
  • "The A$$hole in the Room" is a podcast that tackles the often uncomfortable yet relatable topic of dealing with difficult people, particularly those who exhibit challenging or abrasive behaviors in various settings. The episodes aim to provide EMS providers with insights and strategies for managing interactions with such individuals, whether in personal relationships, workplace environments, or social situations where the "a$$hole" is present. This was an unscripted, off-the-cuff episode where Dr. D and I spoke openly and freely about dealing with difficult personalities. Get ready, this one is VERY different from the other episodes.

    Book link: https://www.amazon.com/Dealing-People-Stand-Revised-Expanded/dp/0071785728

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  • "Broken Keys" is a comprehensive course designed to equip EMS professionals with the essential tools and strategies to effectively manage diabetic emergencies in the field. From recognizing the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia to implementing rapid intervention protocols, this course covers everything you need to know to navigate diabetic emergencies with confidence and precision. Whether you're a seasoned paramedic or an EMS newcomer, "Broken Keys" will empower you to respond effectively to diabetic emergencies and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those you serve.

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  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • The epic showdown, EMS vs Opioids. Dr. Stanton covers all the way from the street use of opioids to the medical benefits. He also takes aim at routine treatments given to overdoses and cautions you on some overuse of Naloxone.

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  • In this episode, our esteemed medical directors showcase their wealth of knowledge and experience, addressing a diverse range of topics that span from traditional practices to cutting-edge advancements in medical research. From questioning conventional approaches to exploring the forefront of innovation, our experts navigate the full spectrum of healthcare discussions, providing you with a comprehensive and insightful experience.

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  • EMSconnect On Shift Host Shaun Pitts engages in a compelling conversation with author David Givot, delving into his transformative book, "Sirens, Lights, and Lawyers." David Givot, a seasoned EMS Defense lawyer with a background as a paramedic, offers an enlightening and refreshingly candid perspective for EMS providers at all career levels. "Sirens, Lights, and Lawyers" serves as a practical guide, unraveling the complexities of the law, demystifying legal processes, and addressing the inherent risks encountered in emergency medical services. This invaluable resource empowers readers with the necessary knowledge and insight to effectively navigate both the legal intricacies and personal challenges inherent in their daily responsibilities. Listen to this episode and get the book before writing another narrative!!!

    Find the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Sirens-Lights-Lawyers-Important-Providers-ebook/dp/B0C4WGP61G

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  • Dr. Dierks sit down and breaks up the clogs about CHF management, and what EMS providers can do to help these patients. Also on this episode, he navigates the twist, turns, and blockages with encountering LVAD devices in the field!

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  • Get ready to dive into the world of obstetric and gynecological emergencies with a healthy dose of humor! This course is designed to equip EMS professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to handle situations where storks are nowhere to be found. From unexpected meconium mishaps to surprise labor parties, we've got you covered!

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  • So, this may be a first! Shaun sits down with the fire educators of EMSconnect and their WIVES! So what does that mean for you? Grab your spouse, and listen to this one together. This is not therapy, but I hear from two great couples who have lived through what this job does to families and made it work!

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  • We've all heard the saying, "If it's icky, sticky, brown, and not yours, don't touch it." But let's face reality, in EMS, we often don't have the luxury of choice. Patients deteriorate, wound dressings must be changed, and sick individuals call 9-1-1. We administer airway adjuncts and medications that increase our exposure to aerosolized particles—particles that seem to have an uncanny ability to travel impressive distances and head straight for our faces at the speed of a sneeze. So, how can we prioritize safety? What precautions should we be taking, and what gear is essential? We've got just the expert to shed light on all of this. Join us as Dr. Stanton delves into the realm of infectious diseases.

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  • In this episode of "Are you Altered? Hypothermia Has Become Cool, Right?" we dive deep into the critical topic of hypothermia management within the realm of EMS. Join us as we explore the intricacies of identifying, assessing, and treating hypothermic patients in the field.

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  • Well, this one sure caught our attention. Shaun Pitts and Dr. Travis Dierks dive into the recent article published in The New Yorker: "The Hidden Harms of CPR" by Sunita Puri.
    This raises the ethical question, should EMS be doing CPR on patients that are VERY unlikely to survive? We know that all patients have the right to refuse care, and on the flip side, have the right to demand care, and EMS is caught right in the middle of a legal and more often ethical grey area.

    Link to article: https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-weekend-essay/the-hidden-harms-of-cpr?fbclid=IwAR2EoZ1S4DNbDk5xXILzC4PThVo_LyUH51mEVUEC-CRXf0sWXRySkpCcaAI

    Link to Dr Dierks reference: https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/patients-overestimate-the-success-of-cpr/#:~:text=Patients%20and%20the%20general%20public,online%20in%20Emergency%20Medicine%20Journal.

    Links to studies found on damage from CPR:

    Ouellette l, Puro A, Weatherhead j, Chassee T, Whalen D, Jones J. Public knowledge and perceptions about cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR): Results of a multicenter survey. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2018;36(10): P1900-1901. Available at: https://www.ajemjournal.com/article/S0735-6757(18)30117-7/fulltext.Peberdy MA, Kaye W, Ornato JP, Larkin GL, Nadkarni V, Mancini ME, et al. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation of adults in the hospital: a report of 14720 cardiac arrests from the National Registry of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Resuscitation. Resuscitation 2003;58;297-308. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12969608. Girotra S, Nallamothu BK, Spertus JA, Li Y, Krumholz. Trends in survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest. New England Journal of Medicine 2012 Nov 15;367(20):1912-20. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3517894/van Gijn MS, Frijns D, van de Glind EMM, van Munster BC, Hamaker ME. The chance of survival and the functional outcome after in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation in older people: a systematic review. Age and Ageing 2014;43(4): 456-463. Available at: https://academic.oup.com/ageing/article/43/4/456/2812217. Sehatzadeh S. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Patients With Terminal Illness: An Evidence-Based Analysis.Ontario Health Technology Assessment Series 2014; 14(15): 1–38. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4552960/. Scholz KH, Tebbe U, Herrmann C, Wojcik J, Lingen R, Chemnitius JM, et al. Frequency of complications of cardiopulmonary resuscitation after thrombolysis during acute myocardial infarction [see comments]. Am J Cardiol.1992; 69:724–728.Available at: https://www.ajconline.org/article/0002-9149(92)90494-J/pdf. Kralja E, Podbregarb M, Kejžarc N, Balažica J. Frequency and number of resuscitation related rib and sternum fractures are higher than generally considered. Resuscitation. Aug 2015. 93:136-141. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4404201/.PodMatch
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  • Drop the Narcan! Are you sure this is the right medication and the right time? And let's get real, not every overdose gets Narcan. Join Dr. Dierks talking about ALL kinds of overdoses, poisonings, and toxicological emergencies!

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  • Thought biases, also known as cognitive biases, refer to systematic errors in thinking that can influence our decision-making processes and judgments. Understanding these biases is essential for EMS professionals as it helps in recognizing and mitigating potential errors in critical situations. Understanding these biases can help EMS professionals be more aware of their own thinking processes and make more informed decisions. By continuously learning about thought biases and engaging in critical thinking exercises, EMS professionals can develop strategies to mitigate the impact of biases and improve patient care.

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  • "Train like your life depends on it. You don't rise to the occasion, you fall to the level of your training. Muscle memory. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast." I am sure we all have heard these things yelled across the drill ground, said in an AAR after a critical call, or even muttered by our mentors. So what does it mean? Is it a mindset, or science? Ryan and I do our best at talking about both the mindset and the science of training how and why we should train in certain ways. If you are a training officer, instructor, FTO, or want to step up your training game, take notes on this one, Ryan is full of information!

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  • Ladies and gentlemen, we have an exciting EMS battle to share with you today! Two renowned fighters have agreed to step into the ring for an epic showdown that is bound to electrify the world of EMS.
    In one corner, we have the reigning champion, a force to be reckoned with in the heavyweight division. Known for their lightning-fast thinking and impeccable skills, they have successfully defended their title multiple times and have earned a reputation as one of the most dominant practitioners of our world, Medical Directors!
    And in the opposite corner, we have a challenger who has been making waves in the Emergency world. With a record-breaking knockout streak and an unyielding determination, they have quickly risen through the ranks and have their sights set on dethroning the champion. Ladies and gentlemen, EMS Providers!
    That's right, ladies and gentlemen, the stage is set for an explosive clash between these two Emergency titans. Prepare yourselves for a night of heart-pounding action, as these warriors go head-to-head in a battle that will test their skills, endurance, and sheer willpower.

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  • Chaaaa! We are so stoked to offer our next set for you. Get caught inside "Dropping Into Waveform Basics." Our lineup features Dr. Casey Patrick from the MCHD Paramedic Podcast (https://www.mchd-tx.org/about/the-mchd-paramedic-podcast/). Join us as we cover waves, water (on the lungs), and yes even SHARK-fins!

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  • With plenty of hot topics, or cutting-edge technology in EMS, I wanted to know what is good, fake news, and straight trash. Who else to ask than, Dr. Travis Dierks a Medical Director for numerous agencies in Spokane County, practicing ED Physician, and the creator of EMSconnect! Check your rig, put yourself in service, and turn on the Bluetooth speaker to hear what he has to say!

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  • In their description of Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, Slate Magazine said, “Grossman cuts such a heroic, omnicompetent figure, he could have stepped out of a video game.” He has five patents to his name, has published four novels, two children’s’ books, and six non-fiction books to include his “perennial bestseller” On Killing (with over half a million copies sold), and a New York Times best-selling book co-authored with Glenn Beck.

    He is a US Army Ranger, a paratrooper, and a former West Point Psychology Professor. He has a Black Belt in Hojutsu, the martial art of the firearm, and has been inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame.

    Col. Grossman’s research was cited by the President of the United States in a national address, and he has testified before the U.S. Senate, the U.S. Congress, and numerous state legislatures. He has served as an expert witness and consultant in state and Federal courts. He helped train mental health professionals after the Jonesboro school massacre, and he was also involved in counseling or court cases in the aftermath of the Paducah, Springfield, Littleton and Nickel Mines Amish school massacres.

    Col. Grossman has been called upon to write the entry on “Aggression and Violence” in the Oxford Companion to American Military History, three entries in the Academic Press Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict and has presented papers before the national conventions of the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

    Since his retirement from the U.S. Army in 1998, he has been travelling full time as one of our nation’s leading trainers for military, law enforcement, mental health providers, and school safety organizations.

    Today Col. Grossman is the director of Grossman On Truth, LLC (www.GrossmanOnTruth.com). In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, he has written and spoken extensively on the terrorist threat, with articles published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Civil Policy and many leading law enforcement journals, and he has been inducted as a “Life Diplomate” by the American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, and a “Life Member” of the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute.

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  • He is back! Travis Barrett joins EMSconnect On Shift again to talk about fad diets. This guy is a wealth of knowledge and fills your ears with it! Research has shown that more than 75% of emergency responder recruits are overweight or obese (https://www.jems.com/exclusives/obesity-in-ems/), so this is episode two of the mini-series, aimed at our health and wellness! You can reach out to Travis here: https://dynamichp.net/start-here/

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  • In this episode, I sit down with Travis Barrett MS, CSCS from Dynamic Performance. Tune in as we talk about obesity in EMS and how to start making healthier life choices on and off the clock, starting today. Travis is a strength coach with the Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape (SERE) School at Fairchild Air Force Base and now SCFD #10. Travis understands our jobs in EMS and he has a plan for you and I to become healthier and better at our jobs. He also doesn't spout any BS. This isn't about getting huge in the gym or fad diets. EMSconnect has big plans with Dynamic Performance. Join us as we kick off what is sure to be a life-changing multi-part series. Stop waiting for Monday. Check out his website and start living healthier today! https://dynamichp.net/our-team/

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