In dieser Folge von doTERRA you teilt Presidential Diamond Daniela Huelsen ihre Reise des Wachstums und der Transformation mit doTERRA. Daniela erzählt, wie sich aus ihrer Leidenschaft für natürliches Wohlbefinden ein florierendes Unternehmen entwickelte, das von Authentizität und dem Engagement für ein ausgewogenes Leben angetrieben wird. Sie spricht offen über die Bewältigung von Herausforderungen, das Finden von Resilienz und die Einführung von Selbstfürsorgepraktiken, die sie täglich stärken.
In this episode of doTERRA you, Presidential Diamond Daniela Huelsen shares her journey of growth and transformation with doTERRA. Daniela reflects on how her passion for natural wellness blossomed into a thriving business, fueled by authenticity and a commitment to balanced living. She opens up about overcoming challenges, finding resilience, and embracing self-care practices that empower her daily.
This episode is also available in German. -
Manglende episoder?
Join Product Education Manager Ludo Bolcato as she speaks with Dr. Brannick Riggs, VP of Essential Oil Education, in our latest episode of doTERRA you.
In this episode, we introduce the Supplement Guide ebook and dive into the world of supplements. Feeling overwhelmed by where to start with supplements? We've got you covered. Dr. Riggs shares expert advice on choosing high-quality supplements, how they complement a healthy lifestyle, and why they’re essential in today’s modern diet.
Whether you’re just starting your wellness journey or are a seasoned pro, this episode will empower you to make the best choices for your wellness.
Descubra a importância e o poder do mindset para uma carreira de sucesso. Matt Hall, partilha o seu processo de transformação até se tornar num Double Diamond e os sacrifícios e aprendizagens necessários para que o marketing de rede funcione. Será que o mindset é a chave a desbloquear todo o seu potencial?
Dive deep into the power of mindset and its role in success. Matt shares how he transformed his uncertain journey into becoming a Double Diamond, the sacrifices and lessons along the way, and how to ignite belief in yourself and your team. Is mindset the key to unlocking your full potential?
Îmbunătățește-ți mentalitatea și cunoștințele despre uleiurile esențiale cu podcastul doTERRA you. Ascultă și învață de la vorbitori și experți de talie mondială, pentru inspirație, educație și sfaturi utile care te ajută să-ți trăiești cea mai bună viață cu doTERRA.
Alătură-te nouă pentru primul nostru episod, în timp ce primul Double Blue Diamond din Europa, Elena Cimpoeșu, împărtășește călătoria sa de creștere personală, leadership și puterea țelului. Descoperă cum pasiunea ei de a-i ajuta pe ceilalți să își deblocheze potențialul nu numai că i-a modelat succesul, dar a creat un efect de undă în întreaga sa comunitate. Vei auzi ideile ei despre importanța de a-ți găsi țelul, de a accepta provocările și de a dezvolta o echipă doTERRA prosperă. -
Step up your mindset and essential oil knowledge with the doTERRA you podcast. Tune in and learn from worldclass speakers and experts for inspiration, education, and actionable tips to help you live your best life with doTERRA.
Join us for our first episode as Europe's first ever Double Blue Diamond, Elena Cimpoesu shares her journey of personal growth, leadership, and the power of purpose. Discover how her passion for helping others unlock their potential has not only shaped her success but created a ripple effect throughout her community. You’ll hear her insights on the importance of finding your why, embracing challenges, and nurturing a thriving doTERRA team.