
  • Friends, it has been a hot minute since our last episode BUT this one is a very important episode with lots of life updates and encouragement. If you are ready to hear about the ups and downs of our adventure with the Lord lately, then grab a cup of coffee and cozy in. I hope that you also feel encouraged to fully surrender to where the Lord is taking you on your own unique walk of faith.
    https://adept-builder-8973.ck.page/284ec5c3bf (Newsletter Sign-up )
    https://adept-builder-8973.ck.page/ae572d93f7 (Life: Decluttered Challenge)
    https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leah-in-the-lab-creating-a-sabbath-practice/id1517861199?i=1000489600748 (Sabbath Episode)
    Connect with Faith School:
    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVLewmak0ZIb-un99yUJ1_w (Faith School)
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/faithschoolpod (@)faithschoopod

  • Today, I am not only introducing you to one of my wisest and dearest friends, but my podcast partner: Miss Yvette Allen. In this episode we discuss our new LIFE: DECLUTTERED MINI CHALLENGE and cover the 7 topics in that challenge: home, calendar, digital space, mind, heart, body, and Spirit. Listen in to get inspired to make room for the good things of God and the abundant life.
    Making Room is all about making room for the abundant life and how we declutter the things that get in the way to make room for the good things of God.
    https://adept-builder-8973.ck.page/ae572d93f7 (Life: Decluttered Challenge)
    https://www.amazon.ca/Ruthless-Elimination-Hurry-Emotionally-Spiritually-ebook/dp/B07NCJB86S/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8andqid=1654900874andsr=8-1 (The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World) by John Mark Comer
    https://player.captivate.fm/episode/3ec85cc6-71e3-402d-9b6b-b28e75634bcc (How to Read the Bible and Why it Matters with The Bible Recap's Tara-Leigh Cobble)
    https://unroll.me/ (Unroll.Me)
    https://www.amazon.ca/How-Read-Bible-All-Worth-ebook/dp/B00GS084YA/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8andqid=1655016210andsr=8-1 (How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth) by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart
    https://www.amazon.ca/Epic-Eden-Christian-Entry-Testament-ebook/dp/B0035RP56O/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8andqid=andsr= (The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament) by Sandra L. Richter
    https://www.amazon.ca/Every-Good-Endeavor-Connecting-Your-ebook/dp/B007T8R18K/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8andqid=1655011240andsr=8-1 (Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God's Work) by Timothy Keller
    https://www.amazon.ca/Eerdmans-Commentary-Bible-James-Dunn/dp/0802879780/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8andqid=1655047152andsr=8-1 (Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible) by James D. G. Dunn
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Peter+1%3A13andversion=ESV (1 Peter 1:13)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=john+10%3A10andversion=ESV (John 10:10)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Corinthians+10andversion=ESV (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians+5%3A1andversion=ESV (Galatians 5:1)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%206%3A20andversion=ESV (1 Corinthians 6:20)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=romans+12andversion=ESV (Romans 12:1)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans%208%3A2andversion=ESV (Romans 8:2)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=+ephesians+5%3A13-14andversion=ESV (Ephesians 5:13–14)
    Connect with Faith School:
    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVLewmak0ZIb-un99yUJ1_w (Faith School)
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/leah.rempel/ (@leah.rempel) and http://instagram.com/faithschoolpod (@faithschoolpod)
    http://leahrempel.com/ (leahrempel.com)

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Glass half full or empty? Which way do you lean? As you will hear in this episode, I am not exactly the glass half full kind of gal. But after speaking to my friend, Amber Cullum, I am ready to launch myself into a life of gratitude. This episode has one point in particular that totally BLEW MY MIND. Listen in as we discuss how and why to make room for gratitude.
    Making Room is all about making room for the abundant life and how we declutter the things that get in the way to make room for the good things of God.
    https://adept-builder-8973.ck.page/ae572d93f7 (Life: Decluttered Challenge)
    https://graceenoughpodcast.com/freegratitudepractice/ (Amber's Gratitude Resource)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Philippians%204%3A8andversion=NIV (Philippians 4:8)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=romans%2012:2andversion=NIV (Romans 12:2)
    https://www.nicolezasowski.com/wonderful (What If It’s Wonderful?) by Nicole Zasowski
    Connect with Amber:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/graceenoughpodcast_amber/ (@graceenoughpodcast_amber)
    https://graceenoughpodcast.com/ (graceenoughpodcast.com)
    Connect with Leah:
    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVLewmak0ZIb-un99yUJ1_w (Faith School)
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/leah.rempel/ (@leah.rempel)
    http://leahrempel.com (leahrempel.com)

  • This is difficult to admit to you all because I do love my java, BUT there comes a point when we have to stop relying on coffee and intentionally set up rhythms of rest. Today’s guest, Deanna Mason, will take us through her journey of finding rest plus many, many practical tools to rest in and with God.
    Making Room is all about making room for the abundant life and how we declutter the things that get in the way to make room for the good things of God.
    https://adept-builder-8973.ck.page/ae572d93f7 (Life: Decluttered Challenge)
    http://deannamason.com/makearestplan (Make a Rest Plan Free Mini-Course)
    https://ichoosemybestlife.com/sacred-rest/ (Sacred Rest) by Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith
    https://www.restquiz.com/quiz/rest-quiz-test/#quiz (Rest Quiz)
    https://www.amazon.ca/Subversive-Sabbath-Surprising-Power-Nonstop-ebook/dp/B0741G5RXP/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Subversive+Sabbath%3A+The+Surprising+Power+of+Rest+in+a+Nonstop+Worldandqid=1652654273andsr=8-1 (Subversive Sabbath: The Surprising Power of Rest in a Nonstop World) by A. J. Swoboda
    https://bibleproject.com/podcast/series/7th-day-rest-sabbath/ (Bible Project Sabbath Series)
    https://refreshed-moms.ck.page/4fc5974375 (How to Pray in Color)
    Connect with Deanna:
    IG: http://instagram.com/refreshedmoms (@refreshedmoms)
    http://deannamason.com/ (deannamason.com)
    Connect with Leah:
    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVLewmak0ZIb-un99yUJ1_w (Faith School)
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/leah.rempel/ (@leah.rempel)
    http://leahrempel.com (leahrempel.com)

  • Hope. It's one of those funny words that's hard to describe, but we know it when we experience it. Michelle Dwyer gives us practical pathways towards fierce hope, and how it's possible for the weary, disappointed, devastated, and indifferent.
    This super encouraging conversation is the first official episode of the Making Room semester.
    Making Room is all about making room for the abundant life and how we declutter the things that get in the way to make room for the good things of God.
    Life: Decluttered Challenge: https://adept-builder-8973.ck.page/ae572d93f7 (https://adept-builder-8973.ck.page/ae572d93f7)
    https://furtherupandfurtherin.podbean.com/ (Further Up and Further In Podcast)
    https://www.amazon.ca/Fierce-Hope-Disappointed-Devastated-Indifferent/dp/1486621996/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=michelle+dwyerandqid=1638831605andsr=8-1 (Fierce Hope) by Michelle Dwyer
    https://www.amazon.ca/Gift-Being-Yourself-David-Benner/dp/0830846123 (The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery) by David Benner
    https://ellel.org/ca-ab/ (Ellel Retreats)
    https://www.fatherheart.net/schools-events/ (Fatherheart Retreats)

    Connect with Michelle:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/michelle_u_dwyer/ (@michelle_u_dwyer)
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/michelle.u.dwyer (@michelle.u.dwyer)
    https://michelledwyerca.wordpress.com/ (michelledwyerca.wordpress.com)

    Connect with Leah:
    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVLewmak0ZIb-un99yUJ1_w (Faith School)
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/leah.rempel/ (@leah.rempel)

  • Our lives are cluttered. There is no way around it. Our calendars, closets and inboxes. Our minds, hearts, bodies, and souls. We need to break free from the things that are keeping us stuck, that are weighing us down, creating chaos in our minds and hearts.
    This semester, we are going to MAKE ROOM for more of the abundant life and for the things that really matter. We are going to declutter from the inside out.
    This semester, we want to invite you not just to listen to some conversations (although you can start there) but also to invite you into a transformative experience!
    So, let’s CLEAR out the clutter and make room for something GREATER.
    You ready?
    Connect with Leah Rempel:
    IG:https://www.instagram.com/leah.rempel/ ( @leah.rempel)
    IG: https://my.captivate.fm/instagram.com/faithschoolpod (@faithschoolpod)
    https://my.captivate.fm/leahrempel.com (leahrempel.com)

  • I love going back to the basics of our faith and here's why. I think that if we ignore the basics of our faith, that we are actually, in a way, being really prideful. We're thinking that we are above the basics and I just don't think that is true!
    Listen in for some fun facts, my top five highlights of the series and a few announcements you don't want to miss!
    https://forms.gle/kxWdPnoq3HEjvCJLA (Want to win a $50 Amazon gift card? Fill out our survey!)
    https://open.spotify.com/episode/50caynpWufz35zAhCXuQry?si=2Ul1G9WBSLGltNs9oIdWjw (How to Build Your Faith From the Inside Out with Leah Rempel)
    https://open.spotify.com/episode/4EoTEwJR4aIxxBoiGsCkzW?si=uNfTu-6OREG_VWOecNAcfg (How to Integrate Your Faith in Every Area of Your Life with Leah Rempel)
    https://open.spotify.com/episode/4CymPB7EPcfVbCDaTJ6HsP?si=tptbeKcpTR6xTKpCVq3N0w (How to Develop a Life-Giving Personal Ministry with Leah Rempel)
    https://open.spotify.com/episode/2T4iuFJsRUN1HqHwT3Ojph?si=AzO4WpS8SRqHmuMMqpQpmA (Giving an Answer for Our Hope with Jeremy Jenkins)
    https://open.spotify.com/episode/5iEZ3qo8AtqpECc1gY534N?si=wsuyQw-8SvOp6hk224w-eA (How to Pray and Why We Do It with Brooke McGlothin)
    https://open.spotify.com/episode/2c5ZTOrxCDYJvJrDBq1tQM?si=NsPfLnPYRxm7-YmhUKvjFg (Everyday Evangelism with Larry and Marbi Janzen)
    https://open.spotify.com/episode/7mRRJt9AxSV4cBzMIUiJzk?si=yXUwFaaVRyyuWYRXVEqlKQ (What are Spiritual Disciplines and Why they Mattter with Rebecca Friedlander)
    Connect with Leah Rempel:
    IG:https://www.instagram.com/leah.rempel/ ( @leah.rempel)
    IG: @faithschoolpod

  • Apologetics may not seem like a "basic" of the faith to you. Maybe it just seems like one big scary, super intellectual argument. BUT I love what Jeremy says in today’s episode when he reminds us of 1 Peter 3:15, that apologetics is simply giving an answer or a reason for the hope that you have. It is really just asking ourselves, “Why do I believe the things that I believe?” We need at least a basic understanding of this.
    Jeremy answers the questions...
    What is apologetics?
    Why do you think people are a little scared or hesitant to learn about other religions and worldviews?
    What do we need to know about our own faith to be effective in conversations with those of other faith traditions?

    Jeremy Jenkins is a pastor at Element Church in Forest City, NC. He is also the Executive Director of All Things All People, which exists to explore the darkest places and worldviews for the Gospel, and to equip you to do the same. He has a Bachelor’s of Science in Religion and a Master’s in Intercultural Studies from Columbia International University.
    https://www.amazon.ca/Kingdom-Cults-Definitive-Work-Subject-ebook/dp/B07F3F69R5/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8andqid=andsr= (The Kingdom of the Cults: The Definitive Work on the Subject) by Walter Martin
    https://www.amazon.ca/Kingdom-Occult-Walter-Martin/dp/1418516449 (The Kingdom of the Occult) by Walter Martin, Jill Martin Rische, Kurt Van Gorden, and Kevin Rische
    https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/ (The Gospel Coalition )
    https://open.spotify.com/episode/6bPd42N25MRmeM0oG96pDN?si=IQ0e0iAsSQmF70UZ0qJVGQ (BASECAMP - Wicca and The Occult)
    https://open.spotify.com/episode/5rU1oRuA2imBWb2ivL8p91?si=L288yIPDRNGWv7Nrr-hlxg (BASECAMP - Hinduism)
    https://open.spotify.com/episode/7zM2Epgy9k5gempcnzqHBn?si=mini8nLgT6Wfi_rMRNTypg (BASECAMP - Scientology)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20peter%203:15andversion=ESV (1 Peter 3:15) "But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect." (ESV)

    Connect with Jeremy:
    https://www.allthingsallpeople.org/ (All Things All People)
    IG: http://instagram.com/allthings.allpeople (@allthings.allpeople)
    Connect with Leah:
    IG: http://instagram.com/faithschoolpod (@faithschoolpod)
    IG:http://instagram.com/leah.rempel ( @leah.rempel)
    http://leahrempel.com/ (leahrempel.com)

  • When was the last time you took a look at your current spiritual disciplines? You may be like me—constantly assessing and trying to tweak my spiritual practices, or maybe you're wondering what I am even talking about. Friend, we have got you covered here in this conversation with Rebecca Friedlander. We dive into all sorts of things like community, worship, and "pilgrimage." Road trip, anyone? Yes, please.
    Rebecca answers these questions and more...
    What is the importance of spiritual disciplines, and what do you believe they actually do for our lives as believers?
    How would you encourage us to lean into our more creative side when it comes to spirituality?
    When did you start to make the connection between disciplines and that God was asking us on this "divine adventure"?

    Rebecca Friedlander has been in full-time ministry for 19 years, ministering both locally and
    internationally using the creative arts and music. As a film producer, she has created the projects Celtic Pilgrimage, Thin Places, Radical Makeovers, Pioneers, and more, as well as dozens of music videos. She has a bachelor's degree in Christian creative arts and leads worship with both original and cover songs, and she speaks internationally with her potter's wheel. When not on the road, she enjoys leading personal discipleship and prayer retreats from her father's log home in northeast Texas.
    https://www.amazon.ca/Divine-Adventure-Spiritual-Practices-Modern-Day-ebook/dp/B08MY1TX2J/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3G67WIJBV29FVandkeywords=The+Divine+Adventure%3A+Spiritual+Practices+for+a+Modern-Day+Discipleandqid=1642826145andsprefix=the+divine+adventure+spiritual+practices+for+a+modern-day+disciple%2Caps%2C181andsr=8-1 (The Divine Adventure) by Rebecca Friedlander
    Connect with Rebecca:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/rebeccafriedlander/ (@rebeccafriedlander)
    https://www.rebeccafriedlander.com/ (www.rebeccafriedlander.com)
    Connect with Leah:
    IG: http://instagram.com/faithschoolpod (@faithschoolpod)
    IG:http://instagram.com/leah.rempel ( @leah.rempel)
    http://leahrempel.com (leahrempel.com)

  • Holy Spirit. When you hear that name, you could have a number of different reactions based on your personal experience. Some of you are going to feel weirded out. Some of you are going to feel a little distant from Him. Some of you are going to be very excited to learn more about this mysterious Person of the Trinity, an essential part of Christian doctrine. Listen to the episode if you find yourself in any of these categories, and I have a strong feeling you will walk away feeling very encouraged at the end of this conversation.
    Jeannie answers....
    How do we begin to shift from the Holy Spirit being more of an accessory in our faith to ESSENTIAL?
    How do we know that we are being prompted by the Holy Spirit and not ourselves?
    How is relying on Him to change us better than "self-help"?

    Jeannie Cunnion is an author who is well known for writing stories that make much of the wild love of Jesus because of how her life has been rescued by it. She is also a beloved Bible teacher and sought-after speaker who has been featured on outlets such as the TODAY show, Fox News, The 700 Club, and Focus on the Family. Jeannie, who holds a master’s degree in social work, worked as a counselor and trainer in the adoption field before writing. She is a wife to Mike and a mama to five boys she is crazy about. To know Jeannie is to know her deep love for Danita’s Children’s Home in Haiti.
    https://www.amazon.ca/Dont-Miss-Out-Jeannie-Cunnion/dp/0764238221/ref=sr_1_1?crid=36HKU6NBZUKLQandkeywords=Don%E2%80%99t+Miss+Out+Discover+30+benefits+of+the+Holy+Spirit%E2%80%99s+presence+in+your+life.andqid=1641708581andsprefix=don+t+miss+out+discover+30+benefits+of+the+holy+spirit+s+presence+in+your+life+%2Caps%2C1154andsr=8-1 (Don't Miss Out Paperback by Jeannie Cunnion)
    https://www.jeanniecunnion.com/never-alone (Never Alone: Parenting in the Power of the Holy Spirit by Jeannie Cunnion)
    https://www.amazon.ca/Forgotten-God-Francis-Chan/dp/1434767957/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2N2Z1S6I47AKOandkeywords=Forgotten+God+by+Francis+Chanandqid=1641801242andsprefix=forgotten+god+by+francis+chan%2Caps%2C304andsr=8-1 (Forgotten God by Francis Chan)
    https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/25282 (Benefits to Having the Holy Spirit Devotional)
    https://www.amazon.ca/The-Helper/dp/B07143DM2L/ref=sr_1_1?crid=21022OU89TUR9andkeywords=the+helper+by+catherine+marshallandqid=1641801659andsprefix=the+helper+by+catherine+marshall%2Caps%2C152andsr=8-1 (The Helper by Catherine Marshall)
    https://www.amazon.ca/Holy-Spirit-Activating-Gods-Power/dp/0849942136/ref=sr_1_1?crid=D2AS2YQLV362andkeywords=holy+spirit+by+billy+grahamandqid=1641801879andsprefix=holy+spirit+by+billy+graham%2Caps%2C145andsr=8-1 (The Holy Spirit: Activating God's Power in Your Life by Billy Graham)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%2014-16andversion=NIV (John 14–16)
    Connect with Jeannie:
    http://JeannieCunnion.com (JeannieCunnion.com)
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/jeanniecunnion/ (@jeanniecunnion)
    Connect with Leah:
    IG: http://instagram.com/leah.rempel (@leah.rempel)
    IG: http://instagram.com/faithschoolpod (@faithschoolpod)
    http://leahrempel.com (leahrempel.com)

  • Tara-Leigh Cobble is the creator and host of The Bible Recap podcast and the founder of D-Group, an international network of weekly discipleship and accountability groups. She also hosts a daily radio show called The God Shot.
    In this episode, Tara-Leigh shares her passion for God's Word and gives practical tips on how to read the bible and how it can lead to real transformation.
    Tara-Leigh answers questions like...
    Is there a particular method or process that you use as you dig into scripture?
    How can we read scripture to not only "check it off the list," but to really grow our faith?
    How do you interact with God during your time of reading/studying scripture?

    https://www.amazon.ca/Women-Word-Study-Bible-Hearts/dp/1433541769 (Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds by Jen Wilkin)
    https://www.bible.com/ (The Bible App)
    http://www.thebiblerecap.com/ (The Bible Recap)
    https://bible.faithlife.com/books/esv/Jn1.1 (Faithlife Study Bible)
    https://www.blueletterbible.org/ (Blue Letter Bible)

    Connect with Leah:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/leah.rempel/ (@leah.rempel)
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4075541105853974 (Intentional Women of Faith)
    Dressember: https://dressemberijm-2020.funraise.org/team/dress-to-protest (Team Dress to Protest)
    Shop:https://www.redbubble.com/people/leahrempel/shop?asc=u ( RedBubble Shop) , https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/I68Shop?fbclid=IwAR3egQG0mQ2v0k3P7yBjQOQgfq_4d6imJu0s4qTtkFCb_Nk6filTkMuhpb4 (I68Shop)

  • Evangelism can make us want to crawl into a hole. Trust me, I have been there. It's not easy sharing our faith with a world that constantly rejects it. BUT it is still something that we have been asked to do. So, what do we do about that?
    Larry and Marbi Janzen are two of my friends who have been called to a lot of evangelism; but what I love about what they share is their very gracious, patient, and loving approach. They also recognize that we all are going to have our own styles!
    Larry and Marbi answer...
    Why do you believe people are hesitant to engage in evangelism?
    As missionaries, how do you address the WHOLE person, not just the spiritual?
    What are the different types of evangelism?

    Larry and Marbi Janzen met and married in Belize in 1991. Larry's parents were missionaries there, and Marbi grew up in the church they were ministering in. Her dad was a passionate evangelist and church leader. Larry went there after Bible College to help his parents in their missionary work, but God had other plans! Together they joined Avant Ministries in 1993 and have been missionaries with this church planting mission agency ever since. They have 2 lovely daughters and as a family they have served in church planting, leadership development, and social justice in Belize, Mexico, and Uruguay. They are currently mobilizers, motivators and mentors for missionaries that are going out from Latin America all across the globe.
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Timothy%201:7andversion=NIV (2 Timothy 1:7)
    https://www.gotquestions.org/Romans-road-salvation.html (The Romans Road to Salvation)
    https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/the-purple-book-biblical-foundations/9780310866695-item.html?s_campaign=goo-DSA_Booksandgclid=Cj0KCQiA2NaNBhDvARIsAEw55hi-0Ooua5rCXE_Blh_xG_2kcxAmFYfg2FXn6FODiKCvFP0W-0C_f5oaAiKAEALw_wcBandgclsrc=aw.ds (The Purple Book: Biblical Foundations for Building Strong Disciples)
    Connect with Leah:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/leah.rempel/ (@leah.rempel)
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4075541105853974 (Faith School)
    Merch Shop: https://www.redbubble.com/people/leahrempel/shop?asc=u (RedBubble Shop)
    Template Shop: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/I68Shop?ref=seller-platform-mcnav (I:68 Shop)

  • Human trafficking is really important to talk about on here, but even more so it is this: OUR GOD IS A GOD OF JUSTICE AND MERCY. The spectrum of justice does vary, and we don't all have the same role—which is why I like this conversation so much. As Naomi points out, it is not only what we DO, but what we DON’T do that can be just as important.
    Naomi answers...
    Back to Basics: Why do you think our participation in justice matters to God?
    How would you encourage us to get our hands dirty / boots on the ground and participate where we can?
    You have a social enterprise. Can you explain what that is?

    Naomi Holland is a pastor's wife, mother of a 13- and 9-year-old, and holds a B.A. in Development Studies. She worked 18 years for a frontline recovery organization in Canada and Nepal. For two of those years, she was the house mom in a recovery home. She accidentally started Redeemed with Purpose four years ago, redeeming old belts into cuffs. It has now turned into a full jewelry line. To date, with the help of our customers and storefront partners, Redeemed with Purpose has given away over $23,500.
    https://mailchi.mp/2e75bb77a26e/advent-planning-workbook-faithschool (DOWNLOAD THE ADVENT PLANNER)
    https://player.captivate.fm/episode/e1e26f78-ffcb-41bf-a0de-cf54fef69417 (Advocacy + Ending Slavery with IJM's Anu George Canjanathoppil)
    https://player.captivate.fm/episode/a2633e3c-c554-4fd1-8fea-b9e864e55fb6 (Why We've Been Failing the Battle Against Pornography and How the Church Can Step Up Rosie Makinney)
    https://podtail.com/en/podcast/justice-the-inner-life-podcast/episode-3-gary-haugen/ (Justice and The Inner Life Podcast Episode 3: Gary Haugen)
    http://protectyoungeyes.com (protectyoungeyes.com)
    https://fightthenewdrug.org/ (fightthenewdrug.com)
    https://choosechangecanada.org/ (choosechangecanada.org)
    https://redeemedwithpurpose.com/ (Redeemed with Purpose) Discount Code for 15% off: LeahR
    Connect with Naomi:
    IG: http://instagram.com/redeemedwithpurpose (@redeemedwithpurpose)
    http://redeemedwithpurpose.com (redeemedwithpurpose.com)
    Connect with Leah:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/leah.rempel/ (@leah.rempel)
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4075541105853974 (Intentional Women of Faith)
    Merch Shop: https://www.redbubble.com/people/leahrempel/shop?asc=u (RedBubble Shop)
    Template Shop: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/I68Shop?ref=seller-platform-mcnav (I:68 Shop)

  • COMMUNITY. The word that extroverts LOVE and introverts shudder at. But we don’t always know how to do Christian community well. We all have a range of responses to this "Back to Basics" concept and discipline. Wherever you are with community, I think this episode will encourage you and lead you in the right direction. We talk about why so many of us struggle with it, why it is crucial to our walk as believers, and, of course, we get practical!
    Yohonna answers...
    Why do you think community is so important to God?
    What do you think “doing life together” should look like? What is your experience with that?
    What are some best practices for being part of Christian community? How can we contribute to it and not just take from it?

    Yohonna Smith lives in central Ohio along with her husband, two daughters, and one bad dog. She is the host of the Girls Talking Life podcast and founder of the Gathering Project.
    https://mailchi.mp/2e75bb77a26e/advent-planning-workbook-faithschool (DOWNLOAD THE ADVENT PLANNER)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20corinthians%2015:58andversion=NIV (1 Corinthians 15:58)
    https://www.amazon.ca/Art-Gathering-How-Meet-Matters/dp/1594634920 (The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters Hardcover by Priya Parker)
    https://girlstalkinglife.com/shop/ (Girls Talking Life shop)
    https://girlstalkinglife.com/thegatheringproject/ (The Gathering Project)
    https://player.captivate.fm/episode/3ec85cc6-71e3-402d-9b6b-b28e75634bcc (How to Read the Bible and Why it Matters with The Bible Recap's Tara-Leigh Cobble)
    Connect with Yohonna:
    http://girlstalkinglife.com (girlstalkinglife.com)
    IG: http://instagram.com/girlstalkinglife (@girlstalkinglife)
    Connect with Leah:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/leah.rempel/ (@leah.rempel)
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4075541105853974 (Intentional Women of Faith)
    Merch Shop: https://www.redbubble.com/people/leahrempel/shop?asc=u (RedBubble Shop)
    Template Shop: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/I68Shop?ref=seller-platform-mcnav (I:68 Shop)

  • Halloween might be full of fake, scary decorations (so glad to see those being taken down today!), but let’s be honest: Spiritual warfare is REAL. If you are choosing the missional way of life, I can almost guarantee that it will happen to you too. BUT there is good news for us all. Our God has not left us without a defense or without HOPE. He is so good. Join me and my second male guest, Nathan Zieber, as we break down spiritual warfare and our place in it.
    Nathan answers...
    What is spiritual warfare? What does spiritual warfare look like on a day-to-day basis for us all?
    How do we know if we have invited demonic activity into our lives?
    What can the enemy do against us as believers, those who have the Holy Spirit?

    Nathan Zieber is a pastor at Calvary Community Church in Edmonton, Alberta. He also sits on the board of a specialized research and investigations company based in deliverance ministry.
    http://eepurl.com/hpJOg9 (Join our email list!)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJqXBMcDuMkandt=1838s (Expose the Darkness Sermon by Nathan Zieber)
    https://www.gotquestions.org/ (GotQuestions.org)
    https://www.amazon.ca/Biblical-Guidebook-Deliverance-Randy-Clark-ebook/dp/B00U58QKJM/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8andqid=andsr= (The Biblical Guidebook to Deliverance by Randy Clark)
    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G1aSTyaTjjIQ2hFSDTQiq6Nw_jzJ7MKwZ46Dw_N4pXQ/edit?usp=sharing (Guide for Deliverance Questions)
    https://girlstalkinglife.com/72-leah-rempel-put-your-faith-into-action/ (Girls Talking Life episode with Leah Rempel - Put Your Faith into Action)
    Connect with Leah:
    IG:https://www.instagram.com/leah.rempel/ ( @leah.rempel)
    IG: http://instagram.com/faithschoolpod (@faithschoolpod)
    FB:https://www.facebook.com/groups/4075541105853974 ( Faith School)
    Merch Shop:https://www.redbubble.com/people/leahrempel/shop?asc=u ( RedBubble Shop)
    Template Shop: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/I68Shop?ref=seller-platform-mcnav (I:68 Shop)
    Connect with Nathan:
    [email protected]

  • Praying comes naturally to some and not to others. I have to be honest that it does not come naturally to me (#messymiddle)! But it is an ESSENTIAL practice for the Christian life and the life of anyone on mission. It's a great gift that can carry us through, give us direction, and help us practice trust.
    I don’t want you to feel inadequate in your prayer life any longer. So my guest, Brooke McGlothlin, gives us just the encouragement and practical wisdom you may need today as well as a little prayer teaching from me!
    Brooke answers...
    Why should we pray for our kids or anyone else in our lives? What makes it effective?
    What do we need to keep in mind when our prayers feel like they are not being answered?
    Life feels really busy. What would you say to the women who feel like they don't have time to pray AT ALL, let alone for their kids? What practical wisdom can you give us?

    Brooke McGlothlin has encouraged thousands of moms toward a richer prayer life for over a decade. She is the cofounder of Million Praying Moms, a popular online ministry that exists to help moms make prayer their first and best response to the challenges of parenting. Brooke is the author of several books and resources for moms and lives in the mountains of southwest Virginia with her husband and their two sons. Learn more at http://millionprayingmoms.com (millionprayingmoms.com).
    https://www.amazon.ca/Why-Pray-John-F-DeVries/dp/0978855159 (Why Pray? by John Devries)
    https://justdisciple.com/prayer-method/ (25 Christian Prayer Methods)
    https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/0764238469/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8andtag=faithschool0d-20andcamp=15121andcreative=330641andlinkCode=as2andcreativeASIN=0764238469andlinkId=41f03e6d47940cfa6df3da4affcaf7ff (Praying Mom by Brooke McGlothlin)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Peter%201:12-14andversion=CSB (1 Peter 1:13)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Kings%203:8-10andversion=ESV (1 Kings 3:9)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ezekiel%2036:26andversion=NIV (Ezekiel 36:26)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians%205:22-23andversion=NIV (Galatians 5:22-23)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%206:22-27andversion=NIV (Numbers 6:22-27)
    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%206:5-15andversion=NIV (The Lord's Prayer: Matthew 6:5-15)
    https://www.amazon.ca/Praying-Boys-Asking-Things-They/dp/0764211439 (Praying For Boys Paperback by Brooke McGlothlin)
    https://www.amazon.ca/Praying-Girls-Asking-Things-They/dp/076421960X (Praying For Girls Paperback by Teri Lynne Underwood)
    https://www.millionprayingmoms.com/product/how-to-pray-gods-word-for-your-children/ (How to Pray God’s Word for Your Children by Brooke McGlothlin)
    https://www.amazon.ca/Autobiography-George-Muller/dp/1941129137/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8andqid=andsr= (The Autobiography of George Muller)
    Connect with Brooke:
    http://millionprayingmoms.com (millionprayingmoms.com)
    https://brookemcglothlin.net/ (brookemcglothin.net)
    https://www.instagram.com/brookemcglothlin/ (IG: @brookemcglothin)
    Connect with Leah:
    IG:https://www.instagram.com/leah.rempel/ ( @leah.rempel)
    IG: http://instagram.com/faithschoolpod (@faithschoolpod)
    FB:https://www.facebook.com/groups/4075541105853974 ( Faith School)
    Merch Shop:https://www.redbubble.com/people/leahrempel/shop?asc=u ( RedBubble Shop)
    Template Shop: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/I68Shop?ref=seller-platform-mcnav (I:68 Shop)

  • There is pressure like never before to discover and pursue your life’s purpose. So many people live looking for purpose and feel unfulfilled when they are living for themselves. I have been there. I used to rely so heavily on my own accomplishments to give me purpose. Whether it was academics, athletics, or titles, I used that as fuel to get me through life. No win, no purpose. I think so many of you probably feel the same.
    I think I know why.
    Because you are not fulfilling—or you don’t know—your ultimate mission: to point people towards Jesus and the Kingdom in your own God-given way.
    This is not an episode about dropping everything to start a non-profit, or business, or moving across the ocean to share with other people groups and cultures. That may be your thing, but, most likely, that is not your call. This episode IS going to encourage you to start small, and be obedient right where God has you.
    Leah answers...
    What is a personal ministry?
    Why do you need a personal ministry?
    What are your first steps towards a personal ministry?
    How do we know our place in the Kingdom of God?

    https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/5-features-early-church-unique/ (5 Features That Made the Early Church Unique - Tim Keller Article)
    https://player.captivate.fm/episode/0cecff8a-a9e4-4ee3-979e-dceecd87dae3 (What You Need to Know about Introverts and Building God's Kingdom with Holley Gerth)
    https://player.captivate.fm/episode/a736c089-2fc1-47e9-9dfd-a2ff7016de69 (How to Build the Kingdom Across Cultures with Lorry Taylor)
    Connect with Leah:
    IG:https://www.instagram.com/leah.rempel/ ( @leah.rempel)
    IG: http://instagram.com/faithschoolpod (@faithschoolpod)
    FB:https://www.facebook.com/groups/4075541105853974 ( Faith School)
    Merch Shop:https://www.redbubble.com/people/leahrempel/shop?asc=u ( RedBubble Shop)
    Template Shop: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/I68Shop?ref=seller-platform-mcnav (I:68 Shop)

  • How to Integrate Your Faith in Every Area of Your Life with Leah Rempel
    Have you ever truly sat down and asked yourself if every area of your life was truly submitted to God? Reflected on how God has redeemed you in certain areas of your life? Today, we are talking about an Integrated Faith. What is it? Why does it matter to God? How do we start to evaluate it?
    https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/what-is-redemption.html (What is redemption? by Dr. Anthony Chute)
    https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/925281993/quarterly-meetings-template?ref=shop_home_active_2 (Quarterly Meeting)
    https://mailchi.mp/ad291c0a7fd0/integrated-faith-inventory (Integrated Faith Inventory)
    Episodes Mentioned:
    https://player.captivate.fm/episode/add7fa6e-1ea6-4c11-ad58-14c88df085cc (How to Build a Family Culture with Kingdom Values with Kim Amici)
    https://player.captivate.fm/episode/b789a412-cf6f-470a-8c07-9ce75d681598 (The Surprising Link Between Faith and Pop Culture with Mary Carver)
    https://player.captivate.fm/episode/af39ae3b-d1b5-4b4d-96ba-0d967e6ba15c (Friending Like Jesus with Noelle Rhodes)
    https://player.captivate.fm/episode/82a329a5-a071-49cf-b5cc-3150ff22f077 (How to Pursue Life-Changing Intimacy with God with Mo Aiken)
    https://player.captivate.fm/episode/b9766e42-6799-499f-8147-ba198efb17ae (Marriage on Mission with Caleb Rempel)
    https://player.captivate.fm/episode/4d07cdc3-419b-4325-ad20-922f068b10e3 (Kingdom Sexuality with Alana Martens + Paris Simpson)
    https://player.captivate.fm/episode/9d40fb15-d19b-4b23-9c4f-3c5e7b2e941f (Art + Beauty: Called to Create with Julia Amting)
    https://player.captivate.fm/episode/05892505-24b8-4485-ae30-ac7efb03c834 (How Decorating Your Home Builds God's Kingdom with Shannon Acheson)
    Connect with Leah:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/leah.rempel/ (@leah.rempel)
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4075541105853974 (Faith School)
    Merch Shop: https://www.redbubble.com/people/leahrempel/shop?asc=u (RedBubble Shop)
    Template Shop: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/I68Shop?ref=seller-platform-mcnav (I:68 Shop)

  • Today, we are REPLAYING an episode about one of my favorite topics: Sabbath. This episode is packed with why you should start a practice, the importance of rhythms and some SUPER practical tips to get you started! No matter if you are a busy mom or a single young adult, there is something here for you because Sabbath is for EVERYONE.
    Leah answers some questions like...
    How do you prepare for Sabbath?
    What happens when you have KIDS? How do you include them?
    What are some ideas for rest AND worship?
    How do you set BOUNDARIES to protect Sabbath?

    https://mailchi.mp/f8fb698b8381/sabbath-kickstart-challenge-2021 (SABBATH KICKSTART CHALLENGE 2021)
    https://www.anniefdowns.com/2018/01/12/that-sounds-fun-podcast-january-2018-rhythms-sabbath-john-mark-comer/ (John Mark Comer + Annie F. Downs Conversation)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFTLvkB3JLM (The Bible Project Sabbath Video)
    https://sarata.com/bible/verses/about/sabbath.html (Sabbath Verses)
    https://jewsforjesus.org/publications/newsletter/newsletter-aug-2009/sabbath-rest-highlights-in-the-old-and-new-testament (Sabbath: Old + New Testament)
    Connect with Leah:
    IG: @leah.rempel
    IG: @faithschoolpod
    FB:https://www.facebook.com/groups/4075541105853974/ ( Faith School)
    Website: leahrempel.com

  • Today, I am taking you through the essential “Inside Out” principle and its connection to the kingdom of God. We often talk about God’s kingdom, and we've realized that this is not a concept that is usually talked about in the church or, if it is, it's often in passing. But it is actually EXTREMELY important to our faith, especially when we are living a life on mission. I also give some helpful tips about making time for spiritual disciplines, especially when life feels overwhelmingly busy.
    https://mailchi.mp/f8fb698b8381/sabbath-kickstart-challenge-2021 (Join the Sabbath Kickstart Challenge!)
    https://bibleproject.com/podcast/matthew-p4-jesus-kingdom-god/ (Jesus and the Kingdom of God Sermon by Tim Mackie)
    https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/is-the-kingdom-present-or-future (John Piper "Kingdom of God" Article)
    Favorite Episodes:
    https://player.captivate.fm/episode/3ec85cc6-71e3-402d-9b6b-b28e75634bcc (How to Read the Bible and Why it Matters with The Bible Recap's Tara-Leigh Cobble)
    https://open.spotify.com/episode/0iuliFnEky9VnwwVZkPE9M?si=6RKZbtmwReSPKv92bFjS9Aanddl_branch=1 (How Habits Fuel Faith with Jen Pollock Michel)
    https://open.spotify.com/episode/0RyZxtKdqCrJs7VFY0oMML?si=3P89X74mTMSj-MrNHSIpXganddl_branch=1 (The Spiritual Discipline of Fasting and Why it Matters with Wendy Speake)
    Connect with Leah:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/leah.rempel/ (@leah.rempel)
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4075541105853974 (Faith School)
    Merch Shop: https://www.redbubble.com/people/leahrempel/shop?asc=u (RedBubble Shop)
    Template Shop: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/I68Shop?ref=seller-platform-mcnav (I:68 Shop)