
  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.
    When people think of meditation, they instantly think of zen and sitting cross-legged on a mat. But as we know, there is a lot more to it than that.
    Meditation allows us to be at one with ourselves and our bodies. The human body is a remarkable thing.
    It can heal itself. It can regenerate cells, keep us functioning at our best, remove toxins and protect us against bacteria and viruses.
    Meditation can play an active role in the healing process of our bodies. It can help us gain control over certain actions and responses in our bodies. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia and many other issues that we may face.
    In this episode of Feel Good, we will practice a meditation aimed at healing. Whether it is emotional or physical, this meditation will aim to reset the body and mind and boost the healing process. So, let’s begin and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.
    We all want to better our lives, to shape our future and achieve our goals. There are various techniques and methods to do this. One way of doing this is manifesting.
    The chances are you’ve heard of manifesting. It’s based on the laws of attraction, or the concept that you get what you put out into the world. It’s about using your thought patterns and mindset to attract what you want most, all for the highest good.
    Our minds, our thoughts and our beliefs have enormous power. Think about how a negative mindset can change your day, week, month or even year. It seems like things always go wrong. But shifting the way you think can allow you to be more positive, productive and propel you to great things.
    In this episode of Feel Good, we will take part in a manifestation meditation, aimed to rewire your mindset and help you get what you want in life. So, let’s begin and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good ✨
    It’s important to live in the moment. We’ve all heard that phrase before, probably many times. Or you’ve been told to live like there’s no tomorrow ⏱
    But that message doesn’t fit in with our hectic, twenty-first century lives. There is always something to do, something that takes priority 😲🔥
    Our lifestyles and schedules are full of stress, anxiety and unhappiness 😔
    We often long for happier times, often in the past, or look to the future for hope and happiness 🌞
    This can lead to our energy being sapped or mental tiredness 😢
    In this episode we’ll explore living in the moment and end with a body scan meditation 🧘‍♀️
    With that in mind, let’s... Feel Good 🙏
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.
    We all have goals and dreams that we want to achieve. Whether it’s short term or long term, we know that if we want to succeed, we need to set goals. If we don’t, we lack focus and direction in life.
    It’s easy to set goals, but when it comes to achieving them, it can be difficult, overwhelming and worrying. But in order to meet these goals, it requires action and determination. There will be setbacks and obstacles along the way. And it’s important to remember that we’re all human. We can struggle. But that’s not a reason to give up.
    In this episode of Feel Good, we will practice a meditation aimed at helping you achieve your goals, to give you the confidence to succeed. So, let’s begin and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good ✨
    Relationships are a vital part of life. They help us learn, grow and more importantly, love 🥰
    It is natural to be compassionate and empathetic to others, but how often do we apply those principles to our own lives? 🤔
    In fact, we often apply the opposite of compassion and empathy? We are critical and judgemental to our own thoughts, actions and feelings 😮
    When we let negativity creep into our mindset, we push ourselves too hard. We push away our mindfulness, our gratitude and spiritual well-being😢
    This in turn can affect how we see the world and how we interact with it.
    When you learn to love yourself, you can better appreciate your relationships with others. It is easier to practice mindfulness🧘‍♀️
    In this episode, we will take part in a self-love meditation. The aim is to allow you to fully appreciate yourself. To give yourself thanks for being you 💗
    So, let’s begin and Feel Good 🙏
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.
    Exams are a time of stress, worry and anxiety. We’ve been brought up to believe that doing well in exams is a sign of success and intelligence and not getting good grades is a sign of failure. This causes more stress and worry.
    When exams loom, we play out worse case scenarios in our minds. Our futures depend on these tests.
    With our minds flooded with these thoughts, it’s hard to focus on the task at hand - studying and preparing.
    In this episode of Feel Good, we will take part in a meditation aimed at helping you to prepare for exams. With a clear and calm mind, you will be able to focus, learn and keep an open mind. So, let’s begin and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.
    We live in a world where we are consumed by information and noise. In such a fast-paced world, it can be difficult to be at one with yourself, to be happy and content. To find inner peace.
    Inner peace is when you can remain calm, despite the hectic world around you. It is a state of harmony with yourself and the world. Life is balanced. It is the perfect state to be mindful and enjoy every moment.
    In this episode of Feel Good, we will practice a meditation aimed atfinding inner peace. To allow you to see the beauty in everything around you.
    So, let’s begin and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.
    In today’s world, staying positive can be difficult. We can encounter negativity through daily interactions, social media and even in our own minds.
    Every challenge that we face, every negative experience, can drain your energy. Once this happens, it can be hard to keep a healthy outlook on life.
    In this episode of Feel Good, we will practice a meditation that is aimed at recharging your positive energy. It will help you face the daily struggles with renewed optimism and mindfulness. So, let’s begin and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.
    We say thanks numerous times a day. It is second nature to us. We say it without really thinking or acknowledging the person we’re saying it to
    When we really give thanks for the things in our lives, or rather, show gratitude, we achieve a greater sense of happiness and well being. It brings joy to not only our lives, but those we come into contact with.
    In this episode of Feel Good, we’ll take part in a meditation designed to give thanks, to express gratitude. So, let’s begin and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.
    Sometimes, we can be our own worst enemy. In life, it is easy to replay things that have been said or done, thinking that we should have acted differently. We latch on to these thoughts and criticise ourselves.
    We know it’s pointless, we can’t change the past, but we still blame ourselves for things. This creates a destructive mindset, one that holds us back from learning and growing.
    In this episode of Feel Good we will practice a meditation aimed at self-forgiveness. A meditation that can free us from shame and guilt. So, let’s begin and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.
    We spend our lives constantly thinking, getting lost in our thoughts. But the majority of these are repeated thoughts.
    We think about the same things over and over again. More often than not, we think of the negative. The what ifs, the worries and fears about the future.
    In this episode of Feel Good, we will look at how to avoid being lost in negative thoughts, how to see the light in the darkness. We will explore techniques that can help shift that negative thought pattern into positive. So, let’s begin and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.
    We all know life can be hard. It always seems like there is something to do, things to think about and problems to deal with.
    Before you know it, everything starts to pile up, you feel stressed and anxious and ultimately become overwhelmed.
    But there is an easy way to boost your mood and change the way you see the world. In this episode of Feel Good, we will explore the power of gratitude and how it can positively impact your life. So, let’s begin and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.
    How often have you woken up with a clear plan for your day. You have a list of tasks to complete, but before you realise it you find that the day has gone.
    Hours have passed yet you have only successfully completed a small number of those goals. When you look back, you have no memory of what exactly it was that you did all day.
    This is a common feeling for a lot of people. Humans tend to live life on autopilot. They think about other things rather than focusing on the task at hand.
    In this episode of Feel Good we will look at how you can focus on the most important task everyday and remove all unnecessary thoughts and distractions. So, let’s begin and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.
    Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. We face struggles and challenges on a daily basis. It can be personal or professional. It can relate to our relationships, careers, finances or health.
    It can be disorientating. Shaking our world to the core and leaving us feeling helpless.
    But no matter what you are facing in life. There are ways that you can bring serenity and hope to all situations. In this episode we will look at how mindfulness can help you navigate difficult times.
    When the ground feels like it is falling away below you, we will look at how it is possible to stay stable and strong. So, let’s begin and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.

    There’s one question we’ve all asked ourselves at some stage. What do I want from life?

    For some, the answer comes easily. For others, it is harder, taking what seems an eternity to figure out.

    In life, it’s sometimes easier to go through the motions and stay in our comfort zone. But sometimes, asking this question can help provide clarity around what you want to achieve in life.

    In this episode of Feel Good, we will look at how you can understand what you want in life. So let’s begin and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.
    Life is full of choices. From deciding what to have for breakfast to wondering whether to leave a job, we are faced with a constant stream of decisions.
    Some decisions are small and insignificant, they have no effect on our day-to-day lives.
    But others can have a seismic impact on us, changing our lives forever.
    When decisions are agonised over, we are faced with the feeling of regret.
    We think about ‘what if’s’ or what could go wrong. We play out scenarios in our heads, filling our minds with fear and worry.
    It makes decision making a long and laborious process. One that affects our mental and physical health.
    In this episode of Feel Good. We will practice a meditation aimed at releasing the stress and anxiety that can surround decision making.
    So let’s begin and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.

    There are moments in life that are hard, painful or difficult to experience.

    There will be times where we feel anger, stress, anxiety or worry, when negative emotions take over.

    When we suffer from these emotions, we often try to mask the pain, ignore it or repress it. This starts an internal struggle with our emotions and begins a spiral of negativity.

    One of the most destructive feelings we can suffer is shame.

    Shame can have more of an impact on our well-being than feelings like happiness or anger.

    Shame can lead to depression, isolation and thoughts of self- harm. It can be toxic.

    In this episode, we will look at the impact shame can have and how to overcome it. So let’s start and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.

    Humans are creatures of habit. Everyday we perform the same routines, the same behaviours.

    Our brains highlight these behavioural patterns, hardwiring them into our systems, so we can perform them time and time again, without thinking.

    When we act like this, we are living on autopilot. We are disconnected from the present. Instead, we are living elsewhere, sometime in the past or future.

    In this episode of Feel Good, we will explore the reasons why we live life on autopilot and how we can shake this off.

    So let’s get started and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.

    How we start our morning can have a major impact on our mood and the rest of the day.

    Each new day bring an opportunity to start fresh, to live in the moment and let go of past experiences.

    But that can be easier said than done. With so much going on in our lives, mornings can be as busy as the rest of the day.

    We can choose to take each day as it comes but if we create a morning routine, it can help productivity and reduce stress.

    In this episode, we will look at how we can start our day in the best possible way, develop a routine and finish with a morning meditation aimed at preparing you for the day ahead.

    So let’s begin and Feel Good.
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  • Welcome to Feel Good. Your one stop channel designed to make you... Feel Good.

    Every day, we encounter challenges and problems that test our patience, our resolve, our mental strength and our well-being.

    Life will always have its ups and down. These problems can be personal or professional. It can seem difficult or as though things may never improve.

    Mindfulness allows us to address problems objectively and increase our ability to solve them with a clear mind.

    In this episode, we will look at how mindfulness can be used in problem solving. So let’s get started and Feel Good.
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