Dr. Pregerson reviews the ACC Expert Consensus Decision Pathway on the Evaluation and Disposition of Acute Chest Pain by focusing on high-sensitivity troponin, delta troponin, unstable angina, renal failure, and baseline troponin, only in this month’s podcast. Read more in the Show Notes.
Dr. Pregerson says assessing temperature in the emergency department is more complicated than you think. He discusses the reliability of thermometers, what constitutes a fever, and how to diagnose hypothermia in this month’s podcast. Read more in the Show Notes.
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Dr. Pregerson said he thinks EPs over-prophylax rabies cases, which carries risks and costs. He discusses the incidence of rabies, which symptoms to look for, and how to treat it in this month’s podcast. Read more in the Show Notes.
Dr. Pregerson has all you need to know about strokes, including that posterior strokes are missed twice as often as anterior ones, ruling out mimics like vertigo, headache, and vomiting, and which tests you should be doing in this month’s EM Logic podcast. Read more in the Show Notes.
Dr. Pregerson dives deep into ACLS, noting that anything that compromises good CPR and early defibrillation can make things worse, and he offers tips for treating ED patients who need CPR, defibrillation, intubation, and medications in this month’s EM Logic podcast. Read more in the Show Notes.
Dr. Pregerson parses the literature on steroids for severe infection and why EPs need to know the nuances of how and when to use them in this month’s EM Logic podcast. Read more in the Show Notes.
Hypokalemia gets a lot of attention in the literature, but Dr. Pregerson said he has never had a patient with hyperkalemic cardiac arrest. Listen in as he discusses the ECG changes seen with hypokalemia and how to treat hypokalemic arrest if you see it. Read more in the Show Notes.
EPs know blood thinners increase the risk of intracranial bleeding, and there are many classes of blood thinners, each with a different risk profile. Dr. Pregerson delves into antiplatelet agents, warfarin, and DOACs. Read more in the Show Notes.
Dr. Pregerson digs deep into how missed vital sign red flags account for malpractice cases. He reviews unexplained tachycardia, soft blood pressure, minor temperature elevation, and mild hypoxia. Read more in the Show Notes.
Dr. Pregerson tells you all you need to know about using CT contrast in the ED. Read more in the Show Notes.
Dr. Pregerson says EPs have to think like detectives for cases that don’t fit the typical pattern of viral illness and must think more logically about these infections. Read more in the Show Notes.
Urinalysis can be a ship for fools, Dr. Pregerson says in this month’s podcast where he explains why you need logic not to miss true UTIs. Read more in the Show Notes.
Pain medications make patients feel better and want to go home, but Dr. Pregerson says don’t send them home with more medication unless a definitive diagnosis was made because they may not come back if the medication masks that their condition has gotten worse. Read more in the Show Notes.
Dr. Pregerson logically dissects an aortic dissection, answering when to consider a chest CT, where to take the blood pressure, and when to do a pericardiocentesis, this month with bonus video! (https://bit.ly/EMNVideoGallery.) Read more in the Show Notes.
Dr. Pregerson asks—and answers—the important questions about intubation: Why is it important to synchronize a bag-valve-mask ventilation with the patient’s breathing? Why is upright intubation better? Why you should use the SALAD technique, and what are the benefits of ketamine? Read more in the Show Notes.
Dr. Pregerson delves into minor and serious cases of hemoptysis, how to treat these patients, and why positioning is so critical. Read more in the Show Notes.
Dr. Pregerson explains why it’s important to find out why patients want to leave AMA because that might help you change their mind. Either way, chart what patient says and your response and listen to his other tips for handling these discharges. Read more in the Show Notes.
Dr. Pregerson explains why troponin will sometimes be falsely negative early in an occlusion MI when the benefit of intervention is highest, how a urinalysis can lead you astray, and why some EMRs don’t flag abnormally high bands. Listen in to hear all about these intriguing topics and read more in the Show Notes.
Lab values aren’t just lab values, and there’s a logic to understanding how to interpret them. Listen in to hear all about this fascinating topic and read more in the Show Notes.
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