
  • Rachael Maddox is a trauma resolution educator, coach and guide who’s helped hundreds of women and men resolve their sexual trauma and reclaim their pleasure, power and wholeness. In her first book, SECRET BAD GIRL, Rachael tells the story of her return to wildness, sensuality, health and embodied safety after a decade living under the trauma spell. Her next book, SEX AFTER TRAUMA, publishes September 2018, and is written to help people navigate life between the sheets after they’ve been through the worst of it. On a fierce mission to help as many women as possible who’ve experienced trauma, Rachael offers one-on-one support, groups, articles and courses for women who are ready to dance hard with life.

    Topics discussed include...

    ↠ Drawing healthy boundaries 
    ↠ Trauma, triggers, and embodied emergency responses
    ↠ Interpersonal reactivity and creating spaciousness in our bodies
    ↠ Immediacy culture, premature reconciliation, and bypassing
    ↠ Forgiveness and restorative justice
    ↠ The order of operations of holistic healing
    ↠ Animal medicine and self-guided trauma resolution
    ↠ The nervous system and nature’s way of releasing trauma
    ↠ Writing an SOS safety resource list
    ↠ The power of choice and sovereignty in healing

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  • Luna is a Woman of Devotion, a Leadership Mentor and the host of the Ladies Who Lead Podcast. She assists women ready to share their gifts in the world, to achieve clear vision by providing supportive, life-promoting experiences, practical tools and spiritual wisdom by aligning one’s divine essence, authentic expression and life-purpose. She supports embodied transformation through the power of self-awareness and aligned action. Luna is devoted to social justice advocacy through council work and the dissolution of separation amongst people and environments, as well as the restoration of Sacred Union within all relations. In devotion Luna is here to walk a path of beauty.

    Topics discussed include...

    ↠ Emotional intelligence and allowing ourselves the capacity to feel deeply
    ↠ Learning to "be with" the self as a chance to create sustainable relationships with others
    ↠ Embodying our teachings as healers and teachers
    ↠ Intimacy and deep listening, social justice and holy rage
    ↠ Joy and ecstasy as medicine
    ↠ Communicating boundaries in a loving way
    ↠ Guilt, shame, and transparency in "centering"
    ↠ Expanding our capacity to hold more of what it means to be human
    ↠ Resistance, centering, resilience, and co-dependence
    ↠ Diversity, collective greatness, and connecting through differences
    ↠ Mothering, emotional development, and codependent relationships
    ↠ Evolving leadership to empowering the greatness in others, not in oneself
    ↠ Patriarchy, white privilege, the responsibility of safety, and a vision of shared liberation
    ↠ The role of emotional mastery in dismantling oppressive systems of power
    ↠ Vulnerability, connection, and fragility
    ↠ The messiness of conflict resolution
    ↠ The goddess movement and its lack of grime

    Listen to this and all episodes at wild-soul.net/get-feral...

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    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Lindsay Mack, founder of Wild Soul Healing and Soul Tarot School, is an intuitive healer, holistic counselor and tarot reader based in Brooklyn, NY. She offers and facilitates Soul Tarot Readings, Intuitive and Spiritual Coaching, Mentorship, and Tarot Trainings for those who desire to heal, evolve and live fully on their true soul path.

    In this episode, Lindsay and I speak on...

    ↠ What it means to embody our witchy-ness, including the cellular memories of feeling misunderstood and rejected
    ↠ Bringing our human complexities into friendships with people we hold space for
    ↠ The protection of our inner lives
    ↠ Cultivating a fierce commitment to one's own inner compass as an act of instinctual mothering
    ↠ How the act of mothering brings our relationship with our child self to the forefront
    ↠ The consequences of modern culture and the loss of the village on mothering
    ↠ Using both divination and motherhood as a practice in justice
    ↠ The responsibility of shadow work in holding space for others

    Access the resources for this and all episodes at wild-soul.net/get-feral...

  • Ashly Rose Wolf, International Women’s Yoga Teacher & Sensuality Coach and the founder of Femme Rising®, helps women revolutionize their relationship with their bodies so they can unlock their full feminine potential.

    In this episode, Ashly and I share on...
    ↠ The vaginal/brain connection, orgasm, and the nervous system
    ↠ Vagina and pleasure as a portal to soul
    ↠ Bodily trauma and recalibration of our energetic patterns
    ↠ Experiencing shameless pleasure
    ↠ Stress and the instinctual nature of Wild Woman
    ↠ Unraveling the shame of mental "illness"
    ↠ The role of pharmaceuticals and de-stigmatizing the use of medication as a tool for wellness
    ↠ Developing a holistic arsenal of tools to help us attend to our well-being
    ↠ The invaluable role of humility and integrity in the nature of a teacher-student relationship

    Access the resources to this and all episodes at wild-soul.net/get-feral...

  • Joanne Ameya is shifting the current paradigms in Women's Health and Feminine Leadership. Through her background as a Certified Flower Essence Therapist, Plant Spirit Medicine Practitioner, Women’s Wisdom Guide, and Shamanic Practitioner, Ameya supports women to Remember their truth, beauty, heart, and power. She is most passionate about helping women to let go of past pains and hurts in order to reclaim their Wild Feminine Hearts. Anchoring this in wisdom traditions, women are invited to coax out their radiance and are set off on a path of Remembrance. Joanne Ameya founded the Woman Rising School for Flower Essences and Shamanic Studies, she co-facilitates an online Women’s Mystery School called Priestesses of the Moon, and co-hosts Wild Sacred Women Retreats.

    In this episode, Joanne Ameya and I share on...
    ↠ Wild Woman as revolutionary
    ↠ Risking it all and releasing that which you love for the purposes of remaining in integrity with ourselves
    ↠ The journey of conscious pregnancy and stepping the embodiment of motherhood
    ↠ Navigating the realm of entrepreneurship and feminine leadership as a mother
    ↠ Reconciling the Priestess and the Great Mother archetypes
    ↠ Pioneering a modern story within new, unknown dynamics of intersecting archetypal energies

    Access the resources to this and all episodes at wild-soul.net/get-feral...

  • Erin Telford believes your light is just as informative and valuable as your shadow and holds space for both. Her mission is to help people heal their relationships with themselves. She pulls from a toolbox of therapeutic conversation, lifestyle and spiritual counseling, essential oils, crystals, mantra and other healing tools. She is a healer, acupuncturist, herbalist and Reiki Master and leads individual and group Breathwork sessions.  Erin was recently featured in Refinery 29 as one of “6 Women Who Are Redefining Wellness in New York City.”  She is also a regular contributor to The Numinous online magazine.  Erin’s private practice is located in Chelsea in New York City.

    In this episode, Erin and I exchange on the reclamation and redefinition of the healer, examining what’s in our Pandora’s box, the role of shadow work as self love and as a personal responsibility, using our emotions as a kind of guidance system, seeing everyone (including ourselves) as teachers, intentionality and becoming conscious of the light and dark of everything in life, and learning to consciously curate our environments.

    Access this and all episode's resources at wild-soul.net/get-feral.

  • Tulasi Adeva Perrin is a soul centered, body-centric mentor committed to living and cultivating authenticity, embodied connection, and vibrant aliveness. Her vision is an soulful revolution where each of us trust ourselves at the deepest level, creating and contributing to life, guided by our own deep, intuitive, body wisdom. Tulasi holds a Masters Degree in Somatic Psychology, an undergraduate degree in Psychology and Holistic Health, and is a certified Yoga Instructor with over 500 hours of in depth study with renowned teachers. In addition she has trained extensively in Touch for Health, Embodied Leadership, Elemental Spirituality, and Expressive Arts. She brings all these resources to life through one on one Therapeutic Mentorship & Embodiment Coaching, nature based retreats, soul centered play-shops, and enriching yoga practices in beautiful places world wide. 

    In this episode, Tulasi and I exchange on being the change and not just advocating for it, learning to trust that deeper wild intuitive voice that leads us through the noise of self doubt and naysayers, somatic responsibility, deep presence, and the magical power found in vulnerability, approaching the body as a conversation, learning the language of sensation, and the great turning involved in coming back to the body’s wisdom.

    Access the resources for this and all episodes at wild-soul.net/get-feral...

  • Erin Schroeder is a highly trained psychic teacher and healer. She is passionate about helping people develop their very human spiritual abilities, understand the unique language of their body and their spirit and helping her students create whole healthy relationships in their lives. She loves teaching online and in private, on the concepts she created called #psychicnutrition and #relationshipwitchery. She also runs a class called Psychic Witch Bitch, becoming a psychic coach, which is all about helping the next generation of teachers and healers develop their own teaching abilities and providing real tools to take into their practices so they can be confident in their ability to change lives. Erin is excited by conscious human evolution on every level. She pulls from her variety of trainings in her 17 plus years in the healing industry, to provide her students with the most comprehensive learning experience. 

    In this episode, Erin and I exchange on the practice of grounding and coming back down to a practical magic, relationship witchery, becoming our own soulmate, and forming a sacred union between the masculine and feminine within ourselves, creating the conditions that allowed us to Tinder our way to true love and the unique, wild, and deeply individuated process of unconditional love.

    Access the resources to this and all episodes at wild-soul.net/get-feral.

  • An internationally recognized movement guide and an advocate of the Earth, Laura Anne (formerly known as Shakti Sunfire) blends her deep love of conscious dance, mythology, ecology, and the study of many nature-based traditions into powerful, embodied explorations of Soul. All designed to coax the whole human experience back from cultural exile, and to catalyze deep, systemic shift in the lives of all who dare dream of flowering.

    In this episode, Laura Anne and I exchange on the freaky awkwardness and uncomfortable lack of grace on the wild path, repositioning ourselves within the crack in the holy armor and the liberation of the gift within the sacred wound of wildness, becoming conscious of the stories we hold as storytellers and story creators, meeting the moment with deep wholeness, interdependent sovereignty, and a curious “what-if?” innocence, surrendering our knowledge, removing our “human-centric hubris,” and choosing to venture down the experimental way of no-path, the importance of risk and edge walking to staying wild and conscious, holding life and death close, allowing that to color our compassionate and passionate choice to be here now, a certain intimacy in learning to “be with” all of the human experience, and an urgency in living the dream of the Earth seeking to be known through each of us.

    Access the resources to this and all episodes at wild-soul.net/get-feral

  • Becca Tarnas is a writer, artist, and practicing archetypal astrologer, as well as a doctoral student in the Ecology, Spirituality, and Religion program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. She is writing her Ph.D. dissertation on the synchronicity between the Red Books of C.G. Jung and J.R.R. Tolkien. Becca also received her M.A. from CIIS in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness program, and her B.A. from Mount Holyoke College in Environmental Studies and Theater Arts. She writes on archetypal astrology and is an editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology. Her research interests include ecology, imagination, philosophy, and depth psychology. Becca posts regularly on her website BeccaTarnas.com, which houses her current writings, paintings, and lectures.

    In this episode, Becca and I exchange on pragmatic mysticism, ecopsychology, and “The Great Turning,” looking at our relationship to the astrological wild forces of the cosmos through the lens of myth and archetype, the creative power of the imagination, the importance of empty spaces, the being aspect of human-being, and pain as a compassionate call to action.

    Visit wild-soul.net/get-feral to access this and all episodes resources.

  • Brooke is the creator of the popular blogs, Barefoot Five and Holy Flow Parenting. And in her words: I am... I am a dirt worshiping, sun-gazing, barefoot walking, chocolate eating, book lovin' kitchen witch. I am a guardian to three wild babies, a passionate lover, a gardener, a writer and a loyal friend. I am prone to wandering, dreaming too much and getting myself into all kinds of good trouble. I am…

    In this episode, Brooke and I exchange on how to meet criticism and how to learn from our greatest critics, seeing beyond black or white, right or wrong, good or bad, cultivating wild bravery and authenticity, the power of inquiry, deep listening, and open communication, and how to raise free thinking souls.

    Access the resources of this podcast at wild-soul.net/get-feral

  • Jennifer Martineau is a Haitian-American artist, Nutritional Therapist, and student of nutritious movement. She is currently seeking her Master of Fine Arts in Interdisciplinary Arts with an emphasis on the body as the Site and Method of Decolonization. She is a wild woman from way back and loves to caress the earth and make out with trees and hike every mountain. She just claimed freedom from a 30 year eating disorder and feeling mighty mighty about it.

    In this episode, Jennifer and I exchange on the systematic colonization of our wildness and the healing power of reclaiming our sovereignty, the importance of connecting with the wild and free child spirit, the value of diversity and activity in the health of an ecosystem and the forced colonization of the female body and the development of eating disorders as a way of diminishing diversity and creating passive life forms, the discomfort associated with wildness and sovereignty, throwing our power away at others, leaving the tribe that’s lost touch with the earth, and remembering the wild ways of sovereignty that will allow us to survive as a species, living in a sick tribe and collective mental illness as a wake up call for survival, the impact of environment on human wellness, shadow masculinity, and the rise of mass violence in the tribe.

    Access this episode's resources at wild-soul.net/get-feral

  • Nicki Doane has been studying yoga in India for years and has been teaching since 1992. Nicki strives to teach each student that yoga is about being fully present in the moment and discovering that we are truly all One: One Love, One People, One Heart, One Destination—Our Higher Self. She cites Pattabhi Jois, along with Eddie Modestini, Gabriella Giubilaro, and Tim Miller among her most influential teachers. Although rooted in Ashtanga, Nicki's teaching goes beyond the traditional. Her Vinyasa classes combine asana, pranayama, philosophy, and poetry. Nicki’s emphasis is on awareness: creating integrity within each pose that can be carried beyond the mat into daily life. Nicki teaches at yoga studios and conferences across the globe. She is featured in two Ashtanga Yoga DVD’s from Gaiam Inc. and recently produced her own series of Maya Yoga DVD’s in collaboration with Eddie Modestini. Nicki lives in Maui, HI, where she runs the Maya Yoga Studio.

    In this episode, Nicki and I exchange on teaching and practicing yoga as a way of life, spiritual bypassing, authenticity, and being real human beings on the spiritual path, respecting and honoring world cultures that are not of our own heritage, wisely integrating knowledge according to our own unique individual needs, the Kali Yuga and the death cycles of our lives, using the sanctuary of our spiritual toolkit to traverse transitions, upheavals, and challenges on the path, practicing courage, trusting ourselves, and developing intuition through the process of honoring our hearts, and not distracting ourselves from the present moment so as to take action towards removing dis-ease from our lives.

  • Denby Royal is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist™, Lifestylist, and advocate for ethical and sustainable fashion. After working for nearly a decade in the fashion industry, she was left with first hand knowledge of the negative impact that it can leave on the environment, those who manufacture the garments, and our bodies. She is dedicated to educating about wholeness—the interconnected relationship we have with the natural world, our physical and mental selves, and communities.

    In this episode, Denby and I exchange on practical and holistic wild life styling tips, traditional fast fashion versus sustainable, slow, and conscious self adornment, reconnecting to storytelling and community building through craftsmanship, natural human movement practices versus the four percent workout, slow, local, seasonal, sustainable food systems, the importance of forest bathing and grounding ourselves in nature, fears about immersing into wild places and the illusion of safety, the restrictive, prohibitive quality of domestication and the freedom of burning our bras.

    Access the resources from this episode at wild-soul.net/get-feral.

  • Jennifer Haddow is the Director of Wild Women Expeditions, a global outdoor adventure travel company for women and the Editor of Wild Women Magazine. She is a spirited adventurer and passionate advocate for social justice and environmental issues. Jennifer is a certified Kundalini yoga teacher and believes strongly in the rejuvenating powers of nature and feels that wilderness immersion is essential to good health, life balance and human happiness. Jennifer is based in British Columbia, Canada.

    In this episode, Jennifer and I exchange on the healing power of wild places and wilderness immersion, conscious storytelling and our ability to change the narrative of what it means to be a woman, experiences that challenge the illusion of safety and security, how curiosity, play, and childlike wonder help us imagine a new world, and the fierce wild guardian spirit and our honorable ecological responsibility to the collective.

    Access the resources for this episode at wild-soul.net/get-feral...

  • Ali Schueler is a writer and women’s empowerment enthusiast, supporting women in “unleashing and embracing their wild feminine nature". Her mission is passionately providing women with experience-based tools that inspire life-changing awakening in the feminine, promoting emotional awareness, spiritual fulfillment, wild self-expression as well as a connection to our bodies and their natural cycles. She enjoys writing and video blogging weekly through her website WildWomanSpeaks.com and sharing inspiration with her Wild Woman Speaks community daily through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

    In this episode, Ali and I exchange on social belonging and tribal exile, authenticity and being seen, living at the fringe and the fear of being unloveable, embracing the rich, magical, messiness of the Earth and the wild feminine experience, spiritual dogma, personal fragmentation, self-denial, and the prohibition of the dark goddess, the immense love, the incredible beauty, and fullness of life buried in the vulnerability of our pain and in the shadows of our deep wounds, storytelling, personal mythos, and witnessing the power of engaging in a facilitated container of sisterhood.

    Access the resources for this episode at wild-soul.net/get-feral

  • Sara Sophia Eisenman is a writer, energy healer and mentor, Berkeley-educated neuroscientist, and a wife and mother of two children. Her work serves to reintegrate the feminine aspect of the divine into the fabric of the collective, while helping women move more deeply into their personal authenticity and power. Her work also focuses on using shamanic writing, dance and ceremony as a means of transmitting consciousness and accessing/healing deep trauma in the body through archetypal and shadow work, and she blogs on these topics daily on Facebook to a large devoted following. She is a trained Reiki master and noted teacher. Sara holds a Bachelor’s degree in Cognitive Neuroscience from UC Berkeley. She also has a Master’s degree from UCLA in culture and performance.

    In this episode, Sara and I exchange on healing the collective divine feminine, the mainstream medical institution, and the colonization of the womb space, sharing our stories and finding the opportunities to reclaim the Goddess’ power buried in our wounds, shadow work, sovereignty, soul retrieval, sacred space, and self love, the Mother Wound, the Dark Goddess, alchemizing anger, and clean burning holy rage as an expression of love, and the role of ritual, ceremony, and embodiment in the journey of healing trauma.

    Access the resources for this episode at wild-soul.net/get-feral

  • Katie Burke is a mainstream digital marketing guru turned women's wisdom mentor and intuitive. She helps rising women ignite the power within to clarify their service and activism in the world. Her sacred contract with the divine is to encourage and empower women to create bravely.

    In this episode, Katie and I exchange on clarity, burnout, and balance, pleasure as self care, sacred activism and curated healing, the creative process and the boundaries of responsibility, and the role of pain and deep wounds in the reclamation of our sacred service.

    Access the resources for this episode at wild-soul.net/get-feral

  • Ayesha is a self proclaimed life long spark seeker. She has created a radical life for herself based on her empowering beliefs about consciousness, LOVE, creativity, adventure, and spirituality.

    She is the Head Mistress, creator, and 1/2 of The Girlfriend Manifesto; an empowering space for women online via coaching and programs, and in person at retreats and Girlfriend Weekends. She has also used her magic touch to create the manifestation app Conscious Creator. She moonlights using her design and creative talents to work with brands to create a soulful presence online and in print. 

    In this episode, Ayesha and I exchange on the role of technology and consciousness, practical magic and the reclamation of earth wisdom, trust, intuition, and self-intimacy, and what manifestation is all about.

    Access the resources for this episode at wild-soul.net/get-feral

  • Melanie Munir is a former Middle School Principal turned Professional Wild Woman. She is the founder of Professional Wild Woman—a movement of awakened wild women committed to living the fullest, richest life possible. Through workshops, retreats, group programs, and private coaching, she and her team have helped thousands of women create lives, relationships, and careers around what matters most to them.

    In this episode, Melanie and I exchange on body wisdom and intuition, expectations, acceptance, and affecting change, traveling and the unknown, sisterhood and the shadow side of female friendships, and balancing our feminine and masculine.

    Access the resources for this episode at wild-soul.net/get-feral