Hosted by Ant McDonald, The Beautiful Pursuit is a podcast for the passionate ones. The ones who feel a fire in their bones, and the ones who wish they did. Originally dreamt up as a worship podcast (for worship leaders and musicians), The Beautiful Pursuit is more like a falling into the deep well of worship and never climbing out. To live encouraged. Inspired. And built up in Love.
For Ant, The Beautiful Pursuit has been the pursuit of Jesus in it all. Not only Jesus in church or Jesus music, but Jesus in everything. Jesus in family, in friendships, in waking and sleeping, in highs and lows, in disappointments and dreams. He's either in everything or it's religion.
Ant spent years working for Christian record label Integrity Media Africa, interviewing artists from all over the world - legends like Michael W. Smith, Lenny le Blanc, Martin Smith, Jeremy Riddle, Kari Jobe - to mention a few. She would unpack and understand their processes; explore their unique personalities and listen to the stories that shaped their art and expression. What she found was powerful, beautiful stories from ordinary people behind some extraordinary songs. Songs that often started out as scribbles in journals or awkward voice notes - and evolved into anthems that have touched the furthest corners of the globe and championed people's hearts and lives.
Inspired by those early conversations, Ant has created this podcast to give those stories wings, and bring them into people's homes and hearts. -
Welcome to The Oikos Family Podcast. A podcast all about the family. Covering topics from home education to health and everything in between.You can listen to the podcast right here, or in your favourite podcast app wherever you currently listen to podcasts. -
Pastor Sechaba Mothiane’s weekly dose of spiritual well-being. The show seeks to assist with deep-rooted problems from the pasts that could be affecting the present. We play South African gospel music and include a psychologist to assist with any issues raised before ending off the show with a scripture and words of wisdom.
The world needs people like you. People who walk different, talk different, have a little funk in their step. The Lord told us in 2014 that people like you were going to need a place to call home, a tribe to call theirs. We listened, and Radical Change Ministries opened its doors anchored in 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Therefore if any person is in Christ, the Messiah, he is a new creation altogether.
We're no ordinary ministry, just like you're no ordinary person.
You're extraordinary, and we can't wait to welcome you home! -
Mit dem Podcast A³ möchte ich gerne mit so vielen Menschen wie nur möglich meine Begeisterung für Achtsamkeit, ätherische Öle und Atemtechniken teilen. Denn diese drei As können so viel bewirken und uns helfen, mehr im Hier und Jetzt zu leben, mit unserer wahren Essenz in Verbindung zu bleiben und ein erfülltes und zufriedenes Leben zu führen. Hole Dir mit diesem Podcast regelmäßige Inspirationen und wertvolle Informationen, wie Du diese drei As ganz leicht in Deinen Alltag integrieren kannst. Bei A³ bekommst Du Meditationen, Atemübungen, Informationen über ätherische Öle und deren Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Achtsamkeitsübungen vermittelt. Be mindful, be present, be inspired, be YOU!
What does it mean to look at something through a redemptive lens? How can the Christian Biblical worldview help us see our reality not as how it is, but how it should be? On the Reframed podcast channel, various perspectives are offered on how business can become a force for redemptive change within Africa’s unique contexts. In each series you’ll hear from business leaders as they explore the ways that we can fundamentally shape industry and transform society through Biblically-aligned practices.
Reframed is brought to you by Ziwani - a community of business leaders who partner together to live out Kingdom calling in the marketplace within Africa. To know more about us, visit our website at