
  • Join me as I explore the discomfort that accompanies unexpressed potential and how it can manifest as mental suffering, and how I work through it back to hope, faith, and action.

    It is a core belief of mine that it is never too late to unlock the remarkable potential within you and pursue a course towards a fulfilling existence. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

    Editor's Favorite Quotes:

    “I believe deep down inside of us, we all have the awareness of the capacity for what we can accomplish in this lifetime and what we desire on the deepest level” “Your potential grows with you” “This pain is a positive thing” “The pain comes from a part of you that is not willing to give up” “That part of you can actually help you get closer to what you want and get closer to who you’re meant to be” “The first step is to stop looking outside of yourself for why it’s not possible for you” “Stop blaming your past and your present day circumstances” “30 is older, but it’s still really young” “I’m making a conscious decision to continue to pursue my passions fiercely” “Remembering that progress towards your goals, progress towards your vision, is insanely better than being stagnant” “Nothing is worse than doing nothing”
  • In this deeply personal episode, I open up about my ongoing journey with body image and the challenges of putting myself out there in the online world. I delve into the impact that my relationship with my body has had on various aspects of my life, exploring the interconnectedness of self-esteem, relationships, and personal fulfillment.

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  • On this episode, I share how neglecting and carrying shame around certain parts of who we are can block us from our own blessings. I recount my experience sitting with my teenage self and share what I learned from hearing what she has to say to me today.

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    Editor's Favorite Quotes:

    “The version of me - that I’m in the process of loving” “The version of you that you “hate” still had the same potential that you have today, and still had the gifts that you have today on some level. That version of you was still wise on some level and still worthy of love.” “It’s my job now to see myself for who I truly was” “Life feels much better when I bring her with me” “Explore the version of you that you “hate” and entertain the idea that that version of you also deserved love, and was also worthy”
  • On this episode I share the transformative journey of building my authentic personal brand on social media. Listen to hear strategic steps I took, challenges I overcame, and mindset shifts that propelled me to pursue my dreams of working for myself & doing what I love full-time.


    Editor's Favorite Quotes:

    “Embracing yourself for who your are, is the best thing to do to attract the audience you need”

    “My entire philosophy that putting yourself out there and having this resource where you can share yourself, your unique gifts, your unique talents, your voice, you actually have no idea what doors it’s going to open!”

    “Making content is the easiest part of making content”

    “You don’t give up on who you are no matter what”

    “I’ve always and consistently chosen to be in alignment with my values”

    “The more you’re able to embrace who you really are (offline of course, first) the more you’re able to share that, the more likely you’re going to attract the people who need you most”

  • On this episode of the podcast, I share my tips and advice on how to set powerful goals that will set you up for success in the new year.



    New Year Energy đŸȘ© Editor's Favorite Quotes:

    “It’s important to live in the present but our relationship to the future really does matter”

    “We need a mountain to climb for a healthy life” đŸ”ïž

    “The safety that I needed to thrive, and build and grow”

    “My main theme for 2024 is do hard things and do them consistently”

    “How important it is in life, to make boring, right choices, consistently”

    “Momentum builds momentum!”

    “We can choose to bring the magic to things, to see the magic in things and experience that magic” đŸȘ„

  • On this episode of the podcast, I share my journey of coming back to feeling like myself after a period of confusion and uncertainty. I share the simple and profound advice I received from my therapist, mentors, and peers that helped me regain a sense of peace and clarity. This episode is meant to serve as a source of hope and guidance for anyone feeling lost and disconnected from who they know they are.


    Editors Favorite Quotes:

    “I’m not defining losing yourself as a bad thing” “In this transformation we’re (almost) being reborn” “Stagnant energy feeds over-thinking without any place to release it and move it” “Coming back to yourself : I don’t think that we ever can define ourself as a specific version of ourself and the attachment to certain versions of ourselves can be what holds us back”“A healthy ego is a healthy sense of identity and self” “Bringing back the awareness that we have chosen things, brings us a lot of peace” “By taking care of my basic needs no matter what, prioritizing them and watering those plants consistently, I am creating that home inside of me” đŸ€


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  • In this episode I share how reading the book "Many Lives, Many Masters" made an impact on the way I see my life and the world. In the book, a psychiatrist has an unexpected spiritual awakening that introduces him to the soul's journey of reincarnation. This book shifted the way I see everything in my life and how I relate to the current events that have been affecting us all dramatically. I hope it can give you the same sense of relief that I desperately needed when reading it.

    Editor's Favorite Quotes:“Reconnecting to the light to the light during a very dark time - to remember how we do this”
    “These dark times really put everything on pause and really change the way you see the world and that’s not necessarily a bad thing”
    “Can you see past the things that make you feel different or divided or separate from certain types of people?”
    “Dismantling the us VS them mentality”
    “There are people who carry light and love in their hearts and in their souls, in all different shapes, colors, sizes, forms, religions, backgrounds and cultures”
    “Having deep acceptance of things as is (as they are)”
    “We all have a mission and we all have a purpose here”
    “We are all rowing the same boat”
    “Do not spend time with people who have the same level of frequency as you 
 be with people who need you, and help them learn”



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  • In this episode I share my thoughts and feelings closing a chapter of living in Greece for the past 8 months. I share lessons I've learned, things I loved most about living in Greece & where I'm headed next!!!

    Editor's Favorite Quotes:

    “There will be moments when you feel the reward and there will be moments where you really get to meet new and evolved versions of yourself.” “If Israel is the home for my soul, then Greece definitely has my heart" “To me, simple living means minimizing the list of things you need in order to be content and at peace, as much as possible.” “Keeping things simple for your own peace and the freedom that comes with being a simple person.” “Come back to the simplicity of who we are and the simple conditions we need to actually enjoy ourselves and thrive and have beautiful experiences” “It doesn’t take much for me to genuinely feel fulfilled and to be able to enjoy my life.” “Just because something doesn’t feel good doesn’t mean it’s not serving me.” “Where I see green and an open sky, that’s my luxury!”


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  • In this episode I share how I balance the need to show up consistently and stay true to my authentic flow.

    Editor's Favorite Quotes:

    “I say what speaks true to me.” “Everything that I share stems from a deeper intention first.” “Share your voice. Your unique opinions and interpretation of things based on your life story.” “Honor your flow of creativity, honor the pace at which you feel good creating, honor who you are as a person and grow gradually and s l o w l y over time.” 🌿 “The food that cooks the longest tastes the best!” -your safta “I value staying consistent and it’s not always going to feel exciting and energizing and aligned or whatever feeling we’re searching for, that we call authenticity.” “And reminding yourself that it’s not for other people, but to do it from a place of personal decision and personal freedom.” “The seed sprouted and now it’s your job to water it and watch it grow.” đŸȘŽ “There will be so much to gain as time passes
 and that time is going to pass anyway so you might as well do the best you can


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  • On this episode of the podcast I share some of my personal beliefs on how to attract & experience true love.



    Editor's Favorite Quotes:

    “Love has no rules. There’s no strategy for love. It’s not something that someone else can define for you or explain to you how and when” “It was so overwhelming, and it cracked my heart open. The experience of loving this person, and being loved by this person was probably one of the most transformational experiences of my life.” “I’ve lost myself in relationships, I’ve grown in relationships and found myself in relationships again” “True love overrides anything you could have made up in your mind. Period.” “Being in a healthy partnership, being in a partnership with someone who is reflecting back to me, the most loving and admirable parts of who I am has been essential in my self love journey.” “The dance of a relationship is really the dance with the self through the form of another human” “All love is vulnerable” “Love teaches us lessons and love helps us grow and love nourishes us and love is such a beautiful, magical part of life if you can let yourself experience it for what it is now.” “Let go of the rules , let go of the ideas, let go of the type, notice the fear, and dive, jump, take the leap to open your heart , to have faith , to believe , to know.”

    Become a Paid Subscriber: ⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lifebytaylor222/subscribe⁠⁠

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    On this episode of the podcast I share how to find out what you truly want.

    Editor's Favorite Quotes: “You don’t have to believe in the concept or the context to receive divine messages - and that can ring true for you” “as soon as I admitted that I am not fully sure I know what I want, but I am ready to be open to explore and find out. Clarity came to me” “I can see how all of my intentions are blending together and I’m coming up with all these new ideas." “Your intentions really drive forth your reality, but your intentions are much more abstract than anything you can come up with mentally for what your reality is ‘supposed to look like'" “And keeping the intention of being a light in this world, at the core of everything I do.” "How to know what you truly want is less about getting clear on what you want physically in the physical world, in this limited reality and, get clear on the deeper intention, the deeper feeling you want and go out into the world and let it take the form it needs to take because once you have the peace, once you have the love, once you have the security, you don’t care what house it comes in. You don’t care what form it takes because you genuinely got what you really wanted!” “Let go of needing to define what you want in words and start to embrace what you want in feeling.”

  • On this episode of the podcast I share one the biggest and most transformational paradigm shifts I've experienced on my spiritual journey so far.

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    Editor's favorite quotes:

    “The ocean is better for you, the ocean is bigger, the ocean is more abundant and it’s where you belong
and I feel like the ocean is scary.” 🌊 “To me that freedom is synonymous with embracing and surrendering to the power of love.” đŸ€ “Letting go of a life built on a foundation of fear. And trusting that love will be there for me.” “Life is all about building and dismantling identities. Growing and evolving and questioning and changing. This is a muscle that needs to be built!” 🌿 “Allowing myself to explore who I am when I don’t have this narrative anymore” “Every single one of us is carrying a list. A list of reasons why” “Surrender
 even for a few seconds” “I’m walking this path of fear but I’m walking it with faith that what is true can not be threatened. Love is the only thing that is real.”

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  • In this episode I share some of how I'm feeling after my first live event and added the audio from the live event itself for everyone who missed it!

    Editor's Favorite Quotes:

    “ I’m proud of myself, and that’s not an easy thing to say out loud to own but I keep coming back to the fact that I’m proud of myself.”

    “ first of all, it’s a reminder to myself, and also to remind you that stepping into the arena of life, that being vulnerable with your life, being courageous with your life, being brave, is more important than the outcome.”

    “I succeeded in my effort to try.”

    “You have to believe like your life depends on it. Because it does.”

    “Your dreams are not random, you were born with them for a reason.”

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  • In this episode, I'm going to share my personal story of how I overcame my own fears and doubts before pursuing my biggest dream of speaking to live audiences. I'll be sharing some tips and tricks that helped me overcome my own fears and doubts. You'll hear practical advice on how to reframe your negative thoughts, build your self-confidence, and stay motivated on the path to achieving your dreams.

    Editor's Favorite Quotes:

    “Sharing the content of my heart and soul”

    “It’s okay to feel it [quitting]

    and it’s okay to think it but it’s not okay to act on it”

    “To start showing up as myself consistently, no matter who is in front of me, no matter what room I am standing in”

    “I want to remind you that, whatever your biggest dreams are they start with small steps!”

    “I have to give myself permission to go after these dreams”

    “Always honor and remember the courage it took you to take this first step” 👣

    “This podcast has been the living proof of what happens when I speak the content of my soul and my heart”

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  • On this episode of the podcast I talk about the power of owning and speaking your truth. If you feel stuck, blocked and uninspired, this episode will give you the tools and guidance you feel energized and realigned.

    On this episode of the podcast I share some of the deep reasons why we resist and even fear our own light.


    Editor's favorite quotes:

    “The truth does not change just because you’re not looking at it.” “To live in alignment with truth is to live in alignment with Gd” “We lose nothing when we recommit to that. Anything we lose when we commit truth is not rooted and truth to begin with, and we have to accept that, and let go and be brave enough to speak our truth, and let whatever doesn’t align with that truth, fade away.” “Living in alignment with truth is really being honest on a day to day basis.” “If people can’t handle your truth then they can’t handle you, and that’s okay.”

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  • On this episode of the podcast I share some of the deep reasons why we resist and even fear our own light.

    Editor's favorite quotes:

    “You are a child of god it is your birthright to feel good and to step into your full power”

    “You are fully whole on the deepest truest level, that light is already inside of you.”

    “As soon as you start being conditional with the truth that is not truth.”

    “ I can step into my greatness today”

    “We’re either all worthy of light or none of us are”

    “Sit with your light daily. You deserve it”

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    Become a Paid Subscriber: ⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lifebytaylor222/subscribe⁠

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    On this episode of the podcast I share ways to change your relationship with the concept of "the future" in your mind. 

    This episode is for you if: 

    - You are stressed and fearful about the future

    - You have a hard time enjoying the present fully 

    - You're constantly worrying about the worst case scenario vs. best case scenario 

    Try The Othership Breathwork app! 

    Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lifebytaylor222/subscribe

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    Intro music: (https://soundcloud.com/heykwarb)

  • Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lifebytaylor222/subscribe

    On this podcast episode I share a major breakthrough I had regarding my own personal balance between discipline and freedom. This podcast is for you if you: 

    - Struggle with creating structure and discipline in your daily life

    - Experience chronic procrastination and constant resistance to getting things done 

    - Have a hard time practicing self-discipline when it comes to things you genuinely want to do 

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    Try The Othership Breathwork app! 

    Intro music: (https://soundcloud.com/heykwarb)


    On this episode I share one of the biggest lessons I've been learning lately.

    This episode is for you if you:

    - Feel lost or stuck in life and don't know what to do in life 

    - Feel like the fear of looking stupid is holding you back 

    - Have a hard time making decisions


    Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lifebytaylor222/subscribe

    On this episode I share three of the biggest lies are ego tells us that get in the way of our ability to live fully. 

    This episode is for you if you: 

    - Have a hard time believing you can experience radical change 

    - Procrastinate showing up and sharing your unique gifts with the world 

    - Struggle with imposter syndrome or feel you're not advanced/special enough to be seen


    Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lifebytaylor222/subscribe