
  • "For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it— the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe." Romans 3:20-22


    Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and develop a deeper relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

    To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to coe22.com

  • Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and deepen your relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week.

    Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

    To learn more about how God is moving at Eleven22, visit coe22.com.

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  • Together with Pastor Jonathan Vinke and Kyle Thompson from Undaunted.Life, Pastor Joby and our guest pastors take a deep dive into what God is doing during Saturated. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas. To learn more about how God is moving at Eleven22, visit coe22.com.

  • Together with Pastor Jonathan Vinke and Kyle Thompson from Undaunted.Life, Pastor Joby and our guest pastors take a deep dive into what God is doing during Saturated. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas. To learn more about how God is moving at Eleven22, visit coe22.com.

  • Together with Pastor Jonathan Vinke and Kyle Thompson from Undaunted.Life, Pastor Joby and our guest pastors take a deep dive into what God is doing during Saturated. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas. To learn more about how God is moving at Eleven22, visit coe22.com.

  • Together with Pastor Jonathan Vinke and Kyle Thompson from Undaunted.Life, Pastor Joby and our guest pastors take a deep dive into what God is doing during Saturated. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas. To learn more about how God is moving at Eleven22, visit coe22.com.

  • Sharing the gospel is an urgent mission. One of the ways we do that, is through preaching. Whereas teaching is sharing information, preaching is sharing information for transformation. In this episode of the Deepen podcast, Pastor Joby is joined by Pastor Ryan Britt and Pastor Jonathan Vinke to unpack the act of worship that preaching is.


    Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and develop a deeper relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

    To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to coe22.com

  • In this episode, Pastor Joby Martin, Pastor Ryan Britt, and Pastor Jonathan Vinke dig into what our prayer lives should look like. Prayer is warfare and how we directly communicate with God in our spiritual battle with the enemy.

    "praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints." Ephesians 6:18


    Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and develop a deeper relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

    To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to coe22.com

  • Temptation is tempting. But scripture holds so much value when it comes to playing offense against the enemy and fighting back against his whispers. In this episode of the Deepen podcast, Pastor Joby is joined by Pastor Jonathan Vinke and Caitlin Armstrong to discuss why and how to fight against temptation.


    Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and develop a deeper relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

    To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to coe22.com

  • Why a helmet when it comes to the helmet of salvation? Because helmets go over our head- where the thoughts and whispers of the devil live. In this episode, Pastor Joby Martin, Pastor Ryan Britt, Pastor Jonathan Vinke and Charles Martin dig into what it looks like to take every doubt and thought captive.


    Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and develop a deeper relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

    To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to coe22.com

  • The question isn’t if you have faith. The question is, who is your faith in? In this episode of Deepen, Pastor Jonathan Vinke, Pastor Ryan Britt and Charles Martin, dig deeper into what it looks like to protect yourself from the enemy’s attack with the shield of faith.


    Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and develop a deeper relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

    To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to coe22.com

  • Have you ever been in the snow with the wrong shoes on? Maybe a construction site with flip flops? The wrong shoes can make any circumstance more difficult. In this episode of Deepen, Pastor Joby, Pastor Ryan Britt and Pastor Jonathan Vinke dig deeper into putting on the Shoes of Peace and why we must prepare for war.


    Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and develop a deeper relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week. Our prayer is that these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

    To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to coe22.com

  • When it comes to war, guarding your heart is key. In this episode of Deepen, Pastor Joby Martin, Pastor Ryan Britt and Pastor Jonathan Vink delve into the concept of imputed righteousness, exploring how this theological doctrine asserts that righteousness is credited to believers through faith rather than personal merit. They unravel its significance, implications and impact on the understanding of salvation and grace in Christian faith.

    Pastor Ray Cortese’s 2016 Saturated teaching: Saturated 2016 - Thursday: Pastor Ray Cortese

    Alistair Begg: The Power and Message of the Cross


    Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and develop a deeper relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week. Our prayer is that these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

    To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to coe22.com

  • We are in a spiritual war. But before we fight, we must be wrapped in truth against the enemy, who is a liar.

    In this episode of Deepen, Pastor Joby, Pastor Ryan Britt and Ali Parsons dig deeper into how aligning truth with Christ is the first step of going to battle.


    Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and develop a deeper relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week. Our prayer is that these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

    To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to coe22.com

  • Satan is real, but he’s also predictable. He is an incredible liar and manipulator, but he is not all-knowing or all powerful. In this episode of Deepen, Pastor Joby, Pastor Jonathan Vinke and Pastor Ryan Britt, dig deeper into Ephesians 6:10-13 and who exactly is our enemy that we're at war with.


    Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and develop a deeper relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

    To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to coe22.com

  • Following Jesus, while simultaneously a gift, inherently comes with responsibility. In this episode of Deepen, Pastor Joby, Pastor Jonathan Vinke and Pastor Ryan Britt, dig deeper into Galatians 6:1-10 and the practical instructions Paul gives in the end of his letter to Galatia.


    Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and develop a deeper relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

    To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to coe22.com

  • What we boast in indicates where we find our motivation, identity, and security. Are you boasting in Christ or yourself? In this episode of Deepen, Pastor Joby, Pastor Jonathan Vinke and Caitlin Armstrong, dig deeper into Galatians 6:11-18 and what Paul meant when he said, "But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world."


    Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and develop a deeper relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

    To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to coe22.com

  • Walk is a very simple yet deeply relational term. To walk with the spirit, we must take it one step at a time. In this episode of Deepen, Pastor Joby, Pastor Jonathan Vinke and Caitlin Armstrong, dig deeper into Galatians 5:7-26 and the concept of breaking free from sin in our walk with Jesus.


    Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and develop a deeper relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas. To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to coe22.com

  • True freedom is not found in doing whatever you want to do. True freedom is found in submission to an ultimate authority- God. The ultimate authority that is always good, loves you and wants what is best for you.

    In this episode of Deepen, Pastor Joby, Pastor Jonathan Vinke and Pastor Matt Carter, dig deeper into Galatians 5:1-15 and unpack what Paul meant when he said, "For freedom Christ has set us free."


    Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and develop a deeper relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

    To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to coe22.com

  • In this episode of Deepen, Pastor Joby, Pastor Jonathan Vinke and Caitlin Armstrong, dig deeper into what Paul meant when he said "But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more?” in Galatians 4:9. If we are saved and set free, why do we not act like it?


    Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into a message and develop a deeper relationship with God? Together with special guests, Pastor Joby Martin takes a deep dive into the sermon each week. Our prayer is these conversations help to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

    To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to coe22.com