
  • Excessive Screentime After Lockdown?

    Parental Control Tracking - Building Trust and Encouraging Free Play

    In this weeks "Digital Families" Podcast I speak with Sonia Livingstone a professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science, who is also the co-Author with Alicia Blum-Ross of the recently released book based on her research  "Parenting for a Digital Future: How Hopes and Fears About Technology Shape Children’s Lives". about parental controls, screentime vs free play and tracking.

    Recently there has been quite a bit of discussion about parental controls and apps that can track children. Now that our children are getting back to face to face and socialising, many parents are understandably using the available technology to track and surveil their kids online and offline behaviour. But when do parental controls and tracking become overbearing or an invasion of privacy, when should parents start to give the child more space and trust?

    Screentime vs Free Play

    Many of my clients are working with me on issues around winding back screentime and developing better habits around online devices. Some parents are reporting that their children seem to have lost the ability to entertain themselves off screens after so much screentime during Covid lockdowns. Sonia Livingstone and I discuss the issue of the importance of children having "Free Play" both on screens and off. How we can transition children from screens to healthy play that is so important for their development.

    Sonias Book Parenting For A Digital Future Is Available Here: www.sonialivingstone.net

    Find out more about Leonie Smith at www.thecybersafetylady.com.au

  • Josh Langley was told he would amount to nothing in life, having failed high school (twice) and being unemployed for several years, but that didn’t stop Josh from becoming a multi award-winning radio copywriter and award-winning children’s author.  Now his ground-breaking children’s books, programs and school talks on self-acceptance, resilience, understanding emotions and kindness, are helping thousands of kids make friends with themselves.

    In this latest episode of the Digital Families Podcast I talk with Author and public speaker Josh Langley about how digital technology can both hinder and help with children's development. Josh also talks about his love of books and how to get children away from the screens and back to books.

    Josh is a popular speaker at schools where he helps all children feel like they have a place in this world. He talks to them about "Being You is Enough" a book he wrote to his 8 year old self. It’s message of self-acceptance and love resonated with kids and parents around the world.  He went on to publish 9 books and in 2018 won the Australian Book Industry Awards Small Publishers’ Children’s Book of Year, for his second children’s book It’s Ok to Feel the Way You Do (Big Sky Publishing 2017).

    With social media impacting the well being of children as young as 8 years old, effecting their self image and contributing to feelings of anxiety and feeling "not enough" Josh and I got into the "weeds" of how to counteract many of the messages that children are getting today. https://joshlangley.com.au

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    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Kelly Humphries is a survivor of child sexual abuse, a law enforcement officer, ambassador, author, and advocate.

    In this podcast Kelly and I talk about her remarkable journey from abuse through sporting achievements to the police force to being an award winning decorated advocate for children who are at risk of abuse and Author.

    Not being able to report her abuser until she was 19 years of age, Kelly is trying to inspire children to speak up and to protect themselves from the clutches and cunning of abusers.

    I talk with Kelly about how abusers groom children online, what language do they use. How they connect with children and what can parents do to help them children be more open with them about being contacted by abusers and finally how to prevent such contact or deal with it.

    Kelly is an inspiration for so many I hope this podcast gives all parents and carers some important insights on how we can help keep all our children safe from abuse both online and off.

    Kelly has written an inspirational book about her experience called "Unscathed Beauty" You can find out more about Kelly Humphries Here and buy her book here.

  • This weeks guest on "Digital Families" Podcast is Claire Eaton, a speaker, youth coach and author of four books for teens, “ROC and RISE” “You are awesome”, “Hello High School” and its companion Planner.

    In this weeks podcast we talk about Claires focus on helping children, particularly with the transition from primary to high school  with Resilience, Optimism, and Confidence. These are traits that we often hear about being necessary in our children, particularly when it comes to dealing with the online world. Whether its resilience to online bullying and misunderstandings, optimism, in regard to the way they choose what they take in online, not falling into a negative pessimistic algorithm on TikTok or Instagram. And confidence to make good choices and be self assured as they navigate their way through this world. Traits that might seem impossible in the covid, environmental hazardous world we live in. How do we help our children to develop these attitudes with all they are living through and exposed to online?

    Claire and I also talk about how overprotective parenting can lead to less resilience optimistic confident children and how we can help them turn it all around.

    I have a set of books to give away to one lucky listener that include "Roc And Rise" her book for teenagers to help them reach the Goals of ROC, "You Are Awesome" a collection of thoughts and memories celebrating YOU! for children to hear how others feel about them. "Hello High School" a helpful book for year 7 students that comes with a yearly Planner for the first year of school to help children sort out their thoughts during what can be a confusing adjustment to High School. Listen through the podcast to find out the code to quote in your contact with me, either via this website or a PM on my Facebook Page. www.facebook.com/thecybersafetylady

    Find out more about Claire Eaton and her fabulous books at https://www.claireeaton.com.au

  • Amy Jussel is the founder of Shaping Youth  and author of The Secret of the Vanishing Bones: Tracking the Data Trail.

    Her new book, aimed at students K-5, is designed to instill critical thinking about media through storytelling, developing early skills that help kids navigate their digital exposure in fun, fresh ways. Media literacy education is more critical than ever with increased screen time due to the recent global pandemic and wide-ranging messages displayed across social media and other media platforms.

    In todays podcast Amy and Leonie talk about how children need to learn about their digital footprint online. How they can reveal private information about themselves and their friends online and how to be careful about what they share.

    We also talk about the nuances of the internet and how children find it hard to unwrap behaviour online due to the 2 dimensional aspect of screens.

    Amy offers parents some tips on how to better educate their children about their digital footprints and how to navigate the internet with more awareness.

    This important beautifully illustrated book can be purchased online at Amazon or all good bookstores.

  • Claire is a passionate advocate for preventative measures in children’s mental health and digital wellbeing. In this episode Claire Orange and I discuss Tweens on social media and how her amazing app can help children get prepared for the real world of social media when they are ready.

    Good mental health is at the core of Claire Oranges motivation for developing Digii Social, she has seen and heard too many horrifying stories of children coming to harm on social media

    Claire Orange a clinical Psychologist has worked with children and their families in a variety of therapeutic roles and settings for 28 years. Most recently, she has co-written and published 16 award winning books on children’s mental health and has launched an EdTech startup called DiGii Social that is a world-first safe and educational children’s free social media platform to be used in schools for education. 

  • In this episode Paul Litherland and I talk about the very difficult issue of children being scammed via online game platforms where there is the risk for losing large amounts of money for families via the virtual currency available on games like Fortnite, Roblox, and Minecraft.

    For over a decade, as a former technology crime police officer and now under the banner of Surf Online Safe, Paul Litherland has dedicated himself to educating children, parents and teachers on the subject of Internet Awareness.

    As a parent himself, Paul adds that extra insight to his presentations as he is more that aware of the fear and apprehension parents have regarding the internet and the dangers that are out there.

    We also discuss "Sextortion" which is not just an issue for young people but people of all ages that fall into the trap of an online predator who blackmails them into sharing sexually explicit photos or video of themselves. It starts with an online friend requests and can end up with the victim at the mercy of an extortionist.

  • Jo Lamble is a Clinical Psychologist and along with her co Author Dr Ginni Mansberg they have written the ultimate handbook for parents on raising Tweens and Teens titled "The NEW Teen Age. In this Digital Families Podcast Jo Lamble and I chat about some of the issues that are covered in the book including Teenagers, sleep and devices, Sleepovers and mobile phone use - And using tracking apps/devices on your kids - Yes or No? What to do if you find out your child isn't where they are supposed to be? The book covers teen health issues, behaviour, and the influence of social media and gaming. 

    The NEW Teen Age is available from all good bookstores and online at Amazon and Booktopia. http://booktopia.kh4ffx.net/b3a7LP

  • My guest today is Bec Nguyen from Perths “Telethon Kids Institute” Project Manager of the “Beacon App” A cyber safety educational app designed to keep parents and carers up to date with trusted, tailored information, to help keep their kids safe online.

    An Australian developed one stop shop for Cyber Safety. Find out how it works in todays Podcast!

    The FREE Beacon App https://beacon.telethonkids.org.au/

    Telethon Kids Institute https://www.telethonkids.org.au

  • My guest today is Melinda Tankard Reist, Melinda is an author, speaker, media commentator, and advocate for young people. She is best known for her work addressing sexualisation, objectification, harms of pornography, sexual exploitation, trafficking and violence against women.

    Melinda is author/editor of six books including Getting Real: Challenging the Sexualisation of Girls and Big Porn Inc: Exposing the harms of the global pornography industry .

    Melinda has appeared on ABC’s Q&A and The Gruen Sessions and many other TV and radio programs. Melinda is co-founder of the grassroots campaigning movement, Collective Shout: for a world free of sexploitation. http://www.collectiveshout.org

    In this podcast Melinda and I discuss the influence of porn on our young people. How porn is changing their culture and their understanding of their own sexuality. We also talk about the sexualisation of children via the clothing that is marketed to them and how social media is creating a generation of children who have unrealistic body image based on influencers and social media filters.

    See more about Melinda Tankard Reist Here https://melindatankardreist.com and here https://www.facebook.com/MelindaTankardReist/

  • Kids Help Line "Every 69 seconds a young person contacts Kids Helpline" What are they calling about? What happens during a call? What happens next? My guest today is Tony Fitzgerald from YourTown who operates the “Kids Help Line”,

    Kids Helpline is Australia’s only 24/7 telephone and online counselling service for children and young people aged 5 to 25. In 2021 the service celebrated it’s 30th year of operation. Tony FitzGerald manages yourtown’s Virtual Services (which includes Kids Helpline, Kids Helpline @ School and Parentline) and has the privilege of leading a team of over 230 staff who each day support children, young people and their parents across a range of issues including mental health, suicide and self harm, child abuse and neglect, family relationships and online safety including cyberbullying and image based abuse. 

    Follow Kids Help Line Here On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KidsHelpline

  • In this Digital Families podcast Brad Marshall "The Unplugged Psychologist" and Leonie Smith "The Cyber Safety Lady" chat about the signs and symptoms of Problematic Internet Use, what sort of treatment is available, and what to do if your child isn't necessary "addicted" but you can't get them off their device.

    We also discuss some practical every day solutions that parents can use to help their child have a healthy relationship with their digital devices, when to get help, and advice on teens gaming and device use when studying?

    For listeners of the podcast Brad has provided an exclusive discount code for Brad’s new parent tutorial video series it gets you 30% off, listen to the podcast to hear the code.

    Follow Brad on Facebook Here: https://www.facebook.com/unpluggedpsychologist

    Learn more about Brad Marshall "The Unplugged Psychologist" Here: https://unpluggedpsychologist.com

  • In this podcast I chat with Mark McCrindle from McCrindle Research who is a social researcher and futurist. He is internationally recognised as a leader in tracking emerging issues and researching social trends. He coined the term 'Generation Alpha' children born after 2010 who are now 10 years of age and younger. Mark McCrindle is an award- winning social researcher. We talk about how screen technology is effecting this generations maturity, and creativity. Mark talks about what sort of jobs and lifestyle this generation can look forward to. We also discuss the positive future these children may have with emerging technology, and what kind of parents they will be? More about Mark and his work here: https://mccrindle.com.au/insights/blog/gen-alpha-defined/

  • Commonly known as the ‘queen of common sense’, Maggie Dent has become one of Australia's favourite parenting authors and educators. She has a particular interest in the early years, adolescence and resilience, and is an undisputed 'boy champion'.

    Maggie is the author of seven major books, including the bestselling 2018 release Mothering Our Boys and her 2020 release From Boys to Men. She hosts the ABC podcast, Parental As Anything. Maggie is a dedicated advocate to quietly changing lives in our families and communities. She is the mother of four sons and a very grateful grandmother.

    In this podcast Leonie and Maggie chat about raising our boys to be good men. We also talk about how boys are being too contained in our modern world they need more freedom and realistic learning environments that involve physicality. We also chat about boys and screens. If you have a son that seems as if he cannot leave his screen this is for you. What can you do if dragging your son away from that video game seems like pulling teeth. Will he ever find life away from his device?

    We also discuss consent, porn and boys, what can we as parents do to ensure our boys not only understand consent but respect girls and women enough to really ensure they have consent?

    If any of these issues mentioned have raised any concerns, you can contact Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636, Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Kids Help Line - Parentline on 1300 1300 52

    Find out more about Maggie here: https://www.maggiedent.com​

  • Leonie Smith with Madonna King Author of "Ten Ager" What your daughter needs you to know about the transition from child to teen. 

    With heightened pressure from what they see in the media, in movies and on TV, our girls are leaving childhood behind well before they hit their teens. Not surprisingly, emotions can be heightened and relationships can be fraught. So many parents struggle to understand the pressures our girls are under and how to deal with their emotional volatility. Journalist and social commentator Madonna King has an extraordinary ability to connect with experts, schools and the girls themselves to deliver the answers parents need and the communication our girls want.

    TEN-AGER is the perfect guide to help parents understand how their daughter is feeling, what they need to know, what to say, and when to stay silent and listen. Buy Madonna's book here: https://madonnaking.com.au/book/ten-ager/

  • My guest today is someone I’ve had on Digital Families twice before. Author and Teen Expert Michelle Mitchell has such an amazing insight into parenting, that I’m constantly recommending her to parents who need good straight talking advice about their children’s issues. 

    Michelle is an author, speaker and advocate for families and parenting teenagers. Her 2 new books, “A Girls Guide To Puberty”, and “A Guys Guide to Puberty” are funny, insightful and detailed instruction books for tweens and teens going through all the physical and mental changes that can start around age 10. 

    In todays podcast Michelle and I discuss what it is like for children going through puberty today with the impact of the digital world on their development. With so many tweens now joining up to social media like Snapchat and Instagram and TikTok, where are they getting their information on development and sexuality, and how is it effecting their adjustment to puberty.  

    We also discuss peer group pressure around social media apps and what parents can do to try to deal with the fears of feeling left out if children are too young to join.

    See more about Michelle Mitchell Here! https://michellemitchell.org. Buy these books Here: https://michellemitchell.org/shop/

  • Many parents are really struggling to help and supervise their children's online world and learning. Why are parents being blamed and marginalised for "Bad Digital Parenting" Is this fair? 

    In her latest research and book "Parenting For A Digital Future" Professor Sandra Livingstone asked parents from all sorts of backgrounds about what their hopes were for their children in regard to a digital future. She and her colleague Alicia Blum-Ross found that many parents were really struggling to manage digital technology, and were sadly left out of a lot of initiatives and conversations around their own children's online education. In this podcast Sonia and I discuss some of her findings and discuss possible solutions to help parents find the task of digital parenting easier and more equitable.

  • My guest today is Fred Bretthauer. Fred is a senior Family Dispute Mediator with Catholic Care and a committee member of the Family Law Pathways Network in Sydney. He has been resolving family separation disputes for over 10 years, he also runs education seminars for parents who are experiencing ongoing conflict. Family disputes involving the digital world have also been starting to impact the work that he does.

    During this podcast Fred and I talk about how families can have less drama around digital device use, about parents as mentors and negotiating use of technology with better safer outcomes. 

  • With Christmas almost upon us, many parents are looking into buying their little one a new smart toy, watch or device. 

    But how do we choose a safe digital toy for our children, what do we need to consider with safety and in particular what about privacy? We know that Tech companies use our data to market to us, this includes where we live, how old we are, location data showing the trips we take each day, and generally where we go online. But children are supposed to be exempt from that data scraping aren’t they? Also how secure are these devices from hackers and spys or over reaching marketing companies?

    Samantha Floreani is a Privacy & Technology Specialist at Salinger Privacy, Samantha also sits on the Board of the Australian Privacy Foundation.

    In todays Digital Families Podcast Samantha lays out her top tips for parents to consider when buying a smart device or toy for their child. 

  • My guest on the Digital Families Podcast today is Catherine Knibbs

    Catherine is a Clinical Doctorial Researcher, Consultant, Public Speaker, Author and Child & Adult Trauma Psychotherapist. She writes about and works with “Cybertrauma” which is any trauma that occurs through an internet ready device. Catherine is undoubtably one of the most experienced and informed therapists and academics in the field of psychology around online exposure to traumatic online events. Including shared live videos of self harm or violence to others.

    Catherine gives her tips for parents and authorities on steps to take when traumatic content is being shared online, to prevent it from being shared further, or searched for when warnings to parents and educators are issued.

    Find out more about Catherine Knibbs Here: https://cybertrauma.co.uk https://www.catherineknibbs.co.uk