Do you wonder if you're doing the right exercises?
Coach Sean and I take many of the most popular exercises out there and give you better options to use to become a faster and stronger athlete. Using better exercises will help you increase your strength, speed and explosiveness more quickly and with a higher ceiling than with the exercises you are using now.
There are exercises that you as an athlete are probably doing that are wasting your time and making you slower with greater possibility for injury. Learn which exercises aren't very beneficial to you and what you can do instead to get explosive and strong NOW! Train like an athlete. This great episode will help you dominate the court in a hurry.
*Original air date: March 2nd, 2021. Elite Training For Basketball podcast #22
For more information on athlete development and to connect with Phil please visit his athlete development page here: https://www.gephartstrength.com/athle... To learn more about working with Phil from anywhere in the world learn about his online coaching program here: https://www.gephartstrength.com/onlin... And to reach Sean connect with him on his website here: www.SeanDoesStrength.com
Are you doing the same exercises and the same workout routines over and over again and not seeing improved results? Do you want to know how to change your workouts periodically so you see constant improvement in your vertical jump and explosiveness?
Today, on the 20th episode of the Elite Training For Basketball Podcast, we’re going to talk about how to progress your workouts throughout the calendar year to improve your vertical jump and be as explosive as possible during your basketball season. Coach Sean and I even write two workouts for you LIVE on the air. You'll be able to hear our reasons why we are choosing specific exercises and why they will help you improve your workout and improve your explosiveness and vertical jumping ability.
If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/14438...
*Original air date: February 16th, 2021. For more information on athlete development and to connect with Phil please visit his athlete development page here: https://www.gephartstrength.com/athle...
To learn more about working with Phil from anywhere in the world learn about his online coaching program here: https://www.gephartstrength.com/onlin... And to reach Sean connect with him on his website here: www.SeanDoesStrength.com
Manglende episoder?
Podcast Episode #19 This is it! Many of you have asked for specific workouts. This podcast we break down what your individual workout should look like - the exercises, the reps, the sets, the tempo, the order - everything you need to structure a workout like a pro. Miss this and you miss a career-changing episode. If you want the details and the structure into what an intense, yet very scientific approach to your training should be sit back and watch this episode. We even construct two workouts for you live on air.
If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/14438...
*Original air date: February 16th, 2021. For more information on athlete development and to connect with Phil please visit his athlete development page here: https://www.gephartstrength.com/athle... And to reach Sean connect with him on his website here: www.SeanDoesStrength.com
If you don't recover properly your performance will suffer. Want to know the top recovery methods of high performers?
In today’s live podcast we'll break down the strategies you need so you are ready and prepared the next time the ball is tipped.
We'll cover what you need for optimal physical recovery as well as mental and hormonal recovery. If you want to perform at your best, always feel wiped out the day after games or just need to gain that extra edge over your competition this episode is for you.
If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/14438...
*Original air date: February 9th, 2021. For more information on athlete development and to connect with Phil please visit his athlete development page here: https://www.gephartstrength.com/athle... And to reach Sean connect with him on his website here: www.SeanDoesStrength.com
ET4B Episode #17
Coach Sean and I are BRINGING IT TO YOU today ---> 5 ways to turn your strength into speed.
If you want to LEVEL UP your speed and add another gear to your engine here's your show. We'll cover exercises you need to be doing, when to implement them during your calendar year and how the conversion of strength into speed actually happens.
If you want to be faster then you need to get stronger. And if you want to get stronger AND faster you need to listen to this episode.
If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/14438...
*Original air date: January 26, 2021. For more information on athlete development and to connect with Phil please visit his athlete development page here: https://www.gephartstrength.com/athle... And to reach Sean connect with him on his website here: www.SeanDoesStrength.com
Coach Sean and I loved doing this episode! We talked about:
-how more muscle can help you on the basketball court
-why most basketball players can't grow
-What is functional hypertrophy and how does it make you a better athlete
-why more muscle will improve your vertical and explosiveness & NOT make you slower ... if you do it right -the best weight training schemes for growth and so much more.
I hope you enjoy it and apply these principles to get bigger, faster and stronger for the game you love.
If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/14438...
*Original air date: January 26, 2021. For more information on athlete development and to connect with Phil please visit his athlete development page here: https://www.gephartstrength.com/athle... And to reach Sean connect with him on his website here: www.SeanDoesStrength.com
Podcast episode #15
Don't miss this one if you want to know about: -what your plate should look like BEFORE games -what your plate should look like AFTER games -what is the real breakfast of champions? -how much protein do you really need? ... and much, much more. Nutrition is critically important - and very much a hotly debated topic. I hope coach Sean and I can help you understand how to fuel your body with this episode!
This is the recording of our 15th live, weekly show that happens exclusively inside our ELITE TRAINING FOR BASKETBALL Facebook group. If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/14438...
*Original air date: January 19th, 2021. For more information on athlete development and to connect with Phil please visit his athlete development page here: https://www.gephartstrength.com/athle... And to reach Sean connect with him on his website here: www.SeanDoesStrength.com
ET4B Episode #14
It’s finally here. Coach Sean and I will spend an entire show breaking down how to improve your vertical jump.
The exercises to use.
The muscles used and why focus on them.
The time of year you should focus on it.
The rep ranges for best results.
Are plyometrics beneficial?
Which are the best plyometric exercises.
We have talked about it in here at various times but now we will put it all together for you in one show.
This is the recording of our 14th live, weekly show that happens exclusively inside our ELITE TRAINING FOR BASKETBALL Facebook group.
If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1443836609141623
*Original air date: January 12th, 2021.
For more information on athlete development and to connect with Phil please visit his athlete development page here:
And to reach Sean connect with him on his website here: www.SeanDoesStrength.com
ET4B Podcast #13
This week we'll be taking a deeper dive into WHY you need to squat and how it will help improve your game by making you GLOBALLY STRONGER, much more explosive and tougher to guard.
We'll help you see how to progress your squat throughout the year, is the butt wink ok and even go into forensic anthropology to help determine which type of squat may be best for you.
This is the recording of our 13th live, weekly show that happens exclusively inside our ELITE TRAINING FOR BASKETBALL Facebook group. If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/14438...
*Original air date: January 5th, 2021. For more information on athlete development and to connect with Phil please visit his athlete development page here: https://www.gephartstrength.com/athle... And to reach Sean connect with him on his website here: www.SeanDoesStrength.com
ET4B live Podcast episode #11
Basketball players, you don’t want to miss this episode. Coach Sean and I will help you see:
-why squatting is key to your growth as a basketball player.
-what version of squats is best to increase your vertical jump
-how to improve your mobility to be able to squat to depth (full ROM)
***and why that’s necessary in the first place
-top 3 things most basketball players do - BUT you need to avoid - when squatting.
-and much more!
This is the recording of our 11th live, weekly show that happens exclusively inside our ELITE TRAINING FOR BASKETBALL Facebook group. If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/14438...
*Original air date: December 15th, 2020. To connect with coach Phil and learn more about his offseason basketball program click here: https://www.gephartstrength.com/baske... And to connect with coach Sean reach out to him on his website www.SeanDoesStrength.com
If you've been hampered by injuries and/or want to prevent them in the future tune in to this episode to learn the biggest reason injuries occur and what you can do to avoid future injuries.
We break down structural balance and how that affects your injury potential and how to get your body back in balance, eccentric strength and it's role in overcoming injuries, break down some common injuries and what muscles to strengthen and exercises to use to eliminate those injuries in your own game as well as so much more.
So wherever you are at, sit back, hit play and listen in to become more indestructible on the court.
Learning how to manipulate this one variable will be key to training your body correctly for basketball. It will be like tuning your body's motor for high performance. Coach Sean takes us through a great presentation and we get "into the weeds" a bit, but all for your benefit, to help you improve your speed and explosiveness on the basketball court.
If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/14438...
*Original air date: December 1st, 2020. For more information on athlete development and to connect with Phil please visit his athlete development page here: https://www.gephartstrength.com/athle... And to reach Sean connect with him on his website here: www.SeanDoesStrength.com or his Instagram @Sean_Does_Strength
Live podcast #08 will help you organize your training and educate you how to train for basketball rather than bodybuilding.
It will also teach you some things you are doing like bodybuilders that you should stop doing and change to a more athletic type of training. We talk about the advantages bodybuilders have over you as a natural athlete, rate of force development, differences in training to elicit a different training outcome and more.
We hope you enjoy!
This is the recording of our 8th live, weekly show that happens exclusively inside our ELITE TRAINING FOR BASKETBALL Facebook group. If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/14438...
*Original air date: November 17th, 2020. For more information on athlete development and to connect with Phil please visit his athlete development page here: https://www.gephartstrength.com/athle... And to reach Sean connect with him on his website here: www.SeanDoesStrength.com
Live Podcast #07 is for YOU if you get tired as the game goes on. “Stamina”, “endurance”, conditioning??? How do you feel strong and full of energy late in games?! In this episode we break down conditioning for basketball and how you need to train to optimize your performance late in games.
And cardio? None of that here. That will actually make you a slower, less explosive athlete. And coach Sean and I are happy to break that down during this episode.
If you are logging miles running thinking you are improving your conditioning for the 4th quarter think again ... you are definitely going to want to listen to this episode!
This is the recording of our 7th live, weekly show that happens exclusively inside our ELITE TRAINING FOR BASKETBALL Facebook group. If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/14438... *Original air date: November 17th, 2020.
Coach Sean and I will be talking about how you need to train to stay strong, explosive and keep your muscle throughout the season. Most baketball players I talk to change their in-season training that actually makes them slower and weaker. This is a big problem as it can also lead to injury. We break down the ways you need to change your training so you aren't as sore and fatigued but feel strong and powerful. Don't miss this episode.
This is the recording of our 6th live, weekly show that happens exclusively inside our ELITE TRAINING FOR BASKETBALL Facebook group. If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1443836609141623 *Original air date: November 3rd, 2020.
For more information on athlete development and to connect with Phil please visit his athlete development page here:
And to reach Sean connect with him on his website here: www.SeanDoesStrength.com
ET4B Show #05.
I've developed these six pillars over my career to help you become a more complete and better athlete. The more closely you follow these principles the more you can expect:
- improved neural drive for better muscle recruitment
- faster recovery
- more energy
- better focus
- easier muscle growth
- be more durable & less injury prone
- improved sleep
and many more benefits. You'll be a better, more complete human being. And definitely more difficult to guard on the court.
This is the recording of our 5th live, weekly show that happens exclusively inside our ELITE TRAINING FOR BASKETBALL Facebook group. If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1443836609141623 *Original air date: October 27th, 2020.
For more information on athlete development and to connect with Phil please visit his athlete development page here:
And to reach Sean connect with him on his website here: www.SeanDoesStrength.com
Want to know how to train to really get quick and explosive? The science is clear, and, after listening to this episode you'll know exactly what you need to do in your training to improve your agility and change of direction speed.
We cover:
-the difference in agility and change of direction
-why speed ladder drills don't help you get quicker AT ALL
-the importance of eccentric strength to improve your change of direction strength
-the 3 phases of changing direction and how to improve each one
...and so much more.
Please tune in and let us know how you'll be changing up your training to improve your change of direction speed.
This is the recording of our 4th live, weekly show that happens exclusively inside our ELITE TRAINING FOR BASKETBALL Facebook group. If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1443836609141623 *Original air date: October 20th, 2020.
For more information on athlete development and to connect with Phil please visit his athlete development page here:
And to reach Sean connect with him on his website here: www.SeanDoesStrength.com
This "muscle group" - if I can use that term loosely - is the basis for every movement you make in a basketball game.
Training it properly will increase your vertical jump, give you a quicker first step, make you tougher to guard and improve your speed sprinting up the court.
After this episode you'll have a better understanding of HOW to train this muscle group, WHAT rep ranges work best, WHY you need to train this muscle group correctly and more.
This is the recording of our 3rd live, weekly show that happens exclusively inside our ELITE TRAINING FOR BASKETBALL Facebook group. If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1443836609141623 *Original air date: October 13th, 2020.
For more information on athlete development and to connect with Phil please visit his athlete development page here:
And to reach Sean connect with him on his website here: www.SeanDoesStrength.com
Many basketball players get their in-season training wrong. After a great off-season they change gears so much it actually makes them slower, less explosive and more prone to injury.
If you want to be as explosive as you can be on the basketball court, be more durable and less prone to injury, maintain your strength, muscle and weight during the season then check out this episode on how to train DURING THE SEASON to be as quick and explosive as you can be.
This is the recording of our 2nd live, weekly show that happens exclusively inside our ELITE TRAINING FOR BASKETBALL Facebook group. If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch live every Tuesday as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/14438... *Original air date: October 6th, 2020.
What most basketball players do not realize is that relative strength is key to them optimizing their vertical jump, having quicker change of direction speed, avoiding injuries, finishing at the rim and more.
We break down the reasons why these things are on our first ever live podcast that takes place exclusively inside our Facebook group, Elite Training For Basketball.
If you are a high-level basketball player and want to watch our show live every Tuesday, as well as see all our great content on elite training tips exclusively for basketball players, just click this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1443836609141623
*Original air date: September 29th, 2020.