Moi kaikki! Tervetuloa Finking Cap Podcastiin! Alkaa toinen kausi. TÀssÀ ensimmÀisessÀ jaksossa minulla on vieraana ystÀvÀni Hanna Korf. Me juttelemme kylÀilystÀ ja siitÀ, millaista on vierailla suomalaisessa kodissa. Puhumme myös erilaisista tavoista tervehtiÀ, kahvikulttuurista ja pienimuotoisista kulttuurishokeista.
Saatat huomata, ettÀ puhumme jaksossa talvesta. TÀmÀ jakso ÀÀnitettiin jo viime talvena. En ole ollut varma, miten minun pitÀisi kehittÀÀ tÀtÀ podcastia. Olisin tosi iloinen, jos kuulisin teiltÀ kuulijoilta, mitÀ tykkÀÀtte podcastista. Minua auttaa myös suuresti, jos jÀtÀtte arvostelun podcastiin. Silloin tiedÀn, ettÀ tÀtÀ kuunnellaan ja ettÀ tÀtÀ kannattaa jatkaa. Minulle voi lÀhettÀÀ sÀhköpostia osoitteeseen [email protected].
Muut opetuspalveluni löydÀt sivuiltani: https://finkingcap.com/
You will find my other services at https://finkingcap.com/.
This is a podcast for Finnish learners. We try to speak a little slower than usually, and you also get to follow the Finnish transcript on the video.
MikĂ€ suomen ÀÀntĂ€misessĂ€ on suomenoppijoille vaikeaa ja miksi? TĂ€ssĂ€ jaksossa vieraanani on PĂ€ivi Virkkunen, joka pyörittÀÀ omaa firmaa nimeltĂ€ ĂĂ€ntĂ€misklinikka.
PÀivin löytÀÀ osoitteesta https://aantamisklinikka.podia.com/ ja Instagramista kÀyttÀjÀnÀ @aantamisklinikka.
Manglende episoder?
Mari Nikonen is a Finnish teacher who runs her own language teaching business, Ask a Finnish Teacher. In this episode of the Finking Cap Podcast, Mari joins me to talk about the YKI language test that many Finnish learners in Finland are or will be familiar with. Listen to Mari talk about the test (in Finnish) and get her top tips for getting ready for YKI. Here are some links that Mari suggests you have a look at when you're preparing for the big Y:
Puhumisen YKI-kurssi helmi-maaliskuussa 2024: https://www.askafinnishteacher.com/steps-towards-yki-the-self-study-edition.html
Marin Ask a Finnish Teacher -blogi: https://www.askafinnishteacher.com/
Marin YKI-vinkkejÀ blogissa: https://www.askafinnishteacher.com/blog/my-top-10-tips-for-yki-version-20
Lidiian ja Tarequen YKI-kirja englanniksi: https://ykipass.fi/
CORRECTION! In the captions, it should say "viitekehyksen" with a "t", not "d". Apologies for the typo!
TÀssÀ jaksossa puhutaan ulkopuolisuuden tunteesta vieraassa maassa suomeksi. In this episode of the Finking Cap Podcast, you will hear Finnish expressions related to falling in love with a new culture, the culture shock that follows and how it feels to not quite understand all the jokes in a different language. If you're learning Finnish and sometimes feel that you can't be "yourself" in Finnish, then you might relate to what I talk about in this episode.
Finland is the land of mosquitoes! Suomi on hyttysten maa! At least for a couple of months a year. Ainakin pari kuukautta vuodesta. Bugs are a great topic for small talk, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors. In this podcast episode, you'll hear me chat about spiders and mosquitoes in Finnish. You will hear Finnish expressions that you can use to talk about our little friends that rock up every Finnish summer to delight us, for example:
- sÀikÀhdÀn = I get startled
- Hyi! = Ugh / yuk!
- pyydystÀÀ = to catch
If you'd like to download a free PDF with the Finnish transcript AND the English translation, go to my blog post: https://finkingcap.com/blog/podcast-episode-3-talking-about-bugs-in-finnish
Hello, dear Finnish learners! In this episode, I talk about what it was like growing up without a mobile phone in the 90s. Learn Finnish vocabulary and expressions related to communication and ways to talk about "how it was way back".
Get the free PDF transcript and English translation: https://finkingcap.com/blog/podcast-episode-2-growing-up-without-mobile-phone/
Transcript and English translation in my blog at â https://finkingcap.com/blog/podcast-episode-1-moomins-personality/â .
Itâs my first ever episode! Tervetuloa! In this episode of Finking Cap podcast, you will hear me describe some of the Moomin characters in Finnish. You will learn useful Finnish adjectives and expressions to describe people (or Moomins!).
I speak a slow(ish) mix of spoken and standard Finnish.