There is no end to knowing God
No matter how much you think you have known God, there are many much more sides you haven't known yet.
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Let your so shine before men so that may see your good work and glorify your God who is in heaven.
God said you are the light of the world, don't deem or hide your light.
Crucified with Christ! The life you now live is the life of Christ.
Do you know when become born again you have been crucified with Christ and that your life has been hidden by Him?
Let your focus of rest be rooted in God!
Don't be weary or troubled in your journey with Christ, for in due season your harvest will come.
Remember what Ephesians 6:16, says , without boldness you won't be able to conquer your fears and know that what you fear also fears you.
What you fear, fears you too and if you can take the first step, you will overcome.
God loves declaring new things to His children, expect yours this season.
God specializes in doing new things and He does this every day, you can get yours if you desire it.
I am on the Lord's side,
i will never give up
I am an overcomer
For the Lord God is on my side.
Being with God is one of the major things you must crave for as a believer. It is not enough to start with, it is important for us to understand that you stay with God.
I am on the Lord's side,
i will never give up
I am an overcomer
For the Lord God is on my side
wherever you are and whatever you do, make sure you do God's pleasure because that's how we do God's will.
God's will equals God's pleasure.
Give honour to whom honour is due.
Give honour to whom honour is due.
God's wisdom can handle that overwhelming situation, Go for it!
Wisdom has its source in the Bible
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