
  • 【考考你】IQ題:乜嘢「遊戲」係最危險呢?


    【世界隨意門】玩具界嘅名人堂| 火星訓練營

    【訪問乜東東】Katelyn 繪畫故事角色分享

    (報導資料來源:UDN 聯合新聞網、NASA、The Times、DQ地球圖輯隊)

    🎙️ 聲音團隊:

    考考你 - 謎語叮叮 Doris Lai

    世界隨意門報導員: Isabel、陳奕帆 Jake


    故事燕子 扮演 蜜蜂飛飛

    Henry Tang 扮演 老鷹教練

    Sadie 扮演 蝴蝶小姐

    葭葭 扮演 蜻蜓前輩

    Amanda老師 扮演 蝸牛博士



    故事、節目資料搜集、文章編寫、剪接 : 故事燕子


    🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    ~為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast


    ~用潛移默化方式學廣東話, 提升聆聽能力, 增加廣東話詞彙!



    💬 錄音留言



    🎙️ 參與錄音製作招募小小報導員/聲演義工/投稿分享/遊戲參加者:https://forms.gle/i9cmLAEevyJACTRx8

    ⭐️ 台長手記及支持推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 節目義工來自全世界嘅廣東話社群,致力製作多元化且適合兒童收聽嘅內容。

    😉 其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]


    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: 乜東東~豎起耳仔窿


    Muggle - Tingo-Tango 乜東東 EP 17

    EP17: "How Can I Fly?" — The Secret of Bee Flight | Cantonese Kids Podcast

    🧐*IQ Riddle* Which "game" is the most dangerous?

    🐝*How Can I Fly?* Bees have such tiny wings—how can they fly?!

    🌏 *World Curiosities* 🌟Toy Hall of Fame | 🚀 Mars Training Camp

    (News from:UDN, NASA, The Times, DQ)

    🎙️ Voice Team:

    Riddle Ding Ding - Doris Lai

    World Curiosities Reporter - Jake Fan, Isabel

    *The Secret of Bee Flight*

    Story Swallow as Fei Fei, Bee

    Henry Tang as Coach Eagle

    Sadie as Miss Butterfly

    Kay Kay as Senior Dragonfly

    Amanda as Dr. Snail

    Fei Fei Character drawing: Katelyn

    English Subtitle: Story Raven

    Story, Research, Writer, Clip Editing: Story Swallow

    (Thank you to all the volunteers from Australia, Hong Kong, and the UK!)


    🌀 Muggle-Tingo-Tango🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    - A Cantonese podcast designed for children aged 6-12

    - Themed stories, world trivia, story theater, IQ questions, kids' creations sharing

    - Learn Cantonese subtly, enhance listening skills, and expand Cantonese vocabulary!

    - Updates every other Thursday

    💬 Do kids have something to share after listening? Feel free to leave a voice message


    ⭐️ Production Blog & Support Us: shttps://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 This podcast is created by volunteers from the global Cantonese community, dedicated to producing diverse and child-friendly content.

    😉 Cooperation, please email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: @muggle.tingo.tango

  • 【考考你】廣東話題:漏夜係咩意思呢?

    【走甩咗嘅徽章動物 】幫圖書精靈一齊搵返啲動物啦!


    (報導資訊來源:The Seattle Times, BBC News, DQ 地球圖輯)

    🎧Apple Podcast/ Spotify/ YouTube

    🎙️ 聲音團隊:

    考考你 - Alice 媽媽

    世界隨意門報導員: 故事燕子

    【走甩咗嘅徽章動物 】

    Tanya 擔任 故事人

    Lisa 扮演 圖書精靈圖圖

    Amanda 老師 扮演 傑仔

    Uncle Wisdom 扮演 白頭鷹

    陳緯慈小朋友 扮演 袋鼠

    茵茵(Matilda) 小朋友 扮演 鴯鶓

    Isabel 扮演 蛇鷲

    故事、節目資料搜集、文章編寫、剪接 : 故事燕子

    特別鳴謝 企鵝先生提供意見


    🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    ~為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast


    ~用潛移默化方式學廣東話, 提升聆聽能力, 增加廣東話詞彙!



    💬 小朋友聽完有嘢想分享嗎?歡迎錄音留言:https://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow

    ⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 本節目義工來自全世界嘅廣東話社群,致力製作多元化且適合兒童收聽嘅內容。

    😉 其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]


    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: 乜東東~豎起耳仔窿


    Muggle - Tingo-Tango 乜東東 EP 16

    EP16: Animals on National emblems | Cantonese Kids Podcast

    *Cantonese Fun* What does "漏夜(lau6-je6)" mean?

    *Animals on National emblems* Let’s solve the puzzles with the Library elf!

    *World Curiosities*

    🎙️ Voice Team:

    Cantonese Fun - Alice Mama

    World Curiosities Reporter - Story Swallow

    *Animals on National emblems*

    Tanya as Story-teller

    Lisa as Library Elf Tu-tu

    Miss Amanda as Kit Jai

    Uncle Wisdom as Bald eagle

    Karsten Tan as Kangaroo

    Matilda Tu as Emu

    Isabel as Secretarybird

    Story, Research, Writer, Clip Editing: Story Swallow


    🌀 Muggle-Tingo-Tango🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    - A Cantonese podcast designed for children aged 6-12

    - Themed stories, world trivia, story theater, IQ questions, kids' creations sharing

    - Learn Cantonese subtly, enhance listening skills, and expand Cantonese vocabulary!

    - Updates every other Thursday

    💬 Do kids have something to share after listening? Feel free to leave a voice message


    ⭐️ If you like our show, please support us by buying legal music, sound effects, and creative resources to help us continue promoting Cantonese: https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 This podcast is created by volunteers from the global Cantonese community, dedicated to producing diverse and child-friendly content.

    😉 Cooperation, please email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: @muggle.tingo.tango

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • 【考考你】IQ 題:用椰子同西瓜打頭,邊樣會痛啲呢?



    (報導資料來源:Fox Business News, The Australian Space Agency, 台灣聯合新聞網)

    🎙️ 聲音團隊:

    考考你 - 謎語叮叮 Doris Lai

    世界隨意門報導員: Ywing


    故事燕子 擔任 故事人同解說

    陳奕帆 扮演 為食牛

    Uncle Wisdom 扮演 牛伯伯

    Amy 扮演 羨慕魚

    Sadie 扮演 醒目魚

    黃翰貞 扮演 海星

    黃翰淋 扮演 視光師螳螂蝦

    特別鳴謝 澳洲墨爾本嘅 黃永約 Asaph 小朋友幫手答問題!

    故事、節目資料搜集、文章編寫、剪接 : 故事燕子


    🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    ~為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast


    ~用潛移默化方式學廣東話, 提升聆聽能力, 增加廣東話詞彙!



    💬 小朋友聽完有嘢想分享嗎?歡迎錄音留言:https://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow

    ⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 本節目義工來自全世界嘅廣東話社群,致力製作多元化且適合兒童收聽嘅內容。

    😉 其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]


    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: 乜東東~豎起耳仔窿

    Muggle - Tingo-Tango 乜東東 EP 15

    EP15: Unexpected Animal Body Secrets - Animal Giggles | Cantonese Podcast for kids

    *IQ Quiz* If you hit your head with a coconut or a watermelon, which would hurt more?

    *Animal Giggles* Do cows have four meals per day? Are jellyfish happier than immortals? Why do starfish end up in plaster casts?

    *World Curiosities* Turtle on the Road | Space Corn Chips

    🎧 Available on Apple Podcast/ Spotify/ YouTube

    (News Sources: Fox Business News, The Australian Space Agency, Taiwan United News Network)

    🎙️ Voice Team:

    Riddle Ding Ding - Doris Lai

    World Curiosities Reporter - Ywing

    *Animal Giggles*

    Story Swallow as Storyteller and Narrator

    Jake Fan as Foodie Cow

    Uncle Wisdom as Uncle Cow

    Amy as Envious Fish

    Sadie as Clever Fish

    Wong Hon-ching as Starfish

    Wong Hon-lam as Optometrist Mantis Shrimp

    Special Thanks to Asaph Wong from Melbourne, Australia, for helping answer questions!

    Story, Research, Writer, Clip Editing: Story Swallow

    (Thanks to all volunteers from Australia, Hong Kong, and the UK!)


    🌀 Muggle-Tingo-Tango🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    - A Cantonese podcast designed for children aged 6-12

    - Themed stories, world trivia, story theater, IQ questions, kids' creations sharing

    - Learn Cantonese subtly, enhance listening skills, and expand Cantonese vocabulary!

    - Updates every other Thursday

    💬 Do kids have something to share after listening? Feel free to leave a voice message


    ⭐️ If you like our show, please support us by buying legal music, sound effects, and creative resources to help us continue promoting Cantonese: https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 This podcast is created by volunteers from the global Cantonese community, dedicated to producing diverse and child-friendly content.

    😉 Cooperation, please email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: @muggle.tingo.tango

  • 【考考你】IQ題:咩時候,零會大過二,二會大過五呢?


    【世界隨意門】黑猩猩玩 Minecraft

    (「黑猩猩玩 Minecraft」報導資料來源:台灣媒體 Inside、YouTube:ChrisDaCow)

    🎙️ 聲音團隊:

    考考你 - 謎語叮叮 Doris Lai

    世界隨意門報導員: Jarvis, Karlos 同故事燕子

    【交棒!除夕大冒險 】

    故事燕子 擔任 故事人

    雪糕姐姐 Irene Leung 扮演 通勝伯伯

    劉浚永小朋友 扮演 練習簿弟弟

    Tanya 扮演 百科全書姨姨

    Uncle Wisdom 扮演 名人語錄叔叔

    陳奕帆 扮演 漫畫哥哥

    葭葭 扮演 溫太太

    黃翰貞同黃翰淋 扮演蠟燭姊妹

    故事、節目資料搜集、文章編寫、剪接 : 故事燕子


    🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    ~為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast


    ~用潛移默化方式學廣東話, 提升聆聽能力, 增加廣東話詞彙!



    💬 小朋友聽完有嘢想分享嗎?歡迎錄音留言:https://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow

    ⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 本節目義工來自全世界嘅廣東話社群,致力製作多元化且適合兒童收聽嘅內容。

    😉 其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]


    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: 乜東東~豎起耳仔窿

    Muggle - Tingo-Tango 乜東東 EP 14

    EP14: Relay!Lunar New Year’s Eve Adventure - New story based on Chinese proverbs | Cantonese Kids Podcast

    *IQ Riddle* When is zero greater than two, and two greater than five?

    *Relay!Lunar New Year’s Eve Adventure* Could uncle Tung Sing handover successfully?

    *World Curiosities* Ape plays Minecraft?!

    ( “Ape plays Minecraft?!” – From: Taiwan media Inside, YouTube: ChrisDaCow)

    🎙️ Voice Team:

    Riddle Ding Ding - Doris Lai

    World Curiosities Reporter - Jarvis, Karlos & Story Swallow

    *Relay!Lunar New Year’s Eve Adventure*

    Story Swallow as Storyteller

    Irene Leung as Uncle Tung Sing

    Jace Bean Lau as Little Exercise book

    Tanya as Aunt Encyclopedia

    Uncle Wisdom as Uncle Celebrity Quotes

    Jake Fan as Brother Comic

    Kay Kay as Mrs Wan

    Wong Hon Ching & Wong Hon Lam as Candle Sisters

    Story, Research, Writer, Clip Editing: Story Swallow

    (Thank you to all volunteers from Australia, Hong Kong, and the UK!)


    🌀 Muggle-Tingo-Tango🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    - A Cantonese podcast designed for children aged 6-12

    - Themed stories, world trivia, story theater, IQ questions, kids' creations sharing

    - Learn Cantonese subtly, enhance listening skills, and expand Cantonese vocabulary!

    - Updates every other Thursday

    💬 Do kids have something to share after listening? Feel free to leave a voice message


    ⭐️ If you like our show, please support us by buying legal music, sound effects, and creative resources to help us continue promoting Cantonese: https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 This podcast is created by volunteers from the global Cantonese community, dedicated to producing diverse and child-friendly content.

    😉 Cooperation, please email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: @muggle.tingo.tango

  • In the 10th episode, When Little Wind Imp found out that Big Brother North Wind had lost to the Sun, he was filled with indignation. Determined to prove the strength of the Wind Clan, he set out to 搞搞震(gaau2-gaau2-zan3 ) , ensuring no one would underestimate them.

    Let's listen Yoyo from UK to explain what 搞搞震(gaau2-gaau2-zan3) means!

    Voice Cast:

    Storyteller - Story Swallow

    Describer - Yoyo

    Illustration & Script:Story Swallow

    Check out Episode 2, “Animal Gluttons: A Fascinating Journey,” to find out more about Animal Foodies!

  • In the second episode of Animal Gluttons: A Fascinating Journey, team leader Johnxon mentioned that Burmese pythons in the United States are "眼闊肚窄 ngaan5-fut3-tou5-zaak3". Let's listen Isabel from Finland to explain what that means!

    Voice Cast:Johnxon, Isabel
    Illustration & Script:Story Swallow

    Check out Episode 2, “Animal Gluttons: A Fascinating Journey,” to find out more about Animal Foodies!

  • 瞓過籠 fan3-gwo3-lung4
    In the third episode, “Oh no! The Sun Disappeared,” the crafty turtle gave the rabbit a cake that made him “瞓過籠”!

    Do you know what it means to “瞓過籠”? Besides sleeping, what else can “過籠” ?

    Voice Cast:
    * Story Swallow (As Turtle)
    * Amy (Narrator)

    *Story Swallow

    Check out Episode 3, “Oh no! The Sun Disappeared,” to find out why the turtle ended up shouting out his secret!

  • 【考考你】IQ題:聖誕夜,聖誕老人放入襪嘅第一樣嘢係乜呢?



    🎧Apple Podcast/ Spotify/ YouTube


    🎙️ 聲音團隊:

    考考你 - 謎語叮叮 Doris Lai

    世界隨意門報導員: 故事燕子


    故事燕子 擔任 旁白、同時飾演妹妹

    紅A 叔叔 同時扮演 財神同聖誕老人

    Ywing 扮演 詠琳 同 媽媽

    故事、節目資料搜集、文章編寫、剪接 : 故事燕子

    特別鳴謝 企鵝先生提供意見

    🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    ~為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast


    ~用潛移默化方式學廣東話, 提升聆聽能力, 增加廣東話詞彙!



    💬 小朋友聽完有嘢想分享嗎?歡迎錄音留言:https://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow

    ⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 本節目義工來自全世界嘅廣東話社群,致力製作多元化且適合兒童收聽嘅內容。

    😉 其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]


    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: 乜東東~豎起耳仔窿


    Muggle - Tingo-Tango 乜東東 EP 13

    EP13: The Great Christmas Adventure of the God of Wealth | Cantonese Kids Podcast

    ✍🏻 We'd love for you to fill out our survey and share what you think!

    *IQ Riddle* On Christmas Eve, what is the first thing Santa puts into the stockings?

    *Two Red Uncles* The Great Christmas Adventure of the God of Wealth

    *World Curiosities* The shifting national borders | The turkey at the White House

    🎙️ Voice Team:

    Riddle Ding Ding - Doris Lai

    World Curiosities Reporter - Story Swallow

    *Two Red Uncles *

    Story Swallow as Narrator and the younger sister

    Uncle Johnny as both the God of Wealth and Santa Claus

    Ywing as both Wing Lam and the mother

    Story, Research, Writer, Clip Editing: Story Swallow

    Special thanks to Mr. Penguin for providing feedback.


    🌀 Muggle-Tingo-Tango🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    - A Cantonese podcast designed for children aged 6-12

    - Themed stories, world trivia, story theater, IQ questions, kids' creations sharing

    - Learn Cantonese subtly, enhance listening skills, and expand Cantonese vocabulary!

    - Updates every other Thursday

    💬 Do kids have something to share after listening? Feel free to leave a voice message


    ⭐️ If you like our show, please support us by buying legal music, sound effects, and creative resources to help us continue promoting Cantonese: https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 This podcast is created by volunteers from the global Cantonese community, dedicated to producing diverse and child-friendly content.

    😉 Cooperation, please email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: @muggle.tingo.tango

  • 【考考你】廣東話題:「瞓過籠」係咩意思呢?*Eng Below



    🎧 Apple Podcast/ Spotify/ YouTube

    ✍🏻 誠邀你填⁠問卷⁠分享意見!

    🎙️ 聲音團隊:

    考考你 - Uncle Wisdom

    世界隨意門報導員及短劇創作: Ywing 同 故事燕子


    陳奕帆 扮演 健叔叔

    徐祺灃小朋友 扮演 哥哥朗朗

    黎泳桐小妹妹 扮演 妹妹晴晴

    Henry Tang 扮演 爸爸

    Amy 扮演 媽媽

    故事燕子 係 旁白

    劇本、節目資料搜集、文章編寫、剪接 : 故事燕子

    🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    ~為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast


    ~用潛移默化方式學廣東話, 提升聆聽能力, 增加廣東話詞彙!



    💬 小朋友聽完有嘢想分享嗎?歡迎錄音留言:https://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow

    ⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 本節目義工來自全世界嘅廣東話社群,致力製作多元化且適合兒童收聽嘅內容。

    😉 其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]


    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: 乜東東~豎起耳仔窿


    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    Muggle - Tingo-Tango 乜東東 EP 12

    EP12: The Travel Pro’s Mini Challenges | Cantonese Kids Podcast

    *Cantonese Fun* What does "瞓過籠(fan3-gwo3-lung4)" mean?

    *The Travel Pro’s Mini Challenges*

    *World Curiosities* The Dog on Top of the Pyramid | Look in the Mirror, How Awesome?

    ✍🏻 We'd love for you to fill out our ⁠survey⁠ and share what you think!

    🎙️ Voice Team:

    Cantonese Fun - Uncle Wisdom

    World Curiosities Reporter - Ywing and Story Swallow

    *The Travel Pro’s Mini Challenges*

    Jake Fan as Uncle Kin

    Xu Kei Fung Oscar as Brother Long Long

    Hannah as Sister Ching Ching

    Henry Tang as Daddy

    Amy as Mama

    Story Swallow as Narrator

    Playwright, Research, Writer, Clip Editing: Story Swallow


    🌀 Muggle-Tingo-Tango🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    - A Cantonese podcast designed for children aged 6-12

    - Themed stories, world trivia, story theater, IQ questions, kids' creations sharing

    - Learn Cantonese subtly, enhance listening skills, and expand Cantonese vocabulary!

    - Updates every other Thursday

    💬 Do kids have something to share after listening? Feel free to leave a voice message


    ⭐️ If you like our show, please support us by buying legal music, sound effects, and creative resources to help us continue promoting Cantonese: https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 This podcast is created by volunteers from the global Cantonese community, dedicated to producing diverse and child-friendly content.

    😉 Cooperation, please email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: @muggle.tingo.tango

  • 🎥 預告:「台長 IG 直播室」*Eng below

    11月23日(Sat)墨爾本時間 早上11時 / 香港時間早上 8點(台長 IG:story.swallow_au )

    ✍🏻 問卷

    【考考你】IQ題:英文字母 E 同 T 走咗,淨低幾個字母?

    【世界隨意門】「唔該」最好同右耳講?|秘魯神秘大地畫 |烏鴉嘅記仇超能力


    🎧Apple Podcast/ Spotify/ YouTube

    🎙️ 聲音團隊:

    謎語叮叮 Doris Lai

    世界隨意門報導員及短劇創作: Lisa 、故事燕子

    節目資料搜集、文章編寫、剪接 : 故事燕子

    特別鳴謝嚟自墨爾本嘅 Iris 提供意見!

    🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    ~為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast


    ~用潛移默化方式學廣東話, 提升聆聽能力, 增加廣東話詞彙!



    💬 小朋友聽完有嘢想分享嗎?歡迎錄音留言:https://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow

    ⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 本節目義工來自全世界嘅廣東話社群,致力製作多元化且適合兒童收聽嘅內容。

    😉 其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]


    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: 乜東東~豎起耳仔窿


    Muggle - Tingo-Tango 乜東東 EP 11

    "The Walking Pavilion?! Story of the Chinese Deity of builder"

    🎥 'Director's IG Live Studio' - Melbourne time, November 23 (Sat) at 11 AM (please check the Director's IG: StorySwallow)

    ✍🏻 Questionnaire

    *IQ Riddle* If the letters E and T are gone, how many letters are left?

    *World Curiosities* Why is it best to say "please" to the right ear? | Peru's Mysterious Geoglyphs | The Amazing Grudge-Holding Power of Crows

    More: Hong Kong's Sand Art Artists

    🎙️ Voice Team:

    Riddle Ding Ding - Doris Lai

    World Curiosities Reporter & drama - Lisa and Story Swallow

    Research, Writer, Clip Editing: Story Swallow


    🌀 Muggle-Tingo-Tango🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    - A Cantonese podcast designed for children aged 6-12

    - Themed stories, world trivia, story theater, IQ questions, kids' creations sharing

    - Learn Cantonese subtly, enhance listening skills, and expand Cantonese vocabulary!

    - Updates every other Thursday

    💬 Do kids have something to share after listening? Feel free to leave a voice message


    ⭐️ If you like our show, please support us by buying legal music, sound effects, and creative resources to help us continue promoting Cantonese: https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 This podcast is created by volunteers from the global Cantonese community, dedicated to producing diverse and child-friendly content.

    😉 Cooperation, please email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: @muggle.tingo.tango

  • 🎉 乜東東完成十集喇!

    好希望聽到你同小朋友嘅聲音!誠邀大家Phone in 「台長直播室」同填寫問卷🙏🏻 可唔可以平衡節目質素同持續製作,就靠大家嘅意見!

    🎥「台長 IG 直播室」墨爾本時間 11月23日(Sat)早上11時 - (請留意台長 IG:StorySwallow)

    ✍🏻 問卷

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids (Scroll down for English)

    乜東東 EP10

    【考考你】IQ題:有幾多個月有 28日?


    【訪問乜東東】子元的 DIY 木工禮物

    【世界隨意門】北海道都有極光! |鼻敏感嘅長毛象

    🔨 Check it out! 子元的木工Project

    *如果你都想同子元一樣有機會接受我哋嘅訪問, Email 或者錄Voice Msg 俾我哋啦!*

    🎧Apple Podcast/ Spotify/ YouTube

    🎙️ 聲音團隊:

    謎語叮叮 Doris Lai

    世界隨意門報導員 故事燕子

    〈識行嘅涼亭 - 魯班與傘〉

    故事燕子 做返 故事燕子

    陳奕帆 做返 奕帆 同埋扮演 魯班

    Yoyo 陳樂遙 扮演 魯班老婆



    節目資料搜集、文章編寫、剪接 : 故事燕子

    🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    ~為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast


    ~用潛移默化方式學廣東話, 提升聆聽能力, 增加廣東話詞彙!



    💬 小朋友聽完有嘢想分享嗎?歡迎錄音留言:https://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow

    ⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 本節目義工來自全世界嘅廣東話社群,致力製作多元化且適合兒童收聽嘅內容。

    😉 其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]


    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: 乜東東~豎起耳仔窿


    Eng Version:

    🎉 What's This has completed ten episodes! We hope to hear from you and your children! We sincerely invite everyone to phone in to the 'Director's Live Studio' and fill out the questionnaire 🙏🏻 Whether we can balance quality and continue producing depends on your support!

    🎥 'Director's IG Live Studio' - Melbourne time, November 23 (Sat) at 11 AM (please check the Director's IG: StorySwallow)

    ✍🏻 Questionnaire

    Muggle - Tingo-Tango 乜東東 EP 10

    The Walking Pavilion?! Story of the Chinese Deity of builder"

    *IQ Riddle* How many months have 28 days?

    *Lu Ban and Umbrellas* The Story, Culture of Umbrellas, and Hong Kong's Lu Ban Temple

    *World Curiosities* There Are Northern Lights in Hokkaido! | The Woolly Mammoth with Hay Fever

    🔨 Check it out! ⁠Leo's Project ⁠

    *If you’d like a chance to be interviewed by us like 子元(Leo), send us an email or a voice message!*

    🎙️ Voice Team:

    Riddle Ding Ding - Doris Lai

    World Curiosities Reporter - Story Swallow

    [The Walking Pavilion?! Story of the Chinese Deity of builder]

    Story Swallow as Story Swallow

    Jake Fan as Jake and Lu Ban

    Yoyo Chan as Lu Ban’s wife

    Adapted by:Story Swallow

    Research, Writer, Clip Editing: Story Swallow


    🌀 Muggle-Tingo-Tango🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    - A Cantonese podcast designed for children aged 6-12

    - Themed stories, world trivia, story theater, IQ questions, kids' creations sharing

    - Learn Cantonese subtly, enhance listening skills, and expand Cantonese vocabulary!

    - Updates every other Thursday

    💬 Do kids have something to share after listening? Feel free to leave a voice message


    ⭐️ If you like our show, please support us by buying legal music, sound effects, and creative resources to help us continue promoting Cantonese: https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 This podcast is created by volunteers from the global Cantonese community, dedicated to producing diverse and child-friendly content.

    😉 Cooperation, please email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: @muggle.tingo.tango

  • 乜東東 EP9 *Eng Below



    【世界隨意門】多咗個迷你月亮 |Lego 鯊魚的大海冒險

    🎧Apple Podcast/ Spotify/ YouTube

    🎙️ 聲音團隊:

    謎語叮叮 Doris Lai

    世界隨意門報導員 Ywing 、Yoyo 陳樂遙


    故事燕子 擔任旁白、同時飾演 風小妖

    Amanda 老師 飾演 麻雀媽媽

    Henry Tang 飾演 北風


    節目資料搜集、文章編寫、剪接 : 故事燕子

    🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    ~為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast


    ~用潛移默化方式學廣東話, 提升聆聽能力, 增加廣東話詞彙!



    💬 小朋友聽完有嘢想分享嗎?歡迎錄音留言:https://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow

    ⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 本節目義工來自全世界嘅廣東話社群,致力製作多元化且適合兒童收聽嘅內容。

    😉 其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]

    Muggle - Tingo-Tango 乜東東 EP 9

    The cows from Lantau Island hang out with the horses from Happy Valley?

    *IQ Riddle* Why did the three thieves still manage to escape even though the police blocked all the exits?

    *Wind Sprite's Mischief Plan*

    *World Curiosities* Mini Moon | The Great Sea Adventure of the LEGO Shark

    🎙️ Voice Team:

    Riddle Ding Ding - Doris Lai

    World Curiosities Reporter - Ywing & Yoyo

    [Little Wind Sprite's Mischief Plan]

    Narrator and Little Wind Sprite: Story Swallow

    Sparrow Mother: Miss Amanda

    North Wind: Henry Tang

    Story:Story Swallow

    Research, Writer, Clip Editing: Story Swallow


    🌀 Muggle-Tingo-Tango🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    - A Cantonese podcast designed for children aged 6-12

    - Themed stories, world trivia, story theater, IQ questions, kids' creations sharing

    - Learn Cantonese subtly, enhance listening skills, and expand Cantonese vocabulary!

    - Updates every other Thursday

    💬 Do kids have something to share after listening? Feel free to leave a voice message


    ⭐️ If you like our show, please support us by buying legal music, sound effects, and creative resources to help us continue promoting Cantonese: https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 This podcast is created by volunteers from the global Cantonese community, dedicated to producing diverse and child-friendly content.

    😉 Cooperation, please email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: @muggle.tingo.tango

  • 【考考你】IQ題:世上最老嘅馬?



    🎙️ 聲音團隊:

    謎語叮叮 Doris Lai

    世界隨意門報導員 Amy、故事燕子


    故事燕子 飾演 氹氹轉老師

    黃翰貞、黃翰淋 飾演 同學們


    節目資料搜集、文章編寫、剪接 : 故事燕子

    —🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀Cantonese Podcast for Kids~為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast~專題故仔、世界趣聞、故事劇場、IQ題、小製作人投稿分享~用潛移默化方式學廣東話, 提升聆聽能力, 增加廣東話詞彙! 隔週四更新--💬 小朋友聽完有嘢想分享嗎?歡迎錄音留言:https://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango🌎 本節目義工來自全世界嘅廣東話社群,致力製作多元化且適合兒童收聽嘅內容。😉 其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]—-Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tangoFacebook: 乜東東~豎起耳仔窿

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    Muggle - Tingo-Tango 乜東東 EP 8

    *IQ Riddle* What’s the oldest horse in the world?

    *Sleepy Academy* Animals' One-Eye Sleep, Bubble Sleep, and Hand-Holding Sleep

    *World Curiosities* Bee Hotel B&B | A Whiff of Your Mood | Where Did the Balloon Drift Off To?

    🎙️ Voice Team:

    Riddle Ding Ding - Doris Lai

    World Curiosities Reporter - Amy & Story Swallow

    [Sleepy Academy]

    Story Swallow as Teacher Tum-Tum-Juen

    Wong Hon Ching & Wong Hon Lam as Students

    Scriptwriting:Story Swallow & Mr. Penguin

    Research, Writer, Clip Editing: Story Swallow


    🌀 Muggle-Tingo-Tango🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    - A Cantonese podcast designed for children aged 6-12

    - Themed stories, world trivia, story theater, IQ questions, kids' creations sharing

    - Learn Cantonese subtly, enhance listening skills, and expand Cantonese vocabulary!

    - Updates every other Thursday

    💬 Do kids have something to share after listening? Feel free to leave a voice message


    ⭐️ If you like our show, please support us by buying legal music, sound effects, and creative resources to help us continue promoting Cantonese: https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 This podcast is created by volunteers from the global Cantonese community, dedicated to producing diverse and child-friendly content.

    😉 Cooperation, please email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: @muggle.tingo.tango

  • 【考考你】IQ題:點解小明唔擔遮都無整濕啲頭髮?

    🎙️ 聲音團隊:
    謎語叮叮 Doris Lai
    世界隨意門報導員 故事燕子 

    黎泳桐小妹妹 飾演 諾諾
    丫力史 飾演 爸爸
    Mil Mil Cheung 飾演 婆婆同媽媽
    故事燕子 擔任 旁白

    劇本、文章編寫、剪接 : 故事燕子
    YouTube 字幕及字幕翻譯:故事烏鴉

    🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀
    Cantonese Podcast for Kids
    ~為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast
    ~用潛移默化方式學廣東話, 提升聆聽能力, 增加廣東話詞彙! 
    💬 小朋友聽完有嘢想分享嗎?歡迎錄音留言:https://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow
    ⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango
    🌎 本節目義工來自全世界嘅廣東話社群,致力製作多元化且適合兒童收聽嘅內容。
    😉 其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]
    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango
    Facebook: 乜東東~豎起耳仔窿

  • 乜東東 EP 6




    🎙️ 聲音團隊:

    謎語叮叮 Doris Lai

    世界隨意門報導員 故事燕子

    🌊 鹹鹹海水的傳說

    Amanda 老師 飾演 故事人同婆婆

    陳奕帆@Jake Fan 飾演 細佬

    Mil Mil Cheung@Milmil Cheung 飾演小矮人

    特別鳴謝花姐姐 @readngrow_withkids


    劇本、文章編寫、剪接 : 故事燕子

    🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    ~為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast


    ~用潛移默化方式學廣東話, 提升聆聽能力, 增加廣東話詞彙!



    💬 小朋友聽完有嘢想分享嗎?歡迎錄音留言:https://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow

    ⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 本節目義工來自全世界嘅廣東話社群,致力製作多元化且適合兒童收聽嘅內容。

    😉 其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]


    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: 乜東東~豎起耳仔窿


    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    Muggle - Tingo-Tango 乜東東 EP 6

    【IQ Riddle】What kind of door can never be closed?

    【The Story of Salty Sea】As long as you make a wish to this magic millstone, it will fulfill your desire!

    【World Curiosities】The Comeback of Ugly Fruits and Vegetables | The Secret of the Moon's Age | The Sea Lion Photographer

    🎙️ Voice Team:

    Riddle Ding Ding - Doris Lai

    World Curiosities Reporter - Story Swallow

    🌊 [The Story of Salty Sear]

    Miss Amanda As Narrator and old lady

    Jake Fan As Younger Brother

    Mil Mil Cheung As Dwarf

    Special Thanks to Jennifer Leung

    Research: Story Swallow

    Scriptwriting, Writer, Clip Editing: Story Swallow


    🌀 Muggle-Tingo-Tango🌀

    Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    - A Cantonese podcast designed for children aged 6-12

    - Themed stories, world trivia, story theater, IQ questions, kids' creations sharing

    - Learn Cantonese subtly, enhance listening skills, and expand Cantonese vocabulary!

    - Updates every other Thursday

    💬 Do kids have something to share after listening? Feel free to leave a voice message


    ⭐️ If you like our show, please support us by buying legal music, sound effects, and creative resources to help us continue promoting Cantonese: https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 This podcast is created by volunteers from the global Cantonese community, dedicated to producing diverse and child-friendly content.

    😉 Cooperation, please email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango

    Facebook: @muggle.tingo.tango

  • Cantonese Podcast for Kids (Scroll down for English)乜東東 EP 5




    謎語叮叮 Doris Lai

    世界隨意門報導員 故事燕子

    飛機小劇場 -

    Uncle Wisdom 飾演 飛機師阿 Paul

    故事燕子 飾演 第一次搭飛機嘅 Mary

    Ywing 姨姨 飾演 空姐


    劇本、文章編寫、剪接 : 故事燕子

    特別鳴謝 澳洲 Adelaide 嘅皇帝叔叔 分享飛行知識、

    同埋芬蘭嘅 Isabel 提供對白意見

    —🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀Cantonese Podcast for Kids~為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast~專題故仔、世界趣聞、故事劇場、IQ題、小製作人投稿分享~用潛移默化方式學廣東話, 提升聆聽能力, 增加廣東話詞彙! 隔週四更新--💬 小朋友聽完有嘢想分享嗎?歡迎錄音留言:https://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango🌎 本節目義工來自全世界嘅廣東話社群,致力製作多元化且適合兒童收聽嘅內容。😉 其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]—-Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tangoFacebook: 乜東東~豎起耳仔窿----Cantonese Podcast for Kids Muggle - Tingo-Tango 乜東東 EP 5【IQ Riddle】How do stars avoid fireworks?

    【Airplane Story Theater】No roads in the sky—can airplanes fly off course?

    【World Curiosities】How Smart Were T-Rexes|Cooling Off at the Zoo|Duckling Lunch SquadVoice Team:Riddle Ding Ding - Doris LaiWorld Curiosities Reporter - Story Swallow[Airplane Story Theater]Uncle Wisdom as Pilot Paul

    Story Swallow as First-Time Flyer Mary

    Auntie Ywing as Flight Attendant

    Research: Little Frog from Scotland and Story SwallowScriptwriting, Writer, Clip Editing: Story Swallow

    Special Thanks to Uncle King in Adelaide, Australia for sharing flight knowledge, and Isabel in Finland for providing script suggestions--🌀 Muggle-Tingo-Tango🌀Cantonese Podcast for Kids- A Cantonese podcast designed for children aged 6-12- Themed stories, world trivia, story theater, IQ questions, kids' creations sharing- Learn Cantonese subtly, enhance listening skills, and expand Cantonese vocabulary!- Updates every other Thursday💬 Do kids have something to share after listening? Feel free to leave a voice messagehttps://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow⭐️ If you like our show, please support us by buying legal music, sound effects, and creative resources to help us continue promoting Cantonese: https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango🌎 This podcast is created by volunteers from the global Cantonese community, dedicated to producing diverse and child-friendly content.😉 Cooperation, please email: [email protected]: @muggle.tingo.tangoFacebook: @muggle.tingo.tango

  • Cantonese Podcast for Kids (Scroll down for English)乜東東 EP 400:18【考考你】IQ題:睇唔到,摸得到;摸唔到,就嚇親人?00:43【小王子學廣東話】「有乜依郁」08:01【世界隨意門】太空垃圾太多了|石中寶劍神秘失蹤?聲音團隊:謎語叮叮 Doris Lai世界隨意門報導員 故事燕子嘰哩咕嚕救星球 Johnxon 哥哥 飾演 嘰哩咕嚕王子 同 電腦 故事燕子 飾演 旁白 同 小朋友阿奇雪糕姐姐 Irene Leung 飾演 阿奇媽媽、賣爆谷姨姨Sadie 飾演 睇消防員嘅靚女、粥店阿姐企鵝先生 飾演 捉棋伯伯節目資料搜集:故事燕子、企鵝先生故事及文章編寫、剪接 : 故事燕子—🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀Cantonese Podcast for Kids~為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast~專題故仔、世界趣聞、故事劇場、IQ題、小製作人投稿分享~用潛移默化方式學廣東話, 提升聆聽能力, 增加廣東話詞彙! 隔週四更新--💬 小朋友聽完有嘢想分享嗎?歡迎錄音留言:https://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango🌎 本節目義工來自全世界嘅廣東話社群,致力製作多元化且適合兒童收聽嘅內容。😉 其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]—-Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tangoFacebook: 乜東東~豎起耳仔窿----Cantonese Podcast for Kids Muggle - Tingo-Tango 乜東東 EP 4[IQ Test][Little Princess learn Cantonese] 有乜依郁[Knock Knock! The World ] Too Much Space rubbish ! | The sword in the stone mysteriously disappearsVoice Team:Riddle Ding Ding - Doris LaiWorld Anywhere Door Reporter - Story Swallow[Little Princess learn Cantonese]Johnxon - Little Princess and ComputerStory Swallown - Narrator and Kid (ar Ki)Irene Leung - Ki's mother and Pop-corn salespersonSadie - Pretty lady watching fireman, Auntie in Porridge restaurant Mr. Penguin - Uncle playing ChessResearch: Mr. Penguin and Story SwallowAuthor, Clip Editing: Story Swallow--🌀 Muggle-Tingo-Tango🌀Cantonese Podcast for Kids- A Cantonese podcast designed for children aged 6-12- Themed stories, world trivia, story theater, IQ questions, kids' creations sharing- Learn Cantonese subtly, enhance listening skills, and expand Cantonese vocabulary!- Updates every other Thursday💬 Do kids have something to share after listening? Feel free to leave a voice messagehttps://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow⭐️ If you like our show, please support us by buying legal music, sound effects, and creative resources to help us continue promoting Cantonese: https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango🌎 This podcast is created by volunteers from the global Cantonese community, dedicated to producing diverse and child-friendly content.😉 Cooperation, please email: [email protected]: @muggle.tingo.tangoFacebook: @muggle.tingo.tango

  • Cantonese Podcast for Kids

    乜東東 EP 3
    【弊傢伙! 個太陽唔見咗】原創故事: 點解動物會分散世界各地?
    【世界隨意門 - 巴黎奧運特別篇】奧運三胞胎?! | 邊個係開心大使呢? | 去唔到巴黎都可以玩奧運Bingo | 投稿分享

    奧運吉祥物 Poster :https://x.com/Paris2024/status/1620503179845664768/photo/1

    謎語叮叮 Doris Lai
    世界隨意門報導員 故事燕子

    〈弊傢伙! 個太陽唔見咗〉
    故事姐姐 Sadie 同時 飾演企鵝同袋鼠
    故事燕子 飾演 烏龜 同 河馬
    特別鳴謝芬蘭嘅 Hani 一齊答問題


    🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀
    Cantonese Podcast for Kids
    ~為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast
    ~用潛移默化方式學廣東話, 提升聆聽能力, 增加廣東話詞彙!

    💬 小朋友聽完有嘢想分享嗎?歡迎錄音留言:https://www.speakpipe.com/Storyswallow

    ⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango

    🌎 本節目義工來自全世界嘅廣東話社群,致力製作多元化且適合兒童收聽嘅內容。

    😉 其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]

    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango
    Facebook: 乜東東~豎起耳仔窿

  • 【考考你】IQ題: 着咩識飛呢

    謎語叮叮 Doris Lai
    動物大胃王奇趣之旅:領隊 Johnxon 哥哥
    世界隨意門報導員 故事燕子
    🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀
    為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast
    ⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango
    Instagram 或者 Email send 俾我哋~ 

    其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]

    Instagram: @muggle.tingo.tango
    Facebook: 乜東東~豎起耳仔窿

  • 乜東東 EP 1

    【考考你】IQ題: L瞓底咗會變做乜嘢?




    ⚠️ 更正公告「鐘意煲電話粥嘅鸚鵡」是由「英國蘇格蘭」格拉斯哥大學和美國東北大學共同研究。感謝聽眾指正🙏🏻看看鸚鵡傾 Video Call~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKKdXL2p96I

    🙋🏻 小朋友聽完有嘢想分享嗎?歡迎錄音或影相,DM 我們~

    🎙 聲音團隊:

    謎語叮叮 Doris Lai

    世界隨意門報導員 故事燕子

    龍舟小劇場 :

    雪糕姐姐 Irene Leung 飾演 小朋友,

    Johxon 哥哥 飾演 舅父仔 ;

    故事燕子 飾演 媽媽



    🌀 乜東東.豎起耳仔窿 🌀

    🔆 為 6-12歲小朋友而設嘅廣東話 Podcast

    🔆 專題故仔、世界趣聞、故事劇場、IQ題、小製作人投稿分享

    🔆 隔週四更新

    ⭐️ 如果你鐘意我哋嘅節目,請贊助我哋購買合法嘅音樂、音效素材,同創作的資源,幫助我哋持續推廣廣東話! https://buymeacoffee.com/muggle.tingo.tango


    其他意見及合作,請電郵台長信箱:[email protected]


    記得追蹤乜東東 Instagram 同埋 Facebook 專頁, 更多節目內容或者預告啦