
  • It’s no secret that AI is not only here but here to stay. In fact, the AI we see today is probably the worst version that we’ll ever see. This is a bit obvious as with time comes innovation and progress, so like the internet once saw the slow dial ups, AI will certainly progress as well. As for how far? Only time will tell. But what I do know is that the more you understand it the better you can either prepare or use it to your advantage. That’s why on this episode I brought Ben Angel of Entrepreneur magazine on to discuss what a future with AI might look like.

    Ben’s Website: TheWolfOfAI.co

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  • Every brand knows that they need to be known, liked and trusted if they want to truly thrive. As a coach, you are the brand, so this holds especially true for you. Now there are countless ways for someone to go about building their brand. But some strategies are much more effective & potent than others. Which is why on this episode I brought on Brandon Turner, Personal Branding and Real Estate Investing Expert, to share with you the personal branding strategies that he used (and uses) to become one of the biggest influencers in the Real Estate Investing niche.

    Brandon’s Instagram: @BeardyBrandon
    Brandon’s Website: Odcfund.com

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  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • You can get a lot wrong as a coach and still be very successful. But there is one thing that, if you get it wrong, your chances of success plummet. And that thing is your messaging. Your messaging is the foundation of all of your marketing and if this is off then it sets off a chain reaction and every other aspect of your marketing becomes significantly less effective. So during this episode I go over 3 messaging mistakes that you need to avoid at all costs as well as what you need to do instead to make sure your marketing foundation is on solid ground.

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  • Not all great stories are told by speakers but all great speakers tell stories. This is the secret to why some speakers have you hanging on their every word and chomping at the bit to take some form of action. The key here though is to not just tell any old story but to tell stories that are captivating with a purpose. During this episode, I share with you a few of my rare stories that I rarely share as well as the 3 elements you need to incorporate into your story if you really want to take them to the next level.

    Discover how to authentically connect with your audience & fill your programs with a Conversion Story.


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    Get a free trial of Colin's favorite ALL-IN-ONE Course, Content and Email System: Kajabi


  • You probably hear about workshops, masterclasses & bootcamps all the time. Invite after invite in your inbox. There’s a real good reason for this and it’s because they work! They are super effective strategies that let coaches and creators connect with and convert their audience. But not even those strategies compete with the effectiveness of in person live workshops. However, there’s one big problem with live in-person workshops and that’s that few know how to run them correctly. So tune into this episode so you can discover the secrets to running a great workshop!


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    Get a free trial of Colin's favorite ALL-IN-ONE Course, Content and Email System: Kajabi


  • Going viral is the holy grail of organic marketing. It’s what almost all content creators dream of when they’re coming up with idea after idea. But what most coaches and creators don’t know is that there are strategies you can apply to your content to exponentially increase the odds of the algorithm picking up your content and making it go viral. This is why I brought in Instagram Reels expert, Anneke Odendall. In this episode, she shares with you the exact strategies and tips she uses to get your content to go viral.

    Guide: 7 types of reels that convert

    Instagram: @pinksparrowsocial

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  • There are few things that will build your business faster than having relationships with people that have been where you are and are where you want to be. So it would only make sense to make sure you have a strategy in place to build relationships with these people, right? Of course! But the problem I see is that most people either don’t know how to get started building these relationships or the ones that are actively trying are going about it all wrong. Because of this and the massive effect it has had on my business, I decided to record this episode all about my strategies on how I go about building influential relationships.

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    Get a free trial of Colin's favorite ALL-IN-ONE Course, Content and Email System: Kajabi


  • Your brand is your reputation and what you are known for. While building a brand will take some time, profiting from your brand doesn’t have to. In fact, you can most likely start making money from your brand right away. My guest on this episode of the expert edge, branding phenom - Julie Solomon, shares 3 ways you can start profiting from your brand even if you only have a few hundred followers. But that’s not all, she also goes into the essential branding pillars you need to have in place if you want sustained success. This one’s a can’t miss episode for all coaches!

    Julie's Masterclass: https://colinboyd.co/julie

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  • As a coach, your ability to attract your audience and get them to convert into your programs is largely going to determine how successful you become. That’s why learning how to write compelling copy should be at the top of every coach's skill development list. You don’t need to become an expert, because you can hire the experts to write your bigger projects like email sequences and sales pages, but you should have a solid understanding for the copy elements that you’ll have to write yourself - ads, newsletters, blog posts, etc… To make sure you understand how to write compelling copy I brought our amazing ELITE copywriting coach, Kristen Engen, on the show today! Don’t miss this!

    Copy By Color Download: https://kristinengen.com/cbc

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  • Being a coach or expert requires you to be or become somebody worth following. As soon as you decide to be a coach you're announcing to your audience that you are a leader. But it’s not good enough to just announce you're a coach and leader. You have to have something that initially draws your audience in and attracts them to you. And that thing is charisma. We all know somebody with charisma. It’s hard to put your finger on what it is and how to develop it, but in this episode I share with you how to do just that!

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    Get a free trial of Colin's favorite ALL-IN-ONE Course, Content and Email System: Kajabi


  • You’ll notice quite a few similarities between the top coaches in any industry. But one similarity that tends to be unanimous among all top coaches is that they all consistently show up on video. That’s because video is one of the easiest pieces of content to leverage and when it’s done right it tends to create an instant level of authority. However, a lot of coaches get intimidated by the idea of being on camera. This is why I wanted to have my guest Xayli Barclay on this week as she’s an expert in how to create super high quality videos while also having palpable camera confidence!

    Xayli’s Instagram: @XayliBarclay

    Check out Xayli’s Uniq Method here: https://theuniqmethod.com/

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  • Most coaches understand that building their personal brand is important. However, a lot of coaches don’t really have a complete grasp on what their personal brand really is. They mistake their personal brand with their brand identities like colors, fonts, websites, etc… During this episode with branding expert Yolanda Smith, we dive deep into what personal branding actually is and how to go about doing it the right way as well as the mistakes you need to make sure you avoid if you want a thriving personal brand.

    Check out Yolanda’s stuff here: https://www.yolandamsmith.com/


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  • If you have a dream to create a wealthy future then today's podcast is going to give you an insight into how that's done. My guest, Jason Brown, is a master day trader and course creator who exemplifies what it means to truly become an expert by consistently practicing what he preaches. He's not only created immense financial wealth but has built a beautiful family and relationships in his community that allow his entire life to thrive. I wanted to dig deep into how he thinks, acts and has become the wealthy individual that he is.

    Check out Jason’s stuff here: https://thebrownreport.com/

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    Get a free trial of Colin's favorite ALL-IN-ONE Course, Content and Email System: Kajabi


  • Establishing your credibility and expanding the reach of your brand are 2 cornerstones of any successful coaching business. There are countless ways to do this in today's day and age but after listening to today’s podcast, you’re going to want to be adding Youtube to your repertoire asap if it’s not a part of it already. My guest on this week’s episode, Sean Cannell, is an absolute legend when it comes to Youtube with over 17 years of experience mastering the platform. He shares gem after gem as well as some upcoming trends that you need to be aware of now to get ahead of the competition. This is a must listen!

    Register For Sean’s Youtube Masterclass Here: https://colinboyd.co/sean

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    Get a free trial of Colin's favorite ALL-IN-ONE Course, Content and Email System: Kajabi


  • Running a successful launch can absolutely skyrocket your business and vice versa, running a launch that tanks can be detrimental and set you back a bit. We just came off of our most successful launch to date which is really going to set the tone for the rest of the year. That’s why it’s all the more important to follow the strategies and formulas put out there by coaches doing them the right way. One of those coaches, and guest on this week's episode is my good friend Jasmine Star who discusses her strategies on running successful launches among many other successful business pillars like branding and consistency.

    Register For Jasmines Launch NEW Masterclass: https://colinboyd.co/jasmine

    Jasmines Podcast: https://jasminestar.com/podcast/

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    Get a free trial of Colin's favorite ALL-IN-ONE Course, Content and Email System: Kajabi


  • Most coaches I run into tend to over complicate things. From their online courses to their messaging. They tend to think that more is better when in reality, oftentimes less is more. Especially in the case of your messaging. If your messaging is complicated or unclear, your audience is going to move on. My guest on this week's episode, Donald Miller, is a legend at this (among other things). During this episode he shares…

    How to simplify your messaging down to a tagline so that you own a problem and become the go to solution.

    3 mental shifts that he has made throughout his life that has resulted in him becoming one of the biggest names in the expert business

    3 hacks that anyone can use when they find themselves in a tight spot, like cashflow or any type of bind.

    And much more! Don’t miss this episode!

    Pre-order your copy of "Coach Builder" by best-selling author Donald Miller today! This book gives you an 8-step plan to become a self-employed business coach.



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  • Every successful coach and course creator has their own story and set of circumstances that they had to overcome to reach their breakthrough. My guest and student on this week’s episode - Lindsay Williams is no different. Like any entrepreneur, she had some hurdles she needed to overcome to get to where she is now, which is a $20k/month business. But her real breakthrough came when she niched down & when she followed the Sell From Stage strategies provided in the Academy. During this episode, she breaks down her journey and how she got to the point of using just 1 presentation to drive almost all of her revenue!

    Sell From Stage Academy is currently open for just a few days.


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    Get a free trial of Colin's favorite ALL-IN-ONE Course, Content and Email System: Kajabi


  • The goal of almost every coach or course creator I’ve ever encountered is to build a highly lucrative and impactful expert business. It doesn’t take rocket science to realize that! But as a coach it may feel like rocket science trying to figure out the formula and steps that turn your expertise into massive profits! If you've ever struggled to know a simple way to build your expert business so that it makes great money but also suits your lifestyle, then don’t miss this episode!

    During this episode you’ll discover:

    The 5 phases to building a scalable and profitable expert business (you'll finally have a clear pathway for building and scaling...faster)

    The new beliefs you must adopt to command a virtual or live stage (they are very different to what you think)!

    The 3 types of signature talks you must create so that you speak in a way that sells on every occasion (most people only have one and that’s why they get average results).

    And more!

    Want to truly master the art of selling from virtual and live stages?

    Don't miss this exclusive live Workshop series (Replays Available) that started January 29th called: Selling From Virtual & Live Stages

    Register here: http://colinboyd.co/stages

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    Get a free trial of Colin's favorite ALL-IN-ONE Course, Content and Email System: Kajabi


  • Most coaches I come across have amazing content that provides a ton of value but they struggle to sell their stuff. This is a super common problem in the industry. The good news is that it’s relatively easy to fix because it almost always stems from 1 of 3 mistakes. You're either delivering too much information, selling at the end of your presentation, or sharing the wrong stories. During this episode I’ll go over what to do in each scenario as well as:

    The difference between information-based training and decision based training (this one distinction recently took Jon Acampora's webinar from 3 to 14% conversion rate instantly)

    How to choose the right signature story for your presentation so that your audience doesn't just like you, but they want to buy from you!

    The Infusion Selling Method™ - This method will instantly show you how to go from content that entertains to content that converts clients (without feeling pushy or sales-y)

    And more!

    Want to truly master the art of selling from virtual and live stages?

    Don't miss this exclusive live Workshop series (Replays Available) that started January 29th called: Selling From Virtual & Live Stages

    Register here: http://colinboyd.co/stages

    Discover how to authentically connect with your audience & fill your programs with a Conversion Story.


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    Get a free trial of Colin's favorite ALL-IN-ONE Course, Content and Email System: Kajabi


  • The majority of coaches understand the importance of selling from stage (virtual & live) but unfortunately, due to fear of speaking, they never cultivate or utilize this immensely valuable skill. You see the second you step on a virtual or live stage, you're instantly viewed as an authority figure. Making your audience way more receptive to what you are presenting & offering. During this episode we are going to tackle this head on so that by the end of it, fear of speaking is a thing of the past for you.

    During this episode you’ll discover:

    The simple technique to go from a fear that 'no one wants your programs' to feeling confident in under 7 seconds - it's crazy how fast it works

    The Sell From Stage Journey Model™ - the 6 levels every one must move through to command the stages and growth their business

    The 4 'Big Mindset Moves' that will give you the confidence to connect with your audience from any virtual stage and move them toward your programs

    Want to truly master the art of selling from virtual and live stages?

    Don't miss this exclusive live Workshop series (Replays Available) starting January 29th called: Selling From Virtual & Live Stages

    Register here: http://colinboyd.co/stages

    Discover how to authentically connect with your audience & fill your programs with a Conversion Story.


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    Get a free trial of Colin's favorite ALL-IN-ONE Course, Content and Email System: Kajabi
