From optometric technician to low vision specialist Dr. Parres Wright walks us through her career and the mindset shifts needed to achieve her goals.
She’s so encouraging that I also share all about my new endeavors in optometry. If you are trying to complete your fellowship this is the episode that you need to listen to.
The road is not easy but someone is going to do it, why not you!
Say Hi to Dr. Parres Wright
Say Hi to me, Host of Eyes Up
Dr. Damaris Raymondi
eyesuppod@gmail.com -
Dentists are the cousins of Optometry! In this Eyes Up episode we hear from Dr. Melissa Torres who started out her career as dental assistant and was able to keep fighting for her dreams and is now a dentist. We learn from her that if you’re scared and fearful of doing something then you know you are doing something right. We also chat about the eye tooth connection and how certain dental conditions can also manifest as ocular conditions.
Connect with Dr. Torres
Questions or Just to Say Hi
eyesuppod@gmail.com -
Manglende episoder?
On this episode we sit down with Dr. Candice Moore, an optometrist and founder of her very own cosmetics line, Visual Eye Appeal. Visual Eye Appeal is a health & beauty brand that combines Dr. Moore’s passions for beauty and eye health and her makeup can be seen on the album cover of the talented Snoh Aalegra. We talk about how optometry is a flexible profession that allows us to pursue many different paths and we chat about what it feels like forging that new path.
Original Episode with Dr. Moore
Visual Eye Appeal
Connect with Dr. Moore
Questions or Feedback
Artificial blue light from screen time negatively impacts your sleep and health. BluTech is the gold standard for blue light protection. Standard coatings block 9% of harmful blue light. BluTech lenses block up to 59% of blue light. 98% of users noticed “significant sleep improvement”. 65% saw “significant reduction in headaches and migraines”. Check out ClearVision’s “turnkey program” to learn more and visit https://info.cvoptical.com/cvobt
Let’s Chat
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Dr. Andrade is a pharmacist who is passionate about medication education for our patients. As we get to know her we also learn about how we can further help our patients and the how just might surprise you.
Get Dr. Andrade’s Planner
Connect with Dr. Andrade
contact@rxcpco.com -
I was invited to speak on the panel for the SUNY Optometry Capstone event for the graduating Class of 2021 and I share some of the advice I gave out on that panel right here on Eyes Up.
Dr. Camille Cohen never thought she would be a practice owner until an opportunity presented itself. She quickly said no but had life had other plans.
In this episode we learn about her career path in optometry and in true Eyes Up fashion we also speak on the unspeakable, failing NBEO optometry boards.
Connect with Dr. Cohen
Career Advice/Questions/Feedback?
eyesuppod@gmail.com -
If you have been waiting for a sign this is it.
Learn how to read betweeen the lines of optometry job listings. Remember, a posted optometrist job description doubles as a reflection of the practice. If you have any questions about today’s episode or my journey send me email me at eyesuppod@gmail.com
Passionate plant-based board-certified pediatrician, health and wellness coach, TEDx speaker, and host of Veggie Doctor Radio Dr. Yami Cazorla-Lancaster shares her journey with us and how that led to opening her very own practice, Nourish Wellness.
As an expert in her field she introduces us to intuitive eating and healthism, and how we as optometrists can talk to our patients about these concepts.
Connect with Dr. Yami
Veggie Doctor Radio Podcast
Dr. Yami on the TEDx Stage
Let’s Chat About Eyes Up
eyesuppod@gmail.com -
Optometry is booming. As our population grows and becomes older there is going to be a greater need for optometrists. Let’s keep on evolving to help more patients and put an end to preventable vision loss.
Dr. Blake Kuwahara, OD
Dr. Candice Moore, OD
GSLS Global Specialty Lens Conference
Woo University
Eyes Up episodes mentioned on today’s show:
Medical Optometry with Dr. Sherman
Chance Favors the Prepared with Dr. Calderón-Villanueva
A Tale of Three Practices with Dr. Patino
How She Became an OD with Dr. Moore
Let’s Chat
eyesuppod@gmail.com -
Multi-practice owner Dr. Lucia Patino shares with us her journey in private practice optometry and yes it all starts in Queens, New York. She is also the very first optometrist that I ever shadowed who introduced me to the incredible world of eye care.
We discuss how for first-generation folks like ourselves failure is not an option and that the biggest moves in our lives happen years after graduating.
Connect with Dr. Patino
Let’s Chat About Eyes Up
eyesuppod@gmail.com -
Your eye health is important and all of us in optometry are here to help.
American Optometric Association
Find an Optometrist
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If you’re curious about starting your therapy journey then this episode is for you. Leslie Garcia, LCSW is the owner of Counseling Space in Queens, NY and we start off the episode discussing our identities, being Latina, Afro-Latina and, primarily, being phenomenal women.
We explore her career in mental health, how she opened her own practice, and we spend some time discovering the actionable steps that we can take to prevent burnout as healthcare professionals.
Y hablamos sobre la importancia de la salud mental en la comunidad latina.
Register for The Write Therapy: A Guided Journaling Workshop
Connect with Leslie Garcia, LCSW
Eyes Up
eyesuppod@gmail.com -
Let me know if you are hearing this out of only one headphone or any other sound issues, still full of valuable information that you’ll only hear on Eyes Up.
Do not take on a position or sign an optometry contract until you listen to this episode.
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Episode I did with my mentor Dr. Dawson
#FreeBritney -
Dr. Stephanie Cortes and I reminisce on what it has been like going from being optometry students to becoming seasoned optometrists and in the second half of this episode she introduces us to the big and incredible world of subleases.
Our topic en Español this week is all about presbyopia
¡La Presbicia!
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Optometry Classifieds
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Dr. Jessica Duran and I often wonder, how did we do it? We find ourselves in awe of having this fulfilling career as optometrists and being able to take care of people’s eyes because in our situations as first-gens we didn’t necesarily have college aspirations but luckily someone saw us and our potential and said “Hey, you can do this”.
We also talk about how when you first graduate it’s hard to find a full time position with benefits. When practicing in big cities we often have to piece together our schedule. Because of this we can become loyal to a fault and sometimes you have to learn to walk away. She opens up about her experiences navigating optometry contracts and on knowing your worth.
My Listener Survey Enter to Win a $50 AMEX Gift Card
Connect with Dr. Duran
My YouTube Video “My Biggest Regret as an Optometrist”
MEChA Movimiento Estudiantil
Eyes Up episode with Dr. Hashmi where she speaks on how a childhood eye injury inspired her to become an OD
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Thank you so much for listening to my optometry podcast please fill out this listener survey for a chance to win a $50 AMEX gift card ⬇️
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What is glaucoma? What are cataracts? ¿Qué es el Glaucoma? ¿Qué son las Cataratas? I go over analogies to best describe these conditions to our patients and I teach you how to say all of this in Spanish too!
Espero que estén aprendiendo mucho con este contenido en Español.
This podcast is for educational purposes only.
If you enjoyed listening to this optometry podcast I want to get to know you. Please follow me on Instagram and DM me with any feedback
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Developing rapport with your patients leads to better health outcomes. I go over five questions that you can start asking of your patients that will completely change how you practice optometry.
This episode is also a mini-lesson on clinical Spanish para aprender mas Español.
If you enjoyed listening to this optometry podcast I want to get to know you. Please follow me on Instagram and DM me with any feedback
or leave me a voice message ⬇️ - Vis mere