
  • Even if you’ve done a lot of inner work, even with amazing kids– parenting is challenging. You are responsible for everything from money to housework to supporting their mental, emotional and physical well-being, you have less time in the day to deal with stress, and your kids will trigger you.

    While it’s easy to get overwhelmed and either give in or punish our children, they cooperate so much more when they feel connected. Whether it’s bedtime, getting out the door or stopping their foul language– the Hand in Hand Parenting tools offer simple, practical, in-the-moment relief and allow everyone in your family to thrive.

    On today’s podcast, join special guest Kathy Gordon and I and learn:

    * How to use play to get your kids to cooperate faster and more easily.
    * Why it pays off to let your child cry instead of stopping a tantrum.
    * Why threatening your child creates long-term problems and what to do instead.
    * A simple tool to connect with your children and discharge emotional tension each day, even when you’re busy.
    * Why we parents need our own support in order to be better parents, and a resource for finding this.
    * How setting limits can actually increase your child’s sense of connection and safety.
    * A guided meditation to discover your personal parenting triggers, and daily tips to make them easier.

    Ann's website: www.AnnOBrienLiving.com
    Kathy’s website: www.handinhandparenting.org/instructor/Kathy-Gordon/

  • Whether you'd love to have more energy, feel great and reduce your genetic tendencies towards disease-- or, if you're frustrated with health problems that doctors cannot diagnose or cure-- this episode is for you!

    More and more people are recognizing the effects of emotions, environmental toxins and even spiritual energies on our health-- but how do you know what's causing your specific health challenges and how to solve them?

    On today's podcast, join Ann and special guest Julie E and discover:

    * Signs and symptoms of less than perfect health that you can detect easily at home.
    * The top places we're picking up toxic chemicals and how to prevent this.
    * How past traumas can be the biggest cause of poor health, and how to heal them.
    * A low-tech diagnostic tool to discover what's really causing your health issues.
    * A simple practice you can do to boost your lymphatic system so your body can clear toxins.
    * An instant technique to know whether a food, supplement or cosmetic is right for you.
    * A guided meditation to strengthen a weak spot in your body and discover a message your body has for you.

    Ann's website: www.AnnOBrienLiving.com
    Julie's website: www.JulieEHealth.com

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  • If you’ve ever felt stuck, confused, or like there’s a bigger calling for your life, this episode is for you! There’s a great need on earth right now for each of us to expand our hearts and give our true gifts.

    Many of us– including mothers, healers, teachers or therapists– are natural givers, but our giving is out of balance. Unfortunately, this creates boundary issues and emotional challenges that tempt us to shut our hearts down.

    Both Ann and special guest Wendy DeRosa have been there– and have since devoted themselves to supporting others in healing and awakening. Listen in for some helpful tips and inspiration!

    Topics include:

    * How to stop over-giving and fill your own heart first.
    * Tips for shifting your energy (and even posture!) towards balance– improving relationships, health and your capacity to give and receive.
    * Why feeling lost and confused can be a powerful sign of heart expansion.
    * How to overcome boundary issues and balance your emotions.
    * Why your awakening to your purpose is essential on the planet right now.
    * A guided meditation to ground your body, balance your heart and connect more fully to your Divine calling.

    Visit Ann's website @ www.AnnOBrienLiving.com.
    Visit Wendy’s website @ www.schoolofintuitivestudies.com.

  • Most of us love essential oils, but did you ever think you could use them to replace your home medicine cabinet? Studies are proving their countless benefits including boosting mood and brain health, supporting weight loss and overcoming addictions-- all without side effects and with side benefits.

    Listen in as Ann and essential oil expert Dana Schwartz explore this fascinating topic, and learn something you can take home to your family today!

    Topics include:

    * Why essential oils are so gentle yet powerful, and how they connect us to nature wherever we are.
    * How the oils replace the side effects common in synthetic drugs with side benefits.
    * Healing addictions with oils by addressing their underlying cause.
    * Which oils to use for depression, panic or anxiety.
    * Why oils can help you lose those stubborn 10-15 pounds, and which oils to use.
    * How to remove odors and bacteria from the air using an essential oil diffuser.
    * A meditation to connect you to mother nature and discover an oil that would support you today!

    Ann's website: www.AnnOBrienLiving.com
    Dana's website:www.CorazonHealingArts.com

  • Whether we grew up rich, poor or somewhere in-between, we all have money "stuff." Most of us just weren't given a practical, spiritual and psychological education when it comes to money.

    It's easy to feel shame, anger, confusion or fear around what we don't know. In today's episode, Ann and special guest Bari Tessler will help you de-stress, find compassion and learn some new ways to face this area of life!

    Topics include:

    * What happens when we don't get education around money, and how to give that to ourselves and our children now.
    * Why money issues aren't really about the money.
    * One reason couples fight about money, and how to change that.
    * The power of our lineage in shaping our money story.
    * Compelling stories of how 2 women transformed their financial past.
    * Typical money issues from both working class and wealthy families.
    * A practice to help you discover the messages you received about money growing up.
    * A meditation to connect you to your body's feelings and your next step with money today.

    Ann's website: www.AnnOBrienLiving.com
    Bari's website: www.BariTessler.com

  • Do you ever feel like a fraud? Like any success you have is an illusion, and that it's just a matter of time before people find out you're really an imposter?

    If so, you're not alone. In this episode, join Ann and special guest Tanya Geisler so you can bust these lies and move forward with your life!

    Topics include:

    * The attributes of the imposter complex and how to recognize it in yourself.
    * Why it shows up when we're on the verge of expansion.
    * How to know when you really need to slow down or wait, and when to courageously blaze forward in your life.
    * Specific behavior patterns common in people with the imposter complex.
    * Celebration, community, and other strategies for bolstering your true confidence.
    * Simple practices to help you acknowledge your wins and release your personal blocks to success.

    Ann's website: www.AnnOBrienLiving.com
    Tanya's website: www.TanyaGeisler.com

  • What do you do when you feel anger, rage, jealousy, judgement, grief or other "negative" feelings? Do you push them down, go numb or react with unhelpful coping mechanisms?

    If so, know there is an easier way to deal with these feelings! Join Ann and special guest Amanda Neill for a refreshing conversation about how to embrace these "dark" sides we all have.

    Topics include:

    * A specific technique to safely access the emotions you're afraid to feel or express.
    * How to empower your life by listening to the messages your emotions have for you.
    * Why it's actually safer to face our emotions than hide them, and why directness is safer than drama.
    * How your emotional openness actually draws love closer to you.
    * Simple tips to reclaim your emotional energy and stop projecting it into others.
    * How to boost your chances that men (and others in your life) can handle your dark side.
    * A guided meditation and awareness practice to connect to your "dark" emotions, and even bring humor to them!

    Ann's website: http://AnnOBrienLiving.com
    Amanda's website: http://BirthOfVenusCoaching.com/

  • Do you love your body? If it's hard to say YES to this question, you're not alone... and yet there are ways to change this!

    In today's episode, Ann and special guest Marla Mervis-Hartmann dive into a conversation about why so many of us have body issues, and share some simple steps you can take today to heal any shame, disconnection, or other tough stuff!

    Topics include:

    * How to shift from judgement into curiosity when your "body stuff" comes up.
    * Why sensuality and confidence are more important than your outfit, hair or body type.
    * How to deal with the mixed messages about our bodies that we receive as women.
    * The spiritual reason why we "check out" and disconnect from our bodies.
    * How to use the power of appreciation to heal jealousy and cultural conditioning.
    * A guided meditation to discover any hidden emotions keeping you from self-love.

    Visit Ann's website @ http://www.AnnOBrienLiving.com
    Visit Marla's website @ http://www.LoveYourBodyLoveYourself.org

  • Do you feel empowered when it comes to your sexuality? What does that mean for you?

    In this juicy episode, Ann and special guest Michaela Boehm discuss just that– along with how to increase intimacy, sexual pleasure and satisfaction. Join us for a raw and real conversation and get ready to awaken your sexual power!

    Topics include:

    * Why sexual empowerment is as much about self-awareness and inner freedom than it is about being free of societal influences.
    *How getting in touch with your feelings and sensory experiences in the moment helps with both intimacy and boundary setting.
    * Why our “dark” emotions, such as anger, allow us to access more pleasure.
    * What to do if you’re a strong, self-sufficient woman who yearns to surrender and be ravished in love.
    * A guided meditation to energetically clear and reclaim your sexual space from past partners, traumas or programming.

    Visit Michaela’s website @ http://www.michaelaboehm.com/.

  • If you love music, you already know about it's healing power. In this episode, you'll learn why sound (especially drumming) is so powerful, and you'll even be guided in a meditative journey to get intuitive answers for yourself while listening to live drumming!

    Topics include:

    * The power of drumming and rhythm to overcome mental chatter and focus your mind
    * How to use sound to heal your body and balance your chakras (energy centers)
    * Fish oils for the brain: the power of drumming to heal depression and mental health issues
    * A guided, shamanic drum journey to discover a vision for your life
    * How to use sound to heal yourself and get your own answers
    * A simple breathing practice to balance the hemispheres of your brain

    Marla's website: http://www.MarlaLeigh.com/
    Ann's website: http://www.AnnOBrienLiving.com

  • Got money stress? This episode will help you find a new relationship with money that honors your self-worth, respects others and aligns with your life's priorities.

    Topics include:

    * How to align your personal values with your financial decisions
    * Why more money is not the whole answer-- and how to shift your emotional state to attract money
    * How to have a healthy money conversation with your partner, family, clients or co-workers
    * Typical money behaviors that cause problems, and how to overcome them
    * Questions to ask yourself to find your power with money
    * A simple, guided meditation to clear your money blocks

  • Are your health issues actually physical... or are they emotional, energetic or even spiritual? Whether doctors haven't been able to help you with chronic health issues, or whether you're just eager to take your health to the next level so you can THRIVE, you'll want to listen to this.

    Join naturopath Louise Swartswalter and I as we explain how body, mind and spirit intersect and improve your health today!

    Topics include:

    * Why physical healing alone is not enough
    * What to look for when you're really stuck and a health issue isn't getting better
    * A simple practice using Geotran codes to clear brain fog and reprogram old patterns
    * How having a healthy body supports your spiritual clarity and manifesting abilities
    * What really causes cancer and other health issues
    * Why our longing for love and belonging can keep us stuck, and how to find courage to heal
    * The importance of cleansing, and why we need to replenish afterwards
    * A guided meditation for transforming a health challenge

  • Wondering if you're on the right track with your work or path in life? In this episode, you'll be inspired to discover your destiny-- and better equipped to navigate the bumps in the road along the way!

    Topics include:

    1). How to look at your hands and quickly discover your type (air, fire, water or earth)- and what that means about your personality.

    2). How to know your personal success strategy-- and why this may be more important than your job.

    3). Knowing when to accept fate and when to activate your free will.

    4). Why your challenges are actually key to your destiny, and how to embrace them with more grace.

    5). A simple, guided meditation to help you connect with your purpose in life.

  • Ready to find your soulmate, clear toxic relationship patterns or bring back the spark with your partner? In this episode, you'll get relationship advice and learn energy tools and spiritual practices to help you attract love.

    Topics include:

    1). Why our energy may be more important than our clothes, makeup, etc. in attracting a mate.

    2). Love advice for committed relationships: how to overcome jealousy and disconnection and magnetize your partner back to you.

    3). The importance of gentleness, detachment and self-love in moving from victimhood to empowerment and creating healthy relationships.

    4). Why finding your soulmate is not "the answer" and how spiritual growth continues AFTER you find your partner.

    5). What to do if you are looking for a partner to have a child with.

    6). A simple, guided meditation to quickly fix most relationship challenges.

  • If you know there's more inside you that you're not expressing, you'll want to listen here. If you've been shelving your desires, stuffing your emotions or holding back your truth, a whole new world awaits you when you share your voice!

    Join Ann O'Brien with special guest Veronica Krestow and discover:

    1. How those you admire or feel jealous of are showing you your own greatness.
    2. How to call your creative power back from problems, situations or projections.
    3. How expressing your voice is KEY to finding your life's path.
    4. Why silence and stillness is needed for full, authentic expression, and how to balance the two.
    5. The importance of pleasure and self-love.
    6. Simple ways to find space for yourself if you've been putting yourself last after your job, partner, family or to-do list.