
  • There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want—especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life! That’s why in this bonus episode we’re going deep with another incredible woman, our very own Katherine Froggatt.

    In this special bonus episode we’re taking a deep dive into what transforming your life through adopting the Thinlicious lifestyle actually looks like, by sitting down to chat with one of our amazing Thinlicious coaches, Katherine Froggatt.

    Katherine has been a lead coach in our TAS program since 2022, but her own journey to get healthy started with a shocking diagnosis—one that would upend her entire life.

    Are you ready to lose weight and heal your body for life (without dieting, drugs, or making yourself miserable)?

    Our free on-demand video training will walk you through how to make this THE year you set health goals…and keep them. Access our free video training HERE.

  • Ever feel like you must be the ONLY one in the world who can't seem to get this healthy eating thing right? That while everyone else is out there losing weight and getting fit, you're just stuck spinning your wheels, gaining and losing the same 5 pounds over and over again?

    If so, I want you to know that you are definitely NOT alone. In fact, just about every single woman I've ever met who has struggled with weight loss has told me that at some point, they've felt exactly the same way.

    And that's why in today's episode I want to talk about something that I think will be really helpful for you to understand—the 4 stages of healing your metabolism, and why it's so important to recognize where you are in the process.

    Are you ready to lose weight and heal your body for life (without dieting, drugs, or making yourself miserable)?

    Our free on-demand video training will walk you through how to make this THE year you set health goals…and keep them. Access our free video training HERE.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • What if I told you that no matter how you’re feeling right now, there’s one mineral you could start taking that would make you feel noticeably better within just one day?

    Seems almost too good to be true, doesn’t it?

    That’s what I thought too, until I spent some time talking to today’s podcast guest, Dr. Carolyn Dean.

    Dr. Dean is one of the country’s foremost experts in magnesium and the impact it can have on your health, and I gotta tell ya—what she has to share is pretty compelling.

    And the best part is? It’s SO simple.

    You can grab Dr. Dean's book, Magnesium: The Missing Link to Total Health HERE.

    Find Dr. Dean online on Instagram, on Facebook, or on her website at drcarolyndean.com

    And here is the product she mentioned at the end of the episode
    (Code: LIVEBETTER10)

    Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!

    Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible.

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.

  • There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want–especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life! That’s why in this bonus episode we’re going deep with another incredible success story.

    In this special bonus episode we’re taking a deep dive into what transforming your life through adopting the Thinlicious lifestyle actually looks like, by sitting down to chat with one of our amazing clients—and now TAS Certified Coach—Kim Jenkins.

    Kim joined our program in 2023 after thinking about it for a long time, yet always thinking that it wasn’t really something she needed. Until she realized that she actually did.

    But, as always, it’s better to hear her talk about it in her own words...


    Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!

    Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible.

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.

  • How do you actually know when you've gone TOO FAR in your quest to get healthy? Is there really such a thing as being TOO healthy?

    And this is actually not an easy question to answer, because one thing I had to deal with, and something I know a lot of my clients have had to deal with also, is the disapproval of other people when you actually starting seeing some success with your health and weight loss goals.

    I had lots of people tell me, "you're too obsessive," "can't you take a break," "you've lost too much weight," "this can't be healthy" and so on and so on. And I know many women in my program have heard those same kind of remarks, when in fact they're finally just taking control of their life and their health in a really positive way.

    So where is the line between a determined health journey and an unhealthy obsession?

    That's exactly what we're going to talk about today.

    Want to learn more about how our program can help you lose weight and get healthy FOR LIFE without dieting or drugs, then I'd love to invite you to join me for my next FREE workshop!

    If you've never joined me for a live workshop, you should know they're always really fun and JAM PACKED with valuable info! Plus you can ask all your questions and get any answers you need in real time.

    To get all the info and get signed up, just go to thinlicious.com/workshop.

  • Do you ever find yourself trying to fix other people’s problems?

    Or maybe anticipating potentially sticky situations before they even happen, just to keep everyone else happy?

    Do you worry about things that are outside of your control?

    If the answer to any of those questions was yes, there’s a good chance that you’re a high-functioning codependent without even realizing it.

    And it’s impacting your life–and your health in a big way.

    Believe me, after chatting with today’s podcast guest, Teri Cole, I was shocked to realize just how much my codependent behavior is affecting my own life, and if you’re anything like me, this might be the episode you didn’t realize you NEEDED to hear.

    Pre-order Too Much at www.hfcbook.com
    Epic Relationships Summit: www.terricole.com/summit
    Find Terri on Instagram

    Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!

    Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible.

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.

  • There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want—especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life! That’s why in this bonus episode we’re going deep with another amazing woman named Paulette Benson who’s actually been there, and who has had incredible success after, like so many of us, failing at one diet after another.

    And in this special bonus episode we’re taking a deep dive into what transforming your life through adopting a low-carb lifestyle actually looks like, by sitting down to chat with one of our amazing clients—and now TAS Certified Coach—Paulette Benson

    Paulette joined our program about a year and a half ago, and so far has lost an amazing 65 pounds, and in the process not only improved her mindset, but skyrocketed her confidence—so much so that when we launched our certification program last year, she was one of the first to sign up.

    Like so many others, this program has changed her life.


    Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!

    Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible.

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.

  • Do I really have to eat this way forever?

    Why is it so much easier for my husband to lose weight?

    Can I drink alcohol and still see results?

    What are the absolute worst things to eat that I should avoid at all costs?

    What if I'm a vegetarian?

    Oh, the questions! Honestly, if I had a dollar for every question I've gotten since creating Thinlicious two and a half years ago, I could probably retire on a private island somewhere—they never stop coming!

    But I get it, because I had a lot of the same questions too.

    And so today, for something totally different, I thought I'd devote an entire episode to answering some of the biggest questions that I get asked over and over about losing weight and getting healthy, and about our program, just in case you've been wondering too.


    Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!

    Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible.

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.

  • Let’s be honest for a minute—getting older isn’t all that fun.

    The aches and pains, the gray hairs, the laugh lines and dry skin.

    And that’s only the beginning.

    But what if there was actually a way to REVERSE the aging process and get your body looking and feeling younger than you have in years.

    And what if the solution was as simple as healing your gut microbiome?

    That’s exactly what we’re diving into with today’s podcast guest, Dr. Roshini Raj. She is a board-certified gastroenterologist, as well as the founder of TULA Skincare. And she has some amazing insight to share on this topic!

    YayDay is a digestive super supplement formulated with magnesium, fiber and enzymes designed to help those who don’t get enough fiber in their diet with better sleep and digestion. 90% of Americans suffer from lack of fiber and 65% suffer from constipation, bloating and more digestive issues.

    Use code: FBLF15 for 15% off (expires after 90 days)

    Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!

    Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible.

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.

  • There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want—especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life!

    That’s why in this bonus episode we’re going deep with an incredibly inspiring woman named Michelle Moreno who not only reversed Type 2 Diabetes, but then fought and won a battle against Breast Cancer.

    I can’t wait for you to hear her story!

    Michelle is a breast cancer survivor and a TAS thriver. She is passionate about helping women cope with breast cancer by strengthening their mind, body, emotions, spirit, and relationships. You can find her at www.livingpinktothefullest.com.

    Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!

    Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible.

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.

  • Raise your hand if you feel like your summer went totally off the rails.

    If it's up right now, I can promise you that you are definitely NOT alone!

    And honestly, it's not really that surprising when you think about it.

    Between the vacations and the disruptions in your normal routine, it's easy to get off track.

    But that doesn't mean you have to STAY off track.

    And since Labor Day has now come and gone, and autumn is right around the corner, I thought this would be the perfect time to talk about a few super practical things you can do to, first of all, let go of any guilt and shame you might be feeling and instead set yourself up for success with healthier habits this fall.

    Because the truth is that it's not always easy to get back on the wagon if you feel like you've totally blown it, but it IS possible to get yourself back to a place where you're feeling healthy and energized and motivated.

    So hopefully this is the episode that will help you do just that.

    Want to learn more about how our program can help you lose weight and get healthy FOR LIFE without dieting or drugs, then I'd love to invite you to join me for my next FREE workshop!

    If you've never joined me for a live workshop, you should know they're always really fun and JAM PACKED with valuable info! Plus you can ask all your questions and get any answers you need in real time.

    To get all the info and get signed up, just go to thinlicious.com/workshop.

  • How much do you really know about Insulin Resistance?

    It’s a topic that comes up a lot on this podcast, and yet it’s still not a condition that is widely understood, or even talked about at large.

    So what’s actually going on? How do you know whether you are in fact insulin resistant? What are the risks if you are? And what can you do about it?

    That’s exactly what we’re talking about in today’s super in-depth episode as we sit down with Dr. Morgan Nolte. And it’s definitely an episode that every woman who cares about their health NEEDS to listen to.

    Maybe more than once.

    Find Dr. Nolte online at zivli.com, on Facebook or on Instagram or YouTube.

    Get her Blood Sugar Boot Camp at: https://www.zivli.com/bootcamp
    Or you can listen to her Podcast: Reshape Your Health with Dr. Morgan Nolte
    Book recommendation: Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind by Dr. Georgia Ede

    Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!

    Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible.

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.

  • There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want–especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life!

    That’s why in this bonus episode we’re going deep with another amazing woman who’s actually been there, Rachel Elmore. Someone who has mastered the art of creating a healthy—and sustainable—lifestyle for herself.

    I can’t wait for you to hear her story!

    Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!

    Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible.

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.

  • Here on this podcast we talk a lot about how to lose weight and improve your health.

    And it's all pretty important, right?

    But have you ever wondered WHY we even need to talk about it in the first place?

    Why is obesity such a huge problem?

    Why are 80% of adults in the US now considered overweight, when that wasn't the case 100 years ago, or even 50 years ago?

    Why DO we get fat?

    And why are we getting fatter?

    What's actually happening?

    That's EXACTLY what we're diving into today, and I'll warn you right now that this is one of those nerdy episodes where we dig a little deeper into the science and into the research.

    But it's important so bear with me, because your mind is about to be blown.

    Want to learn more about how our program can help you lose weight and get healthy FOR LIFE without dieting or drugs, then I'd love to invite you to join me for my next FREE workshop!

    If you've never joined me for a live workshop, you should know they're always really fun and JAM PACKED with valuable info! Plus you can ask all your questions and get any answers you need in real time.

    To get all the info and get signed up, just go to thinlicious.com/workshop.

  • Sometimes it seems like Ozempic is everywhere these days, doesn’t it?

    And when your sister or your cousin or your neighbor down the street suddenly shows up 30 pounds lighter, it’s hard not to be tempted to jump on board.

    Or maybe you’ve already started taking one of the new weight loss drugs. And even though you were worried about the potential side effects, you haven’t experienced any of the really bad ones, so you figure it’s no big deal.

    Especially when even your doctor is saying it’s fine.

    But what if there’s something they’re not telling you?

    That’s just ONE of the big topics I’m diving into today with my guest Amy Wilson. She’s a certified health and fitness coach, as well as a geriatric pharmacist, which means she brings a unique perspective to this hot button topic!

    And what she has to share today is SO important for women in their 40’s and 50’s that after listening, you might just want to share it with everyone you know.

    But I’ll let you decide.

    You can find Amy on Instagram: @thenutritioncoachpharmacist or check out her site at amykwilson.com to learn more!

    Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!

    Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible.

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.

  • There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want–especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life! That’s why in today’s bonus episode we’re going deep with another amazing woman who’s actually been there, and who’s finally seeing massive success after struggling for so long–I can’t wait for you to hear Richelle’s story!

    Find Dr. Kate on Instagram @healthyhormonedoctor and if you’d like to hear more about perimenopause you can DM her POD to get her mini-podcast. She’ll give you the scoop on all the evidence-based medical and holistic treatments that will keep symptoms at bay as your hormones go through these changes.

    Perimenopause Mini-Podcast Direct Link

    Website: https://naumesnd.com/

  • Have you ever noticed how often fear holds us back from getting what we actually want?

    It sometimes keeps us from trying at all, makes us self-sabotage even when we do try.

    And it comes up a LOT.

    It's also a phenomenon that has fascinated me for a long time—so much so that I spent more than TWO YEARS researching all the ways that fear holds us back and surveying more than 4,000 women, and then wrote a book about it called Do It Scared.

    And while these days I spend a lot of my time helping women over 40 lose weight and get healthy, I've found that that underlying fear issue never really goes away.

    It holds us back from reaching our health goals in many of the same ways it holds us back from a lot of other things in life.

    And so today, I wanted to talk about that. How to overcome your fear of failure and actually take control of your health for good. I want to talk about why that fear happens and what it looks like, and most importantly what you can actually do about it.

    It's a powerful topic, and one I hope has a lasting impact on you, maybe even in more ways than just your health. So let's dig in!

    Want to learn more about how our program can help you lose weight and get healthy FOR LIFE without dieting or drugs, then I'd love to invite you to join me for my next FREE workshop!

    If you've never joined me for a live workshop, you should know they're always really fun and JAM PACKED with valuable info! Plus you can ask all your questions and get any answers you need in real time.

    To get all the info and get signed up, just go to thinlicious.com/workshop.

  • Do you ever feel a little bit baffled by menopause, or wonder what’s really going on with all those hormones everyone’s always talking about?

    And what’s the difference between menopause and perimenopause?

    And how do you know you’re in it?

    More importantly what can you actually do to make it through this change of life more comfortably?

    Those are all the questions we’re answering on today’s episode, and I’m telling you right now–you’re going to love our guest expert, Dr. Kate Naumes.

    She’s a Naturopathic doctor and menopause specialist who also happens to be woman over 40 just like us, which means she brings a unique perspective to her practice.

    And what she has to share today is SO interesting and practical and relevant to every single one of us, and I can’t wait for you to dig into this fascinating interview!

    EDIT: In the podcast Dr. Kate said:“For women aged younger than *60 years or who are within 10 years of menopause onset and have no contraindications, the benefit-risk ratio is favorable for the treatment of bothersome VMS and prevention of bone loss.”
    But she meant to say: “…younger than 65* years…”

    Find Dr. Kate on Instagram @healthyhormonedoctor and if you’d like to hear more about perimenopause you can DM her POD to get her mini-podcast. She’ll give you the scoop on all the evidence-based medical and holistic treatments that will keep symptoms at bay as your hormones go through these changes.

    Perimenopause Mini-Podcast Direct Link

    Website: https://naumesnd.com/

    Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!

    Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible.

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.

  • There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want–especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life! That’s why in this episode we’re going deep with another AMAZING long-time TAS client, Kathy Busman, whose story is not only inspiring, but also super relatable.

    She’s bravely sharing honestly about her experience of taking Ozempic and then choosing to come off of it, as well as how’s she’s handling some major life challenges over the past 6 months. I’m super grateful that she chose to share her story, even in the midst of the messiness, and I think there are some huge lessons for all of us in what she has to share.

    Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!

    Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible.

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.

  • Do you ever feel like you're just NOT an energetic person? Like it's a struggle to get out of bed in the morning, or you're just dragging through the day, or you hit that 2pm slump and it feels like you need to take a nap RIGHT NOW just to make it through the rest of the day?

    If that's you, then you're definitely not alone. Because as a society, we've become so accustomed to feeling tired and run down all the time that we've started to think it's normal.

    And yet, it's not normal. It's not normal to be constantly exhausted, or to need caffeine or sugar to get you through the day, or to feel like you're just not living up to your full potential because you don't have the energy to do all the things you want to do.

    And that's why in today's episode, I want to talk about energy. I want to talk about why so many of us over 40 struggle to have enough of it, and what you can do to change that. Because the good news is that there ARE things you can do to increase your energy levels and start feeling more alive and vibrant every single day.

    You just have to know where to start.

    Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!

    Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible.

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.