
  • Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) talks about one of the most inspiring stories from the Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ…

    …focusing on the transformative power of his words and how they touched the hearts of those who came into contact with him, even his adversaries.

    The difference between praising Allah (alhamdulillah) and expressing thanks (shukr) goes deeper than just textbook definitions.

    It’s about understanding the depth and significance behind these expressions that we often use in our daily lives.

    Shukr isn’t just words, but action—it manifests through our deeds, generosity, and gratitude to Allah for His countless blessings.

    If you're curious about how these concepts shape our relationship with Allah and those around us, or if you've ever wondered about the deeper meanings behind the praise we offer to our Creator…

    …then hear out Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) as he explains the concept of Shukr in the light of the Seerah of the Prophet (SAW).

  • As Muslims, our identity is deeply intertwined with our faith, our values, and our actions.

    We’re those who consciously submit to the one God, without associating partners with Him.

    Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) also talked about ""sheep mentality"" - an innate tendency to seek commonality with others and to follow the crowd.

    But if we're not careful, we may find ourselves following the wrong influences, straying from the path of righteousness.

    Sadly, youngsters are easy victims of blind following. That's why guidance is crucial.

    We need leaders who can steer us in the right direction, and who can help us identify with the right principles and people.

    In today's society, it's all too easy to idolize actors, musicians, and other celebrities.

    But who should truly be our role models? Back in the day, it was the community leaders, those actively involved in doing good. We need to shift our focus back to these individuals, to those who embody the values we aspire to live by.

    But here's the thing: in the midst of all this confusion, how do we find our way? How do we uncover the true purpose of life?

    Watch as Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) explains how to seek truth amidst these conflicting personalities.

    As Muslims, we're blessed with clarity. Islam provides us with a clear understanding of our purpose: to worship Allah alone and follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

    And let's not forget about the importance of seeking higher principles. In a world filled with man-made religions and ideologies, we must elevate ourselves above the fray. We must seek out the principles that resonate with our souls, and that align with the truth of Islam. It's about critical thinking, about discerning between what is authentic and what is merely a distraction.

    May Allah guide us all on the straight path and grant us strength and perseverance in our journey of faith. Ameen.

  • Manglende episoder?

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  • Mothers have the BIGGEST roles in shaping the lives of their children. She doesn’t think twice before sacrificing everything for her kids to ensure their success and well-being.

    Apart from the heartfelt stories Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) talks about, it’s also important to realize that self-care for mothers is really important.

    We should be encouraging them to prioritize their well-being so they can continue to be the pillars of strength for their families.

    Instead of general prayers, our Duas must be specific and strategic, covering various aspects of their lives—from Deen and education to our children’s health and relationships.

    And moms! You shouldn’t neglect yourself in your Duas, as your strength and stability are essential for your child – no matter their age.

    This video is a heartfelt reminder to all mothers, especially single mothers, of the immense value of their efforts. May Allah reward you for your sacrifices and grant you the strength to continue nurturing the next generation of our Ummah.

  • In this podcast, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA), shares insights on the difference between our limited human knowledge and the all-knowing Allah (swt).

    We explore the concept of Taqwa, reminding ourselves of the importance of being more conscious of Allah than the opinions of others.

    On the Day of Resurrection, our wealth, status, and relationships will be of no benefit—only our deeds will matter.

    Our true happiness lies in surrendering to Allah and living a life of gratitude, aligning our lives with the teachings of Islam.

    Living a life of purpose, joy, and deep connection with our Creator is our ultimate goal.

  • The challenges of balancing family life with the demands of Dawah are real.

    In this podcast, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) talks about the emotional toll we can have on our families when we're constantly traveling and question whether Islam truly calls for sacrifices.

    It's time we rethink our approach and leverage modern technology to spread our message more effectively, reaching a wider audience without compromising our responsibilities at home.

    Islam has been underrepresented in the online world, compared to other religions like Christianity and even yoga.

    It's crucial that we embrace new technologies and think ahead, rather than resisting them until it's too late.

    Listen to the podcast to explore these important topics and consider how we can strengthen our Dawah efforts for the future.

  • People hurt each other all the time…

    That’s part of being human.

    But when the hurt goes deep enough that scars your relationship for life…

    That’s when things get sour…

    …to the point you can’t even be in the same room as them.

    Look, if that connection mattered to you before…

    It should matter to you now.

    Even when you’re at each other’s throats…

    …Or have lost the will to talk freely…

    …Or became distant without caring at all…

    …That shouldn’t stop you from reigniting that closeness you once had.

  • What’s discussed in this podcast is what every Muslim should know.

    Everyone’s different that’s why we have differing opinions, even conflicting ones sometimes.

    But what gets Muslims one page is a proper understanding of Usul al-Fiqh (Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence).

    Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) discussed the importance of structured and formal Islamic education through personal anecdotes and teaching experiences, highlighting how it can lead to a deeper commitment to Islamic teachings.

    He also addresses the balance between being tolerant towards others and not accepting actions offensive to Islam, following the prophetic example of gentle correction.

    The concept of Taqwa (God-consciousness) focuses on building protection against Allah's anger by following His commands from the heart and avoiding prohibitions.

    Shaykh also talks about why memorizing the Quran is more beneficial than solely learning Arabic, as it means a stronger connection to Islamic teachings.

    In short, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) has touched base on different topics in this podcast as he clarified some misconceptions circling in our society.

  • Here are some "Campfire Jin Stories" from the vault of Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA)

    Remember those chilling stories shared around a campfire? Well, in this podcast, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) shares a real Jinn story from his own life.

    But what’s more important is that these experiences led me to a deeper realization.

    He was so afraid of Jinn, yet, he had to ask himself if he was equally afraid of disobeying Allah. This fear made him reflect on the true power of Allah, which is far greater than anything else. It changed his perspective entirely.

    He also shared stories that remind us that Allah's power is always greater than our fears, no matter how big they are.

    During these times, remembering Allah can be incredibly powerful. Whether it's reciting "Allahu Akbar" or expressing gratitude for our blessings, these practices can bring us immense strength and comfort.

    As we navigate our daily lives, let's keep our spiritual practices strong. Seek forgiveness, express gratitude, and always remember that Allah is greater than any fear.

  • Is anxiety robbing your sleep these days?

    In this video, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) discussed the prophetic teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)…

    …to deal with the worst anxieties we experience from time to time.

    Not just us, but Sahabas before the Battle of Badr were worried because the odds were stacked against them.

    But Allah provided them with a restful sleep and rain to ease their anxiety.

    And everyone knew what happened after that.

    You see, every hardship we face is from Allah…

    And He doesn’t burden us with a weight we can’t handle.

    So no matter how terrifyingly our anxiety gets the better of us…

    Allah has given us the strength to ward it off.

    As humans, our minds are wired to go into alert mode when we feel just a little bit unsafe.

    So, make a habit of creating a calm and safe environment.

    If you can’t create one, then go find a place that gives you this feeling.
    Whether it's enjoying a warm cup of tea, listening to the soothing sound of rain…

    …or burning incense, finding what works for you is essential.

    Many of us find comfort in simple, sensory experiences rather than turning to social media, which often intensifies anxiety.
    And as far as social media goes…

    There’s a sea of misinformation out there.

    Even if the news is authentic, one negative post is enough to alleviate our anxiety even more.

    So, find out what brings you peace and stick with it.

    Keep your mind calm enough to not let anxiety get the better of you every time.

    And always, always turn to Allah (swt) because He always has your back.

  • In this inspiring podcast, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) gives away 5 ways to live life to the fullest…

    …with no regrets, no traumatic past haunting, and moving forward in life.

    As humans, we all have an innate desire to live forever.

    But our Deen gives us more than that, it provides us eternal fulfillment.

    Shaykh (rA) also discussed limitations that make us human and fall into our path as roadblocks like procrastination, all levels of anxiety, excuses that stem from lying to ourselves, and self-criticism.

    This is where we need Allah the most, a heart that’s filled with the love of Allah and a body that does the acts to please its Lord…

    That’s a combination of a resilient believer.

    True success and fulfillment aren’t found in material achievements but in aligning our lives with our higher purpose. And when we go in the opposite direction, there’s sadness everywhere. It’s nothing more than an alarm prompting us to seek deeper meaning and realign our priorities.
    Listen to this podcast as Shaykh (rA) reveals 5 ways of living a life full of purpose and devoid of regrets. From making Salah our number one priority to understanding that our careers are secondary to our role as servants of Allah, these insights are designed to help you excel in this life and the hereafter.
    Whether you're feeling lost, unfulfilled, or simply seeking to deepen your understanding of living a meaningful life…
    This lecture offers valuable guidance and inspiration.

  • Why are we making Shaytan’s job easier by second-guessing whether we’re even worth something to Allah or not?

    “Is He disappointed in me?”

    “Am I not worthy of His love?”

    These questions might be swarming inside your head, keeping you locked out of the place where you need to be - a place where you can begin to have trust that Allah’s promises are on their way…

    And let go of the devilish perceptions that endanger our faith.

    Remember: Allah’s answer always comes to those who simply ask.

    But, If you’re approaching Him (swt) with guilt and shame, it can “make” you discard your Dream Dua.

    Put yourself in Yunus’s (AS) shoes for a moment, imagine being stuck in the belly of a whale, but even in those darkest moments, he never held back from asking Allah for help & forgiveness..

    You see…

    It’s finally your turn to rediscover who you really are, and what you really want…

    …and not have a moment’s doubt before asking Allah for it all.

    Your emotional and mental state needs to be stable and balanced for you to “reword” and “supercharge” your call to Allah.

    And it’s about time you start asking Allah for the things you want.

  • In this episode, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) talks about little-known ways to master our emotions. It's crucial to understand that if we don't take control of our emotional well-being…

    It can significantly affect every aspect of our lives, including our spiritual journey.

    Emotions, if left unchecked, can lead to unnecessary suffering, strained relationships, and even jeopardize our Hereafter.

    Back in 2005, when Shaykh (rA) started DiscoverU, his primary focus was mental health and emotional mastery.

    And one of his flagship programs in 2007, "Master Your Emotions," highlighted the importance of this topic.

    Even today, DiscoverU is following in his footsteps in helping individuals take control of their minds and lives.

    Ignoring our emotions can lead to significant negative outcomes, from personal harm to damaging relationships, and even affecting our spiritual well-being.

    In this podcast, you’ll get to know his practical strategies for mastering emotions.

    One powerful method is using Quranic verses and Hadith to formulate positive, reinforcing questions that you repeat in your mind.

    Because DiscoverU is all about “never taking Allah out of the equation”.

    This helps reframe negative thoughts and fosters a mindset grounded in faith and resilience.

  • In Islam, the concept of destiny, or Qadar, plays a pivotal role…

    …with certain aspects of life such as birth and death predetermined by Allah.

    Understanding this belief helps us build a foundation for embracing the power of choice and agency within the journey of life.

    We can most certainly rewrite our destiny through conscious decisions and actions…and most importantly by Dua.

    It’s more than just a supplication or a call for help.

    It’s a heartfelt conversation with Allah (swt).

  • How often do you remember death?

    When we live with a focus on the Hereafter…

    It humbles us to a point where we transform our daily actions and goals.

    And during this time, striking a balance between our worldly responsibilities with our spiritual duties…

    …is crucial, while ensuring that our family and community aren’t neglected.

    In this episode, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) makes us rethink our priorities, and aim for a balanced life…

    And focus on the Hereafter to truly thrive in both this world and the next.

    Through heartfelt stories to the lessons from the stories of Prophets and righteous people…

    Shaykh talks about leveraging the good deeds of others to tip the weighing scale in our favor.

    One should die a death when Allah is pleased with them, because if it’s the other way around…

    …then that’s an eternal loss.

    May Allah grant him the highest of ranks in Jannah. Ameen.

  • Losing a child is one of the worst pain imaginable.

    In this pain is lifelong and memories of the lost child will forever anchor the parents’ hearts to thoughts of paradise.

    Support can be given anywhere, not just at the family’s home.

    Losing a child, though deeply painful, ensures the child’s place in Jannah, creating an enduring spiritual connection for the parents.

    This loss, while heart-wrenching, serves to soften their hearts, making them more patient and steadfast in their faith.

    Each memory and tear becomes an opportunity for them to turn back to Allah, reinforcing their spiritual bond.

    Also, drawing from my personal experience during a terrifying flight, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) discussed how sudden calamities can drive us back to Allah in desperation.

    This incident could’ve been a major loss, but taught him the importance of installing spiritual practices in our daily lives…

    Ensuring that gratitude and remembrance of Allah are constants, not just reactions to crises.

    It solidified his will to live in constant gratitude, using every moment as an opportunity for spiritual growth.

    Either you’re a devastated parent or someone who experienced a heavy loss…

    Know that every moment of pain is an opportunity for you to connect with Allah (swt).

    The love of Allah will pull you towards Him (swt).

  • Gratitude isn’t just a source of piling on good deeds, it’s also a source of sustenance.

    In this video, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) talked about the power of making a difference, even in obscurity.

    Pick up a thankful attitude towards Allah’s blessings, for gratitude brings you more opportunities to connect with your Creator.

    And also requires you to take action and alleviate anxiety.

    This session serves as a beacon of guidance, reminding us of the timeless wisdom found through the words of Allah (swt).

    So, embrace simplicity, be thankful (even when there’s no need), and strive to make a difference – a change so powerful it could shake the entire system.

  • When Ramadan ends, it’s only natural to get sucked into our same ‘ol routine.

    Anxiety creeps in through the doorways we’ve been trying to bolt shut.

    But when we start to lose the momentum we vowed to maintain throughout the year…

    We’re hit with a round of disappointment - beating ourselves up for not being able to stay consistent in our pursuit of Allah (swt).

    Then comes the pressure from falling short in our daily spiritual habits.

    And when these dots connect, the pattern takes a frightening shape...

    ...threatening to put us in zombie mode while our blocks start to resurface.

    Look, we’re all humans.

    Falling short is a blessing in disguise because it’s an opportunity to strengthen our ties with our Creator.

    But when you learn to steer your personality and emotions to remain unbelievably calm in the face of adversities…

    That’s when you bury the triggers hidden inside your old self and cover them up with newfound spiritual habits...

    ...that keep you on the path you set on in the first place.

    You’re not meant to fail, you have every strength to push yourself and prolong your spiritual high for as long as you can.

    As. Long. As. You. Can.

  • Even a small fly can distract us during Salah.

    But when it came to Umar (RA) even a deadly poisoned knife wasn’t able to spoil his unwavering commitment.

    The resilience shown by the Imam, who continued leading the Salah despite being gravely injured…

    …serves as a reminder of the Khushu we seem to have lost.

    Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) talks about Salah not just being a ritualistic worship but a fundamental pillar upon which our faith stands.

    It’s not just a routine but a transformative experience.

    It’s a sacred dialogue with Allah.

    Through Salah, we build a spiritual fortress that shields us from the pitfalls of sin and guides us toward righteousness.

    As we pray heavily during these last 10 nights of Ramadan, let us heed the words of Allah and His Messenger (PBUH)…

    Recognizing Salah as a beacon of guidance in our lives.

    May our prayers serve as a source of strength, drawing us closer to Allah (swt).

  • With deep insights and practical advice, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) talked about the journey of self-reflection, spiritual growth, and devotion during this blessed month of Ramadan.

    It’s a month of preparation for the Akhirah, setting actionable and realistic goals for this Dunya, and making powerful Dream Duas.

    This podcast focuses on fasting, seeking forgiveness, and engaging in acts of charity and kindness.

    From practical tools for maximizing the productivity of our deeds without our blocks holding us down…

    Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) helps you navigate the challenges of Ramadan with grace and Niyah.

    After listening to this podcast, you'll walk away with a clear roadmap to make the most of Ramadan and draw closer to Allah.

  • Are you doubting your capability of fasting this Ramadan?

    There’s always a health concern nearly everyone has.

    And why shouldn’t they? Because changing an entire routine for a month is a pretty big and bold change.

    Your body takes time to adapt to the new schedule. But know that it doesn’t make you weak.

    In fact, fasting can rejuvenate your body, strengthen your faith, and get you closer to Allah (swt).

    In this video, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) dropped gems about the importance of fasting…

    Why it’s a BIG improvement in our health, and what eating habits we need to be mindful of.

    And how to strike the perfect balance between indulgence and moderation, and make sure that your iftar and suhoor meals nourish your body without draining your energy.