The 2025 AI Summit was just closed in Paris. A declaration on “inclusive and sustainable” AI has been signed by over 60 countries, including China, Singapore and Australia.
No matter if you are a big fan of this declaration or the new U-turn to deregulate the AI development, including the recent revocation of the Biden E.O. 14110. You may be curious about where we are on AI governance in the APAC region. In this episode, we have invited our AI technology legal friend, James, who is based in Australia, to share our observations across China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia.
Part One: Share AI experience and journey;
15:00 - Part Two: What is the scope of "AI technology" and its impact?
21:00 - Part Three: Different approaches of AI governance and what to expect in 2025?
这一集是为了庆祝1月28日“国际数据隐私保护日”。 我们将讨论数据隐私如何影响着每个人的日常生活,以及为什么数据隐私在数字时代显得日益重要。
It is a special episode to celebrate the international data privacy day on 28 January 2025. We will discuss how data privacy is affecting our daily life, why we think data privacy is getting important for everyone in the digital era.
Manglende episoder?
两位主播将在第一集节目中分享各自的“数据合规”入行路径, 给想入行的同学们提供第一手的经验及资源。