
  • Heart Disease is the #1 killer of both men and women in the United States, accounting for approximately 20% of all deaths! In light of these statistics, it may surprise you to learn that heart disease is preventable, and even reversible, if you know how to protect yourself.
    Unfortunately, heart disease is known as a silent killer. The accumulation of plaque often appears without symptoms until it’s too late.
    A heart scan is the only non-invasive way to determine if you have coronary artery disease.
    Join Dr. Hotze and Lesia Dubriel, Radiology Department Director/Technologist at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, as they discuss modern heart scan technology and how to use it as a preventive health measure.
    Learn how a simple, non-invasive, and fast heart scan can possibly save your life! Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 
    To schedule a heart scan, please call 281-579-3600 or visit https://www.hotzehwc.com/contact-us/.

  • If you feel like you’ve been struggling with the symptoms of hypothyroidism or are not getting resolution on current thyroid therapy, this podcast is for you.
    Hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) affects people of all ages and has many varying symptoms including low energy, hair loss/breakage, cold intolerance, fluid retention, ridges in fingernails, weight gain, joint pain, and brain fog.
    In this week’s podcast, we visit with Bryana Gregory, Pharm D, RPh as she discusses all things regarding thyroid medication. Bryana is a Pharmacist and Physician Liaison with Physicians Preference Pharmacy. Find out why you may not be finding symptom resolution with your current therapy and what more effective options are available.
    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
    Medical Providers and Patients can call at 281-828-9088 or can find our drug catalog here: https://physicianspreferencerx.com/practitioners/drug-catalog/

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  • Since 2020, it is estimated that 68 million people have been affected by long-haul symptoms associated with COVID! In many patients, the symptoms have been persistent or have rebounded since 2020.
    Common long-haul symptoms include: fatigue/lethargy, brain fog, headaches, difficulty sleeping, hair loss, smell disorder, decreased appetite, food sensitivity and joint pain. Luckily, there are several compounds available that can help alleviate your symptoms!
    In this week’s podcast, we visit with Bryana Gregory, Pharm D, RPh, as she discusses the varying compounds used to successfully treat long-haul patients.
    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
    Medical Providers and Patients can call at 281-828-9088 or can find our drug catalog here: https://physicianspreferencerx.com/practitioners/drug-catalog/

  • Did you know that women lose up to 1% of collagen every year after the age of 20…and up to 30% during Menopause? It’s true! Collagen is vital to the look and health of your skin (i.e. wrinkles)!
    SkinPen® is a microneedling treatment (collagen induction) that triggers your skin’s natural healing response and prompts it to produce new collagen.
    Join our Esthetician Bailie Munoz as she discusses the benefits of SkinPen® treatments and how you can get that youthful glow back in your skin! 
    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 
    To schedule an appointment, call Bailie at 281-698-8770 or visit HotzeBeauty.com.
    To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!

  • Are you familiar with the “love hormone?”  If not, listen closely.  Oxytocin is known as the “love hormone” and is made naturally in the body and supports proper sexual function. Women produce more oxytocin than men, and it is more densely located in the Central Nervous System.  When replenishing depleted levels of Oxytocin – caused by past trauma, chronic illness, chronic inflammation, high levels of stress, etc. – the oxytocin will bind to the oxytocin receptors in your body and cue the body to do what it already knows how to do! 
    Join our VP, Elaina Mango as she discusses frequently asked questions about Oxytocin with Pharmacist and Physician Liaison, Bryana Gregory, PharmD, RPh. Bryana gives us a lot of insight into Oxytocin, how it affects our body and how it can help with many symptoms, including mental health symptoms. Oxytocin is also vital for proper function of our metabolism and cardiovascular systems.  
    To learn more about Oxytocin, please visit PhysiciansPreferenceRX.com or call 281-828-9088.
    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 
    To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!

  • After her fourth child, Marisa noticed an increase in hormonal symptoms that weren’t allowing her to show up for her family in the way she wanted. After seeing several physicians, she was discouraged and felt that their “band-aid” approach was not treating the underlying symptoms.
    Upon reading an article about tubal ligations, Marisa came to the realization that her symptoms began to appear after the tubal ligation surgery she received after her fourth child was born. It all made sense.
    She immediately booked a flight from North Carolina to Texas, where she visited the Hotze Health & Wellness Center to find the answers she was desperately seeking.
    Find out what Marisa did to resolve her symptoms and get her health and life back! Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 
    To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!

  • If you enjoy the clean, glowing skin achieved from having a facial then you’re going to love Hydrafacial®. Hydrafacial® uses a unique, patented Vortex-Fusion technology to cleanse, extract, and hydrate your skin. Unlike traditional facials, it’s performed with a device instead of by hand, for deeper penetration and longer lasting results.
    Join Bailie Munoz, the licensed Esthetician at Hotze Health & Wellness Center as she takes you through the process of getting a  Hydrafacial® and how to obtain and maintain the best skin of your life!  It’s the perfect lunchtime treatment. You are typically in the office for 30 minutes to an hour, depending on what options are chosen. Glowing skin with no downtime!
    To find out more about Hydrafacial® and other aesthetics treatments we offer, visit us at HotzeBeauty.com or call us at 281-698-8770. We can accommodate bridal parties and other special occasions too.
    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 
    To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!

  • Ladies, has your doctor told you that your symptoms of low energy, irregular cycles, cold all the time, (even wearing a sweater in the hot summer!), etc. are “normal” and just natural signs of aging? Do you also have symptoms like brain fog, weight gain, anxiety, depression, low libido and more?  Are you looking for alternative answers?

    After visiting her primary care physician and OB/GYN for symptoms of hormone imbalance, Gisselle Piller was told her blood work was “normal” and that it was just a sign of aging that she would have to live with. She refused to accept this. Gisselle wanted a better quality of life and looked for alternative answers for her health symptoms and was eventually referred to Hotze Health & Wellness Center by her sister-in-law.

    Join Dr. Donald Ellsworth and his special guest, Gisselle Piller, as they discuss her journey from “normal” bloodwork while feeling drained to having lots of energy and a more engaged family life! Learn more about her experience and the treatment protocol that improved her quality of life! She now wakes up early, has energy and as a body builder, lifts weights 5 days a week!

    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 

    To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!

  • Can yogurt cure your health woes?  What if there was a simple, inexpensive solution that could resolve your stomach issues, improve your skin and mood, and reduce your waist circumference …would you be interested?

    On this week’s podcast, Dr. Donald Ellsworth is joined by world-renowned Cardiologist, Author and Health Crusader, Dr. William Davis. Dr. Davis is the author of New York Times #1 Bestselling book, Wheat Belly, that took the nutritional world by storm and exposed the adverse health effects caused by genetic changes introduced into modern wheat. In his latest book, Super Gut, he shows you a 4-week program to reprogram your gut microbiome, restore your health, lose weight, and more!

    Learn about the Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) epidemic and how the lack of key gut bacteria is contributing to a host of health problems and various symptoms.

    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 

    To learn more about Dr. William Davis or to order his latest book, Super Gut, visit https://drdavisinfinitehealth.com/

    If you have symptoms of gut imbalance or yeast overgrowth, take the free Symptom Checker Quiz by visiting https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/.

  • Was Popeye wrong about spinach?  Could an overabundance of “healthy” foods be harming your health?
    Oxalates are natural compounds found in vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains and are naturally created in the body as a waste product. They are not metabolized by the body and can prevent the absorption of important minerals. Eating a diet high in oxalates can injure the mitochondria, produce mineral deficiencies, contribute to kidney stones, and lead to a host of other symptoms.
    Join Dr. Donald Ellsworth and Director of New Guest Success, Jill Hartland, BSN, RN as they discuss oxalates and how they affect the body. Learn about the symptoms of high oxalates, how to balance out your diet, and ways to decrease your body’s absorption of oxalates. If you’re just not feeling well and there are no explanations, think about oxalates! Sometimes too much of a good thing could be a bad thing!
    For more information about oxalates, “Toxic Superfoods” by Sally Norton is a great book to reference.
    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 
    To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!

  • Naturally maintaining proper hormone balance can greatly improve your health and quality of life throughout various life stages. In fact, it’s common for patients to attribute their alleviation of many symptoms to natural hormone therapy. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions on the subject and our guest, Sherry Allen, has heard them all.
    Sherry has been a New Guest Consultant at Hotze Health & Wellness Center since 2004 and consults with new patients who are contemplating natural hormone replacement therapy.  In fact, most guests call as a last resort and common complaints are low energy, hair loss, joint pain, lack of focus/concentration, poor sleep, and low libido.   
    Join Dr. Hotze and his guest Sherry Allen today as they answer common hormone myths and misconceptions and discuss the importance of maintaining hormone balance throughout your life! Learn about the importance differences between synthetic hormones and natural bioidentical hormones and how they may be just what your body needs to function optimally.
    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 
    To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!

  • Approximately 35 million Americans suffer from Diabetes and about 90% of those cases are adult onset (Type 2 Diabetes)! This is a staggering statistic, although not surprising considering obesity is the main factor in type 2 diabetes.

    If you suffer from type 2 diabetes, the truth is that lack of insulin is not your problem…your lifestyle habits are!
    Your pancreas makes insulin in proportion to the sugar that you eat. Remember, all simple carbohydrates convert to sugar in the body. The more sugars you ingest, the more insulin your pancreas secretes into your body.

    Join Dr. Hotze as he discusses Type 2 Diabetes and how to reverse course and get your health back, naturally!
    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
    To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!

  • Hormones are special molecules that instruct our cells what to do and are vital to producing energy! As we age, our hormones can decline and become unbalanced leading to a host of symptoms that vary between men and women, depending on the hormones out of balance.
    The thyroid hormone is primarily responsible for energy production and can be affected by unbalanced sex hormones (primarily testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone).  For women, the symptoms of hormone imbalance can include irregular periods, mood swings, sleeplessness, weight gain, etc. For men, the symptoms often include weight gain, muscle loss, lack of energy, low sex drive, brain fog, etc.
    Join Dr. Hotze as he answers some frequently asked questions about hormone balance and how it affects both men and women!  If you have questions about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, this episode is for you!
    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 
    To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!

  • Bioidentical Hormones – Answers to Common Questions with New Guest Consultant Sherry Allen
    Do you have questions or concerns related to bioidentical hormone therapy? You’re not alone!
    On this week’s podcast we welcome Sherry Allen who has been a New Guest Consultant at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center for the past 20 years and a patient for the past 24 years! Sherry has personally listened to and consulted with tens of thousands of men and women who have taken control of their health and has a plethora of knowledge about bioidentical hormone therapy.
    Learn about the most common questions, concerns, and symptoms patients discuss before making the decision to balance their hormones! Dr. Hotze shares his expertise on the effects of hormone decline in women and men – you don’t want to miss this!
    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 
    To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!

  • Does your doctor really LISTEN to you?  Sometimes the best diagnosis is made by listening to patient symptoms to understand what their body needs. 
    In 2009, Suzette visited Hotze Health & Wellness Center after having a hysterectomy. She was experiencing mood swings, sleeplessness, night sweats, and low energy and knew something wasn’t right.
    After a thorough history, physical examination and blood work were taken, and by truly listening to Suzette’s symptoms, it was evident that she was suffering from hormonal decline and nutrient deficiencies.
    She was prescribed a custom treatment program that included bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, vitamin and mineral therapy, and a yeast-free eating program that turned her life in a new direction! After 5 years on the program, she convinced her husband to take charge of his health as well, and he’s never felt better!
    Join Dr. Hotze and his special guest Suzette Yackell, as they discuss her journey from suffering post-hysterectomy symptoms and gastrointestinal issues to an energetic life full of vitality!
    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 
    To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!

  • Your overall health begins in your gut!  If you are struggling with weight loss, you may need to get your gut in balance! There is a proper balance between yeast and bacteria in the colon. Antibiotic use is one factor that can disrupt this balance and cause yeast to overgrow, leading to a host of symptoms and making it difficult to lose weight.

    Join Dr. Hotze as he discusses the Yeast-Free Eating Program and what steps you can take to eliminate yeast overgrowth, feel better and lose the extra weight!

    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 
    To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!

  • The thyroid gland produces energy for the body and regulates the metabolism. Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid function, can lead to increased weight gain. Fluid retention and weight gain are common symptoms of low thyroid function. Hypothyroidism also causes other symptoms including fatigue, brain fog, difficulty sleeping, cold sensitivity, muscle aches and pains, hair loss, and chronic infections, just to name a few.
    Did you know that fluoride can also contribute to a slow metabolism? Fluoride exposure can disrupt the body’s ability to convert the inactive to the active thyroid hormone, causing a slow metabolism. Since the 1960’s, when fluoride was added to our water supply, the percentage of Americans who are overweight has increased from 15% to 80%!

    Hypothyroidism is best diagnosed using clinical symptoms. Blood tests alone may not be the best indicator because the “normal” reference range for the TSH test is very wide. Join Dr. Hotze as he discusses how thyroid affects weight loss and learn how to live a life full of energy, vitality, and enthusiasm! 
    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 
    To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!

  • Are you seeking answers to combat brain fog and mental decline, decrease your risk of dementia, or manage the challenges of ADHD? Unlocking the full potential of your mind is essential for a vibrant and fulfilling life. Your brain, often described as the command center (or CEO) of your body, plays a pivotal role in shaping your memory, cognitive abilities, emotional well-being, and even your daily functioning, including motor skills and sensory perception.
    Join Jason Gourlas, MPAS, PA-C, as he discusses the new ADHD/Brain program available at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. It’s not uncommon to hear people say “Oh, I’m so ADD!” when they are forgetful or can’t focus or concentrate. While we used to associate ADD or ADHD primarily with children, many adults today are being diagnosed with it, as well. Before you assume you have ADHD and go to a doctor who will prescribe dangerous stimulant drugs, you owe it to yourself to find the underlying cause of your symptoms. The good news is that there are natural solutions that can have a profound impact on your brain’s vitality and performance. Our goal is to work closely with you to empower you to take an active role in your health. 
    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 
    To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!

  • Do you suffer from an autoimmune, gastrointestinal, or neurological condition that just will not resolve? This episode is for you! Naltrexone is a formula that has been available for over fifty years, and it works by binding to opioid receptors in the brain, which produce endorphins that make you feel better and help reduce pain.
    Low-Dose Naltrexone can benefit a variety of other medical conditions, especially autoimmune disease, as it brings the immune system back into balance by controlling inflammation.
    Learn more about Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN), how it works at reducing inflammation, what conditions LDN can benefit, and how to get it.
    For more information about Low-Dose Naltrexone, visit https://physicianspreferencerx.com/ or call 281-828-9088.
    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 
    Do you have symptoms that can benefit from LDN? Contact our wellness consultants at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center for a complimentary wellness consultation at 281-698-8698.

  • Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have your own personal health coach, working side-by-side to put you on a path of wellness and ensure your success? Meet Jill Hartland, BSN, RN, CCRN-K, the Director of New Guest Success at Hotze Health & Wellness Center!

    Learn more about Jill’s unique role and how she uses her background in traditional medicine, functional medicine, and nutrition to bring value to our patients (we call our patients “guests”) by making their path toward health and wellness a success!

    Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 
    To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!