
  • Our Season Two finale episode contains the two truths you need to know about about persevering through trials. Pastor Joe McIntyre also will share:

    How do we "count it all joy?" What is a positive confession of faith and why is it important? How do we come boldly to the throne of grace to find help in time of need? Is it okay to grieve that a trial has come upon us?

    A full transcript and show notes are located at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast39.

    Season three of the Empowering Grace Podcast will return fall 2023!

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  • God says you are a new creation and your old mindsets have passed away. Included in this re-birth is the authority to exercise dominion over every principality and power in our sphere of responsibility.

    The devil's strategy is to is to do everything he can to keep us distracted from this revelation so we don't see the truth about our authority in Christ. A distracted church is a powerless church!

    That's why Paul didn't pray that God would just send down revival from heaven. He said in Ephesians chapter one that God would grant us a "spirit of wisdom and revelation" so we'd know the hope to which we were called, the riches of the glory of His inheritance in us, and the exceeding greatness of His power working in us who believe.

    Instead of just sending down revival from on high, God's contending to wake us up so that we release revival from Christ within us, the hope of glory.

    This sermon is number eight in a 10-part series, One Spirit. Pastor Joe McIntyre has also written a book on this topic, The Eternal Defeat of Satan. Show notes and a full transcript are at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast38.

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  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Love is the fiery, zealous nature of God. Sometimes people say, "God is love... but He's also holy," as though holiness is in contrast with love. God is actually holy love, simultaneously. God has a holy determination to see His purpose accomplished that is unmoved by what any human or spiritual being does. And also, His purpose is carried out through loving relationships with His people. Tune in to this episode for more from Pastor Joe McIntyre on this zealous love.

    Full transcript and show notes are located at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast37.

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  • This episode is about what Pastor Joe McIntyre calls The Community of Shared Life, and the resulting blessing. It’s shifting our view of church life from an audience-performer structure to a collaborative, united people who encourage and serve one another.

    In Psalm 133, David writes, “Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity…It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there, the Lord commanded the blessing, life forevermore.” In this passage, the Lord is essentially saying, Oh, look at that church love one another, I'm going to command blessing on them. That would mean that we have a part to play in drawing the commanded blessing of God!

    The path out of a self-centered existence is to commit yourself to edifying others, gaining a greater vision of faith and love in the process (and – resulting blessing!).

    A full transcript and show notes are located at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast36.

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  • Spending time with the Father each morning could be the lifestyle shift you need to move your Christian walk from reactive mode to proactive mode, and super-charge your relationship with Him through intimacy.

    Many Christians feel they should spend time with the Lord each morning, but schedule demands or personality types make it difficult to sustain, and the enemy seizes the opportunity to introduce guilt, shame, and condemnation. That's not from the Lord! The Lord is extending an invitation and opportunity each morning to His beloved children.

    In this episode, Pastor Joe McIntyre discusses the various breakthroughs and benefits to "morning God time," beginning with his own journey as a professional night club musician and retail employee with an a-typical schedule. He then shares six different ways to receive "manna in the morning," based on different personality types and interests.

    Full transcript and show notes are at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast35.

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  • This episode is all about optimism for a glorious Church, and experiencing the fullness of God's glory in your personal life here and now (not waiting for heaven!).

    Crucify the way of thinking that says, "God is mostly concerned about my performance -- He likes me when it's good, and He's not happy with me when it's not good." God does want us to live above sin and there is a healthy method and mindset towards repentance when we fall short. But first of all, He wants us to live above unbelief.

    When we live above unbelief, we have more faith in the power of the finished work of Christ to make us accepted by God than we do in the power of our struggles to make us unacceptable. As long as we are mourning over our weaknesses, we are in unbelief.

    The goal? To believe that the Father so wants you in His presence that He has made all provision necessary for you to live as though you'd never sinned, even as you struggle with your flesh.

    Full transcript and show notes are located at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast34.

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  • God intends us to live free from fear. Second Timothy 1:7 says that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. Yet in our culture, we have been programmed to fear. Some fears – like fear of sickness or death – are felt more acutely and often drive our behavior. Others are more subtle, yet can still drive our behavior. For example, condemnation is actually fear of rejection by God, and if we're feeling unworthy we won't feel empowered to possess the promises of God. Some of us are also tormented by a fear of a prior fear returning, which creates an open door towards that very end! All fear is from the enemy and preventing you from living in God's fullness. Tune in to this episode to discover the keys to freedom.

    This sermon – a special extended episode – is the entire first sermon in the eight-part MP3 series, Grace to Overcome Fear. Show notes and a full transcript are at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast33.

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  • Listen to Part 1 here.

    Why is it that some people get healed while others don't? When a person does not receive healing, the most commonly taught idea is that God, in His sovereignty and infinite knowledge, chose not to heal them. God obviously didn't want to, or He would have. But that idea does not hold up under an examination of Scripture. While there are some aspects to healing we may not have the answers to until we get to heaven, God's word tells us that there are some very clear things that hinder people from being healed. Forgiveness -- three facets of forgiveness -- is one hindrance.

    Episode 32 is pulled from sermon one in the Forgiveness and Healing MP3 series. A full transcript and show notes are available at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast32. 

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  • Why is it that some people get healed while others don't? When a person does not receive healing, the most commonly taught idea is that God, in His sovereignty and infinite knowledge, chose not to heal them. God obviously didn't want to, or He would have. But that idea does not hold up under an examination of Scripture. While there are some aspects to healing we may not have the answers to until we get to heaven, God's word tells us that there are some very clear things that hinder people from being healed. 

    What does Scripture reveal about hindrances to healing? How did Jesus feel about human suffering? Did Jesus ever not heal someone?

    Tune into the next episode for part two, which speaks specifically to unforgiveness as one hindrance. Episode 31 is pulled from sermon one in the Forgiveness and Healing five-part MP3 series. A full transcript and show notes are available at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast31

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  • This episode is part two of the last episode, How to Be Clothed in Power and Love.

    Who, beyond the disciples, operated in the gifts of the Holy Spirit? It’s a myth that was just a few people. The early church was a supernaturally-empowered Church and we can walk in that same power and love. In faith, we must insist on receiving God’s fullness. We’ve been taught to receive the Holy Spirit – it’s an act of surrender, a yielding.

    The devil’s full-time job is to get us focused on our circumstances and inadequacies. He will try to rob our joy to keep us from operating in and enjoying God’s fullness. 

    Why is joy important? Can’t we just “get through things,” knowing we will experience true joy in heaven? What is our posture when listening to and reading the news? What is your testimony in the midst of the bad?

    This episode is pulled from a newly-available sermon series, Clothed in Power. Show notes and a full transcript are available at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast30.

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  • We can learn to move powerfully in the Spirit and affect change in the lives of those around us. The first step is expanding our idea of what’s normal. Then, we must get out of the way – meaning, yield to the work God is already doing inside of us through the Holy Spirit. His power works most effectively in us when a river of compassion is flowing. Our model, based on the example set by Jesus, is to make people feel so loved that they’re drawn to us, and operate out of that love. Listen in to discover how to possess this dynamic power/love combo and bring freedom wherever you go and whatever you do! 

    This episode is pulled from a newly-available sermon series, Clothed in Power. Show notes and a full transcript are available at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast29. Tune in to the next episode, airing 1/23, for part 2 of this sermon!

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  • Listen to part one of this episode.

    Pastor Joe McIntyre continues the introductory sermon to his 8-part study of the Book of Romans.

    Learn how you can:

    Move beyond a salvation moment and learn to step into a lifestyle of faith. Embrace the fundamental idea contained in the Greek word for salvation. Leave your insecurities in the past and let the power of God work through your imperfect self to affect change.

    This episode is pulled from a brand new online store offering, Romans Study - an 8-part MP3 series. Full transcript and show notes available at empoweringgrace.org/podcast28. 

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  • We can’t all be Greek or Hebrew scholars but there are some simple techniques that can help us gain a richer picture of God’s word. In this introductory sermon to his 8-part study of the Book of Romans, Pastor Joe McIntyre shares:

    ·  How you can read the Bible like a Hebrew

    ·  The literal and contextual interpretations of key terms in the book of Romans: Righteousness, Life, and Faith (it’s not what you think!)

    Don’t let weaknesses in our modern-day translations prevent you from laying hold of all God has for you in the book of Romans and beyond. The full series has just been added to our online store. Full transcript and show notes available at empoweringgrace.org/podcast27.

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  • Listen to Part One. 

    Man was created to have a relationship with God that’s in the spirit realm while living and walking in the natural realm. And the way he was going to have dominion on earth was through that spirit-realm relationship with God.

    God’s original intention was for the spirit realm to dominate soul and body, but for some of us, our earthly experience does not reflect that intention.


    How do we shift our identity from rooted in the physical to rooted in the spiritual? How should we consider our earthly responsibilities, in light of this? What is the one fear that gauges our level of spiritual maturity? (And the cure!)

    This episode is pulled from the Two Realms of Creation MP3 series. A full transcript and show notes can be found at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast26.

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  • Welcome to Season 2 of the Empowering Grace Podcast!

    Man was created to have a relationship with God that’s in the spirit realm while living and walking in the natural realm. And the way he was going to have dominion on earth was through that spirit-realm relationship with God.

    God’s original intention was for the spirit realm to dominate soul and body, but for some of us, our earthly experience does not reflect that intention.


    How Man’s identity became rooted in the physical realm What the Bible says about Heaven and the heavens (spirit realm)

    This episode is pulled from the Two Realms of Creation MP3 series. A full transcript and show notes can be found at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast25.

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  • You are in God’s family. And under the New Covenant, God says that your sins and lawless deeds, He will remember no more. But there are three groups who have another message for you - one that reminds you of every shortcoming, weakness and failure -- 1) Your own religious mind, 2) The Church, and 3) The devil. You have this chorus of voices telling you that you’re not what God wants, that you're unacceptable to Him. And then we have the word of God that says that you're completely and totally accepted, and welcome in His presence.

    People have a tendency to react one of two ways –

    Try to live a good life in your own strength. Those who work and try really hard, with limited success, can be overcome with self-condemnation as they wallow in their failures and shortcomings. Or some actually do have real success and then feel smugly superior over everybody else – that’s self-righteousness. Or, you can come into the light of the Gospel: The truth that says “Your sins are forgiven. You’re accepted by God. He’s begun a good work in you, which He promises to complete if you’ll just trust Him.” Right living is important, but how you get there is more important than just the outward living itself.

    Pastor Joe concludes with a three-step process of humility that helps us properly frame our minds.

    If you missed them, tune into part 1 and part 2. This episode is pulled from the Pleasing God MP3 series. A full transcript and show notes can be found at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast24. 

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  • In episode 23, Pastor Joe continues his message on faith as the means to pleasing God. Whenever there’s a move of God, somebody or some people have gotten desperate enough to believe God when he says that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is in every born-again believer. They’ve learned to cooperate with him and be willing to step out in obedience beyond what they've known before.

    Ephesians 1:3 says that we are already blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. We already have the ultimate power source. Much of our praying can be misguided because the Bible says we already have what we are often asking for. But we can ask the Lord to teach us how to walk in what he’s already given us.

    You’ll learn how to:

    1) Better activate the gifts God’s already given you (whether you feel them or not)

    2) Believe that your sin is dealt with by God as soon as you repent

    3) Keep your feelings in proper alignment – good servants, lousy leaders

    4) Walk in works that proceed from God’s blessing, not works that try to earn God’s blessing.

    This sermon is pulled from the Pleasing God full MP3 series. A full transcript from this episode and show notes can be found at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast23. 

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  • In this podcast episode, Pastor Joe cracks the not-so-secret code to pleasing God -- it's our faith. But not a burdensome faith filled with striving and self-condemnation. In Hebrews 10, it says that we are to draw near to God in the full assurance of faith, and that faith is the way that we approach God when we know our sins are forgiven, and we know we're welcome in his presence. In Hebrews 11, it says that without faith, it is impossible to please God.

    Now, think about this: if it pleases God when you come to him that way - aware that your sins are forgiven, and that you're welcome in the presence of God, exactly as you are - then he must want you to come that way. It's the traditions of man and our own insecurity that make a simple formula more complicated.

    Under the old covenant, the command was "Do, and you shall live." Under the new covenant, now we "live, and you shall do." But religion tells us we need to do something to please God; that God’s reluctant to bless anyone unless they jump through all the right hoops. But Jesus jumped through all the hoops and opened the way to bring you through with him. Hallelujah!

    What is it about faith that pleases God? What does it it mean to "labor to rest"? How do we activate these simple truths in our lives?

    Tune in to this episode 22 for answers. This episode is pulled from the Pleasing God MP3 series. The full transcript and show notes are at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast22. 

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  • This episode (part 2 of 2) discusses the seven mountains of culture, a concept first shared by Youth With a Mission founder Loren Cunningham -- Arts & Entertainment, Business, School, Family, Government, Media, and the Church. Islam has done a good job infiltrating these spheres and it's time for Christians to rise up collectively and become active, awake and informed. Pastor Joe suggests three practical ways for Christians to apply change in these areas, while keeping a love for the Muslim people as central in our hearts.

    This sermon by Joe McIntyre was recorded more than 10 years ago but is perhaps even more relevant today. Listen to Part 1 here. 

    Show notes, including links to all the people mentioned in this podcast, and a full transcript are at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast21.

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  • This episode (part 1 of 2) discusses the seven mountains of culture, a concept first shared by Youth With a Mission founder Loren Cunningham -- Arts & Entertainment, Business, School, Family, Government, Media, and the Church -- and how Christians can apply our God-given authority, favor, and wisdom to affect change in these spheres. This sermon by Joe McIntyre was recorded more than 10 years ago but is perhaps even more relevant today. 

    Islam has done a good job infiltrating these spheres and it's time for Christians to rise up collectively and become active, awake and informed. We need to gain vision for affecting culture within our individual spheres of influence. But spoiler alert: affecting culture starts with serving, not being a bull in a china shop, and thinking beyond revival to reformation.

    This episode will give you big-picture vision as a church and inspiration to apply in your personal life.

    Show notes, including links to all the people mentioned in this podcast, and a full transcript are at www.empoweringgrace.org/podcast20. 

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