
  • Join hosts Gary Deagle and Will Shively of Coastal Strength & Fitness in an inspiring Member Interview episode of Fit For Life Radio. This time, they sit down with the amazing Lindsay Spires—a dedicated client at Coastal Strength & Fitness since 2019, a full-time professional in the health industry, a loving mom, and a devoted wife.

    In this episode, titled "Member Spotlight: Lindsay Spires' Inspiring Journey to Strength and Health," Gary and Will dive deep into Lindsay's fitness journey and the incredible commitment she has shown. Despite her demanding schedule and lengthy commute to the gym, Lindsay has managed to make it to Coastal Strength & Fitness an average of three times a week, becoming the strongest and most fit she has ever been.

    Discover how Lindsay's goal-setting mindset, meticulous planning, and preparation have played a crucial role in her consistency at the gym. Explore how the unique program structure at Coastal Strength & Fitness, which provides workout plans and supportive coaches, has empowered Lindsay to focus solely on showing up and giving her best, without worrying about the rest.

    During the conversation, they also discuss Lindsay's remarkable achievement of being featured on the "frequent sweater board" for an impressive 24 consecutive months. This board recognizes members who have attended the gym at least 12 times per month, highlighting Lindsay's unwavering dedication and commitment.

    Moreover, Lindsay opens up about her personal health challenges and how she prioritizes self-care by making time for herself and embracing the benefits of resistance training. Alongside her professional and fitness endeavors, she also coaches her daughter's softball team—a testament to her exceptional multitasking abilities and determination.

    Get inspired by Lindsay's story of resilience, balance, and unwavering determination.
    Tune in to this episode to gain valuable insights into achieving consistency, setting goals, and prioritizing self-care amidst a busy life.

    Listen now to Lindsay Spires' incredible journey on Fit For Life Radio!

  • Join hosts Gary Deagle and Will Shively of Coastal Strength & Fitness and Fit For Life Radio in a conversation with Ben Lengel, a Coastal coach, NKT practitioner, and Pro Disc Golf athlete.

    In this episode, we delve into the world of Ben's multifaceted journey.

    We explore Ben's personal workout routine, where he shares valuable insights on how strength training not only complements his passion for Disc Golf but also supports his overall well-being.

    Discover how Ben rekindled his love for Disc Golf after a long hiatus and its profound impact on his life.

    As a NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) practitioner, Ben sheds light on the power of this innovative practice. Gain a deeper understanding of how NKT enhances movement patterns, promotes balance, and helps athletes optimize their performance.

    We also explore Ben's dietary approach, learning about his nutrition strategies to fuel his active lifestyle and maintain peak performance.

    Get an inside look at how Ben balances the various facets of his life. From being a dedicated coach at Coastal Strength & Fitness to fulfilling his roles as a loving husband, and stepdad, discover the secrets to his ability to find harmony and fulfillment in his pursuits.

    Whether you're a client at Coastal Strength & Fitness, fitness enthusiast, Disc Golf aficionado, or simply seeking inspiration for balancing work, life, and passion, this episode is sure to provide valuable insights and motivate you on your own journey toward a fit and fulfilled life.

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  • In this episode, we discuss the relationship between exercise and sleep, and how this partnership is crucial to our health and longevity.

    We delve into the findings of a new study that aimed to quantify the cost of suboptimal sleep and exercise pairings.

    The study looked at self-reported exercise and sleep data from over 280,000 American adults and found that those who met both the recommended exercise and sleep guidelines had a 40% lower mortality risk.

    We also explore the relationship between sleep duration, exercise behavior, and mortality risk, and provide insights into how to ensure we keep this helpful cycle going.

    Thanks for listening!

    Whenever you're ready here are 3 ways we can help you:

    (1) Looking for a gym/trainer? Grab A Spot In Our Smart Start Month Trial!

    We are taking on a handful of new people in our unlimited access trial at our training gym in Newport News, VA... sign up here to claim a spot: https://fit.coastalfitnessva.com/28-day-smart-start

    (2) Want To Focus on Weight Loss? Our 1-on-1 Nutrition Coaching Program is Open

    We are taking on 5 people to help dial in your nutrition and shed those stubborn pounds. If you feel overwhelmed trying to figure out how to eat for your body, or maybe you need extra accountability with staying the course, then this program is for you!

    Get more details and apply here: https://fit.coastalfitnessva.com/coastal-nutrition-program

    (3) Already have a gym, but want a workout plan to follow along? Check out our training app

    We would have people move out the area of our gym, but still want a training program from us they could follow along at any gym. So we created our Coastal Crew training program. The 'Coastal Crew' is for busy men and women who are overwhelmed in the gym on their own and without a plan. They want to gain strength, burn fat, and improve their overall fitness without having to dedicate a ton of time.

    Learn more and signup here: https://marketplace.trainheroic.com/workout-plan/team/jacked-and-tan2022-07-26%2011:02:25?attrib=560117-pod

  • In this episode, we are going to show you how to lose your first 10 pounds of body fat.

    In a world of crash diets, long cardio, and massive restriction, we are going to walk through a much more sustainable approach. And this approach will be solely focused on not just losing 10 pounds but losing 10 pounds of fat you can keep off.

    By focusing on the right habits, you increase your sustainability, improving your body and health in the long term.

    The problem is that most guides focus on extreme approaches for fast weight loss rather than helping you find an approach that you can stick with.

    10 pounds of fat loss you can keep off is better than 10 pounds lost as fast as possible.

    There will be zero quick fixes in this guide.

    Just proven strategies that help you get lasting fat loss.

    Thanks for listening!

    We also have a newsletter if you would like these topics in a written format.

    Subscribe here: https://mailchi.mp/37751fcdf76d/focused-fitness-newsletter

    We also have a free Facebook group, sharing PDF versions along with a place to ask questions and get community support.

    Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatlosssecretsbusyadults

  • In this week's episode, the coaches break down peanut butter and its protein potential.

    Diving into commonly held myths along with the pros and cons of peanut butter on a fat loss diet.

    Thanks for listening!

    Whenever you're ready here are 3 ways we can help you:

    (1) Looking for a gym/trainer? Grab A Spot In Our Smart Start Month Trial!

    We are taking on a handful of new people in our unlimited access trial at our training gym in Newport News, VA... sign up here to claim a spot: https://fit.coastalfitnessva.com/28-day-smart-start

    (2) Want To Focus on Weight Loss? Our 1-on-1 Nutrition Coaching Program is Open

    We are taking on 5 people to help dial in your nutrition and shed those stubborn pounds. If you feel overwhelmed trying to figure out how to eat for your body, or maybe you need extra accountability with staying the course, then this program is for you!

    Get more details and apply here: https://fit.coastalfitnessva.com/coastal-nutrition-program

    (3) Already have a gym, but want a workout plan to follow along? Check out our training app

    We would have people move out the area of our gym, but still want a training program from us they could follow along at any gym. So we created our Coastal Crew training program. The 'Coastal Crew' is for busy men and women who are overwhelmed in the gym on their own and without a plan. They want to gain strength, burn fat, and improve their overall fitness without having to dedicate a ton of time.

    Learn more and signup here: https://marketplace.trainheroic.com/workout-plan/team/jacked-and-tan2022-07-26%2011:02:25?attrib=560117-pod

  • In today's episode of Fit For Life Radio, the coaches answer a common question: Is eating more than 30 grams of protein at once a waste?

    The coaches go over where this idea or thought originated from and whether or not it is something you need to worry about.

    Thanks for listening!

    Whenever you're ready here are 3 ways we can help you:

    (1) Looking for a gym/trainer? Grab A Spot In Our Smart Start Month Trial!

    We are taking on a handful of new people in our unlimited access trial at our training gym in Newport News, VA... sign up here to claim a spot: https://fit.coastalfitnessva.com/28-day-smart-start

    (2) Want To Focus on Weight Loss? Our 1-on-1 Nutrition Coaching Program is Open

    We are taking on 5 people to help dial in your nutrition and shed those stubborn pounds. If you feel overwhelmed trying to figure out how to eat for your body, or maybe you need extra accountability with staying the course, then this program is for you!

    Get more details and apply here: https://fit.coastalfitnessva.com/coastal-nutrition-program

    (3) Already have a gym, but want a workout plan to follow along? Check out our training app

    We would have people move out the area of our gym, but still want a training program from us they could follow along at any gym. So we created our Coastal Crew training program. The 'Coastal Crew' is for busy men and women who are overwhelmed in the gym on their own and without a plan. They want to gain strength, burn fat, and improve their overall fitness without having to dedicate a ton of time.

    Learn more and signup here: https://marketplace.trainheroic.com/workout-plan/team/jacked-and-tan2022-07-26%2011:02:25?attrib=560117-pod

  • In this week's episode, the coaches go over a recent study on "exercise snacks".

    Researchers tested variations of getting up and walking for 1 or 5 minutes every 30 or 60 minutes vs just sitting the entire time for 8 hours. They then tested the participant's blood pressure and blood sugar.

    The coaches go into detail on the findings and what it means for you.

    Thanks for listening!

    Join our free Facebook community "Fat Loss Secrets For Busy Adults" for guides, recipes, meal templates, giveaways, and more!

    Check it out and join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatlosssecretsbusyadults

  • In this week's episode, go over a recent study on the effects of exposure to daylight on sleep.

    We dig in with what the study found and what it means for you and how you can manage your light exposure to improve your sleep.

    Thanks for listening!

    Join our free Facebook community "Fat Loss Secrets For Busy Adults" for guides, recipes, meal templates, giveaways, and more!

    Check it out and join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatlosssecretsbusyadults

  • In this week's episode, the coaches talk about the role periodization plays beyond the beginner stage in helping improve specific fitness/exercise goals.

    Thanks for listening!

    Join our free Facebook community "Fat Loss Secrets For Busy Adults" for guides, recipes, meal templates, giveaways, and more!

    Check it out and join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatlosssecretsbusyadults

  • In this week's episode, the coaches talk about strategies for maintaining your progress made without the need for meticulous calorie counting and tracking.

    Thanks for listening!

    Join our free Facebook community "Fat Loss Secrets For Busy Adults" for guides, recipes, meal templates, giveaways, and more!

    Check it out and join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatlosssecretsbusyadults

  • In this week's episode, the coaches go over tracking calories burned from exercise and why it is a bad idea, especially if you have the goal of weight loss.

    Thanks for listening!

    Join our free Facebook community "Fat Loss Secrets For Busy Adults" for guides, recipes, meal templates, giveaways, and more!

    Check it out and join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatlosssecretsbusyadults

  • In this week's episode, the coaches talk about a study at Penn State University, where researchers asked 186 women—who they classified with “overweight” or “obesity”—to rank the “foods you can’t resist and find hard to stop eating.”

    The foods that most frequently topped the participants’ lists:

    1. Ice cream
    2. Chips
    3. Chocolate
    4. Cookies
    5. Pizza

    The scientists then had participants follow a 12-month weight loss program, and monitored their strategies for managing these “problem” foods.

    The result: Overall, the total avoidance of problematic foods—what you often see on “extreme” diets or “quick-fix” weight loss plans—wasn’t an effective strategy.

    So what did help? Limiting the portion sizes of problem foods—instead of giving them up altogether—was strongly related to weight loss.

    In fact, participants who used this strategy the most lost, on average, nearly double the weight as those who used it the least (15.8 pounds versus 8.3 pounds).

    To be sure, if some foods make you feel out of control, you may want to put some boundaries around them. That doesn’t mean you can never eat them.

    It just means you’re aware they may be a problem, and you’re going to be intentional about how and when you eat them. (A coach can help you with this.)

    Thanks for listening!

    Join our free Facebook community "Fat Loss Secrets For Busy Adults" for guides, recipes, meal templates, giveaways, and more!

    Check it out and join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatlosssecretsbusyadults

  • In this week's episode, the coaches talk about expectations for fat loss, muscle gain, and strength.

    And more importantly, what are realistic expectations?

    We are thrown headlines and sold great promises...

    6 Pack in 6 Weeks!
    Lose 25 pounds in 25 days!

    We see things like this so much, we can be making great progress and actually feel frustrated.

    We hope to educate you by sharing exact realistic expectations and what it takes to achieve them.

    Thanks for listening!

    Join our free Facebook community "Fat Loss Secrets For Busy Adults" for guides, recipes, meal templates, giveaways, and more!

    Check it out and join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatlosssecretsbusyadults

  • A new study came out from the University of Michigan looking at the correlation between a person's rate of aging, measured by DNAm, (which is how fast your cells are aging), and their strength, measured by a grip test.

    The coaches go over what the study found and what the main takeaways could be for you.

    Join our free Facebook community "Fat Loss Secrets For Busy Adults" for guides, recipes, meal templates, giveaways, and more!

    Check it out and join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatlosssecretsbusyadults

  • Coach Gary and Will talk about changes in the fitness industry over the last 20 years.

    What it was like as a trainer 18 years ago compared to now.

    The coaches dive into the pros and cons of all the information available now along with their thoughts on the best approach available now.

    We hope you find some helpful tips and thanks for listening!

    Join our free Facebook community "Fat Loss Secrets For Busy Adults" for guides, recipes, meal templates, giveaways, and more!

    Check it out and join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatlosssecretsbusyadults

  • In this week's episode, Gary and Will chat about how to have an efficient meal prep.

    They discuss the tradeoffs that need to be made, the equipment needed, and go over a detailed example that can prep a week's worth of food in 30 minutes of actual prep time.

    We hope you find some helpful tips and thanks for listening!

    Join our free Facebook community "Fat Loss Secrets For Busy Adults" for guides, recipes, meal templates, giveaways, and more!

    Check it out and join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatlosssecretsbusyadults

  • Starting up with exercise many people have the goal of a flatter stomach.

    They don't care about bigger muscles or anything like that, they just want a tighter waist.

    And we are here to remind you why if that is your goal you need to make sure you are spending more time lifting and less time crunching.

    We know, we know... it feels counter intuitive.

    But, its the truth. Hear us out and give this week's episode a listen!

    Join our free Facebook community "Fat Loss Secrets For Busy Adults" for guides, recipes, meal templates, giveaways, and more!

    Check it out and join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatlosssecretsbusyadults

  • To kick off the new year the coaches read through some lessons learned from clients in our recent nutrition challenge.

    The coaches found the feedback quite inspirational and know you will too after listening. Not only that, but they will also leave you with some key, simple, habits and takeaways you can implement.

    Thanks for listening!

    Join our free Facebook community "Fat Loss Secrets For Busy Adults" for guides, recipes, meal templates, giveaways, and more!

    Check it out and join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatlosssecretsbusyadults

  • With the new year right around the corner, Gary and Will talk about one of the most popular resolutions, fat loss.

    The coaches dive into an analysis on the direct health benefits of fat loss and why it can be a worthy goal for you.

    Thanks for listening!

    Join our free Facebook community "Fat Loss Secrets For Busy Adults" for guides, recipes, meal templates, giveaways, and more!

    Check it out and join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatlosssecretsbusyadults

  • In this week's episode, Gary and Will look ahead to the new year and discuss an article on the top 3 fitness trends for 2023

    Surprisingly, they are getting better and rooted in our own strong beliefs.

    Don't miss this one as you plan for the new year.

    Thanks for listening!

    Join our free Facebook community "Fat Loss Secrets For Busy Adults" for guides, recipes, meal templates, giveaways, and more!

    Check it out and join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatlosssecretsbusyadults