
  • Ajahn Dhammasiha compares spiritual practice and meditation with the task of cleaning to show how they are related to each other.

    By the way, we’ve got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


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  • Ajahn Dhammasiha explains about the various benefits of developing Metta (loving-kindness), especially to motivate ourselves.

    By the way, we’ve got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


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  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Sañña, usually translated as perception, is one of the 5 Aggregates (Khandha), one of the central teachings of the Buddha. Learn more about the meaning of the Pali word and how it relates to the origination and cessation of suffering.

    By the way, we’ve got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


    Our Podcast is also available on our own Dhammagiri Website, no need for any special app, just listen in any browser:


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  • What does it really mean "to take refuge in Sangha"?What if a very senior monk disrobes, how can we protect our mind from losing faith in such situations?Ajahn Dhammasiha points out that our refuge in terms of Sangha is:"...Yadidaṃ cattāri purisayugani, aṭṭha purisapuggala - Esa Bhagavato Sāvakasangho..."...Namely the four pairs of persons, the eight kind of individuals - THESE are the Sangha of the Exalted One's disciples..."In the strict definition given by the Buddha himself, 'Sangha' as refuge is NOT the ordained sangha of monks and nuns, but it is only those who have realized one of the stages of awakening, whether lay or ordained.If we keep that in mind, and direct our faith not to just to individual monks or nuns, but to the community of those who have realized the Dhamma, our faith will not be shaken if an individual monk or nun disrobes or acts in uninspiring ways.Naturally, as we can't know who truly has realized stages of awakening, there is a tendency to regard the ordained sangha as a symbol for the community of awakened disciples, as we can actually recognize monks and nuns easily by their wearing robes, and our faith likes to have something visible and concrete to latch on. There is nothing wrong in that, especially as so many Arahants and noble disciples have been part of the ordained sangha.But even so, we should be mindful to direct our faith to the WHOLE sangha, the complete sangha of the four quarters and the three time periods, rather than only to individual monks or nuns who we feel personal affection for. Again, this will protect our faith from crumbling in case a monk or nun we like does not meet our expectations.

  • A Dhammatalk by Ajahn Dhammasiha about the numerous benefits of associating with people who have noble qualities and realized awakening.

    By the way, we’ve got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


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  • Guided Meditation and Question & Answer session at Dhammagiri with Ajahn Vajiro, currently abbot of Sumedharama monastery in Portugal on Sunday, 25th February.

    Ajahn Vajiro first gives a short guided meditation. In the session afterwards he is answering questions on the topics of the meaning of the Ovāda Pātimokkha & Mangala Sutta, about Silence & Space and about clinging to views & opinions.

    By the way, we’ve got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


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  • On occasion of Visākhā Pūjā, Ajahn Dhammasiha relates the events leading up to the Buddha's Supreme Awakening under the Bodhi Tree.

    Initially, the Bodhisatta practised extreme austerities in the believe that only through pain one can eradicate desire and attain perfect release. He fasted and tortured his own body until he almost died.

    When he collapsed, the Bodhisatta fortunately remembered how he had attained Samādhi (the first Jhāna) as a little child, sitting in the shade of a Roseapple tree. The insight occurred to him that the happiness of Jhāna is not be be feared of avoided, as it is utterly seperated from sensuality or unwholesome states. He realized that the wholesom, spiritual rapture and bliss of Samādhi is not an obstruction to awakening, but actually an essential part of the path.

    Eating and regaining his strength, he found a suitable location for developing samādhi, and after attaining the various jhānas, he sat down under the Bodhi Tree with the famous resolution:

    "Even if my blood and flesh completely dry out until only skin, sinews and bones remain; I will not break this posture unless I have attained complete freedom from suffering!"




  • During his visit at Dhammagiri, Ajahn Vajiro responds to a question from the audience:

    What's the reason that apparently only so few practitioners actually succeed to attain Nibbana?

    Ven. Ajahn Vajiro was born in Malaysia in 1953 and has been a Buddhist monk for over 40 years.

    In 1979, he met Ajahn Chah and Ajahn Sumedho when they made a visit to Hampstead Vihara in Oakenholt, England. He received higher ordination from Ajahn Chah personally in Thailand in 1980 at Wat Nong Pah Pong.

    After helping with the opening of Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in the UK, he participated in the running of both Harnham Buddhist Monastery and Chithurst Forest Monastery. In 1993 he moved to New Zealand to lead the Bodhinyanarama community in Wellington for five years. Following this he entered a three-year retreat in Australia before returning to Amaravati in 2001.

    In 2012 he moved to Portugal, where he had been closely involved in the establishment of ⁠Sumedharama Buddhist Monastery⁠ near Lisbon, which is where he is now based.Our Podcast is also available on our own Dhammagiri Website, no need for any special app, just listen in any browser:


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  • Before departure to the large gathering of Sangha at Amaravati Ajahn Dhammasiha shares reflections on the importance of Sangha meeting in harmony for the longevity of the Sasana.

    More than 140 monks are expected to gather on occasion of the Acariya Puja for Luang Por Sumedho's 90th birthday.

    Meeting frequently in harmony, conducting business in harmony, and parting in harmony, are the first 3 conditions for non-decline of the Sangha expounded by the Buddha. Luang Por's birthday provides an excellent opportunity to us monks in the tradition of Ajahn Chah to do exactly this.

    Another factor for non-decine is to honour the senior monks, the 'leaders of the herd', as the Buddha described them. Again, our meeting will serve this purpose.

    By the way, we’ve got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


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  • To commence free distribution of our Dhammagiri Tees 2nd batch, Ajahn Dhammasiha goes through the meaning of every symbol and writing on the shirt:

    1. Twelve spoked Dhammacakka (Dhamma Wheel)

    2. Tiratana (Three Jewels)

    with Trident symbolizing Triple Gem Vajira (Diamond/Thunder Bolt) symbolizing the power of wisdom that can cut defilements in the mind, just like a diamond that is harder than any other stone, or like a flach of lighting that can destroy the darkness of delusion Lotus symbolizing the potential to rise above the dirt of the world to a state of total purity 8 Petals of the lotus symbolizing the Noble 8-Fold Path leading to that purity.

    3. Tisaraṇa (Triple Refuge) - The Pali formula of going for refuge to the Triple Gem of Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha. This apparently simple declaration actually has profound implications. If we're truly taking refuge in Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, than we're also endeavoring:

    To keep the 5 Precepts and establish ourselves in Virtue To practise generosity and kindness To develop the Divine Abodes of Loving Kindness, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy & Equanimity To cultivate calm, tranquility, peacefulness and concentration To develop mindfulness, awareness, wisdom, insight, knowledge, understanding.

    By the way, we've got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


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  • Ajahn Dhammasiha responds to a question about the meaning of 'akāliko' (timeless).

    Timelessness is one of the qualities of the Dhamma, as described by the Buddha in the well known formula:

    "Svākkhāto Bhagavatā Dhammo, sandiṭṭhiko, akāliko, ehipassiko, opanayiko, paccattaṃ veditabbo viññūhī'ti" "The Dhamma is well expounded by the exhaulted one, visible here and now, timeless, inviting investigation, practicable, to be experienced for themselves by the wise."

    There are two aspects of 'Timelessness' in regards to the Dhamma:

    Regarding 'Dhamma' as conceptual teaching expressed in words, it's timeless in the sense that it just as valid and applicable now as it was 2,500 years ago at the time of the Buddha, and leading to the same results Regarding 'Dhamma' as the state of freedom, Nibbāna, experienced internally in our heart as the result of liberating insight, it is timeless in the sense that Nibbāna totally transcends time. As there is nothing impermanent in the experience of the Deathless Element, there can't by any 'time'.

    However, even though the supreme timelessness of Nibbāna is not easy to realize, we can get an idea of timelessness already on earlier stages of the path:

    The experience of 'samādhi'/'jhāna' (blissful internal unification of mind; 'concentration') is largely timeless in the sense that there are no changes experienced as long as the state lasts. Someone experiencing 4th jhāna may sit for 12 hours, but on emerging from it, wouldn't know how long it lasted, as there are no changes to measure time in samādhi. They would have to check external clues like a clock or position of the sun to gauge the time passed. However, samādhi can't give us absolute timelessness, as the experince will end once the conditions sustaining it are exhausted

    However, jhāna is also not exactly easy to experience for most. But we can get at least a whiff of timelessness already at a fairly basic level of Dhamma practice: Present Moment Awareness

    If we simply observe whatever phenomenom arises in the present moment, we experience timelessness in the sense that all worries and concerns re past and future drop away. This is usually more than 90% of all our worries. Unless we experience physical pain right here and now, all our suffering tends to be memories of the past, or worries about the future.

    Simply by staying pin-point right here in the presence, we can get a break from most of our suffering in the timeless experience of the here-and-now!

    Our playlists of Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


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  • Ajahn Dhammasiha explains 5 powerful benefits we can receive from the simple ceremony of Taking Refuge in Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha, together with committing to the 5 precepts:

    Taking Refuge reduces anxiety Taking Refuge uplifts our heart and protects us from feeling down and depressed Taking Refuge is an act generating heaps of good karma, if we really mean it and do it wholeheartedly. And the Buddha called good karma a synonym for happiness 😊 Taking Refuge helps us to develop wholesome self esteem. If we have nothing to look up to and revere, we actually feel miserable.That's why people always look for somthing to 'worship', even just celebrities, and sport/movie/pop stars (Taylor, we're looking at you 😉). If we express respect, reverence and devotion to the supreme being, the Buddha, the supreme teaching, the Dhamma, and the supreme community, the enlightened disciples of the Buddha, we feel inspired and respect ourselves In a world of meaningless materialism, we find meaning for our life, we have a purpose, a goal in our life, we strive to avoid evil, do good and purify our mind

    (Naturally, if suffering from anxiety of depressive disorders, it may not be possible to fully cure it by just taking refuge, you may wish to seek help from medical professionals as well.

    However, taking refuge is very powerful to prevent the mind from mild anxiety or depression developing into serious health conditions preventatively, and to support any comprehensive treatment plan for those who already suffer from a major disorder)

    By the way, we've got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


    Our Podcast is also available on our own Dhammagiri Website, no need for any special app, just listen in any browser:


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  • Ajahn Dhammasiha responds to a question how we can develop gratitude methodically.

    Being grateful (Kataññū Katavedī) has been praised by the Buddha as belonging entirely to the sphere of a truly good person. However, he also pointed out that it is a rather rare character trait.

    Gratitude may not always come naturally, so we have to make a deliberate effort to develop that character trait.

    For example, we can start doing Buddha Pujas with an emphasis on a feeling of gratitude to the Buddha for pointing out the way leading to the end of all suffering.

    Another good exercise is simply writing down a list of all the things we have received in our life from others that were beneficial and helpful to us.

    Of course, we could just as well keep a list of all bad things we had to endure. Both lists are 'objectively' valid.

    But how does it make us feel to dwell on them?

    How do we feel after thinking for an hour about anything bad anyone may have done to us?

    How do we feel after thinking for an hour about all the good we have received?

    Simply doing that much will show us how much more enjoyable, emotionally uplifting, and leading to a sense of contentment it is to dwell on the 'gratitude list', rather than the 'complaints' list 😊

    Ajahn also responds to a question about the meaning of 'timeless' as an epithet of the Dhamma.

    Like when we chant the fundamental qualities of the Dhamma:

    "The Dhamma has been well expounded by the Exalted One, visible here and now, 'TIMELESS'..."

    By the way, we've got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


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  • This is the ceremony of taking refuge in the Triple Gem of Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, followed by taking of the FIVE precepts.

    We do this ceremony at Dhammagiri:

    Every Saturday morning 07.30 am On the Sundays closest to the full moon at 09.00 am

    Requesting Triple Refuge & FIVE Precepts

    Mayaṃ Bhante, tisaraṇena saha pañca-sīlāni yācāma.

    Dutiyampi, mayaṃ Bhante tisaraṇena saha pañca-sīlāni yācāma.

    Tatiyampi, Mayaṃ Bhante tisaraṇena saha pañca-sīlāni yācāma.

    (English trsl., not chanted during session:

    "Venerable Sir,

    we request the Triple Refuge

    together with the 5 precepts.

    For the second time...

    For the third time...")

    Homage to the Buddha Recited by Monk 3x

    Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa!

    Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa!

    Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa!

    Homage to the Buddha Repeated by Laity 3x

    Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa!

    Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa!

    Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa!

    (English translation, not chanted during session:

    "Homage to the Exhaulted, Noble, and perfectly enlightened one!" 3x)

    Taking Refuge in Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha 3x

    (recited line by line by monk, and repeated line by line by laity)

    Buddhāṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Sanghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Dutiyampi Buddhāṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Dutiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Dutiyampi Sanghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Tatiyampi Buddhāṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Tatiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Tatiyampi Sanghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    (English translation, not chanted during session:

    "I take refuge in the Buddha.

    I take refuge in the Dhamma.

    I take refuge in the Sangha

    For the second time, I take refuge...

    For the third time, I take refuge...")

    Taking the 5 Precepts

    (recited line by line by monk, and repeated line by line by laity)

    Pāṇātipātā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi Adinnādānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi Kāmesu micchācārā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi Musāvādā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi Surā-meraya-majja-pamādaṭṭhānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi

    (English translation, not chanted during session:

    "I undertake the training to abstain from killing any living beings. ... to abstain from stealing. ... to abstain from sensual misconduct. ... to abstain from lying. ... to abstain from alcohol or any other drugs that cause intoxication and heedlessnes.")

    Monk Recites Blessing

    Imāni pañca-sikkhāpadāni

    sīlena sugatiṃ yanti,

    sīlena bhogasampadā,

    sīlena nibbutiṃ yanti -

    tasmā sīlaṃ visodhaye!

    (English translation, not chanted during session:

    These five training steps

    lead through virtue to a good rebirth,

    lead through virtue to the acquisition of wealth,

    lead through virtue to the extinction of suffering -

    therefore, may your purify your virtue!)

    By the way, we've got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


    Our Podcast is also available on our own Dhammagiri Website, no need for any special app, just listen in any browser:


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  • This is the ceremony of taking refuge in the Triple Gem of Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, followed by taking of the EIGHT precepts.

    We do this ceremony at Dhammagiri:

    Every Saturday morning 07.30 am On the Sundays closest to the full moon at 09.00 am

    Requesting Triple Refuge & 8 Precepts

    Mayaṃ Bhante, tisaraṇena saha aṭṭha-sīlāni yācāma.

    Dutiyampi, mayaṃ Bhante tisaraṇena saha aṭṭha-sīlāni yācāma.

    Tatiyampi, Mayaṃ Bhante tisaraṇena saha aṭṭha-sīlāni yācāma.

    (English trsl., not chanted during session:

    "Venerable Sir,

    we request the Triple Refuge

    together with the 8 precepts.

    For the second time...

    For the third time...")

    Homage to the Buddha Recited by Monk 3x

    Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa!

    Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa!

    Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa!

    Homage to the Buddha Repeated by Laity 3x

    Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa!

    Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa!

    Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa!

    (English translation, not chanted during session:

    "Homage to the Exhaulted, Noble, and perfectly enlightened one!" 3x)

    Taking Refuge in Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha 3x

    (recited line by line by monk, and repeated line by line by laity)

    Buddhāṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Sanghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Dutiyampi Buddhāṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Dutiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Dutiyampi Sanghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Tatiyampi Buddhāṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Tatiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    Tatiyampi Sanghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.

    (English translation, not chanted during session:

    "I take refuge in the Buddha.

    I take refuge in the Dhamma.

    I take refuge in the Sangha

    For the second time, I take refuge...

    For the third time, I take refuge...")

    Taking the 8 Precepts

    (recited line by line by monk, and repeated line by line by laity)

    Pāṇātipātā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi Adinnādānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi Abrahmacariyā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi Musāvādā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi Surā-meraya-majja-pamādaṭṭhānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi Vikāla-bhojanā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi Nacca-gīta-vādita-visūkadassanā mālā-gandha-vilepana-dhāraṇa-maṇḍana-vibhūsanaṭṭhānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi Uccā-sayana-mahā-sayanā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi.

    Imāni aṭṭha-sikkhāpadāni samādiyāmi (3x)

    (English translation, not chanted during session:

    "I undertake the training to abstain from killing any living beings. ... to abstain from stealing. ... to abstain from non-celibacy. ... to abstain from lying. ... to abstain from alcohol or any other drugs that cause intoxication and heedlessnes. ... to abstain from eating at the wrong time (= eating only between dawn and solar noon). ... to abstain from dancing, singing, music, entertainments, garlands, perfumes, cosmetics, make-up, jewellery and adornments. ... to abstain from high and luxurious beds or resting places.

    I undertake these eight training steps!")

    Monk Recites Blessing

    Imāni aṭṭha-sikkhāpadāni

    sīlena sugatiṃ yanti,

    sīlena bhogasampadā,

    sīlena nibbutiṃ yanti -

    tasmā sīlaṃ visodhaye!

    (English translation, not chanted during session:

    These eight training steps

    lead through virtue to a good rebirth,

    lead through virtue to the acquisition of wealth,

    lead through virtue to the extinction of suffering -

    therefore, may your purify your virtue!)

    By the way, we've got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


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  • When cultivating bhāvanā (meditation), naturally we have to be mindful of and focussed upon our meditation object; for instance 'Buddho', or the breath, or mettā; and so on...

    However, if we try to exclusively focus only on the meditation object with all we've got, the effort quickly becomes ineffective, or even couterproductive.

    Instead, while meditating, we always have to check out:

    How our mind relates to the meditation object How the mind relates to the process of meditating How the mind feels while meditating What effect meditation has on our mind: Do unwholesome states diminish, and wholesome states grow? Or does whatever I'm doing in my meditation actually cause unbeneficial mindstates to arise?

    In other words, we always have to do Cittānupassanā ('Mindfulness of the Mind') to some extend, even if the primary focus of our meditation is an aspect of the body, or feelings, or some other kammaṭṭhāna (meditation object).

    By the way, we've got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


    Our Podcast is also available on our own Dhammagiri Website, no need for any special app, just listen in any browser:


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  • Ajahn Dhammasiha responds to the question how Karuṇā (Compassion) differs from Mettā (Loving Kindness).

    Compassion is the wish for all beings to be free from pain and suffering in any form.

    Loving Kindness is the wish for all beings to be happy and well.

    Though both belong to the 4 'Divine Abidings' (4 Brahmaviharas), and are closely related, in actual experience they feel quite distinct when developing them:

    Developing compassion retains a stronger awareness of suffering. It can be easier to 'switch' from developing compassion (which is a form of samatha/calmness meditation) to developing insight/vipassana, for example by contemplating the 4 noble truths It may be subjectively easier to generate compassion than mettā in cases when we encounter abject suffering, like someone dying in pain without proper care or similar. It's easier with mettā to get a bit too 'dewy-eyed', thinking everything is fine and everyone will be a darling if only we radiate loving kindness. We then may be shocked when 'bad' things still happen. With compassion one is less prone to fall into the delusion of 'it's all good', 'we're all fine', 'nothing to worry'.

    By the way, we've got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


    Our Podcast is also available on our own Dhammagiri Website, no need for any special app, just listen in any browser:


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  • Ajahn Dhammasiha encourages us to connect with nature, and to contemplate the 4 Great Elements externally as we experience them in the natural environment.

    Earth Element (Hardness, Rocks, Stones, Sand, Feeling the Ground while Walking or Sitting) Water Element (Wet soil or grass or sand or beach; Ocean; Rain; Streams/Rivers) Fire/Heat Element (Sunshine, warm air, warm breeze) Wind Element/Energy Movement (Wind, Energy of Rocks and Trees, 'Chi')

    It's difficult to contemplate only in the abstract, something that we don't really feel or experience.

    Once we can clearly feel and perceive these elements in our own direct experience, it's much easier to contemplate them as impermanent, unsatisfactory and not-self.

    Once we can clearly feel and perceive these elements in our own direct experience externally, it's much easier to also feel and contemplate them internally.

    Even apart from insight- ontemplation, just connecting with nature in direct experience is a grounding experience very helpful in itself, to balance our artificial live with its screens and virtual reality and internet, and bring consciousness back to physical reality in the here and now.

    Pics from monks meditating on Mount Ngungun here:


    Our Podcast is also available on our own Dhammagiri Website, no need for any special app, just listen in any browser:


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  • Ven Jinaratana There offers guidance how we can experience and contemplate the four elements ('Cātu-mahā-bhūtikā') in in our own bodies.

    Paṭhavī-dhātu = Earth Element /Solidity Āpo-dhātu = Water Element / Liquidity Tejo-dhātu = Fire Element / Heat (or lack of heat, i.e. cold) Vāyo-dhātu = Wind Element (energy movement)

    Bhante Jinaratana was born in Toronto, Canada. He became interested in meditation as a student at the University of Toronto, and began attending intensive retreats in 2002. After graduating with an H.B.Sc. (neuroscience, mathematics) in 2004, he taught English for a year in Nanning, P.R.C. Desiring to ordain, but without knowing a suitable place to do so, he travelled to Brisbane Australia and completed a Graduate Diploma in Education in 2008 at the Queensland University of Technology. During that time he had the opportunity to stay for an extended period at Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage as eight-precept meditator. The guidance he received there helped him to gain the confidence to finally ordain.

    Bhante Jinaratana received novice ordination at Na Uyana Forest Monastery in Sri Lanka in July 2011, and higher ordination in June 2012 (Na Uyana is the main monastery of the Shri Kalyani forest tradition, the same lineage where Ajahn Dhammasiha originally ordained). Most Venerable Na Uyane Ariyadhamma Mahāthera was the preceptor for both ceremonies. From 2019-2021 he stayed at Pa Auk Monastery, Pyin Oo Lwin Myanmar, meditating under the guidance of Sayadaw U Kumārabhivaṃsa and Most Venerable Pa Auk Sayadaw Āciṇṇa. He currently resides at Dhamsuwa Forest Monastery, Melbourne.

    Bhante has kindly accepted our invitation to visit Dhammagiri for 10 days in April.

    Our Podcast is also available on our own Dhammagiri Website, no need for any special app, just listen in any browser:


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  • In this sutta, the Buddha compares the work of a goldsmith to the work of a meditator trying to purify their mind.

    Both have to pay attention to 3 qualities at the appropriate time, without overdoing any of them:

    Calming the mind with samādhi / cooling the gold in the smelter Arousing the mind with energetic effort / heating the gold Looking on with equanimity / observing the gold with equanimity

    Our Podcast is also available on our own Dhammagiri Website, no need for any special app, just listen in any browser:


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