capital efficiency: Companies that can advance projects efficiently with limited capital have an advantage in the current market.Management team: Experience and track record in advancing projects and creating shareholder value are crucial.

    Both experts stress the importance of companies continuing to advance their projects, even in challenging market conditions. This ongoing work not only develops the asset but also helps maintain investor relationships and keeps the company on the radar of potential acquirers or partners.

    While timing the market is difficult, McPherson suggests that a significant improvement in market conditions for gold stocks could potentially occur in late 2024 or 2025. This timeline is based on the typical lag between when larger gold companies start performing well and when that performance translates into increased interest in junior companies.

    It's worth noting that the role of retail investors in the junior mining sector has changed, with many individual investors reducing their participation due to economic pressures. This shift contributes to current liquidity challenges but may also set the stage for a significant re-rating of these stocks when retail interest returns.

    For investors considering the gold sector, careful due diligence is essential. While the current market conditions present challenges, they also offer potential opportunities for those willing to take a longer-term view. Look for companies with quality assets, efficient operations, and the ability to advance their projects even in difficult markets. As always, investors should consider their own risk tolerance and investment goals when evaluating opportunities in this sector.

    Learn more: https://cruxinvestor.com/categories/commodities/gold

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  • Interview with Colin Healey, CEO of Premier American Uranium

    Recording date: 28th June 2024

    Uranium: A Compelling Investment Opportunity in the Clean Energy Transition

    The global shift towards clean energy sources has brought uranium, the primary fuel for nuclear power plants, into the spotlight as a potentially lucrative investment opportunity. As countries worldwide grapple with the dual challenges of reducing carbon emissions and ensuring energy security, nuclear power is increasingly recognized as a vital component of the energy mix. This growing recognition, supply constraints, and geopolitical factors create a favorable environment for uranium investments.

    Supply-Demand Dynamics Drive Bullish Outlook

    The fundamental driver of the uranium market's attractiveness is the significant imbalance between supply and demand. Colin Healey, CEO of Premier American Uranium, highlights this disparity: "We've got production of 140 million pounds, we've got demand of over 190 million pounds." This supply deficit, which has persisted for several years, is expected to widen as global demand for nuclear power grows.

    The supply side has been constrained since the 2011 Fukushima disaster, which led to a prolonged period of low uranium prices and reduced investment in new production. Many mines were shuttered or placed on care and maintenance, significantly reducing global output. Restarting these mines or bringing new projects online is a time-consuming and capital-intensive process, meaning supply cannot quickly respond to increases in demand or price.

    The outlook on the demand side is increasingly positive. Many countries, including China and India, embark on ambitious nuclear power expansion programs. Additionally, life extensions for existing reactors in countries like the United States contribute to sustained uranium demand.

    Geopolitical Factors Enhance Market Dynamics

    Geopolitical considerations add another layer of complexity and opportunity to the uranium market. Concerns about energy security and the desire to reduce dependence on Russian nuclear fuel have led to initiatives in the United States and other Western countries to develop domestic or allied sources of uranium and nuclear fuel cycle services.

    The U.S. government has taken steps to support its domestic uranium industry, recognizing its strategic importance. Recent developments include a $2.7 billion allocation to support the development of non-Russian nuclear fuel supply chains. This increased government support, both in terms of funding and potential regulatory streamlining, could accelerate the development of new uranium projects in the United States.

    Investment Options and Considerations
    Investors interested in gaining exposure to the uranium sector have several options:

    Uranium Producers: Companies already in production can provide more immediate exposure to uranium price movements.
    Developers and Explorers: Earlier-stage companies offer potentially higher upside but with increased risk.
    ETFs: Uranium-focused ETFs provide diversified exposure to the sector.
    *Physical Uranium: Some funds allow investors to gain exposure to physical uranium holdings.

    While the outlook for uranium is generally positive, investors should be aware of potential challenges and risks. These include regulatory hurdles, public perception issues, competition from alternative energy technologies, and project development risks inherent in the mining sector.

    The uranium market presents a compelling investment opportunity driven by strong fundamentals and potential catalysts for price appreciation. The supply-demand imbalance, geopolitical factors, and increasing government support for nuclear energy all contribute to a positive outlook for the sector. As Healey notes, "The most compelling thing is this supply deficit and the fact that the highest marginal cost production... has very bullish implications for the uranium price in my opinion."

    However, as with any investment, thorough due diligence and an understanding of the risks are essential. Investors should carefully consider their risk tolerance and investment goals when evaluating uranium-related opportunities. As the global energy landscape continues to evolve, uranium could play an increasingly important role, potentially rewarding well-positioned investors.

    Learn more: https://cruxinvestor.com/companies/premier-american-uranium

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  • Interview with Adam Kiley, CEO of Frontier Energy Ltd.

    Recording date: 27th June 2024

    Frontier Energy (ASX:FHE) is positioning itself as a key player in Western Australia's renewable energy transition with its Waroona Renewable Energy Project. Located 100km south of Perth, the project's first stage comprises 120MW of solar power coupled with an 80MW/4-hour battery energy storage system, strategically positioned to capitalize on the state's shifting energy landscape.

    The project benefits from several unique advantages:

    Reserve Capacity Mechanism: This Western Australia-specific policy provides stable revenue streams, with Frontier expecting approximately $27 million annually from these payments alone, covering operating costs and debt service.

    Grid Connection: Frontier has secured grid connections for up to 1GW of capacity, a crucial advantage in a market where grid access is increasingly scarce.

    Market Dynamics: Western Australia has seen an 80% increase in energy prices over the past two years, coupled with plans to retire coal-fired power stations by 2029. Energy demand is forecast to increase by 55% over the next decade.

    CEO Adam Kiley emphasizes the project's timing: "We're hitting the market at the absolute perfect ideal time. That's the key difference that we have, and looking to expand the project really quickly thereafter as well."

    Financially, Frontier is in advanced discussions for a debt facility of around $225 million, with terms typical for renewable projects: 20-year tenure, 2-3% interest rates for the first five years, potentially dropping to around 2% thereafter. The company is also running a strategic process to sell down part of the project, aiming to minimize the equity gap and bring in a long-term partner for future expansion.

    Based on the Definitive Feasibility Study, the project is expected to generate approximately $74 million in annual revenue in its first year of operations, with operating costs estimated at only $6 million per year, offering attractive margins.

    Frontier's growth potential is significant, with grid connections for up to 1GW allowing for substantial future expansion. The company's approach also allows for adaptation to changing market conditions, potentially incorporating larger batteries or different energy mixes in future stages.

    Frontier Energy is progressing towards financial close and Final Investment Decision (FID) in the coming months, offering investors the opportunity to participate in a project that could play a significant role in Western Australia's energy future. With its scalable approach and potential for future expansion, Frontier Energy presents both near-term catalysts and long-term growth potential in the rapidly evolving renewable energy sector.

    As the company moves from development to construction and operation, investors should monitor progress towards FID (expected in Q3 2024), watch for announcements on future expansion plans, and keep an eye on Western Australian energy market dynamics, particularly any changes to the Reserve Capacity Mechanism.

    Learn more: https://cruxinvestor.com

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  • Interview with Thomas Lamb, CEO of Myriad Uranium Corp.

    Our previous interview: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/posts/myriad-uranium-csem-digging-up-lost-pounds-in-us-5021

    Recording date: 26th June 2024

    Myriad Uranium (CSE:M) is emerging as a noteworthy player in the uranium exploration sector, with its Copper Mountain project in Wyoming capturing the attention of specialist investors. This project, dormant since the 1970s, could potentially become one of Wyoming's largest uranium assets, offering investors an opportunity to gain exposure to the resurging uranium market.

    The Copper Mountain project comes with a significant historical pedigree. Union Pacific Railway invested approximately $117 million (in today's dollars) into the project during the 1970s, conducting over 2,000 drill holes and nearly developing it into an operational mine. Historical estimates suggest a resource of 15-30 million pounds of uranium, with potential for over 65 million pounds across the entire project area. While these estimates are not compliant with current NI 43-101 standards, they provide a compelling starting point for Myriad's exploration efforts.

    Myriad's team has identified additional exploration potential beyond the historical work. New geological interpretations suggest high-grade mineralization may exist in near-vertical faults within the granite, potentially expanding both the size and grade of the resource. To verify and potentially expand upon the historical resource, Myriad has designed an exploration program of approximately 83 drill holes, focusing initially on the Canning deposit.

    To fund this program, Myriad has announced a $5 million private placement, with $2.9 million already secured in the first tranche. Notably, the financing has attracted specialist uranium investors who have conducted extensive due diligence on the project, providing an additional layer of validation for its potential.

    Wyoming's strategic importance in the U.S. nuclear energy landscape enhances the project's attractiveness. The state benefits from strong bipartisan political support for uranium production and is experiencing renewed interest and investment in the sector.

    The broader uranium market is showing signs of a potential upswing, with major financial institutions forecasting significant price increases in the coming years. These market dynamics, coupled with the strategic importance of domestic uranium production in the U.S., create a favorable environment for consolidation in the sector, potentially positioning Myriad as an attractive M&A target.

    Despite the significant potential of the Copper Mountain project, Myriad Uranium's market capitalization remains relatively low at around 10 million Canadian dollars. This valuation may not fully reflect the potential of the asset, suggesting possible upside as the company advances its exploration program.

    Investors can look forward to several near-term catalysts, including the completion of the current private placement, commencement of geophysical surveys, receipt of drill permits, initiation of the drill program, and subsequent results. These milestones should provide a steady stream of news flow and potentially value-creating events.

    While Myriad Uranium presents an intriguing opportunity in the uranium sector, investors should be mindful that this remains an early-stage exploration project with associated risks. However, for those bullish on uranium and comfortable with junior mining investments, Myriad offers exposure to a potentially significant asset in a strategic jurisdiction, with multiple near-term catalysts on the horizon.

    View Myriad Uranium's company profile: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/companies/myriad-uranium

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  • Interview with Derrick Weyrauch, President & CEO of GT Resources Inc. and Hayden Locke, President & CEO of Marimaca Copper Corp.

    Recording date: 24th June 2024

    Copper, for its ability to gauge economic health, is poised to play a crucial role in the global push towards electrification and decarbonization. With prices around $4.50 per pound, down from recent highs but significantly above levels seen a few years ago, the metal presents an intriguing opportunity for investors.

    The demand outlook for copper appears robust, driven by several key factors. Infrastructure development, particularly in electrification, is expected to be a major driver. Hayden Locke, President & CEO of Marimaca Copper, emphasizes that the buildout of electrical grids to support decarbonization will require substantial copper resources. The electric vehicle (EV) revolution, despite some growing pains, remains a significant demand factor. And according to Derek Weyrauch, President & CEO of GT Resources, even modest EV adoption rates could necessitate a doubling of global copper output.

    However, the supply side faces significant challenges. Many existing copper mines are experiencing declining ore grades, leading to increased production costs and potentially reduced output. The Commodities Research Unit (CRU) projects that production could decrease to about 12 million tons by 2034, compared to the current 22 million tons produced annually. Moreover, over 200 copper mines are expected to exhaust their ore reserves before 2035, with insufficient new mines in the pipeline to replace them.

    Developing new copper projects is time-consuming and capital-intensive, with lead times often exceeding a decade. This long development cycle suggests that even if investment in new projects increases today, it could be years before significant new supply comes online.

    For investors, the copper sector offers various opportunities. Established producers with existing operations benefit from current production and cash flows but may face challenges in replacing depleting reserves. Junior mining companies offer potentially higher upside through exploration success but come with increased risk and often struggle with access to capital.

    Financing remains a significant hurdle, particularly for junior companies. Some, like GT Resources, have addressed this challenge by bringing in strategic partners such as Glencore. This approach of securing strategic partnerships or investment from larger mining companies or end-users of copper is becoming increasingly common in the sector.

    Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations are playing an increasingly important role in the mining sector. Companies that can demonstrate strong ESG practices may find it easier to secure permits, financing, and community support for their projects.

    While many industry participants believe higher copper prices will be necessary to incentivize new supply, companies with robust projects can still be successful at current price levels. However, investors should be aware of risks such as economic slowdowns, technological advancements leading to increased recycling or material substitution, regulatory changes, and currency fluctuations.

    In conclusion, the copper market presents both opportunities and challenges for investors. The long-term demand drivers appear robust, but supply constraints suggest a potential supply gap could emerge in the coming years. Thorough due diligence, consideration of factors such as project quality, jurisdictional risks, and management track record, and a long-term perspective are essential for potential investors in this sector.

    Learn more: https://cruxinvestor.com/categories/commodities/copper



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  • Interview with Blake Hylands, CEO of Lithium Ionic Corp., Brendan Yurik, CEO of Electric Royalties Ltd.

    Recording date: 21 June 2024

    The lithium and battery metals sector presents a compelling long-term investment opportunity, despite recent market volatility. Industry experts believe these materials are critical to the global transition towards clean energy and electric vehicles, with demand expected to grow significantly over the coming decades.

    Blake Hylands, CEO of Lithium Ionic, and Brendan Yurik, CEO of Electric Royalties, both emphasize the sector's long-term potential. Yurik likens lithium to "the new oil," predicting it will gradually replace fossil fuels over the next 50 years. This transition is expected to drive double-digit annual demand growth for lithium and other battery metals for the foreseeable future.

    While recent price fluctuations have created uncertainty, experts view this as a natural part of an emerging market's development. Hylands notes that even after the recent pullback, lithium prices remain approximately double their levels from 4-5 years ago. This suggests that high-quality, low-cost projects can still generate attractive margins in the current price environment.

    A key factor supporting the investment thesis is the potential for a supply-demand imbalance. As the market expands, larger mines will be needed to meet growing demand. Investors are advised to focus on high-quality projects in favorable jurisdictions. Hylands highlights Brazil's Lithium Valley as an attractive region, comparing its geological potential to established producing areas in Western Australia. Supportive government policies and efficient permitting processes are also crucial factors to consider.

    Given the inherent risks in mining projects, diversification emerges as a key strategy. Yurik advocates for exposure to multiple projects and metals to mitigate risk. While lithium attracts significant attention, other metals like copper and tin also offer opportunities in the clean energy transition.

    In the current market environment, companies are exploring alternative financing options. Lithium Ionic's recent royalty deal with Appian demonstrates how companies can access capital while minimizing dilution at depressed equity valuations. For investors, royalty and streaming companies offer an alternative way to gain exposure to the sector with potentially lower risk.
    When evaluating investments, experts recommend focusing on projects with simple, proven technology, experienced management teams, robust project economics, and favorable jurisdictions. Hylands emphasizes the importance of low-cost, high-margin projects that can weather market volatility.

    While near-term sentiment remains subdued, industry participants see potential catalysts that could reignite investor interest. These include greater market clarity on supply-demand dynamics and tangible progress on individual projects entering production.

    Investors should be aware of risks, including ongoing market volatility, project development challenges, potential technological disruptions, and geopolitical factors affecting global supply chains. A long-term perspective is crucial, given the extended timelines involved in bringing new mining projects online.

    In conclusion, while the lithium and battery metals sector may experience continued near-term volatility, the fundamental case for long-term investment remains strong. For patient investors willing to carefully evaluate opportunities and manage risks, the sector offers exposure to a critical component of the global energy transition, with potential for significant upside as demand continues to grow.

    Learn more: https://cruxinvestor.com/categories/commodities/lithium



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  • Interview with Klaus Eckhof, Consultant & Geologist at Rome Resources.

    Recording date: 26th June 2024

    Rome Resources is an emerging player in the tin exploration sector, focusing on a potentially significant project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Led by a team with 25 years of experience in discovering world-class deposits in the region, the company is poised to capitalise on the growing demand for tin in high-tech industries.

    Tin, often overlooked in discussions about critical minerals, plays a crucial role in modern technology. It's essential for soldering in electronics, making it indispensable in producing electric vehicles, computers, and other advanced technologies. As global demand for these products continues to rise, the tin market faces supply constraints, creating an opportunity for new exploration projects.

    Rome Resources has identified two promising target areas north of Alphamin's existing tin operations in the DRC. The company believes these targets could double the footprint of Alphamin's original discovery, indicating significant resource potential. With plans to list on the stock exchange imminently, Rome Resources is preparing to launch an aggressive exploration program.

    Key points for investors to consider:

    Experienced Team: The management has a track record of discovering and developing world-class deposits in the DRC across various commodities.

    High-Potential Project: Initial geological work suggests the possibility of a large-scale tin deposit in a known tin-producing region.

    Rapid Exploration Timeline: Drilling will begin in mid-July 2023, with initial results expected by mid-August and a resource estimate targeted for Q4 2023.

    Multiple Value Creation Paths: The company is open to various scenarios, including selling the project, finding a strategic partner, or advancing to production.

    Favorable Market Dynamics: Growing demand for tin in technology applications and supply constraints create a positive environment for new tin projects.

    The company plans to raise between 4-6 million dollars to fund its exploration program, which will involve diamond drilling on both target areas. This aggressive approach could provide investors several near-term catalysts, including drill results and a maiden resource estimate.

    While the project's location in the DRC may raise concerns for some investors, Rome Resources' long-standing experience in the country and focus on unexplored areas mitigate some of the associated risks. The company emphasises its commitment to ethical practices and avoidance of areas with artisanal mining activity.

    It's important to note that Rome Resources represents a high-risk, high-reward investment opportunity as an early-stage exploration company. The project's success hinges on exploration results and the company's ability to define a commercially viable resource.

    However, for investors seeking exposure to the critical minerals sector, particularly tin, Rome Resources offers a unique opportunity. With its experienced team, promising project, and aggressive exploration plans, the company is well-positioned to benefit from the growing global demand for tin.

    Learn more: https://cruxinvestor.com/companies/rome-resources

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  • Interview with Joe Hamilton, Chairman & CEO of Unigold Inc.

    Our previous interview: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/posts/unigold-ugd-oxide-gold-pit-to-fund-2moz-project-1907

    Recording date: 24th June 2024

    Unigold Inc. (TSXV:UGD) presents an intriguing opportunity for investors seeking exposure to gold exploration and development in a stable Caribbean jurisdiction. The company's flagship Candelones project in the Dominican Republic holds significant potential, with a total resource of approximately 2.3 million ounces of gold equivalent.

    Unigold is awaiting approval of its exploitation concession (mining permit) application, submitted in early 2022. The recent re-election of the pro-mining incumbent president is seen as a positive sign for the permitting process. Approximately 35% of Unigold's shareholders are Dominican investors, indicating confidence in the project's viability and likelihood of permit approvals. The Dominican Republic offers a stable economic environment with a functioning banking system and legal framework conducive to foreign investment.

    For its phased development strategy, the company plans a low-capital, low-risk initial development of the oxide portion of the deposit: 3-year mine life producing about 30,000 ounces per year with an estimated capital expenditure of $25-30 million. Projected cash costs around $850 per ounce with the potential for rapid payback and strong IRR at current gold prices.

    Beyond the initial oxide project, Unigold holds a larger sulfide deposit that could support a more significant operation in the future. A joint venture agreement with Barrick Gold for exploration of part of Unigold's concessions provides validation and exposure to potential new discoveries without capital outlay.

    The primary catalyst for Unigold is the anticipated approval of the exploitation concession, expected in the latter half of 2024. This would allow the company to resume exploration drilling, complete detailed engineering studies, conduct environmental and social impact assessments, and progress towards a construction decision for the oxide project.

    Unigold estimates total capital requirements of $25-30 million for the initial oxide project, with potential for 50-70% debt financing. The company's market capitalization currently reflects the uncertainties around permitting, potentially offering value for risk-tolerant investors.

    Unigold represents a speculative but potentially rewarding opportunity in the gold sector. The company's assets in the Dominican Republic offer significant upside, particularly if permitting hurdles are overcome. The phased development approach, starting with a manageable oxide project, provides a pathway to near-term production and cash flow.

    For investors comfortable with the risks associated with junior mining companies, Unigold offers exposure to a potentially significant gold project with multiple avenues for value creation. The company's success in securing permits and executing its development strategy could lead to substantial share price appreciation. However, as with any early-stage mining investment, thorough due diligence and an understanding of the inherent risks are essential.

    View Unigold's company profile: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/companies/unigold-inc

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  • Interview with Ofer Vicus, Co-Founder & CEO, and Eric Appelman, CRO of Aduro Clean Technologies Inc.

    Our previous interview: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/posts/aduro-clean-technologies-act-recycling-plastics-that-others-dont-2915

    Recording date: 24th June 2024

    Aduro Clean Technologies (TSXV: ACT) is positioning itself as a key player in the rapidly evolving fields of plastic recycling and heavy oil upgrading. The company's innovative Hydrochemolytic™ technology platform offers a promising solution to some of the most pressing challenges in waste management and resource utilization, potentially disrupting multi-billion dollar markets.

    At the core of Aduro's value proposition is its ability to efficiently process low-value materials into higher-value products. The company's technology boasts several significant advantages over conventional methods, including lower energy requirements, higher tolerance for contaminants, and reduced need for pre-sorting or post-treatment. These features could translate into substantial cost savings and operational efficiencies for adopters of the technology.

    CEO Ofer Vicus emphasizes the flexibility of their approach: "We basically can build smaller, cheaper units that can do higher value of product. It's less picky, so we have more options to deal with solutions rather than just to normalize something that is already there." This adaptability positions Aduro to address a wide range of market needs across the recycling and petrochemical industries.
    The company is pursuing a licensing business model, which allows for rapid scalability without the need for significant capital expenditures on plant construction. This strategy could potentially lead to high-margin revenue streams as the technology gains adoption. Aduro has developed a structured customer engagement program to guide potential clients through the process of evaluating and adopting their technology, providing multiple opportunities for revenue generation and relationship building.

    Aduro's intellectual property portfolio, currently consisting of eight granted patents and one pending in the United States, provides a strong foundation for protecting its innovations and creating barriers to entry. The management team, led by industry veterans with significant technical and commercial experience, has expressed a commitment to further expanding this IP portfolio.

    The global plastic recycling market alone is projected to reach $76.9 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 8.5% from 2021 to 2028. This substantial market opportunity, combined with increasing regulatory pressures and corporate commitments to sustainability, creates a favorable environment for Aduro's technology.

    However, investors should be aware that Aduro is still in the pre-revenue stage and faces the typical risks associated with commercializing new technologies. The company will need to successfully navigate the challenges of scaling up from laboratory and pilot demonstrations to full commercial implementation. Additionally, convincing large, established companies to adopt new technologies can be a slow process, and Aduro may face competition from other innovative solutions in development.

    Near-term milestones for the company include converting more technology evaluators to collaborators, developing a semi-commercial unit, and expanding their patent portfolio. Successful achievement of these objectives could serve as catalysts for increased investor interest and potential value creation.

    For investors seeking exposure to the growing trends of sustainability and circular economy practices, Aduro Clean Technologies offers an intriguing opportunity. The company's innovative technology, targeting large and growing markets, combined with its scalable business model and experienced management team, positions it well for potential growth. However, as with any early-stage technology investment, careful due diligence and ongoing monitoring of progress towards key milestones is essential.

    View Aduro Clean Technologies' company profile: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/companies/aduro-clean-technologies

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  • Interview with Tim Moody, President & CEO of Pan Global Resources Inc. and David Kelley, President & CEO of Chakana Copper Corp.

    Recording date: 20th June 2024

    Copper: A Critical Metal for the Clean Energy Future

    Copper is emerging as a critical metal for the global transition to clean energy and sustainable technologies. Industry experts highlight a growing supply-demand imbalance that presents a compelling investment case for the red metal.

    Demand Outlook

    The demand for copper is expected to surge in the coming years, driven by both traditional industrial uses and the clean energy revolution. David Kelly, President and CEO of Chakana Copper, notes that some estimates suggest future demand could require "eight times the amount of copper mining that exists today." This dramatic increase is largely attributed to copper's essential role in electrification, renewable energy systems, and energy-efficient technologies.

    Tim Moody, President and CEO of Pan Global Resources, adds context to this outlook, stating that copper consumption could double in the next 25 years. This translates to adding about a million tons of extra copper production annually – equivalent to the world's largest copper mine every year.

    Supply Challenges

    While demand projections are robust, the supply side faces significant hurdles:

    Declining ore grades in existing minesIncreasing mining depths leads to higher costs and technical challengesUnderinvestment in exploration, resulting in a lack of new discoveriesLonger permitting and development timelines.

    These factors contribute to a potential supply gap that could support higher copper prices in the coming years.

    Market Response and Investment Opportunity

    The anticipated supply-demand imbalance is likely to drive copper prices higher, incentivizing new production and exploration. However, even with price increases, the industry faces a significant challenge in meeting future demand.

    This scenario creates opportunities for investors, particularly in the junior exploration sector. Companies like Chakana Copper and Pan Global Resources are actively exploring for new copper deposits, aiming to contribute to future supply.

    Key Considerations for Investors

    When evaluating copper investments, particularly in exploration companies, investors should consider:

    Jurisdiction: The political and regulatory environment can significantly impact project development.Grade: High-grade deposits can be economically viable even at lower copper prices.Development timeline: Projects with the potential for near-term production may have an advantage.Exploration potential: Companies with large land positions and multiple target types offer more opportunities for discovery.Management experience: Teams with track records of successful discoveries and project development are crucial.

    While the long-term outlook for copper appears strong, investors should be aware of the risks associated with mineral exploration and development. These include geological uncertainties, potential for capital cost overruns, and sensitivity to commodity price fluctuations.

    The copper market presents a compelling long-term investment case driven by strong demand fundamentals and supply-side challenges. As the world transitions to clean energy and increased electrification, copper's role becomes increasingly critical. While risks remain, including market volatility and the inherent uncertainties of mineral exploration, the overall outlook for copper is robust.

    Investors considering exposure to the copper market may want to consider a diversified approach, including established producers and promising junior explorers. As always, thorough due diligence and understanding the specific risks associated with mineral exploration and development are essential.

    Learn more: https://cruxinvestor.com/categories/commodities/copper

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  • Interview with Spencer Cole, CIO of Vox Royalty Corp.

    Our previous interview: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/posts/vox-royalty-tsxvoxr-quality-portfolio-and-disciplined-strategy-drive-cash-flow-growth-5077

    Recording date: 19th June 2024

    Vox Royalty Corp (NASDAQ/TSX: VOXR) presents a compelling investment opportunity in the mining royalty sector, offering exposure to precious metals growth with a focus on risk-adjusted returns. As a relatively young player in the $70 billion mining royalty industry, Vox has positioned itself uniquely by emphasizing assets in stable jurisdictions and near-term production potential.

    Founded a decade ago, Vox has demonstrated impressive growth, tripling its revenue over the past three years. The company's portfolio consists of 70 royalties, with approximately 80% weighted towards Australia, the United States, and Canada. This geographic focus underscores Vox's commitment to operating in politically stable regions with established mining industries.

    Vox's strategy centers on acquiring royalties on projects expected to commence production within six months to three years. This approach aims to minimize the gap between investment and cash flow generation, a key consideration for investors seeking near-term returns. The company's recent acquisition of Australian gold royalties, including the Castle Hill project being developed by Evolution Mining, exemplifies this strategy. Set to begin production in early 2026, Castle Hill is expected to significantly boost Vox's revenue stream.

    Despite its strong growth trajectory and strategic positioning, Vox faces challenges in market perception, particularly among North American investors less familiar with Australian mining operators. This perception gap has led to a potential undervaluation of Vox's Australian assets, presenting an opportunity for investors as these assets come online and generate cash flow.

    The company's management team, owning a significant portion of Vox (up to 20% including the board), aligns closely with shareholder interests. This alignment is reflected in their approach to capital allocation, including the recent securing of a $25 million credit facility to fund growth without diluting existing shareholders.

    Vox offers several attractive features: Focus on risk-adjusted returns in stable jurisdictions, a proven growth track record with clear path for future expansion, potential for value realization as underappreciated Australian assets come online, management alignment through significant ownership and exposure to favorable gold market dynamics.

    Investors should still consider potential risks, including commodity price volatility and operational challenges at underlying mining projects. The competitive nature of the royalty sector and the company's relatively small size compared to industry giants are additional factors to weigh.

    In conclusion, Vox Royalty represents an intriguing option for investors seeking exposure to the mining sector with a focus on managed risk and growth potential. As the company continues to execute its strategy and bring more assets into production, it has the potential to deliver significant value to shareholders.

    View Vox Royalty's company profile: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/companies/vox-royalty

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  • Interview with David Reeves, MD of Calidus Resources Ltd.

    Our previous interview: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/posts/calidus-resources-asxcai-reignites-growth-with-financial-restructuring-production-milestones-5138

    Recording date: 20th June 2024

    Calidus Resources (ASX:CAI) is positioning itself as an emerging mid-tier gold producer in Western Australia, with a strategic acquisition set to potentially double its annual gold production. The company, which currently operates the Warrawoona gold mine, acquired the Nullagine project in December 2023 in a move that could significantly boost its output and financial performance.

    The Nullagine acquisition, secured for a remarkably low upfront cost of A$250,000 with deferred consideration, represents a pivotal moment for Calidus. The project comes with substantial existing infrastructure, including a 1.8 million tonne per annum processing plant that was operational until recently. This acquisition is expected to increase Calidus' annual gold production to over 100,000 ounces, with initial production from Nullagine targeted at 30-40,000 ounces per year.

    A key advantage of the Nullagine project is that its production will be unhedged, allowing Calidus to fully benefit from the current high gold prices, which are around A$3,500 per ounce. This is particularly significant given the company's existing hedge book and debt obligations associated with the development of the Warrawoona mine.

    Calidus' Managing Director, Dave Reeves, emphasizes the transformative potential of this acquisition: "What we're trying to do is just get cash flow now. We've got a situation with our hedge and our debt over the next 18 months we need to sort, and this provides a massive boost in cash flow for us because it's all unhedged."

    The company plans a phased approach to restarting production at Nullagine, focusing initially on two historical mines within the project area - Beatons Creek and Bartons. Beyond these initial targets, Nullagine offers significant exploration upside, with numerous deposits yet to be fully evaluated.

    Investors should note that while Calidus presents a compelling growth story, it also faces challenges. The company is working to reduce its hedge book, which currently stands at 73,000 ounces, and manage its debt obligations. However, the increased cash flow from Nullagine is expected to accelerate these efforts.

    The broader macroeconomic environment for gold remains supportive, with ongoing geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainties potentially sustaining high gold prices. This context enhances the attractiveness of Calidus' expansion strategy.

    Calidus offers exposure to a growth story in the gold sector, with the potential for significant value creation as production expands and financial constraints are resolved. Key factors to monitor include Progress on the Nullagine restart and initial production figures, pace of debt reduction and hedge book unwinding, exploration results, particularly from high-potential targets, overall operational efficiency and cost management.

    As Reeves notes, "There is a point where that debt and hedge is gone, and wow, it's a different company then." This encapsulates the potential transformation that Calidus could undergo in the near future, making it an intriguing prospect for investors seeking exposure to the gold mining sector.

    View Calidus Resources' company profile: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/companies/calidus-resources-limited

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  • Interview with Dr. Mike Jones, MD of Impact Minerals Ltd. & Iggy Tan, Managing Director of Altech Batteries Ltd.

    Recording date: 19th June 2024

    The global shift towards renewable energy and electric vehicles is driving unprecedented demand for battery technologies and the metals that enable them. This transition presents a compelling opportunity for investors to participate in the growing battery metals market, which is poised for significant expansion in the coming years.

    High Purity Alumina (HPA) has emerged as a critical component in battery technology, primarily used to coat separators and improve safety and performance. Dr. Mike Jones of Impact Minerals Limited highlights the importance of HPA in preventing thermal runaway in batteries, a key safety concern in the industry. The market potential for HPA is substantial, as evidenced by the success of companies like Alpha HPA, which recently reached a market cap of around a billion dollars and secured significant government funding.

    Emerging technologies are also reshaping the battery landscape. Altech Batteries is developing a sodium chloride solid-state battery that offers several advantages over traditional lithium-ion batteries, including improved safety, longer lifespan, and wider temperature operating range. Importantly, this technology reduces reliance on critical metals that are often subject to supply constraints and price volatility.

    The demand for battery metals is being driven by multiple factors, including the rapid growth of the electric vehicle market, increasing renewable energy integration, ongoing expansion of consumer electronics, and new industrial applications. This diverse demand base provides a robust foundation for long-term market growth.

    However, investors should be aware of the challenges facing the industry. These include technological risks associated with scaling new battery technologies, funding hurdles for development and commercialization, evolving regulatory environments, intense market competition, and potential supply chain disruptions.

    For those looking to gain exposure to the battery metals sector, there are several potential strategies. These include direct investment in mining companies, backing technology developers, considering vertically integrated players, or opting for diversified exposure through ETFs and index funds focused on the battery metals or clean energy sectors.

    Government support is playing a crucial role in advancing battery technologies, with various funding avenues available including traditional debt, government grants, and green financing options. This support underscores the strategic importance governments are placing on battery technology development.

    While the opportunities in battery metals are significant, investors should approach this sector with a clear understanding of the risks involved. Due diligence is crucial, focusing on companies with strong fundamentals, innovative technologies, and clear paths to commercialization.

    As the world continues its transition to a more sustainable energy future, the role of batteries and energy storage will only grow in importance. By staying informed about technological advancements, market trends, and regulatory developments, investors can position themselves to potentially benefit from the ongoing revolution in energy storage and battery technologies.

    Learn more: https://cruxinvestor.com/companies/impact-minerals

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  • Interview with Interview with Bo Sears, CEO of Helix Exploration

    Our previous interview: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/posts/helix-exploration-lsehex-new-us-focused-helium-explorer-5186

    Recording date: 20th June 2024

    Helix Exploration, a helium explorer listed on the London AIM market, is positioning itself to capitalize on the growing demand for helium in the United States. CEO Bo Sears discusses the company's latest acquisition and its strategy to become a significant player in the helium market.

    The company's recent acquisition of the Rudyard Field, located just 40 miles south of the Canadian border, marks an important step in Helix's growth strategy. This project, with known helium concentrations, complements the company's flagship Ingomar Dome project in Montana. Sears emphasized that the Rudyard Field acquisition was "the right project at the right time," providing geographical diversification and the potential to bring more helium to market.

    Helix's primary focus remains on the Ingomar Dome project, where the company plans to conduct a well appraisal in Q3 of this year. This crucial step, estimated to cost around $2.5 million, will provide vital data on flow rates, decline curves, and overall deliverability. The information gathered from this appraisal will be instrumental in guiding future development decisions and potentially attracting further investment or debt financing.

    The helium market is currently experiencing a supply shortage, creating a favorable environment for new producers. Sears highlighted the increasing demand driven by the U.S. CHIPS Act, which is promoting domestic semiconductor manufacturing – an industry that requires significant amounts of helium. This market dynamic presents a compelling opportunity for Helix to establish itself as a key domestic helium supplier.

    Investors should note Helix's strategy to minimize shareholder dilution. The company is exploring debt financing options for future development, including the construction of a pressure swing absorption plant estimated to cost between $12.5 million and $15 million. This approach aligns with the interests of potential investors, aiming to maximize the value of their holdings while enabling the company to develop its assets and bring helium to market.

    The economics of helium production differ from traditional oil and gas, as the value lies in the processed and purified product rather than the raw gas. This necessitates investment in processing facilities, but also presents an opportunity for higher margins once production is established.

    Helix's management demonstrates a clear understanding of the helium market and the technical aspects of exploration and production. Sears' experience and insight into the industry provide confidence in the company's ability to execute its strategy effectively.

    For investors considering the helium sector, Helix Exploration presents an opportunity to gain exposure to a critical resource with strong demand fundamentals. However, as with any resource investment, risks such as exploration uncertainty and market volatility should be carefully considered. The upcoming well appraisal at the Ingomar Dome project represents a key catalyst that could potentially de-risk the project and increase company value.

    As global helium demand continues to grow, particularly driven by high-tech industries and technological advancements, companies like Helix that can successfully bring new helium supplies to market may be well-positioned to benefit from this critical resource shortage. Investors should closely monitor the results of the upcoming well appraisal and the company's progress in securing favorable financing for future development.

    Learn more: https://cruxinvestor.com/companies/helix-exploration

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  • Interview with Alex Langer, President & CEO of Sierra Madre Gold & Silver and Arturo Préstamo Elizondo, Executive Chairman & CEO of Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd.

    Recording date: 17th June 2024

    The stars are aligning for a major bull market in silver, creating a compelling opportunity for investors to gain exposure to this vital metal. A perfect storm of surging industrial demand, chronic supply shortfalls, and strengthening prices is generating significant cash flows for silver producers, allowing them to optimize operations and potentially engage in value-enhancing M&A.

    The most powerful force driving silver prices higher is the rapid growth of solar power. Photovoltaic panels are one of the most silver-intensive products in the world, and demand is expected to keep climbing as the shift to renewable energy accelerates. With around 25% of global silver production going to solar panels - and that silver not returning to market for decades - a major supply deficit is emerging.

    In 2024 alone, demand is expected to outstrip supply by nearly 200 million ounces, marking the second highest level of demand in history. This is happening at a time when investors and traders are aggressively accumulating physical silver, further exacerbating the supply shortage. Taken together, these factors have the potential to push prices significantly higher in the months and years ahead.

    For silver producers, this environment is extremely favorable. Miners are realizing higher prices for their output, with levels above $25 per ounce providing a major boost to cash flows. These resources are being put to good use, allowing companies to expand and optimize mines, improve efficiencies, and clean up their balance sheets. The stage is being set for margin expansion and greater financial resilience across the industry.

    If silver prices continue rising as many expect, attention will likely turn to M&A as producers seek to consolidate their gains. Management teams with strong track records will be on the lookout for attractively valued assets that can contribute meaningful cash flows. Investors will want to focus on companies with proven leadership operating in stable jurisdictions like Mexico, where the political environment appears to be moderating.

    The bottom line is that the fundamental drivers of the silver market are incredibly bullish. From the demand surge associated with solar energy to the lack of new mining supply to the strong flows of investment capital, all signs point to the potential for an historic bull market. Identifying producers with high-quality assets and seasoned management should be a top priority for investors seeking outsized returns.

    While no investment is without risk, the fact that silver is integral to the clean energy transition suggests that demand growth will remain robust even in the face of economic headwinds. When evaluating silver miners, investors should focus on low-cost producers with strong balance sheets and organic growth potential. By doing so, they can position themselves to capture the upside while mitigating potential risks.

    The opportunity in silver is not to be missed. As the supply/demand imbalance reaches a tipping point and investment flows accelerate, the conditions are ripe for a classic bull market. Investors who perform their due diligence and build exposure while prices remain attractive could be handsomely rewarded. All that glitters may not be gold - in the coming years, it just might be silver.

    Learn more: https://cruxinvestor.com/categories/commodities/silver

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