
  • My guest for this final episode of season 03 is the wonderful Devin Hunter.Devin Hunter is the bestselling author of The Witch's Book of Power, The Witch's Book of Spirits, The Witch's Book of Mysteries, the critically acclaimed Modern Witch, and Crystal Magic for the Modern Witch. Initiated into multiple occult orders, Devin is the founder of the Sacred Fires Tradition of Witchcraft and co-founder of the Black Rose Tradition of Witchcraft. He hosts the Modern Witch podcast, recommended by both the AV Club and Glamour, and he's co-owner of Datura Trading Co. Devin is also a novelist under the nom de plume, Darren Sparks., To find out more about his offerings, events and writing visit him at ModernWitch.com/Devin and www.darrensparks.com

  • My guest today is Troy Kokoszka, author of "Bogowie: Bogowie: A Study of Eastern Europe's Ancient Gods" from Moon Books.T.D. Kokoszka grew up in Texas with a Jewish mother and a Polish-American father. While he was aware of roots going back to Eastern Europe from both families, he found it hard to learn very much about them. He knew that Polish people would whack one another with palm leaves around Easter, and he knew that his great-grandmother purportedly believed in forest spirits known as borowy. However, it wasn't until he was in his teens that he became vaguely aware of an ancient people known as the Slavs who gave rise to the Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Slovakian, Slovene, and Czech languages. It quickly became clear to him that this was a family of cultures currently under-represented in popular culture, and even in western scholarship. Not simply a regurgitation of scholarship from the Soviet period - and presenting new analyses by using previously neglected resources - Bogowie: A Study of Eastern Europe's Ancient Gods offers one of the most painstaking scholarly reconstructions of Slavic paganism.These new resources include not only an overview of folklore from many different Slavic countries but also comparisons with 'ssetian culture and Mordvin culture, as well as a series of Slavic folktales that Kokoszka analyzes in depth, often making the case that the narratives involved are mythological and shockingly ancient. Readers will recognize many European folktale types and possibly learn to look at these folktales differently after reading this book.

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  • Jhenah Telyndru holds an MA in Celtic Studies from the University of Wales, Trinity St. David, and has a bachelor's degree in archaeology. She is the founder of the Sisterhood of Avalon, an international Celtic women's mysteries organization. Jhenah teaches four-day residential training retreats around North America and the UK, and facilitates pilgrimages to sacred sites in the British Isles and Ireland through Mythic Seeker Tours. She is a frequent presenter and guest speaker at academic conferences, religious symposia, Women's Spirituality gatherings, and Pagan festivals. A priestess in the Avalonian Tradition for over 25 years, Jhenah has been following a Pagan path since 1986. Visit her at www.ynysafallon.com and www.sisterhoodofavalon.org.

  • Chris Allaun has been studying witchcraft, magick, and paganism since 1992. He is one of the founders and an ordained minister with The Fellowship of the Phoenix. He has been an initiate of Traditional Witchcraft since 2002. He is also a Native American Pipe Carrier and studies that path of the Red Road.He teaches classes and workshops on magick, healing, shamanism, and necromancy. He has been teaching and writing for many years. He is the author of Underworld: Shamanism, Myth, and Magick, Deeper Into The Underworld: Death, Ancestors, and Magical Rites, and Upperworld: Shamanism and Magick of the Celestial Realms.He continues to study and teach the magickal arts to those who seek to balance the three worlds in their own lives.find out more at www.chrisallaun.com

  • My guest this week is Dorian Manticore. He/they is a creative hailing from Narrm/Kulin Nation lands (Melbourne, Australia). They're an author, poet, LARP creator, artist, disability, and trans rights advocate, and crafter/maker.

    Dorian has been a practicing pagan and witch for roughly the past 23 years, firstly by solitary practice, then joining the Reclaiming community, becoming involved in numerous events such as the Australian Wiccan Conference, and serving as a committee member for the Pagan Collective of Victoria, a local community not-for-profit organization. They've hosted numerous workshops, talks, and public rituals.

    They are the founder of the Sovereigns of the Golden Path, affectionately known as the Sun Cult, a Queer-centering emerging magical tradition with roots in animism, ecstatic witchcraft, Reclaiming, chaos magic, and leftist politics.

    They’re a queer, trans, neurospicy nerd, disabled, elder-millennial tragic and cat dad. In his spare time he enjoys dressing like an extra from a post-apocalyptic film, playing video games, and bobbing around in the sea like a cork.

  • Led deep into the wilds of Wales by dreams and wandering words, Halo has been a practising witch since childhood, and a Dr. of Philosophy since 2022. Their magic has always focused on listening to the spirits of the land, an animistic path which introduced them to the Welsh deities, with an embodied, sensual approach to their craft.Trained in several traditions of Witchcraft, they have taught at many events over the years, developing their own magical path through observing the interconnection between Fae and Human enchantments. Halo has studied and worked with Welsh stories, gods and magic since moving there in 2005.Halo is a devotee of the Faery Queen, a storyteller, a philosopher, artist and the founder of the online school of magic and paganism; The Enchanted Academy (or TEA for short) and The Crimson Coven - a magical, creative collective exploring the divine erotic and sacred nature of pleasure and beauty. They also write on these topics as the kinky witch, Ms Quin.Halo lives in Aberystwyth, UK. find out more at www.haloquin.net

  • Lee Morgan is a duel British and Australian author, scholar and traditional witch residing on a communal homestead on kunanyi/Mt Wellington in nipaluna/Hobart, where he creates sanctuary for other weirdos, raises books, people, and ideas from the grave. He has had novels and non-fiction published by Moon Books, Three Hands Press, The Witches Almanac and Rebel Satori. Traditional witchcraft and the faerie faith have occupied Lee’s attention from an early age and he has held office in his magical community for two decades. Scholarship and creative fiction continue to allow him to speak, in some suggestive way, of things that cannot otherwise be spoken. Having survived an enormous tumour, Lee currently is busy filling the room in his skull with new brains, writing Folk Horror, and queering the world one step at a time. His latest book: “People of the Outside” is currently available from Moon Books. He is also the author of “A Deed Without a Name,” “Standing and Not Falling,” and “The Gusty Deep.”You can find him on social media and patreon at: https://www.leemorganbooks.com/

  • Bret Bernhoft is a Web Developer, who loves learning; especially when making applications for the global Web. He began his journey in technology with WordPress and Web Analytics. Eventually he'd like to work as an Artificial Intelligence Programmer. Bret has been a practicing pagan for about ten years, and his major interests are in technology and paganism, and their intersections into transhumanism. In this discussion, we discuss Bret's views on magic in the cyber realm, 'meme magic' and the parallels between magic in a cyberverse and other forms of reality. We discuss the ethics and experience of conducting ritual virtually, Bret's examination of early internet discussions, and the role Timothy Leary, Alan Watt and psychedelics have played in his approach.

  • My guest today is author, Pagan clergy member, former Marine, and an organizer of the annual Between the Worlds conference, the wonderful Irene Glasse! To find out more about Irene go and visit: https://glassewitchcottage.com/

  • Jake Richards (Dr. Buck) holds his Appalachian heritage close in his blood and bones. His family legacy in Appalachia goes back generations. Jake has practiced Appalachian folk magic for over a decade now, and serves his community as a conjure man, power doctor, and Yarb (herb) doctor. Jake has published three books on the subject (Backwoods Witchcraft: Conjure & Folk Magic from Appalachia, Doctoring the Devil: Notebooks of an Appalachian Conjure Man, and Ossman and Steel’s Classic Household Guide to Appalachian Folk Healing), a deck of divination cards (Conjure Cards) as well as contributions to Mat Auryn’s Mastering Magick and Llewellyn's Complete Book of North American Folk Magic: A Landscape of Magic, Mystery, and Tradition by Cory Hutcheson; and an article in Witchology Magazine, Samhain issue 2022.

  • Coby Michael is a practitioner of the Poison Path of occult herbalism and a cultivator of entheogenic herbs. He contributes to the Pagan Archives at Valdosta University, writes regularly for The House of Twigs, and maintains a blog, Poisoner’s Apothecary, on Patheos Pagan. He is the host of the Botanica Obscura Conference. He teaches classes and online workshops on plant magic, baneful herbs, and traditional witchcraft. He lives in Florida.To find out more about him and his work, visit: thepoisonersapothecary.com

  • My guest today is someone who needs no introduction, best-selling author and all around witch-nerd, Mat Auryn!Mat Auryn is an influential author and teacher in the fields of occultism and witchcraft, with an audience that extends beyond the United States to an international level. His deep knowledge and experience comes from years of dedicated study, practice, and training in a variety of occult traditions and esoteric orders, often under the guidance of prominent knowledgeable mentors. His award-winning books, "Psychic Witch" and "Mastering Magick," offer practical insight and practices for those interested in psychic and magickal practices. The books draw from a range of traditions like Astrology, Hermeticism, Wicca, Traditional Witchcraft, New Thought, Thelema, Parapsychology, Jungian Analytical Psychology, Neoplatonism, and Alchemy, making them versatile yet still accessible guides for the spiritual speaker. His books have won multiple awards and has been translated into more than 13 languages, widening their impact.Beyond writing, Mat worked many years as a professional psychic and tarot reader in Salem, Massachusetts as well as his own private practice. He also contributes to both specialized and mainstream publications, including a regular column in Witches & Pagans magazine. His work has been featured in Cosmo, O the Oprah Magazine, Newsweek, The New York Times, and also on display at the Buckland Museum of Witchcraft. Mat was the first recipient of "The Most Supportive Witch" award by Witch Way Magazine. Now residing in California's Bay Area, Mat is the co-owner of Datura Trading Co. and Modern Witch University. He continues to share his knowledge and insights through writing, workshops, interviews, social media, and lectures, consistently emphasizing the importance of personal growth and positive change through psychic and magickal empowerment. You can learn more about him @matauryn on social media.

  • My guest today is Lyndon Bradley-Peters, cohost of the 'Shove It Up Your Awen" podcast with the fabulous Clinty Ourin Burn. Lyndon joins us today to talk about his experience entering the Catholic faith and his spiritual work as a 'Catholic charmer.' Lyndon's background has been varied, from Anglicanism to Wicca, witchcraft and Druidry... he was confirmed Catholic this past Easter. He has a deep love for the mysteries and the folk practices that make Catholicism such a deep and vibrant religion and practice. Lyndon joins me to discuss being a folk Catholic charmer, and the transformation of his previous magical work to charming work within the Catholic worldview, his relationship to God, Saints, Angels and folk Catholic practices. From prayer, to charms and psalms, he doe it all. We discuss his spiritual journey, his thoughts about Pagans or Folkloric practitioners incorporating and reconnecting with Christianity, and To find out more about Lyndon and the 'Shove it Up Your Awen' podcast, visit:www.instagram.com/pilgriminthemystwww.instagram.com/shoveitupyourawen

  • My guest today is Vini Higginbotham, the author of 'How Witchcraft Saved My Life' and coauthor of 'Thrifty Witchery.' Mostly self-taught, Vini is not initiated in any traditional form or witchcraft practice. He follows his gut in all things magic but spends plenty of time researching to be sure his intuition is informed by wisdom before setting his intentions. It is Vini's goal to empower others the way he wishes he had been empowered in his early years. He has a dedicated practice with the goddess Hekate and lives in the Southeastern US. Find out more at: https://www.vincenthigginbotham.com/

    To view the episode, click here:


  • My guest today is fellow therapist, Ash McKernan, author of "Wyrdcraft: Healing Through the Mysteries of the Fates." Matthew Ash McKernan, LMFT, is a licensed psychotherapist, ecotherapist, bard, naturalist, and wyrdworker. He has degrees in anthropology and counseling psychology and loves to spend time at the crossroads where psyche, nature, magic, and healing intersect. You can visit his website at www.WyrdWildWeb.comTo see the video version, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKa9TwdCIYw

  • My guest this week is Storm Faerywolf, prolific member of the queer magical community. Storm Faerywolf is a published author, experienced teacher, visionary poet, and professional warlock. He is a regular contributor to Modern Witch and is a founding teacher of Black Rose, an online school of modern folkloric witchcraft. He has written several books, including Betwixt and Between, Forbidden Mysteries of Faery Witchcraft, and The Stars Within the Earth (Mystic Dream Press, 2003). For more, visit his website at faerywolf.com. He joins me for an epic double episode... I hope you'll join our chat for a listen!To view the video click here: https://youtu.be/THEdAXtPHjQTo listen to the audio, click here:

  • Albert Björn Shiell grew up in the shade of the South Downs of Sussex, England. He spent his days there walking ancient chalk hills, full of burial mounds and folklore. Trading it all in 2017 for cold and seemingly desolate Iceland, Albert picked up his life and moved North. He now lives in downtown Reykjavík, writing and researching, translating old Icelandic books. He spends his days walking the land around him, learning and conversing with the many plant and land spirits of Iceland. Focusing now on an animistic framework of Nordic magic combined with the Sussex cunning of his homeland, Albert aims to deliver practical folkloric magic inspired by both his homes. He is a podcaster, and author of "Icelandic Plant Magic" out through Crossed Crow Books. Find him on social media @Sussex_Pellar

  • Madame Pamita is a teacher, candle maker, spellcaster, tarot reader, and a Ukrainian diaspora witch. She is the owner of an online spiritual apothecary called Madame Pamita's Parlour of Wonders. She is the host of a YouTube video series, Candle Magic Class and the weekly Magic Q&A Tea Party. She is the proprietor of Madame Pamita's Parlour of Wonders. To find out more, please visit: https://www.parlourofwonders.com

  • My guest today is Nathan Hall (@moonlithedge), author of "The Path of the Moonlit Hedge: Discovering the Magick of Animistic Witchcraft" out through @llewellynbooks
    Nathan joins me to discuss the book, his animistic worldview, his community activities, and what it was like to relocate from the Midwest to Florida.
    To find out more about Nathan, go visit: www.moonlithedge.com
    To view the video episode visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeCyjHKCHqM&t=31s
    Audio can be found: https://open.spotify.com/show/0PVyTZcEsf8ILmcl6zdAuT

  • Welcome to the first episode of my Fall series "Essence Podcast" Into the Woods" in which I speak with Folkloric and Tradititional practitioners and witches. My first guest is the lovely Byron Ballard. Byron is a western NC native, teacher, folklorist, and writer. She has served as a featured speaker and teacher at several festivals and conferences, including the Sacred Space Conference, Pagan Spirit Gathering, Starwood, Hexfest and many others. She serves as senior priestess and co-founder of Mother Grove Goddess Temple and the Coalition of Earth Religions/CERES, both in Asheville, NC. She podcasts about Appalachian folkways on "Wyrd Mountain Gals." Her essays are featured in several anthologies and she writes a regular column for SageWoman Magazine. Find her online at www.myvillagewitch.com.----------------LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to keep up with the Essence Summer Series Podcast. Join us on our other socials:IG: www.instagram.com/benstimpsonauthorYT: www.youtube.com/@BenStimpsonAuthor FB: www.facebook.com/BenStimpsonAuthorWS: www.benstimpson.com